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New Dimension, New Rules Ch. 01

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Diana wakes up in bizzaro world.
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Diana didn't feel any different when she woke up that day. Everything felt the same, even the tiredness and grogginess of waking up so early. She went through her morning routine in an automatic slumber. Thirty minutes after getting out of bed, she looked at herself in the mirror, and was satisfied with her job.

She was a beautiful, short-haired brunette, with a round, French face and red cheeks. She was 23, in the prime of her life. Guys found her short stature cute, but they found her perky, size-C boobs mesmerizing. Diana cupped her naked tits in front of the mirror, her nipples twitching even at her own touch. She'd had a bit of a dry-spell recently, she conceded. Not from lack of offers, naturally. Probably she was getting too picky in her guys. No one seemed to quite reach up to her standards. She'd also been busy with work and studies, which didn't leave much time for dating.

She got dressed, in tight, black jeans and an ugly, green t-shirt with the text COMIX-ZONE emblazoned on it. It was 5:25. Time to go to work.

It was a cool summer morning, and the slow breeze woke Diana up somewhat. The streets were mostly deserted, which they always were at this time of day. Diana lived close enough to her workplace that she could walk it in thirty minutes, and she enjoyed the route through the outskirts of the city. Especially on Wednesday's, when she'd be early enough to have the streets mostly to herself. Diana worked in a comic book shop, and Wednesday was New Comics day, so she had to get in early to make sure the shelves were stocked before the store opened.

Her eyes were still sleepy, but Diana still noticed a woman walking on the other side of the road, completely topless. The woman didn't notice Diana staring, probably zoned out with the music from her thick headphones. Diana would call herself a feminist if asked, but she'd never gotten behind the whole free-the-nipple thing. She chose to ignore the exhibitionist woman, and looked away.

Ten minutes further down the road, Diana saw something else that disturbed her. Down a side alley, a homeless man was getting a blowjob, barely hidden behind a dumpster. Having lived in the city for the past ten years, Diana wasn't unaccustomed to the homeless doing their private business in public (although usually they were more subtle than this guy), but what fazed Diana most was the woman giving him head. She was dressed in a long, black skirt and a smart suit. Next to her on the ground was a briefcase. Here was a business woman, clearly on her way to work, sucking off a dirty, poorly groomed and probably smelly hobo. Diana must have stared for too long, because the man looked up at her, and without any shame or hesitation, shouted to her: "Come over here." Diana immediately looked away, and picked up her pace. What the fuck was happening to this city.

She'd barely gotten to the next block when she was an old man jacking off at a bus stop. A grown man, seemingly well adjusted based on his clothing and personal hygiene, jerking off in the middle of the street. Because of the narrow street, if Diana didn't want to cross the road, she'd have to pass within a meter of the man. But she was not planning to cross.

"What the fuck's wrong you!" Diana shouted to the man's face, going right up to him. "There could be kids seeing you."

But the old man didn't look embarrassed or even discouraged. Without any emotion, he reached out, took Diana's hand, and put it around his cock.

It took Diana a full second to process what had just happened, but as soon as her brain caught up, she pulled her hand back, and slapped the man hard. The look she got in return was unexpected. The man looked confused. To angry to form any coherent thoughts, Diana spat in the man's face, shouted "creep!" and ran away.

She got to the store in record time, and let herself in. What was happening to the city. It had always been a bad place, but never anything like this.

She was alone in the store, as she expected. Ron was supposed to start the same time as her, but he always showed up at least half an hour late. As the daily manager, he felt entitled to come and go as he felt. Diana tried to keep her mind of the morning by digging in to the work of filling the shelves with the several full boxes of new comics.

At 7:30, right on cue, Ron stumbled in. He was a chubby guy in his 30's, with a thick, red beard, exactly the kind of guy you'd expect to work in a comic book shop. He was a jovial guy, but he was deeply irresponsible, especially with work. Diana had considered telling him about what had happened to her that morning, but memories of their long fights about #MeToo had resurfaced, and that was not something she needed today.

"Hey, Di," he said causally, as if he wasn't thirty minutes left. Diana had already finished one box, and Ron seemed in no rush to join her.

"Hi Ron. Want to help me out here?" she said, nodding her head towards the remaining boxes.

