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New Alpha Male in Communal Showers

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Shy exhibitionist finally reveals his big mushroom cock.
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Based on a true story about me growing up in the UK.

The group congregated in the classroom chatting as I walked walked in, only to be met by one of the bigger guys who pushed me onto the table. "Ha, you're still so light and weak David, when are you going to man-up?" shouted the ring leader as everyone joined in with laughter.

Once again, the mean guys had painfully pointed me out for being different to them. It's true, despite being 18 and technically an adult, I was still very much a boy in my slight appearance and boyish looks, the magnitude of which was only compounded by the fact that I was the youngest in the year. And if the teasing for my slender build wasn't enough, throughout school I'd always received a mild form of verbal bullying as I had a different looking penis to almost everyone else due to my circumcision.

The fact that my penis was not only different - but also as a late bloomer - led to fairly frequent teasing. The teases and taunts used to really upset me. Even some of the girls knew I had a different model as they used to hear the teasing. On one occasion earlier in the year I remember being mortified as one of the most attractive girls in the year followed-up on one of these bouts of teasing and turned me beetroot red by asking whether it was true; "Are you really circumcised?"

What's worth bearing in mind is that whilst all variations of penis are a fairly frequent sight in the UK today due to The Internet, this was during the mid-90's in the days of The Internet's infancy so there was no influx of porn or seeing different styles of cocks. The circumcised penis was not in the domain of guys in our culture and the locker rooms were the only environment in which guys would ever see other naked bodies of the same sex.

Despite everyone being adults in senior year, virtually no one took showers naked and the approach everyone took was to keep their underwear on when heading to the showers whilst trying to avoid being spotted by the games teacher from his office which adjoined the changing area. If you did happen to be spotted wearing your underwear by the teacher, he'd bellow and shout at you to take a proper shower. It was only on these occasions that you would typically catch a glance of anyone naked before they soon covered up again.

Despite never having been caught-out myself, I believed that I was one of only three guys out of around 120 or so in my year who were circumcised. Statistics in the UK suggest there were likely to be others, but these were the only ones that I could vouch for given who I'd seen naked in the showers or heard about through second hand accounts.

In summary, throughout upper school I was still extremely shy and embarrassed of my skinny, under-developed body and different looking penis. Furthermore, any time there was any mention of circumcision in general (such as in Religious Education) all eyes would turn to me and the teasing would often start. I'd simply want the ground to swell up and grab me as I started to turn red. It's fair to say that during those years, there were absolutely no indications that I had any outgoing or exhibitionist tendencies in me.

However, despite retaining my thin body and gangly long legs, I had fully transformed through puberty in the groin region. I had blossomed significantly in length and girth and now sported a penis complete with a round, bulbous mushroom head which flared-out wider than the shaft. I was lucky that my penis was now not only large, but very well formed aesthetically with its all-round shape looking like it could have come straight out of a dildo catalogue.

The ratio of my ample penis was also proportionately larger than the rest of my accompanying body and its size was only accentuated by the full bush of dark pubic hair which framed my cock and was in stark contrast to the rest of my hairless body. And whilst I knew I couldn't be considered as exceptionally 'hung', I did know that I possessed a penis with considerable volume, even if the rest of my body didn't match it in its development.

I knew my cock was most definitely that of a man, yet I was still extremely shy and self-conscious of my different model and the rest of my body. It's fair to say that there were absolutely no indications that I had any outgoing or exhibitionist tendencies lurking inside me.

Then, suddenly, one day everything changed. I can't recall specifically why things changed, other than to say that on some level my mind must have been on a journey which was the catalyst for my behaviours and mindset to begin shifting towards more exhibitionist tenancies.

The sudden transformation in my behaviours occurred at the end of a typical games lesson which fell on the last period of the school day. As I hastily copied everyone else in stripping off my muddy games kit down to my boxers and began wrapping my towel around my waste, all of a sudden I stopped in my tracks as I had a moment of clarity.

"I don't need to go to the showers with my boxers on!" I thought to myself as all of a sudden an emboldened, liberating feeling washed over me and I thought to myself; "Do you know what? I've got nothing to be ashamed of in the showers. I can be proud of my developed penis and I'm going to take this opportunity to show that I am no longer embarrassed of my different looking model or afraid of any jokes that may follow! It's time to stand-up to the teasing - I'll show this lot how I deal with bullies!"

So, without further thought or risk of dwelling I proceeded to subtly remove my boxer shorts whilst doing my best to hold my towel around my waist. Without having much time to ponder next steps I headed off the short distance - probably 10 yards or so - towards the showers with only my towel wrapped around me as protection from my naked state.

At this point I could already hear that there were a lot of guys in the shower and more were ahead of me in heading in that direction. En-route I knew most, if not all of them would be part-showering with boxer shorts on, nervous about displaying their naked bodies and trying their best to dangle their legs under the water to get the mud off whilst trying not to get anything else wet.

