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New House Pt. 01

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A new house with a view to the neighbor's room.
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/04/2019
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Buying a new house was not a top priority, I was ok renting a small apartment. But, with my schedule and not being able to get a good nights sleep because of apartment neighbors I decided to buy a house.

So, the trek to suburbia began.

I was happy that my realtor listened to my wants and was able to find a nice 3 bedroom ranch in a quiet neighborhood on a dead end street. He had been a realtor for quite a while and had helped many of the guys at the firehouse find their "dream home".

Moving day arrived, the onslaught of the guys helping had abated and the last of the food devoured. I closed the door, locked it and turned to see towers of boxes and items strewn throughout the house.

Not being someone that allows things to remain in chaos, I began to sort and place things where I had envisioned them while looking at the empty rooms. A few adjustments here and there, centering under a light, moving from one side of the room to the other. It amazed me how much stuff I thought I had while living in an apartment but when I moved into a house I realized it is just a moderate amount of belongings.

Front living area finished, other than some fine adjustments. Dining area done...sans fine tuning.

On to the bedroom.

Gathering up empty boxes, I go out the back door to place the boxes in a pile so I can dispose of them. While out back I hear a "Hello neighbor!" Looking over the chain linked fence I see a vision of beauty. Beautiful smile and eyes that are sparkling meet mine as I walk towards the fence with my hand extended. After the shaking of the hands and introductions are made, small talk begins.

I find out it is a nice neighborhood, quiet, my new house was owned by an older couple that retired and moved into a condo. I feel better because that assures me that my realtor told me the truth about the house. I jokingly tell her that I may need her help with choosing paint colors for different rooms because I am horrible about such matters.

"Anytime", she says..."except today." She then explains that her best friend is getting married soon and they are going out to make last minute purchases. After a little more small talk, I watch her walk away. I purposefully turn my head towards my house after realizing I was staring.

I take my time piling boxes with hopes of seeing her again. After realizing I have moved the same pile of boxes three different times, I walk back into the house.

I enter the bedroom and turn the blinds slightly in order to gain a little more light in the room. I had not unpacked a lamp yet and decided unpacking bedroom boxes were the priority. Fortunately I was standing to one side of the window when I made the adjustment to the blind. I did not notice it when I did the walkthrough of the house, but, my bedroom window faced her bedroom window.

Actually, I had no idea who lived in the house next door when I purchased mine.

The vision that caught my eyes made my jaw drop. If my house was on a basement, my jaw would have had splinters as it dropped through the wooden floor on its way to the lower level. There she was! In her room! She must have just gotten out of the shower because she was bending over and rubbing the water out of her hair with a towel. The towel wrapped around her was loose and draping on either side of her chest and torso.

Should I stop looking?

Yes I should, but I really did not want to do that. The beauty, the bare skin and her womanhood all on display. I feel myself harden, my mind whirling with the conflict of desire and decency and the appreciation of the beauty had clashed all at once.

The next thing I realize, I am unbuckling my belt and pants, unzipping my zipper and curling my hand around my hard shaft. Stroking slowly at first then quicker as I watched her stand up, allowing the towel drop to the floor. She glances over her shoulder and looks directly at my window.

I jerk back!! Did she see me? I don't think so, I was way off to the side. But, it was like she knew I was there and looked directly at me! Embarrassed now, heart pounding out of my chest, I hurriedly go into the bathroom. I quickly dry my head that was dripping wet from precum. Heart still pounding, mind spinning and legs weak I stand there and compose myself.

After a few minutes I return to the front living area to try and reset my mind and compose myself. I hear a car door open, close, then a car start. With my back to the window, I turn my head slightly and see out the window though the mirror I hung earlier. It is her...she is leaving to go out with her friends now. I see her put the car in gear and as she pulls away I think I see her look towards my house with a smile on her face.

I feel myself blush. Is it embarrassment? Guilt? Guilty pleasure? The thought of possibly being caught? Have I become a voyeur? Is that bad? There is no way I would be out peeping in peoples windows. That would be termination from the fire department and there is no way that can happen.

I began organizing and arranging with a new sense of determination. With the adrenaline still flowing over what I saw, I used it to accomplish more than I anticipated. Plus, I was on shift at the firehouse the next day and wanted to come home to a little normalcy after my 24 hour shift.

The next day, the guys threw their testosterone covered words around the breakfast table like always. Bragging about how much of my stuff they carried in the house and how no one else carried as much as they did. Or how heavy my headboard was and that the new guy needed help carrying it in.

I mentioned nothing of her. They had no idea who my neighbors were or if I even had any. The only mention was one guy saying that I lived in an old peoples neighborhood because everybody moves out and lives in a condo. A good laugh had by all...but the vision in the window was still forefront in my mind.

A busy night on the Ladder. A house fire, an auto extrication and 3 EMS runs all after midnight. It is the gig...it is what I do. My body adjusts and I keep moving on, always going forward. Maybe since I got so much accomplished at home the day before I went to shift, I can take a quick nap. We will see.

As I pull up to my house and hit the garage door opener, I take a quick peek at her driveway. No car. A small sense of relief floods me. After closing the garage door I walk through the entire house, still in awe that it is MY house. I make my way into the bedroom, and close the door. A sigh of relief escapes me as I turn towards the window and see that I had closed the blind. I busy myself emptying out a box of books that I had brought in from the garage.

