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New Horizons

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Mom's life changes within minutes.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/27/2018
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I was widowed when I was 25, with identical boy twins that were at the time 8, and left with a mortgage to pay and several other bills, as well as two hungry growing male mouths to feed. Needless to say, my life became very different, very difficult, just because of some fool that couldn't put his damn phone down in an intersection.

I became a secretary and with the help of my parents and my in laws, I could leave the kids and go work as a secretary for a law firm. I had gotten a community college education, nothing special, and thankfully with just that I managed to get that job and feed my boys and watch them grow and develop. After a few years, with much deserved raises and promotions, I got to the point where I was self sustainable and didn't need the little extra financial help each side of grandparents helped me with each month. I was proud of where I had gotten from where my life had seemed to have ended.

Even with all those successes and the ones not mentioned, my greatest success by far we're my twins. I didn't remarry, so Greg and Tony were my only children. They were extremely cooperative with the economic situation throughout their young life and were rarely a problem with extra expenses. They weren't greedy and didn't constantly ask me to buy them things; they conformed to the lifestyle for now while working hard to be more later. And still, especially because of that attitude, I gave them the things they needed when they needed them, and whenever I found out they wanted a certain toy or shirt I would save up to buy it for them. It was tough, the life they were forced to live, but I am confident I raised them right, with priorities outside of material things.

They did well in school, like I had them do. They didn't graduate high school at the top of their class and didn't always appear in the roster for the highest level classes, but they were not allowed to get anything below a B at the end of the year and they certainly had better not get in trouble. Not for their own good. They got good recommendation letters from their teachers and with almost a year long search for scholarships for both, my twin boys got into the state University, me only having to pay about nine hundred a year for both. And they also helped me out since they were sixteen, both of them getting jobs at grocery stores and later upgrading to a hardware store. They still worked there at nineteen and now payed their own tuition.

It was difficult looking at them sometimes in my moments where I missed my late husband because they looked so much like him when he was their age. They had his light brown hair, hazel eyes, and bronze skin. Typical Greek looking boys. They didn't take a lot of genes from me, at least not in terms of looks. I was short, 5', and they were both 6'1". I was pale in contrast to them, and dirty blonde with blue eyes. I told them they were almost clones of their father, and they just laughed, saying I was exaggerating.

We live in a modest neighborhood quite close to the college they go to, so they live at home with me. The houses in the small development are very separated compared to others, so most houses have at least a third of an acre of land, even though most houses don't have more than three rooms. We live in a two bedroom house, made for either a very small family or a lower class family. With the size my boys were I don't think we fall into the first category, and with my job and their own income together we don't fall into the second category either, so I say we live there out of convenience, plus, I'm about to finish paying the mortgage and they will soon move out on their own.

This morning Greg had finally broken through the old wood that held his mattress above Tony in his and Tony's bunk bed and fallen hard on top of a sleepy Tony. I say finally because that bunk bed has been holding up about 210 pounds of bone and muscle, and it was way more than a decade old. Him falling on top of Tony broke Tony's half of the bed too, so we were in quite a dilemma.

When I heard the crash I woke up with a panic, sprinting up the stairs about four stair steps per step of my own, which was a lot considering I am so small, and opened their door to see both of my handsome boys groaning on top of each other, one in deep pain and the other severely confused, both barely even awake.

"What-??!!" I practically screamed. I didn't even ask them what happened since it was obvious and they were not answering me in their current state.

So I went over to them, watching for shards of old wood from splintering my bare feet and helped Greg up from his mattress, which a shocked Tony was literally bench pressing up from his scratched up, bloody torso. Then me and Greg got the mattress and shards of cross pieces of wood off of Tony and helped him up. I heard too many cracks in their bodies and so much blood on Tony's torso that I just burst out in tears when I looked at Tony and Greg's wide open eyes. They comforted me as well as they could, Greg having a better capacity since Tony was all scratched up. He wasn't too bad but it was old wood and it scratched him up bad enough in several places, even if they weren't deep. I took them both downstairs to the kitchen, where I had treated every knee scrape they had gotten and kissed every bruise from wrestling each other. Greg chucked the tissues from the awkwardly located medicine cabinet in the kitchen at Tony, who began dabbing them on his shirtless torso.

That's when I realized for the first time what body type they had that was definitely a gene of mine and my family's. I had very large breasts for my size, and a very curvy body with a round butt that made my husband go crazy when he was *ahem* alive in bed with me. My parents also had very sexualized bodies, my dad being gorgeous even at his fifty years now and my mother equally hot, with bodies that turned heads even at their age. That was me now, and I never truly realized until now what my son's had gotten from me when I come to genes.

As I frantically looked for antibiotic cream and bandages I realized what I had in the kitchen with me. Through the shock of what happened upstairs I never realized that both Greg and Tony had been naked the whole time! And as I walked into the kitchen after Tony had begun dabbing the lines of blood from his torso I didn't see that they were not only shirtless, but pantless too!!

