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New Camera - New Way of Life


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I laughed and told him I was proud of him and to enjoy it as long as he can.

He asked about the pictures and I told him I would let him see them later. I told Stacy I had designs on my mother.

He laughed and said "Well if you make it I sure as hell would like to have seconds."

We parted with an agreement to meet later next week and I'd let him see the pictures. I hoped Stacy might know who the blonde was maybe the men as well.

When I go home Joyce was out so I took this opportunity to search the house for a safe or a box of some kind for that key I found.

I started in the basement and gave it a real good going over. I though since that was where the darkroom was it might be close by. After two hours of going through every room I came to the stairs that went up to the attic. There was a mountain of stuff left up there. Pictures, furniture, rugs, clothing and several large steamer trunks. I thought I hit pay dirty but no such luck. I walked over to the small window that faced out over the back yard. There way off nearly to the back property line was a small building I had forgotten about. It had been at one time used for a studio where Granddad took portraits. The grass and weeds had grown tall up out back beyond the lawn limits.

I found the building locked. I had no idea where the key might be so I busted a window and make my way in. There I found what I was so desperately looking for. In the back of a closet there was a home made small metal box build into the wall. It was hard to see but there it was. It was open and empty so I closed the door and inserted the key I had found. The key went into the lock turning easily. When I pulled the door open again a small shelf on the bottom popped up.

This home made safe had a false bottom. I lifted the shelf up and back. There hidden were three boxes about the size of a shoe box. Two folders full of letters and some kind of legal papers I would go through those later. I wanted to see what was in the shoe size boxes first.

The first shoe box was full of black and white negatives. The second was full of small thee by five photographs. Some in color and some in black and white. The black and white I guessed were much older than the color ones. The third shoe size box was full of color pictures with a folded piece of paper attached to the back with the names of the people in the picture along with where and when the pictures was taken.

All of the pictures were of a sexual nature. Most of the people were nude engaged in some kind of sexual play. I only took a few minutes to flip through some of then. This would I thought take several hours and a phone book to look up the names and addresses. I did take a hand full of the three by fives and put every thing back. I only found one that showed Granddad and Grandma. In this one Granddad was screwing Grandma Doggie style.

In front of Grandma was a naked man with a hard on but he was not close enough for Grandma to place his cock in her mouth. I wondered who took the picture.

When I returned to the house Joyce was home and making some thing to eat in the kitchen.

"Hi Kev. Would you like a sandwich? Ham and cheese?"

I returned her "Hi." And told her I had eaten down town. But thanks any way.

I said "I spoke to Stacy this afternoon. We had a beer over at the roadhouse. I had a bit to eat there."

Joyce looked up and I saw a little twist in the corner of her mouth. She gets that when she thinks she has been caught doing something she should not have. I just looked at her and smiled.

She turned red in the face and asked "He told you didn't he?"

I smiled back and asked "Tell me what?"

"Now don't you give me any grief. I don't need it. I gave in and Stacy was kind and really a very good partner. I'm not ashamed of it so just don't you say a word."

I said "Spoken like an older sister. I'll keep your secret and my lips are sealed. Mom will not learn any thing from me. But I was a little surprised that you brought him to the house. That was a little risky wasn't it?"

Joyce said "Mom did say she would not be home until Saturday night or Sunday morning."

"Well sure she did but any number of things may have caused her to return early. You did not think of that?" I looked at her and let her know it may not have been a wise thing to do.

She changed the subject and asked "Where were you until the wee hours. Where you out getting laid?"

"I wish. But no; I was taking some pictures of nature and a few wild creatures."

Joyce did not pick up on my sarcasm so I let it pass.

I said "Have you noticed that Mom has been dating a lot lately? Do you think she has found some one she really likes?"

Joyce said "I don' t know. Mom doesn't tell me anything about her private life. Do you know something I don't know?"

I shook my head and said I was tired and was going to call it a night. As I passed out of the room I said "Next time tell Stacy to park out on the side road and walk in and don't make so much noise." I left before she could say anything.

Once in my room I relaxed on my bed naked and looked at the pictures I had brought in from the studio. The name on the back of the photo of my grandparents was Susan and Curt James. My last name was James. Could these people have be Mom's in-laws?

After Mom divorced my father he left town and I never knew him or his family.
But now I thought maybe I would look them up. In the attached it said "Friends from up state." No location as on some of the others. I had grabbed ten photos after looking at all of them I did not recognize any of the faces. Most were local or from towns with in fifty miles or less. I laid back and before I knew what happened I was asleep.

Again I had dreams of my mother and her friends. In my dreams I was standing close to Mom she looked at me and I looked at her beautiful nakedness. I could not speak. Mom was in all her naked glory and so was I. She did look at me and saw I had a hard on. I took my cock in my hand and milked it a few times. Mom just smiled.

I felt my cock being touched and milked. It was not my hand. Boy did it feel good.

It had been a while since I had a hand job or anything else for that matter. I had been so busy sex had slipped my mind. The events of the night before had brought back my need to have sex.

I slowly came awake. I did not want to open my eyes I was afraid of not only what I might see but also that this tremendously good feeling would stop.