"Tempting offer, but I got some on the bus over here, thanks."

What was that supposed to mean? Diana decided not to ask, and went back to her job. Ron eventually joined her, and quietly they got everything ready for opening. At 8:00 on the dot, Diana unlocked the front door, and turned around the "OPEN" sign.

Their first "customer" was Sydney, Diana's co-worker and best friend. Also chronically late, Sydney usually showed up a few minutes after opening. She was a tall, long-legged vixen with jet-black hair. She was wearing the same t-shirt as Diana, but hers was noticeably too small, clinging tightly to her slender body and showing off her large bosom that she usually worked to minimize.

"Hi Di," she said with a smile as she saw her friend.

"Hi Syd. That's new," Diana said, indicating the newcomer's shirt.

"No it's not," Sydney responded, confused, and it was clear she had had the same thought about Diana's. "How's it going?"

"All good, you?" Diana would tell Sydney what had happened on the way to work, but only when they were in private.

"Living the dream," Sydney quipped.

"Hey, Sydney," Ron said as he came over, and then he gave the girl a tight squeeze on the ass. Sydney didn't react, but Diana did.

"Whoa. What the fuck was that," she exclaimed.

Both Sydney and Ron looked at her. "Don't get jealous, Di," Ron explained himself. "You know I've got a thing for Sydney's ass. Doesn't mean I like you any less."

Diana did know he had a thing for Sydney's ass, but usually that was a fact he was trying to hide. Before Diana could continue fighting, the first customer of the day walked in, and she bit her tongue.

The new arrival was a man in his late twenties, a true nerd with a soul-patch and pony-tail. He went to the far end of the store, where the indie comics were kept. Diana followed after, needing some distance from what had just happened. She could tell both of her co-workers were watching her with distrust as she left them.

"Good morning. Can I help you with anything?" Diana asked the pony-tail with her best costumer service voice.

The nerd glanced at her, then looked back at the wall of comics as he considered her offer. "Do you want to suck my dick?" he finally said, blasé.

"Excuse me?" Diana blurted out, stepping back.

"I said, do you mind sucking my dick," he repeated, slower this time, as if Diana just hadn't heard him properly.

"Get the fuck out of here, you pig!" What was wrong with everyone today. The guy looked at her with genuine surprise. As if he couldn't fathom why a stranger woman wouldn't suck his dick on command.

When the man showed no inclination towards leaving, Diana was about to cuss him out again, but suddenly Sydney ran in, Ron hot on her heals.

"Don't mind her. I'll help you out," Sydney said quickly, and to Diana's shock, she went straight to her knees, her hands quickly unbuckling the man's belt. The guy wasn't even looking at her, his eyes still staring unbelievingly at Diana.

"I apologize for her. She's been a bit strange today." Diana was about to protest, but Ron put a strong hand around her arm, and pulled her away. As she was dragged out of sight, Diana could she her best friend taking the customer's cock in her mouth and quickly start sucking on it.

Ron dragged her into the back room, and sat her down on the single chair there. He stood above her, his grave face something she'd never seen before.

"What was all that about? What happened out there?" Ron demanded.

"The guy said I should suck his dick!"


"And what?"

"And why didn't you?"

Diana looked baffled.

"I didn't want to? I'm at work, I don't know the guy. Fuck, I don't like sucking dick, not that that has anything to do with it."

"You're right, it doesn't have anything to do with it. A guy wants you to suck his dick, you suck it. It's not exactly difficult."

"I'm not going to suck off anyone who asks me!" Diana was getting furious, but she was also getting unnerved. This shouldn't be something she should have to explain. What was going on? Was this some sort of prank?

"I've seen you suck a thousand dicks. You've sucked my dick a hundred times. Why is this suddenly a problem?"

Diana stared at him in disbelief. Ron clearly believed what he was saying, but Diana also knew that it was wrong. She'd never done anything remotely sexual with Ron. They barely even hugged.

While they were both thinking of the words they would need to convince the other, Sydney came barging in. Her hair was a little ruffled, and there was, Diana noticed with disgust, a strain of cum on her chin.

"What was that all about," Sydney demanded of Diana.

Diana tried to respond, but her mind was blanking.