And sweet heavens were they both hung like horses!! Turning back from getting everything I needed to treat Tony I saw their impressive packages unpacked. When I saw the ratio of Tony's cock to his thigh I screamed. Greg laughed, and then Tony joined when he realized, but I yelled at Greg to run and get them both shorts immediately.

"Are you serious; do you always sleep naked?" I asked after I sent Greg away, spraying Tony's muscular torso with hydrogen peroxide to clean the small but several wounds.

"Yeah, Mom. Always. I thought you knew! And it's not like you're my mom, haha, plus you've seen us before" he said. I had a hard time not taking a good look at my own son's handsome member, which was softly pulsating due probably to a morning bone that was scared away by the incident.

"That's exactly why I should not see you like this. Don't do this again. At least wear compression shorts or boxer underwear. Please!" I said a little annoyed. I totally ignored his comment on seeing them naked before, because he was smart enough to figure out it was irrelevant I had seen their underdeveloped penises when they were toddlers.

"Ok, mom," he said chuckling.

I could not believe my own son's shamelessness. He was standing in front of me with his hands to his sides, not even trying to cover himself up! The nerve! He probably knew he's big, excuse me, HUGE down there and doesn't bother to hide it, not even from his own mother.

Finally, Greg came with the shorts. He had his on already and Tony put on his pair, not rushing at all, wincing at points from wounds and bruises that were not visible yet. Then I had him sit so I could put the triple antibiotic on him.

He had one larger gash across his left chest where one plank of the wood had fallen square on him, with the edge cutting him. After 10 minutes there were bruises that began showing up all over him, from his legs to his forehead, even though the ones in his torso were the worst since the bed broke first above his chest, landing hard, and then the other parts of the bed landed in him with less force. My tears had stopped when I saw them naked, but I still felt terrible. I should have gotten them a better bed now that they were older. We could afford things like that now, so really my only excuse was just not talking notice and doing it.

"I'm sorry for not buying you two a better bed to sleep in. I should have done that years ago," I said.

"It's ok, mom, you have other stuff to worry about," Tony said. Greg assented.

"Now I'm ordering a brand new bed for you two for not complaining about that old thing," I insisted.

"It can wait; we should fix the dishwasher instead" Greg said.

"But where will you sleep?" I questioned. The only possible place was either my own bed or the living room couch. And one of them could barely fit in either, let alone both.

"We can just sleep in your bed with you for a few days," said Tony. The white bubbles of the peroxide were fading and it was time to apply the triple antibiotic.

"I guess we can work that out tonight," I concluded. And with that the conversation ended. I grabbed the tube of antibiotic and squirted a large amount on one palm, using the other hand's finger to apply it on Tony.

I started on his face, where he had some cuts that would not disappear for another week at least. I was sad his handsome face got scratched up like this, but least it wasn't awful. He squirmed a little at the first touch but got used to it after I treated the first scratch. When I went to treat his chest and stomach, that's when the inappropriate thoughts began.

My sons had always been active since they were little. They always had thin but strong bodies, but that changed when they joined their wrestling team in high school where they got more meat on them from hitting the weights in their school gym. Later, when they got their first job and got a gym membership, they got beefier and more defined. I took notice, of course, being their mother, but never from the perspective of a single lady like I was now.

As I ran my fingers through his sliced skin I realized how hard Tony's body is. I felt just muscle, and hard muscle, which was shaped seemingly perfectly and handsomely. His pectorals were round and full for a young man like him, and it turned me on to know my son was so sexually appealing. Tony was hot, and he looked exactly like Greg, so they were both hot. I had seen muscular men in the past before but I was never attracted to them as I was to my boys for some reason. My husband was handsome but he was a total nerd that would have rather tinkered with a computer than lifted weights. The most active he ever was was cross country in high school.

I tried to divert my attention from my own sons' sexual appeal to my late hubby, which was actually comforting always. At some point Greg went to the basement and Tony's head was bobbing as he almost fell asleep from the boredom of being there. There were a lot of places he got scratched where I had to be delicate and it took me a while. I had to have him do some of the scratches on his hips and upper thighs where I refused to go. Especially after what happened before.

The shameless young man had a semi boner the whole time I was there. And as soon as I finished, having to almost wake him up, it grew into a whole hard on. And holy crap! That thing reached almost to his knee and made a formidable tent in his pants, so thank God he was wearing longer spandex shorts that went slightly over his knee. I did not know men could be that large, and I had heard of quite large males.

I had a guilty eyeful of his prick while he groggily assessed his own body of damage. Since he wasn't paying attention to me I basically stared at the huge limb while it was hidden. He found a couple of places I had missed and did them himself while I made breakfast at 10 in the morning. I heard Greg stomping up the basement stairs obviously carrying something.