I peeked. Joyce was standing next to the bed. Looking at the pictures and playing with my cock at the same time. I must still be dreaming. My sister touching me. That was just crazy. I looked at her wide eyed.

Joyce said "Kev darling you have a beautiful cock. Do you mind I love the feel of it. Where did you get these pictures?"

I was still in shock. Joyce had on her night gown. It was sheer, and I could see all her curves and the darker area between her legs. Joyce was build much like Mom except with fuller rounder tits.
I slipped a hand up under her shortie. I found her pussy wet and warm. I found myself trembling as I ran a finger tip around the wetness. Joyce parted her legs encouraging me to push a finger into her pussy. Joyce moaned and again asked "Where did you get these pictures?"

I said "I found them in the darkroom."

She looked at me and said "Mom and I looked there. We looked every where. Mom really wants to find these pictures. Grandpa left a sealed letter telling her about some pictures. It was given to her when the will was read. Mr. Combs the lawyer said if Mom found anything unusual in or around the house she was supposed to contact him. I bet this is what he was talking about."

Joyce was still playing with my cock and I hardly heard her words. I pushed two fingers into her very wet pussy.

Joyce seemed to notice me then. She smiled and lowered her head inches away from my cock. Her breath was hot and she seemed to be really turned on.

I tickled her tiny ass hole with my thumb as I wiggled the two fingers deeper. Joyce shivered and pulled back. In one swift movement she wisped the gown up and over her head.

Joyce moved quickly getting up on the bed. Her pussy was over my face as I felt her mouth slide down taking all of my cock into her mouth. I circled my arms around her ass and pulled her pussy down on my mouth.

I was happily tongue fucking my darling sister and she was doing her best to make me get off in her mouth. I did not want to cum yet but I could not hold back. My balls hurt, my ass hole puckered and I felt the first of several long spurs shoot from my cock. Joyce sucked swallowing all I had with out letting a drop dribble from her mouth. Joyce was an excellent cocksucker.
She rolled off me without sharing with me her climax. I felt as if I had cheated her but she seemed to be fine with the way things worked out.

As soon as I was once again in the world of he living and sitting up Joyce said "Now tell me where there any more of these pictures?"

I senses she knew much more that she was telling me. So I said "They were behind the enlarging table and the wall. I think they may have been there a very long time." I lied.

"Are you sure there were not more?"

I again I lied and repeated what I had said. Joyce took the pictures and left my room. I did not go after her.

I thought "That fucking little bitch. She gave me a blow job thinking that would make me give up the pictures and there location. She does know more than she telling me."

She just wanted to make sure I was telling the truth. Well fuck her I've smarter than that"

I had an idea she would not tell Mom about the pictures right away. There was something else she had planed however; at this point in time I just did not know what it was yet. But I had an idea how to fine out.

Mom returned Sunday morning all smiles and telling us how she enjoyed the weekend with her friend for school. I thought "Sure you did and I have proof of it."

Monday morning I said as I walked out of the house "I'm going to see about a job taking pictures for an insurance company."

Jumping in the Mustang I drove straight to the lawyer's office Mr. Combs was in.
I was looking at this older man face to face five minutes later. I handed him a dollar and said "Now anything I say to you is privileged is that correct."

He looked at me and smiled. I'm sure he was not taking this too serious but he took the dollar bill and said "Yes now I'm bound to keep anything you tell me just between us."

I said "Good." I handed him a picture I had taken of the three shoe boxes and the folders and papers."

I think he knew right away what this was about but he maintained is composure and asked "what all this?"

I said "I think you already know. But it seems to be what every one; by that I mean my Mother and sister are looking for. I did not know about its importance until last night when my sister said she and Mom had been looking for something. I did not tell her I had found the while bundle. But Joyce did find ten photos I had in my bedroom and seemed highly excited by it. So I want to know what and why these items are so important?"

He said "Have you told anyone else about finding this material?"

Again it seemed to be more important for this to be kept private than to tell me a kid the truth. So I said "I've made several copies of this stuff and have placed these photographs in two letters addressed too people I can trust. In the letter I listed everything and the current location of the stuff."

Mr. Combs looked at me trying to see if I was telling the truth. I think he believed me.

He said "Your Grandfather was a very adventurous man and besides the property he left your mother he also had other holdings.
He seemed to think that what you've found if kept in the family would provide a long term flow of money to the family thorough a private trust he set up a long time ago. He also believed that whoever was cleaver enough to find it was also smart enough to handle and maintain this trust through the years. If handle properly it will be there for generations to come. The family will be well cared for past your life time."

I was in shock. I said "Do you know what is in the legal papers and the file folders? I did not look at them. I did look at many of the pictures. Do you know what these pictures are of?"

Mr. Combs said "Yes most of what is there your Grandfather showed me. That was more then twenty years ago. I felt he had added to the content though the years up until your Grandmother died. I don't believe your Grandfather did much after that."

I sat there just thinking when Mr. Combs continued "Kevin if you want to bring this in I will be happy to go over it with you and give you some advice on how to proceed."

For the most part the pictures were for his private enjoyment. It's the deeds and other papers that are the important items."

