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New to the Neighborhood

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A man gets a warm welcome in his new neighborhood.
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New to the Neighborhood

Randall walked into his bedroom and handed the warm washcloth to the naked Indian woman laying on his bed, her legs still spread and a sheen of sweat covering her skin.

"Awww, you're so sweet," Malika said with a smirk, taking the cloth and wiping the semen leaking from her slightly swollen pussy. "First you fuck the shit outta me, then you act like a gentleman. I'm glad I sold you this house," she said.

Randall watched as the woman folded the cloth in half and briefly wiped the sweat off her chubby body. "You definitely made moving into this neighborhood an easy decision," he replied, enjoying the way Malika's plump breasts jiggled with every movement.

"Can you blame me for not wanting to let all that fine chocolate get away?" Malika asked him, holding up the washcloth for him to take. As he reached for it, Malika grabbed Randall's hand and gently pulled him down on the bed beside her, and swiftly climbed on top of him, straddling his legs. Her full, D-cup tits pressed into his chest as she leaned down to kiss him on the lips. "You're making me not wanna go home to my husband."

Randall reached around and gave the woman a playful smack on her ass. "It's not like you don't know where I live."

"Very true," Malika said, smiling. She kissed him again before rolling off to the side. She picked her underwear off the floor where they had been quickly discarded. Randall watched as she put on the black lace bra and matching thong. She then picked up the creamy-white pantsuit and white blouse and put them all on, trying her best to smooth out the few wrinkles that were there.

"How do I look?" she asked, her arms out to the side as she did a quick turn.

Randall nodded in approval, liking the way the colors looked on her honey-brown skin. "You don't look like you were just riding eight inches of dick, if that's what you're asking."

"Don't forget sucked on," Malika said with a wink.

"I'll never forget that," he said, standing up and taking her hand to lead her out the room.

The two of them walked to the front door of the house, and Malika gave him another kiss on the lips before putting on her gold toe-loop sandals and reaching for the knob. "Thanks for the workout."

"Shit, you put in work too," Randall responded.

Malika opened the door, and was mildly shocked that Randall stood in the doorway fully naked instead of trying to hide behind the door off to the side.

"Oh, before I forget- next week, for Memorial Day, we're having our annual neighborhood barbecue in the park. You should come. It'll give you a chance to meet your neighbors, and I'll also be able to give you your pass for the pool."

"I'll be there," Randall said.

Malika gave a quick look around to make sure no one could see her, and reached down to caress Randall's manhood one more time. "You better, or I'll have to come looking for you."

"Don't threaten me with a good time," he responded as Malika turned and walked to her car, parked in front of his house. He watched the way her chubby ass moved when she walked before closing the door. Randall let out a deep breath before heading to the bathroom for a quick shower.


The next week, Randall put on a pair of khaki shorts, a red short-sleeved shirt, and sneakers before heading out to the park. It was a nice day, and he didn't mind walking. Besides, it was a good way for him to continue getting acquainted with the neighborhood. On his way there, he waved to a couple of the new neighbors he had met since he moved in.

Randall began to smell the pleasant aroma of lit grills while he was still a couple of blocks away from the park. He walked in and saw a lot of people already there, milling around, talking, and listening to music. As he walked through the crowd, he saw Malika standing with a couple of people and walked over to her.

"Hi, Randall! I'm glad you could make it!" Malika said when she saw him approaching. She was wearing a purple skirt and sky-blue blouse, with matching purple flats. "Randall, this is my best friend, Divya. She owns a clothing store in the area that specializes in Indian and Pakistani fashions."

Divya held out her hand and Randall shook it. "Nice to meet you, Divya," he said to the brown-skinned woman. She was wearing a chadr suit that consisted of flowing black pants with white lacing on the bottom, and a red, white, and gold top. On her feet were a pair of gold kolhapuri sandals. She also had bangles on her wrists that jangled when she moved. Her black hair was in braids that fell down her back. Randall estimated that Divya had to be in her late-twenties.

"Nice to meet you too, Randall," she responded. "Malika told me a little about you," she said, a playful gleam in her eye.

"And this is her niece, Gita," Malika said, gesturing to the other woman with them. Randall turned and smiled at Gita, who also had her hand out. He shook the clearly college-aged young woman's hand. He was struck by her hazel eyes. She was wearing jeans, a Cardi B t-shirt, and sneakers.