The whole time, the desire to peek through the window blind had been building within me. I quickly leave the bedroom and grab a drink of water. I slow my breathing and try to decrease my heart rate.

What is happening to me?

I meet her for a few minutes then I see her through a window and completely fall apart! I make my way back to the bedroom and close the door again. I remove all of my clothes, go in the bathroom and wash my face. As I exit the bathroom I find myself standing next to the window. What in the hell am I doing?! I am standing here like a pervert hoping to get a quick look at her loveliness. I feel myself getting hard just thinking about her. Then I remember, her car was not in her driveway. So, for reasons unbeknownst to me, I move one of the slats on the blind and peek out.

I see that her curtains are pulled apart and her blind is raised. I still feel the butterflies in my belly doing their ballet of uneasiness. I pull my head back from the window and pause. What a minute, was that there before? I look again, this time raising a group of slats on the blind to look into her window. A mirror. There is a full length mirror by her wall across from her window.

Was that there before?...surly it was. I just missed it when I briefly looked earlier. I pull myself away from the window and realize that I have been fully erect the entire time I was at the window.

As I turn around I feel myself gripping myself at the base of my cock. I walk into the bathroom and grab a towel and go lay on my bed. Fully naked on my back, I lay the towel across my chest and begin slowly stroking myself. The image of her bending over, her breasts open to my eyes, her standing up and me seeing the slit between her legs beckoning me to look and explore. My stroking reaches a frenzy. I feel my skin stretch at I grip and tug, pull and slam.

Her smile, her eyes...her voice and laugh!! Her...a groan escapes from deep within... My hips thrusting as I begin to squirt my fantasy out. I lay there after and open my eyes. Calming my breathing down I gather up the towel and sit on the edge of my bed. I wonder if I should even take a nap now. I decide that a shower is more what I need and stand up.

I take a shower and decide to do some more arranging around the house.

The rest of the day being uneventful was a good break for me. Deciding to break in my kitchen I go in to fix dinner. I like the layout with a little island in the middle and a deep well sink. Enough room to maneuver around without bumping into anything. Dinner fixed, eaten and cleaned up, I go out in the back yard to clean up some fallen twigs and debris.

After about a half an hour cleaning up in the back yard I hear a screen door open then close then a "Hey Neighbor!" I look over and see her coming to the fence.

I put the sticks onto the already forming pile and wipe my hands as I cross to the fence. "Well hello neighbor" I say as I place my hands on the top rail of the fence. With a big smile on her face she looks at me and says "I missed you yesterday!"

"You missed me?" I say holding back a stammer.

"Yeah, I thought you wanted help with picking out colors. I knocked on your door and I guess I had missed you because you never answered. Or were you hiding from me and peeking through the blind?"

I felt the blood rush from my face but with years of wearing many different masks in diverse situations, I was able to compose myself and answer.

"Oh, um, Yesterday. I was at work. I work for 24 hours straight then I have off for the next 48. I then work a part time job on those 2 days but I am taking time off from there right now."

My mind whirring, did she see me looking the other day? Is that why she said that about me hiding behind the blind?

"You work 24 hours straight?" She says cocking her head.

Pushing back the image from the window so I can focus on her while standing in front of me I answer. "Yes, I am a firefighter and that is our schedule. I just got off this morning (oh boy did I get off) and will not go back in for 2 more days." "So, whenever you have the free time I would love for you to come over and give me your opinion on colors."

"Sure, how about tomorrow at lunch? We could even have an old fashion tea party." She laughs and then with a wink she said: I am kidding...I just love Alice In Wonderland.

"Oh, ok, ha, I get it." I say and stand there trying to tell myself the wink was just her way of being silly. She has a bubbly personality and that is just who she is.

"See you through the looking glass neighbor." She says as she enters her house.

I stand there in shock. Am I reading too much into this? Am I wanting this too much and want to think every action, word or jester is a flirt or invitation. I step away from the fence and go back in the house.

Time for another shower and a little relaxing by the TV. After the shower I stand at the sink with my towel wrapped around my waist brushing my teeth. I look up at my image in the mirror and think, come on man, she is way out of your league. She is beautiful, you are just a goon...like a tweedle dee or a tweedle dum in her favorite story. Then it hit me...she said looking glass. I take my vanity mirror and turn it, I see the shower, the wall then myself again. Which way was her mirror angled?!

Toothbrush still in my mouth I rush to the window. Peering through, I see that her light is off and with the dusk I cannot see the mirror. I back away and rinse the toothbrush and my mouth.

The whole time thinking of how much of a pervert I am.

After watching a couple of comedy sitcoms and a little bit of the news I decide to go to bed. Pulling the blankets down and sitting on the edge of my bed, she rushes into my mind again. Who am I kidding, she did not suddenly rush into my mind, she has been there the entire time, but the thought of seeing her through the window knocks all other images out of the way.

So, with my light off I go to the window. I have no idea why I tip toed, I live alone and no one was there to hear me. I stand to the side of the window and lift a slat. I see a dim glow of a light in her room. It is a reflection in the mirror. The more I look, the more everything comes into focus. She is there, on her bed. The mirror is angled in a way that when I am at my window I can see her entire bed with her on it.


As if on cue she sits up. Stretches her arms above her head then stands up. I can see that she is wearing a very short dress. Once again she stretches her arms above her head and I watch the dress rise along her thighs exposing her perfectly formed cheeks. No leggings!! No undies!!

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