I stood and said "You've been very helpful. I do trust you but I also want to take these papers to another lawyer that may not be involved too closely. If every thing you've told me is proved out I'll get back with you and we can go through it together and hopefully you can advise me how to take care of this and where to go from here."

We shook hands and then at the door I looked back and said "Do you have any idea what his holding as you say are worth?"

He said "It's been twenty years but I would guess some where in the millions."

I swallowed and smiled my heart skipping a few beats. Once out in the hall I yelled out load. Caught myself and ran out to the parking lot.

I sat in the road house with a beer in hand thinking. I wanted to call Stacy as he was my best friend. However now that he was in love and fucking my sister I thought maybe, just maybe he would trade favors to my sister for information. I felt that for awhile I needed to keep this quiet and talk to another lawyer as I had told Mr. Combs.

Again I felt Mr. Combs might have other self serving motivations in mind. For some reason he played off the importance of the photos. Yet I figured they must be part of this strange puzzle or Grandpa would not have included them in the stash. Also Mr. Combs pointed out that who ever had the package in hand was the person that would rule the roost. If it was taken from me than that person would be in charge of everything. I did not want this to happen. I had to find someone that I could trust and make that person a part of what ever I need to do without anyone knowing about my silent partner. But who? ... There had to be someone I could take into my confidence.

Part II to follow ... (If I get a good response)

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great story waiting for more

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story, needs a part two

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I guess there is no chapter 2, after over 4 years.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
where is the rest?

you can`t leave us hanging like this...a story with an actual plot and an exciting one and it has been almost 9 should warn people that it is god but not MORE PLEASE !!!

89cowpoke89cowpokeover 11 years ago

LOVE IT...pleeeeeeassse continue...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
good start

As the others have said, a very good start but you need to proof your work. Keep it up and you will get even better.

Victory92cVictory92cover 11 years ago
Great story.

This is going to be a great series. the spelling mistakes give the story a human touch. missing from most writing these days no thanks to spell check. keep it up .

Lancelot55Lancelot55over 11 years ago
Capter 2 PLEASE!

Great start to what should be an excellent series of stories with a great number of possibilities and and couplings. Really looking forward to Chapt. 2 SOONEST!!!

Remain_in_shadowRemain_in_shadowover 11 years ago
A pretty good concept...

...poorly executed. Ick. The spelling errors, sentence structure issues and prattling narrative distract from the read. A shame, really, as you have concocted a bizarre tale of generations of group sex aficionados in a wild town where everyone, it seems, is uninhibited and oversexed. And so many convenient coincidences! The cameras and darkroom, the hidden photos, the potential millions, the slut sister, the sexy mom... A little heavy-handed on the disbelief, grace. Sorry.

Ducky7Ducky7over 11 years ago
Loved it, the mistery is great.

Please keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Get an editor! Preferably someone who can correct both grammar and spelling. The concept is a good one, but the many, MANY errors just kept yanking me right out of the story. If you ask around, I'm sure there are people who would be happy to help.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Something else

If you are not already you should be a pro writer. This story is a little above most of the stories on this site. It has everything a very good story should. You should drop the porn and adjust this story to a very interesting and fresh screen play or book. This has potential.

txcrackertxcrackerover 11 years ago

Good story you have me salivating for the next installment ! Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I have to tell you that I have really enjoyed the story so far and I can't want to read part 2.

Thank you

joey191973joey191973over 11 years ago

Really enjoyed reading that story. Can't wait for part 2

deanahiideanahiiover 11 years ago

good story and do want to see part II ole mom has to get hers!

just a little note try editing a little the words are spelled correctly but some words are wrong for the intended context.

funtungnfrogfuntungnfrogover 11 years ago
Looking forward

Great story and looking forward to part II!!

wrecktechwrecktechover 11 years ago

Someone knows what film was and that there was a difference in film speed and format size. Waiting for more...

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 11 years ago
Look who makes mistakes now.

My apologies, I wrote my previous comment on my phone which uses predictive text, and I've just noticed the spelling mistake in the last sentence. I apologize for that.

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 11 years ago
I too liked this story, and hope you write more of it.

This has a great plot, and totally sucked me in.

It is distracting though, as all the spelling mistakes make it somewhat hard to read.

I understand it's very hard to write (hence no posts from me yet) but please, just try to cut down a bit on these slight errors in future.

Please dont let this discourage you from writing though. I am O.C.D., and I just notice these things.

Yes it is a curse. Believe me, it takes away from my enjoyment of many things even small insignificant things that may not he a problem to others.

LAROCLAROCover 11 years ago
You know this is blackmail !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You will only give us part 2 , if we give you a good response. What can I say but GOOD GOOD GOOD. I hope that's ok !! , now give us part 2 Please....It was not a bad read, but get a spell checker. ..........LAROC

billyjim55billyjim55over 11 years ago

I hope the next is ready, Im chewing leather over here trying to be patient to find out how he gets mom/ sister and the trust, humm. TY now please continue lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Kudos !!!

Not unique but close to it. Please continue.

Thanks Don

deepsea7deepsea7over 11 years ago
lust with a line

Grate story, you need a book deal!!!

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