The setup, I guess, was typical of communal showers at the time in the UK with a wide-open entrance to the shower area with the showers themselves installed against a main wall and a secondary free-standing wall that stood at around 6 feet in height and ran parallel to the main wall. This created a semi-tunnel or avenue of showers which was approximately 6 feet wide and ran for 15 feet or so. The avenue of showers could be accessed from entrances at either end.

The routine that virtually everyone adopted was to drop their towels by the standing wall before heading around the corner and move a few feet to the point where just enough of the water reached to enable them to clean their legs without getting anything else wet. This approach created bottlenecks at either end of the avenue as no one wanted to risk heading too far towards to the middle of the showers and risk getting themselves and their underwear fully soaked.

I'd adopted this approach throughout school and quite easily could have kept my towel around my waste and just headed around the corner to dip my legs into the water. However, in the last minute or so, I'd come to a realisation in my head that this time, things were going to be different.

As I reached the secondary wall to the showers a few raggedy towels were already laid down on the floor, the voices from the showers had grown louder and from the number of towels I could tell there were clearly quite a few guys awaiting around the corner, and I was about to be one of them. I hesitated for a moment as I stood alone pondering the implications of what I was about to do. "I can do this" I thought to myself, and with that, I proceeded to slowly loosen the towel and remove it from my hips before carefully placing it on the floor.

I was now standing completely naked with a large, hairy, circumcised dong hanging between my skinny legs, and I was prepared and ready to let everyone see it.

My heart-rate jumped as I started to take a few tentative steps towards the entrance to the showers. This was going to be a big moment, my moment, there'd be no turning back from this once I'd I put myself on show for all to see. I took one last deep breath and stood tall and proud (in an attempt to conceal my obvious nervousness) before slowly starting to walk around the corner.

All of a sudden I came into view of one guy, then another, then a few more - it seemed like slow motion - but in only a matter of a few seconds I had turned the corner completely and came into full view of everyone. Here I was, making my surprise and dramatic unveiling onto the naked shower stage in front of the gathered partially clothed audience. I was past the point of no return.

I stood at one end of the showers for a few moments as I took in the surroundings and sensation of feeling my whole body being completely exposed and on view. I wasn't sure what to do next! All of a sudden I became very self aware as people were clearly starting to look in shock and surprise at the sight of seeing gangly David unexpectedly parading his big, hairy knob in front of them.

It was clearly quite an awkward moment for everyone around me as they recognised my naked state. This led to them overcompensating their movements so as to be sure not to come into contact with me. As a result the guys closest to me made subtle attempts to move away from me which led to somewhat of an exclusion zone forming around me as others started to move further away from where I was standing. I considered how I should proceed.

After a few seconds I began to register those gathered in front of me - at a conservative guess at least 15 guys - who were congregated into two distinct groups at either end of the showers. I soon spotted that there was only one other guy who was also fully naked, a guy called Peter Brown who was standing towards the middle of the avenue of showers from where water from the two sets of jets flowed onto him in a position where both sets of groups at either end of the showers could see him. Peter was tall, well built, and clearly not afraid to show-off his body and natural penis.

As I began processing all the people in front of me I became more aware of how liberating and exciting the situation felt. Whilst I was certainly able to control myself enough not to develop a semi erection, it's fair to say that I was pleased to be showing-off my cock in a proud state of full softness given the warm and exciting environment.

This made my cock hang full and plump and every slight movement resulted in a slight pendulum motion of my proud hanging dong. It's the sort of swaying movement that certainly could not be achieved with a shorter, stumpy penis. Only well endowed men get to experience the sensation of their penis swinging from side to side as they move.

I recall that whilst I stood processing all around me and pondering my next move, I saw one of my close friends Paul (who had occasionally laughed at jokes about my different looking penis in the past) who was crouched down looking away from me. His boxers were still on and he was crouched down cleaning his leg no more than 3 feet away from me.

As Paul had his back turned to me when I entered the showers, he'd not made any attempt to move away from me. It was at this point that he began to turn around whilst still crouching down, only to be greeted at his eye-level with a full frontal view of my big hairy cock hanging there in all its glory. One can only image what must have gone through his mind in that second as he innocently turned around, only to be unexpectedly greeted with the surprise of his friend's big hairy bell-end swaying so close to his face.

At this point I could easily have chosen to stop at the edge of the avenue of showers and quickly cleaned my legs there. After all, I'd already achieved my original goal. But no, I'd cleared the biggest hurdle and I knew that having overcome and initial stage fright, that I was now a main act on this stage.

I was becoming bolder and starting to embrace this new found self-confidence that came over me. I wanted to push through the previous boundaries of fear and nervousness I always felt about my body and to overcome my prior inhibitions.

This was a personal challenge and I wanted to move to the centre stage with Peter to show-off my new found self-confidence by presenting my different model of penis in all its glory, without worrying about the consequences of what might be thought and said about it. This was my moment to join the upper echelons of guys like Peter who had the self confidence, bravery and swagger to show themselves off fully nude.

Whilst I clearly did not have the overall manly presence Peter possessed, I knew I certainly packed the penis presence to allow me to join him at his elevated status. This wasn't a status that was talked about often, but it was one that all the guys knew existed.