Ron stepped in for her. "Your friend is suddenly too good to suck dick," he said with a humph.

"Please, Ron. I'll take care of this." She gave their manager a reassuring smile, and he left the room. There was a long pause, and Sydney sat down on a desk across from Diana.

"You've got some, eh..." Diana started, indicating her chin. Sydney understood, and wiped her chin with her finger, and without thinking, sucked the cum off her fingers. Diana winched.

"What's happening to you? I've never seen you like this." Sydney spoke softly, putting Diana at ease.

"Am I crazy for saying no to a guy wanting me to suck his dick?" Diana was almost pleading for some sanity in her friend.

"You kinda are." Sydney responded slowly. "Listen, if a guy asks for something, it's really rude to refuse. It's just... manners."

"Since when?! Yesterday, the world was all normal, but since I woke up, there's hobo's getting head, guys jerking off on the streets, women with their tits out and guys expecting me to suck them off. Since when is all this normal?"

Sydney was struggling for words. How to explain to her friend why etiquette was the way it was. "Listen. That's the way the world is, okay. It's always been like this. There's nothing wrong with sucking a guy off, or swallowing his cum, or having your tits our, or anything like that, okay? It's normal. It's weird not to do it, actually." Her words were clearly not having an effect on Diana, and she looked worried for her friend. "I think you should see a doctor. You seem to have some form of amnesia, or schizophrenia or something. I'm serious, you should see someone."

Diana regarded her with suspicion. Could it be she was the crazy one? "I'm not schizophrenic," she insisted, more to herself than to her friend.

"Maybe you're just stressed. Take the day off. Go home, relax, take it easy."

"I think I need the day off, yeah. You think Ron would be okay with it?"

"I'll talk to him. And honestly, if you're going to be like this, you're more of a liability to the store anyway."

"What do you mean, liability?" Diana asked.

"You know. If guys can't come in here to bust a nut, they're just gonna stop coming. You really caused a scene out there. I'm just glad there weren't anyone else around."

Diana had given up trying to make sense of it all. "Thanks," was all she could muster. "You'll talk to Ron for me? I'd rather take the back door out."

"I'll speak to him. Be safe, okay? And also, just..." Sydney hesitated.

"Just what?"

"Just do it, next time. Don't cause a scene. Word gets around fast, you know. You don't want to be known as a prude."

Diana's head was spinning as she walked home. How could the whole world have changed so much over night? How could everything be so different? And how could everyone else be so used to it?

The streets were busier now, and Diana couldn't ignore all the messed up shit happening around her. About half the women were walking topless, letting their tits hang freely for anyone to admire. Some women chose to go bottomless, instead, wearing just a t-shirt and shoes, but with their ass and pussy free. Diana understood the logic of it, as she saw a man stop a woman in that fashion, back her against the wall, and shove his cock inside her. Within two seconds he was fucking the woman against the building. It would have taken longer had he had to pull off the woman's pants first. Diana also noticed how there was no resistance to any of it from the woman. A few women had opted simply to wear nothing. The logic of that also became apparent, as Diana saw a woman, wearing an expensive leather jacket, getting cummed on by three guys encircling her. No one except Diana seemed to pay them any mind.

Diana had planned to take the bus home, wanting to get off the street as quickly as possible, but changed her mind quickly when she passed the bus stop. On the bench, a woman was laying on her back, legs in the air, as a fat, sweating man was fucking her as hard as he could. The woman was talking on her phone, her voice not revealing in the slightest what was being done to her. Diana was impressed by her ability to go on with her daily life as she was getting her brains fucked out, but she quickly realized this was the norm in this new world. She walked past a hair-dresser, where a woman was dyeing another woman's hair. The hair-stylist was getting pounded from behind, and the client had a cock shoved violently in her mouth. Despite this, the stylist was working at a professional pace, and even keeping a pleasant dialogue with her customer.

Diana rushed down the street, trying to keep as much distance between herself any anyone who might want to "use" her. She kept hearing the words Sydney had said as they parted. "Just do it next time." "You don't want to be known as a prude." It was obvious this was no prank. In this world, whatever world this was, Diana clearly was the crazy one. All the women she passed had no problems being used in any way, by anyone who wanted to use them.