"Hello, Gita," Randall said, smiling at the young woman.

"Hi, Randall," she responded, a pleasant smile on her face.

"I would introduce you to my husband, Farid," Malika said, "but he's at the pool with our daughter, Amita."

"I'm sure we'll cross paths eventually," Randall said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, I'm gonna go make sure they're okay. Why don't the three of you grab something to eat and get to know each other?" Malika suggested.

"That's a good idea. The smell of all this food is making me hungry," Divya said.

"Okay, I'll catch up with you in a bit," Malika said before walking towards the pool area.

As Malika walked away, Gita looked at her aunt. "My friend Sara is somewhere around here. I'm gonna hang with her for a while."

"Have fun," Divya said to her niece. She then looked at Randall. "I guess that just leaves the two of us."

"I guess so," he responded with a shrug. "Let's go," he said, gesturing with his hand. The two of them walked away together, making small talk while they got some food and found a bench to sit on.

"So tell me a little about yourself," Divya said before taking a bite of a chicken kebab.

"Well, I'm thirty-two years old, originally from Miami, single, and am an app creator and developer."

"Oh, apps? Anything I might know about?"

"Probably not. I get contracted by companies to make proprietary scheduling and messaging apps for them to keep their employees connected."

"That sounds interesting," Divya said.

"I guess, but the main thing is I'm good at it and it makes me money."

"That's how I feel about my business, too."

"How did you get started?"

"I grew up here in Cherry Springs and graduated from college with a degree in business management. I realized that I was always either having to travel to get a lot of clothes from my culture, or order them online. Since we have a decent-sized community of Pakistani and Indian people, I figured I'd step in and fill that gap."

"Ah, so you're an enterprising woman, huh?"

"I've always had a bit of an adventurous spirit. I tend to go after what I want. And I think I've passed some of that off to Gita." Divya smiled when she said this.

"If you don't mind me asking, and if it's too intrusive, please let me know, but is Gita your niece through marriage? You don't look that much older than her."

"No, it's okay. She's my sister's daughter. My sister is twelve years older than me, so that's how a twenty-nine year old woman has an eighteen year old niece."

"Oh, okay," Randall said with a chuckle. "I was wondering because I didn't see a family resemblance."

"I think the fact that she's half-Pakistani and half-White adds a bit to that."

"Probably," Randall answered.

The two of them continued eating and chatting, finding out that they had a few things in common, including a love for morning jogs, action movies, and spicy foods.

"There you two are," they heard from behind them. Turning around, they saw Malika approaching them, an envelope in her hands. "I have your pool pass, Randall." She held out the envelope.

"Thanks," he said, taking it from Malika. "I love swimming and can't wait to get in the pool."

"Now that's it's getting hot again, I'll be pulling out my bikinis too," Divya added. Randall smiled as he briefly thought about how this woman would look in a bikini.

"And with all that running you do, you always have a summer body," Malika said with a smile.

"Randall runs too," Divya added.

"Must be what gives him his stamina," Malika replied, winking. This last comment caused Randall to look at her in shock.

"Don't worry, Randall. We've known each other since middle school and tell each other everything," Divya said, placing her hand on Randall's thigh in reassurance.

"Yeah, we're open and share pretty much everything," Malika added.

"Should I be worried?"

"Not if you're nice to us," Divya said.

The three of them continued to talk for a while until Malika had to go and get her family. "It's time for me to go get the little one and get her bathed," Malika said. "I'll talk to you later, Divvy," she continued, kissing her friend on the cheek.

"Give Amita a hug for me," Divya said, returning the kiss.

"I will. Have a good evening, Randall."

"You too, Malika," he said, smiling at the woman as she turned and left.

"I guess this is a good time for me to head home, too," Divya said.

"Where do you live?" Randall asked her. When Divya told him, he was surprised. "That's only two streets over from me!"

"Really?" Divya asked.


"Well, that's a pleasant surprise," Divya said. "So then, will you mind walking me home?"

"It'll be no problem at all," Randall responded, standing up. The two of them walked off together, continuing their talk.

When they reached Divya's home, the two of them said their goodbyes, exchanging phone numbers and making plans to go running together in the morning. As Randall walked home, he smiled, pleased with the way the day turned out.

