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Next Whore Neighbor Ep. 005

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Christina gets her hide tanned. In so many words! LOL!
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Part 5 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/12/2019
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50 miles outside Albuquerque, New Mexico...a low key Truck Stop called Raunchero's. Mainly because of it's adjoining strip club of the same name.

Dixon Moretti had just finished using his battery operated razor to shave the 5:00 shadow surrounding a perfect full goatee. Shirtless at the moment he peered out his driver's door window into the rear view mirror. Between his rig and the one next to him he watched some very interesting sex going on. A big burley Trucker had his pants down to his boots and was holding up a tiny young woman of African American/ Latina mix. Her complexion almost caramel but dark caramel, perfect in every way. Her backside was flawless not even a tiny mole to draw away from her tight perfect little booty. She being so small it looked as if the Trucker was fucking a child. Dixon knew she was legal but that didn't stop the girl from using her youthful demeanor to attract the imaginations of men. Rolling his window down he heard her shrill childlike verses of, "Fuck your baby girl Daddy. Fill my tight lil' pussy with that big Daddy load." Shaking his head at the girl while seeing her courter gripping her ass cheeks and spreading them wide, her pucker tight and winking in Dixon's direction. The huge white cock ramming up into her cunt was pretty amazing to watch. Sighing he did however redirect his attention.

Closing his window again he snatched up his cellphone from the dash and made a call, all while the girl outside kept busy. Ringing four times the other end of the line finally picked up.


"Wake it and shake it my big assed beauty. I only have a few minutes before I gotta head into Albujerky New Mexico. Miss ya darlin'." He tried to sound convincing. On the other end Christina Holly rolled on to her side in their normally shared bed and fidgeted.

"Do you Dixon? Do you really?"

"Why wouldn't I? You're my girl." He winced then eyeballed the mirror to see the Trucker now pressing the young woman up against his truck door. She was clinging to the driver as if his baby, arms wrapped tightly around his neckline, chin on his shoulder. The girl definitely knew how to put on an act. Two women if you get down to it. Christina was hiding the fact she knew of Dixon's other woman.

"I was sleeping so good. I haven't been...resting well since you've been gone this time."

"Awww! Missin' me that much?" Yes, but that was not the reason why. She had been having so many men over of late she didn't know when it was time to shut down. Fatigue was getting to her. Stress as well over Dixon's butt dialed call two days prior.

"Always! I don't know...I had a bad dream the other day that you...dumped me." Close enough without admitting to his unknown call which he neglected to even notice.

"Dump ya? Why would I do that? You take good care of me Christina."

"You give me everything I need too. I just...worry maybe I'm never enough for you." She shyly spoke. "I hope you would talk to me if I weren't enough."

Brows peaking on his forehead, Dixon puckered his lower lip, "Alright! If you wanna talk about what's on my mind these days...I been thinkin' about you more and the fact I'm the only fella you ever been in bed with." That was no longer true but he had no idea. "It's been on my noggin that maybe we should consider swinging or somethin'."

"Swinging? As in with another couple?"

"At least you know what I'm referring too Miss Nelly Naïve." He chuckles, "Yeah! I adore my girl but I feel like maybe we should open up to speak. If there's any one thing that bothers me in our relationship it's the fact you were a virgin until I got with ya. Ain't you ever thought about being with another fella?" Ohhhhhhh, yes! Quite a few of late, but Christina was not ready to admit to her own cheating. Did it matter? He was too! Her silence led him to scowl, "Course not! Your upbringing and all."

"You would want other men...touching me?" She was actually touching herself as she questioned him.

"Let's talk about this more when I get home in two weeks. Food for thought is all." He sighed, she could tell he was disappointed in her reaction.

"Dixon? You know I would do anything for you. Please don't ever dump me."

"Get that out of your fool head Holly. You're my girl and you ain't going nowhere."

"I hope not. I love you Dixon."