Everyone knew who the confident guys were in the showers, the ones who proudly sauntered around naked whilst the other guys nervously covered themselves in towels and underwear. There were occasional comments and acknowledgement uttered by the other guys about Peter and the few others' packages; claims they were showing-off or were 'gay', but really it was because the other guys knew deep-down that they didn't have the bravery or self-confidence to dare shower naked, either due to peer pressure, worries about the size of their penis or both.

Even the girls frequently ended up involved in conversations about the few bold, brave guys that went naked into the showers. They'd had clear descriptions about Peter's package in the past which clearly raised their intrigue levels and admiration for him and I realised that I secretly wanted to become a topic of these conversations and receive similar admiration in the future.

The guidelines for increased attention in those conversations were based purely on a simple combination of possessing a good sized penis and a full bush of pubic hair. This was in the days before pubic hair trimming or shaving became fashionable - manliness was all about the cock and the bush. Both attributes combined in determining a guy's overall 'score' and associated levels of respect and admiration that came with it during those hush-toned conversations.

The 'alpha males' in this category possessed physical traits that others aspired to. However, mother nature could often be cruel and dictated that only certain people could attain this elevated status.

This surreptitious grading of guys happened during the time of heightened hormones where any sight of a naked body was a real eye opener given other's reluctance to shower and there being no Internet in those days through which to conduct 'research'. In that sense, I knew I possessed an additional characteristic that I would be judged against in addition to just penis size and a full bush. I came to realise that my circumcised model provided an additional intrigue factor which led to the teasing I'd previously received, simply because I was different to virtually everyone else.

However, on my journey towards proud acceptance I think I'd come to realise that some of the guys may have secretly admired my different model, or it least saw it as 'exotic'. Regardless, I knew that my fully exposed, bulbous head, coupled with my high marks for size and thick dark pubes would undoubtedly help to elevate me towards the top of the rankings in terms of envy and mystique.

As I continued to stand at the edge of the showers naked and completely exposed, I began to wonder why there were no audible comments or teasing. Where were all these little immature digs now? I could spot a few of the culprits who'd dished out comments, yet I couldn't hear any comments now. This was a classic case of facing up to the bullies and the tables had turned.

The contrasting body language between me and them said it all. There they were, crouching down, protected by their boxer shorts as they washed their legs which was in stark contrasted to me as I stood tall, proud and completely naked. The fact that their crouching resulted in their heads being aligned with my cock was a metaphor for them bowing down to the new alpha male who now stood above them.

Consequently I'd decided that I was going to make the absolute most of this exciting situation and put on a full show for anyone who cared to watch.

I decided to venture further through the throng of partially clothed bodies, uttering a few polite "excuse me's" to a number of the guys who were blocking my path. The advance through the crowd was challenging yet thrilling given that so many guys were crouched down only to be caught off-guard by the latest alpha-male sauntering his way through with his purple headed wang swaying in front of them.

I moved along until I reached the middle of the avenue of showers. I was now standing centre stage in the middle so everyone at both ends of the avenue could get an equally good view of me standing there as the jets of water poured on me. There remained one other naked guy on the stage - Peter, who was now standing only a couple of feet away from me at the centre of the showers. We were the only ones towards the centre as everyone else congregated at the two ends of the avenue so as not to get their underwear wet.

We were different to everyone else, we were taking a proper shower, none of this scared, immature leg dangling approach with boxer shorts on that the other guys do. We were more confident and sure of our naked bodies and had no problem standing in the middle of the showers to wash ourselves and let everyone look at us.

This was how the real alpha-males showered! And whilst Peter had a much larger overall physique than me, his natural penis could be considered fairly average in its size and shape with a tight foreskin that completely covered the head and pointed towards a triangular tip. One thing was certain - his penis was certainly smaller than mine, and I knew I dominated him on this ranking in the battle of the alpha males.

So, there we were, me and Peter, the only two guys standing naked in the middle of a swathe of others who were wrapped in either towels or boxer shorts. The two naked models presented somewhat of a live anatomy lesson in front of the assembled boxer short wearing class gathered. I imagined the class being assembled around us and the teacher taking a lead:

"Ok everyone, attention please. I'd like you to review these two live models that we are fortunate to have standing here in front of you all here today. Firstly, thanks to each of them for being brave enough to stand here naked in front of you all to view. It's a very brave thing to do and we really appreciate it.

Now here's exhibit one. Peter's tall - probably just over 6 feet and broad. You can see he has a hairy chest, legs and a natural penis which could be considered an average size for a man, and his penis is covered by fair coloured pubes.

Now compare this with our other model. You can see that David is slightly shorter and considerably thinner than Peter with less muscle definition. But, what you cannot have failed to notice by now is that whilst David isn't as tall or broad as Peter, he is sporting a very different looking and large, circumcised penis.

Please everyone, take a closer look as you don't see many of this type of model in this country. Notice the stark contrast between David's slender hairless body set against the thick, dark triangle of pubic hair which frames his penis. A key difference you'll see is that whilst Peter's penis head is fully covered by his foreskin, David's head is fully exposed due to his high circumcision which leaves his head fully exposed like a mushroom.


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