The next morning, Randall showed up at Divya's doorstep wearing red running shorts, a black loose-fitting tank top, and sneakers. When he rang the doorbell, Divya answered, and Randall spent a moment taking in the sight in front of him. The Pakistani woman was wearing a pair of tight gray yoga shorts and a matching sports bra that kept her B-cup breasts firmly in place.

"Good morning," Divya greeted Randall with a smile.

"Good morning," he answered, trying not to stare at her lithe form.

"I hope you're ready for a good run."

"I hope you can keep up with my stamina," Randall replied, smirking.

"Let's find out who can outlast who," Divya said, giving him a playful pat on the arm before starting to jog. As she ran in front of Randall, he looked at her ass, and could see through the fabric of her shorts that she wasn't wearing any underwear. He shook his head, trying to negate the hypnotic effect her ass was having on him.

Divya set the pace of the run and Randall easily kept up, running beside her. Throughout the run, his mind would wander, thinking about her sexy form and round ass. He also caught Divya throwing glances at him and smiling. With her size, he could imagine throwing her over his shoulder and tossing her on the bed before giving her another kind of workout.

By the time the two of them finished their two-mile run and arrived back at Divya's home, they were pleasantly out of breath and had worked up a good sweat.

"I see you weren't bullshitting when you mentioned your stamina," Divya said, fishing her keys out of her bra.

"Why lie about something that you can easily find out about?"

Divya opened the door and gestured with her hand. "Wanna come inside to cool down and get a drink of water?"

"Sure," Randall responded with no hesitation. He stepped inside. "Do you want me to take off my shoes?"

"Yeah, you can leave them right here by the door," Divya said, entering behind him and taking off her sneakers. They walked into the living room of her home, which was fitted out with a comfortable-looking sofa, matching armchair, a glass coffee table in the middle of them, and a television mounted on the wall. She also had a full bookcase and, from what Randall could see, it held all kinds of books, from fashion to science fiction.

"Take a seat on the couch and I'll get us some water," Divya said. Randall sat down and watched as Divya disappeared into the kitchen. She came back a minute later with two full glasses of water. Randall took one and gulped down half of it right away.

"I enjoyed the scenery during the run," Randall said as he put the glass on the coffee table. "You picked out a good route."

"Thank you," Divya answered. "Having a running buddy like you made it fun for me."

"Fun in what way?"

"I've seen all that scenery before, so getting to look at your sexy ass while running made it feel kinda new."

"Well now I don't feel bad about looking at your ass."

"Why do you think I put on these shorts?" Divya asked. "There's a reason I didn't wear sweatpants."

"So you wanted me to see you aren't wearing underwear?"

Divya shrugged. "If you didn't notice, I would've been upset."

"Well then I'm glad I didn't upset you today," Randall responded.

"You know what I like to do after a run?"

"What's that?"

"Take a nice hot shower," Divya answered. She stood up and quickly peeled off her sports bra, letting her firm, round tits bounce out. Randall's eyes went wide when he saw Divya's exposed pale-brown nipples. "Wanna join me?"

"That's a great idea," Randall said, standing up. He took a step toward Divya and put his hands on her waist. "Was this part of your plan the whole time?"

"Would you be mad if I said 'Yes'?"

"More like flattered," he said, before leaning down and kissing Divya on the lips. "And maybe a little in awe, too."

"Malika told me you have something that I might be in awe of," Divya said, reaching down and placing her hand on Randall's semi-hard manhood.

Randall kissed Divya on the side of her neck, tasting the sweat from the run. His lips continued down her body to her chest. He hungrily licked and sucked on her nipples, while Divya moaned in response. Randall licked the sweat off Divya's tits, savoring the salty tang. The Pakistani woman squirmed from the feel of Randall's tongue moving over her chest. His hands cupped one of her firm breasts while he licked and sucked on the other one.

Randall took his time, making sure Divya was enjoying the action as much as he was. He slowly got down to his knees, leaving a trail of kisses down her shapely waist as he did. On his knees, he looked up into Divya's eyes, and she gave a slight nod of approval. Randall reached up and slowly peeled off her yoga shorts, revealing Divya's pussy with neatly-trimmed pubic hair. He took a moment to inhale the combined scent of her arousal and the previous workout.