"Love you too Holly Golly. Send me a few pictures to make my day."

"When I get cleaned up and ready. Dixon? I've lost eight pounds since you've been away."

"Have ya now?" He looked shocked, "Don't go gettin' all Skinny Minnie on me, you know I like me some bootylicious 'Bama." She was from Alabama before moving to Texas. "You're sexy as you are Darlin'."

"Thank you. Dixon?"

"Yeah?" He noticed his show outside was winding down. The young woman on her knees in the lot sucking her Truck driver's cock. It was hilarious watching the burley driver holding his t-shirt up over his big belly to see her looking up at him with sparkling eyes, both hands in use over his meaty beast as an added twist. The girl knew how to keep her men happy that was for certain.

"If you want me to be with other men...I would for you."

"That a fact?" He grinned not really buying it. He knew her shyness level. What he didn't know was that shyness was long gone.

"I'll do something unexpected to prove it. Wait until later today and I'll show you. Okay?"

"Like what? You gonna wave in the mailman for free postage stamps?" That was four days ago. He got a blowjob. So much had happened since Christina Holly had reached her inner nympho.

"Whatever I do you can't be mad at me. Promise? I do it for you."

"I promise." He shook his head. "Truck still runnin' good?"

"So far. I haven't really gone anywhere other than walks."

"Walks? That exercise bike not gettin' you where you wantin'?"

"I use it. I might even get in the tanning bed today."

"Get nice and...dark for me Holly." He chuckled, eying the girl outside, her skin tone was pretty appealing to Dixon these days.

"I'll show you my tan lines later." She was fingering herself pretty hard while flirting with her man. Whether Dixon was being honest about other women or not she did want to impress him. All men now! He was just higher on the list compared to most.

"Why you need tan lines?" He laughed, "Tannin' beds indoors. Nobody to see ya."

"Okay! No more tan lines. Ever!" She was not going to be able to commit to that unfortunately.

"Sounds like a plan." He smirked knowing she would never fulfill that goal. "I gotta skedaddle! Love ya Miss Holly."

"You could put a ring on it." She dared to say just to guess at his reaction. If she could see his face it would be of shock. He had a wedding ring in his pants pocket right this moment.

"Someday sugarplum!" Was all he could muster. "Talk at you later."

"Bye Baby!"

Christina hung up and tossed her phone. She needed her hand free to ravage her clit. One to grip, one to dip. For once she could satisfy herself. Of course she did have peeping toms. Some days it wasn't about going inside and fucking her. Outdoors her first few lovers Vince, and Tucker were getting high and enjoying her wake up call. She knew they were there, that was why she kicked her covers off so that they had a clear visual of her sunken knuckles. Christina thrived on giving them her best.


Back at the Truck stop...

Shirt on but left unbuttoned Dixon hit his horn once and leered out his cab's window, slapping a palm on his door. "Reel it in Venus. Daddy has to be in Albujerky by 9:00 drop off. Grab your allowance and let's ride."

Two minutes longer and the girls lover nutted down her throat and chuckled, face beet red and thanking her. Hopping up from her crouch the girl danced about and turned to face Dixon, lowering her tongue to show off the driver's cum. As the driver pulled his pants up he dug out his wallet and gave her two hundred dollars in fifties and twenties. Cash in hand she leaped in and kissed the man on the cheek then skipped like a little girl around the front of Dixon's tractor, he firing up the engine. If other drivers were looking they would have seen lil' Princess Venus hopping like a bunny rabbit one second doing a 360 dance the next. The kid was full of energy. Crawling up the ladder the girl opened the passenger door and pulled her 4 foot 8, 80 pound body, up into the seat.

"I'm back Daddy." She counts her cash, keeps twenty and hands him the rest. "Bank this for my wedding dress." She quickly found a t-shirt from the sleeper and tugged it on over her head. Watching her bubbly attitude Dixon chuckled and made her put her seatbelt on. She did then stared at him swirling the drivers cum in her mouth still.