What should she do, Diana thought. If someone pulled her over, would she give in? "Just do it next time." What did it mean to be known as a prude, in this world?

She got to a road to busy to cross on red, and quickly questioned whether she should take a detour just to keep moving. She chose to wait for green. There was no one around, and with her baggy t-shirt, and so many women walking around topless (or more-less), surely she'd be ignored.

But she'd barely stopped, when she felt a breath on her neck, and a hand groping her tit. The fingers squeezed hard, digging into her flesh, and she could feel a bulge pushing against her back. She didn't turn around, to look at who was assaulting her. She stood, frozen, being groped in public. She looked around, self-consciously. A small, petite woman with cum-stains in her hair appeared to her left, a clean-shaved old man walked up on her right. Neither of them paid her any attention. Diana strained not no move. She wasn't sure if she was worried her assailant would take it as a sign to go further, or if she was scared of being a prude. "Just do it next time." "You don't want to be known as a prude." So she stood there, and let the guy grope her up. He didn't need her intensive to go further, either, as his other hand slid down inside her jeans, and a finger went inside her pussy.

Diana gasped. She hadn't expected to be penetrated, and there had been no warning either. The guy started rubbing his finger inside her cunt, as he was twisting her tit ever harder. To her horror, Diana could feel herself getting wet. How long did this red light last. She let out an involuntary sigh, as the mystery man started rubbing her clit, while his other hand went under her clothes to twist her nipple. She was getting far more turned on by this than she should have.

Finally the light turned green, and Diana instantly started walking, ignoring the guy fingering her. The anonymous groper let her go without resistance, and she hurried across the road. She was worried the man would be following her, but somehow she knew he hadn't wanted anything more.

He'd just been bored waiting for the green light. And her tits had been there.

But now Diana was really horny. Her pussy hadn't gotten a lot of action lately. She'd been too busy even to satisfy herself regularly. As much as it disgusted her, she would have to take the time today.

She got home without any further incidents, and quickly closed the door behind her. Finally she was safe, she thought. But her pussy was tingling, and she could feel her underwear getting soaked. She went straight to her room, and threw off her t-shirt. Luckily her parents were at work, and her brother never bothered her.

Diana stripped naked, jumped face down on the bed, and before she'd even landed, her fingers were playing around between her legs. It immediately felt great, her entire body tensing and relaxing at the same time. She bit into her pillow, while sticking her ass in the air and pushing her chest down on the mattress. It was a weird position to take up, but for some reason it's the one that always felt the best for Diana. As she kept pleasing herself, she rubbed her whole body up and down, her free hand finding her nipples and twisting hard. She was moaning loudly, and didn't hear when the door opened behind her. She didn't feel when two knees dropped down either side of her, either.

She noticed the two hands on her hips, though. But before she could respond, she noticed a thick cock inserting itself into her pussy. With how wet she had made herself, the long shaft had no problem going all the way the first time, and Diana felt hipbones slam against her, pushing her face into her pillow. She screamed, but it sounded far more pleasurable than she'd meant. The cock took it as an invitation, and started thrusting again. Diana tried to resist, tried to get free, but the hands held her tight, and from the way she was laying, she had no leverage. The cock kept slamming into her at a steady pace, and Diana couldn't deny how good it felt. She kept screaming, in pace with the fucking, but it was a scream of joy.

She felt the tingling inside her build up. She was about to come, and she had no idea who was fucking her. She felt degraded, used, but also, really kinky.

"Grab my tits," she shouted out to the man who was technically raping her. He was more than happy to oblige, and roughly twisted her erect nipple. That was enough to send Diana over the edge, and she yelled out, her whole body convulsing. Her mind was raging, her pussy contracting. The orgasm lasted a full minute, and the stranger obligingly kept violently fucking her the whole time.

After an eternity, her body relaxed, and she let her body go limp. She barely felt the cock slide out of her, as the hand let go of her tits. Two strong hands grabbed her by the hips, and spun her around.

She looked up at her brother.

"Johnny? What the fuck?"

Johnny, her gym-bro brother, with a six-pack and surfer-blonde hair, was kneeling over her, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hi sis. Been a while since I made you do that."

"The fuck! Did you just fuck me?"


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