Standing in the middle of the living room, Divya kicked the yoga shorts off her feet and spread her legs slightly. She looked down at Randall as he reached up and used his fingers to open her lips before licking up and down her labia. Divya let out a moan, the feel of his tongue sending chills down her spine.

Randall probed Divya's womanhood with his tongue. The taste of her sweaty pussy excited him, filled him with energy. He eagerly pushed his tongue in deeper, letting Divya's clitoris press against his nose. Divya put her hands on the back of Randall's head, trying to push his tongue further in to her hole. Randall flattened his tongue and rubbed the entire length up and down her cunt, from the clit to the hole and back up.

Divya let out a loud moan and shuddered, the orgasm sending waves of pleasure through her body. Her legs shook and knees buckled. Randall grabbed her hips, helping to keep her steady. After a few moments, he stood up and smiled at Divya. "Now I'm gonna bend that ass over and show you what else I got."

Before Divya could respond, Randall turned her around and bent her forward. She reached out her hands and held onto the arm of the couch for leverage. Randall gave Divya's round ass a firm smack, making her squeal in surprise. She looked over her shoulder at him as he placed his hard manhood between her legs, moving it a little from side to side, getting her juices on his shaft. Divya's body shivered as she felt Randall's girth stretch her walls and fill her.

Randall pumped his hips slowly, giving both of them time to get used to the feeling. Divya began moving her hips in synch with him, giving Randall the signal he needed. He began moving harder, pulling out and then slamming his dick deep into her. Divya squealed, feeling him all the way in her guts. She didn't think she ever felt a man this deep inside her.

Randall gave her ass another spank, leaving a red mark on her light-brown skin. "Do that shit again," Divya goaded her lover. Randall obliged, slapping her ass again. Both of them became more enthusiastic, Divya imploring her new partner to be rough with her.

"Pull my hair, you big dick mother fucker!"

"You like this, don't you, slut?"

"God, you're the biggest dick I've had," she said between moans. "Oooooh, yeah!" Divya exclaimed when Randall wrapped one of her braids around his hand and gave a rough tug.

"Yeah, take this dick, Divya," Randall encouraged.

"I want it all. Give it to me. I need it!" Divya responded, pleasure taking over. "Make this pussy all yours!"

Divya's yelps and Randall's grunts combined with the sound of his groin slapping against her ass every time he rammed into her. Randall spread her ass cheeks, looking as her tight brown hole puckered. Smirking, Randall put his finger in his mouth, making sure it was covered in saliva. Without warning, he slowly pushed the digit into her ass.

"Oh, fuck!" Divya yelled out, feeling his finger slide into her bottom until it was all the way in.

"I'm gonna make this slut ass mine, too," Randall told her.

"All these holes can be yours," she responded. "Use me to dump your cum in."

"You wanna be my cum dump? Want me to leave all my loads in you?"

"Oh, fuck yeah!" Divya grunted.

Randall slammed into her pussy harder, feeling his entire core tensing. Letting go of her hair and gripping her hips, he held her in place as he shot his load into her womb. Divya's orgasm came immediately after, her entire body feeling electric as wave after wave of pleasure flowed through her. Both of them kept moaning and breathing hard as his cock spasmed inside her, his hot seed filling her.

After a couple of minutes, he released her hips and withdrew his still-erect length from her. He warched as some of their combined fluids leaked out of her. Divya took a moment to catch her breath before turning around and getting on her knees in front of him. She took his manhood in her mouth and began sucking their cum from his shaft, licking him clean. Randall looked down, marveling at the woman he had the fortune of meeting. "That's a good slut," he said, patting her on the head.

When she was done, Divya wiped the side of her mouth and stood up. Grabbing his hand, Divya began leading him further into the house. "Come on, let's go shower so we can get properly cleaned."


The next couple of weeks were like a dream come true for Randall. In Divya he found a very willing and eager partner who seemed to always be ready to be fucked. They met up three to four times a week, usually after work, which quickly led to them spending the night together and Divya enjoying some morning wood before leaving to open her store.

It was during one of these mornings that Divya, while getting dressed, asked, "Why don't you come by the store during lunch time? I can show you around the business I built from nothing."


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