"Hey, Mom! I have found a solution to our problems!" He cheerily proclaimed. He was carrying the frame of the old king sized bed my husband had found at a crazy low price, hoping to use it on the bigger house he wanted to get.

I considered his suggestion with my fingers gooey from cracking an egg. "But, baby, how will we fit that in my room?"

"We rearrange," He simply said, "it won't be that hard. We'll make it work." He was really enthusiastic and I wasn't sure how to feel about it.

"Uh, okay. Let me know how that goes - wait! We don't have a mattress for that!" I realized the major inconsistency.

"Just put out two twins together," Tony answered. One more thing...

"We still need a boxspring for this one. The mattresses will just fall through," I still objected.

"Those are cheap. Especially if we look for one in the supermarket," Greg remarked, leaving no excuses as to why we shouldn't go for one bed for the three of us.

"Well. I guess it's fine." I surrendered.

"It will be fine, mom," Tony comforted me. I don't think he knew he was the reason I didn't want to sleep with them in the first place.

"We'll go get it now," Greg added. He nudged Tony to get him to react and they both went upstairs to get dressed and leave. I finished making breakfast and had them eat before they left. Greg got a tank top on with the same shorts he was wearing before and Tony came down holding a shirt in his hand and only having put on shoes.

"I'll let the cream set some before I put this on," he said. I was furious with myself! I could barely get my eyes off my son, and I had realized I had gotten excited due to the humidity in my cunny. I just wanted them to leave.

"Be careful, boys," I warned as they walked out, Tony still holding his shirt in his hand. My eyes wandered over his v shaped torso as he walked away and got in the car. When he sat in the passenger seat I saw he still had that huge hardness in his pants. My pussy gushed when Greg sat in the driver's seat and I noticed he had a hard-on too! It must have been contagious. That confirmed to me that both my sons were packing major game. Ugh! I had to stop thinking like that.

"Back in a few," Greg said and they pulled out of the driveway. I went to my room as soon as they left and stripped, my hands immediately landing on my hot lady mound to calm my frustration.

I had barely finished almost fisting myself before they arrived from the thrift shop. They were sweaty, so the shop they went to was probably not air conditioned, and their thin shirts clung to their bulging muscles. They came in just to open the door and to make space for bringing the box spring in, then they went and got it while I changed underwear and composed myself.

My fingers furiously attacked my pussy like never before. I had never been the type to touch myself much, especially after marrying, since my husband took great care of my cooch. I had fingered areas I had forgotten existed in this insanely long time without a fine penis entering me, and I reawakened a monster previously put to sleep by my mourning years ago.

"The box spring is in, mom!" One of them yelled out while knocking on my door.

"Yes, one second," I answered, putting my hair up as nicely as I could. Then I went to open the door to see Tony's pussy melting grin gaping at me, and I just turned away to him and his brother bring the box spring.

"You ok, mom?" Tony asked. I had a feeling the dickhead knew what he was doing.

"I'm fine, why?" I sternly asked, over with the bullshit, which I had participated in.

"You're obviously not fine," he responded. He dared tell me how I feel. And he was right, which made me angrier and even more wet.

"Be quiet, will you?" I lashed back. I realized that was a mistake, a blatant notice that he was right. He didn't say anything, but turned his face to the side at one point in positioning the box spring and I saw on his cheek dimples from smiling.

"I need to go grocery shopping, so I'll see you two in a couple of hours," I said, thankful that I had a good excuse escape them and their infinite macho charm.

"Bye, then, mom," Greg waved, then Tony, with that shit eating grin on his face. I wanted to slap him but had no good reason to without exposing myself further.

I put on relaxed shoes, grabbed my bag from the kitchen, the mental print of Tony's and Greg's manhood returning to me there, before I stormed between them and through the door and out to my car. Greg was on the phone talking someone about coming over and Tony had a hint of a smile without looking at me. I landed in my car with a squish from my sopping wet cunt and just drove. My hand might have ended up in my hole during my five minute ride.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Well, where a the next chapter? It's been 4 months....surely you're not leaving this as is....? Not scoring what you've done so far, its too unfinished.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Do you continue Showing Dad Who's Boss story?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
What fun!!!

King bed in her room and her bed to storage. Damn the possibilities

sabra16023sabra16023almost 6 years ago
Good story

Well done. Enjoyed the good read. Looking forward to reading more. Thanks

Oldergenteman69Oldergenteman69almost 6 years ago
Well done

I'm looking forward to reading more. Great start!

travel2cutravel2cualmost 6 years ago
Quick start

You are off to a quick start and I look forward to chapter two.

AlwaystabooAlwaystabooalmost 6 years ago
Beautiful story of love

Nothing more exciting than a mother first being aroused by her children.

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