"Swallow that bubble cum Venus." He knew she was doing it to make him crazy. Giggling she downed it then shared her opened mouth to prove it was empty now. "Kids these days I swear."

"Can you believe that guy thought I was really fourteen? Sicko!" She laughed. "We should have suckered him into more money not to call the cops on him."

"Naaa! He knew you was 18 I showed him your ID when I pimped ya out."

"So he was just saying I was fourteen to get him harder? Like I said...sicko."

"His just go along with it."

"Yes Daddy!" She giggled, "Just like you like thinking of me as your daughter. You're lucky I dig making fantasies cum true. Glad you picked me up hitchhiking Big Dix?"

"That I am. We got us some chemistry Youngun."

"I think so too. That's why I wanna be your ole' lady. Love at first facial." She cracked up as he set the rig into motion. "When do I get to see my new home?"

"When my contracts are settled and I head on back to Texas. Got me a few things we need to talk about here soon."

"Like what?"

"Not right now." He hits the highway but looks over at her, "Get that fuckin' shirt off. Skin only in my rig."

"Sorry Daddy!" Off it went, for that matter out the window it went. Free spirits had no problem with complying.

"That was my shirt."



Showered and wandering nude as she rounded up breakfast in the form of half a grapefruit and two pieces of toast she felt more aware. Eying her carpet and the scent of constant sexual activity upon it she broke out her carpet shampooer and spent a good forty minutes cleaning her rugs. A load of bedding washed was sorely required as well. Chores finished by 10:00 she prepared to ride her cardio bike but heard the front door open.

"YO WHORE!" She heard a bellowing voice. Shivering at her newly christened identity she smirked with acceptance.

"Back porch." She called back to him. In walked one of her first loyal lovers Theo Spooner aka Spoon. With him was one of his brothers Darnell and a friend of their family Maurice Diceman aka Dice. Finding her opening the lid on her tanning bed ready to clean the interior with a bottle of Windex Theo takes the bottle away and eyes her efforts.

"Sun's high! Why you tanning in this thing?"

"It just seemed quicker."

"You have all fucking day Bitch. Get your sexy ass outside and get some fresh air." He sniffs the surroundings, "You're gonna get a headache with all these chemicals." Nudging her toward the back door he opens it up. "OUTSIDE!"

"I need a towel and suntan lotion. There's lotion over there by the tanning bed." Darnell grabbed it while Maurice rubbed his chin looking over Christina's booty. Grinning at her he nodded his interest.

"That a tent over in the corner?" Theo noticed a canvas roll tied up.

"Yes. Dixon likes to go camping when he has time."

Leaving her at the door Theo goes to the tent and unties it digging in for materials. As he does Maurice introduces himself as he steps up to rub her ass. She flared her eyes at his quick recognition of her beauty. "That's one sweet ass."

"Yours for the taking." She mumbles slightly nervous as Theo and Darnell gather items together.

"What did I say Cunt?" Theo growled.


"Is that outside?" He points outward to encourage her to step out the door and down into the grass. With no shoes on she shuffled out into the sun barreling down. With very few trees in the neighborhood, especially in her yard she had clear skies above. It was already 85 at 10:18 AM. Darnell finding a towel joined his brother in the yard. Fluttering the towel on the ground for her Darnell pointed at it. Down she went laying face up expecting to be fucked.

Not just yet!

Ropes and tent spikes at Theo's command, he and Darnell set about binding her wrists and ankles. Once achieved they forced her body into a spread eagle formation and spiked her to the ground using their body weight to press them into the soil. Her blond hair in a ponytail left her neckline free, her collar worn as ordered by Greg and the others.

"Collar's gonna leave a good tan line." Darnell told Theo.

"We can call her White Bitch if that's the only thing left white." Theo chuckled. Maurice manning the lotion bottle crouched next to her side prepared to be her savior. "Hold up Bro." Theo made him wait to run back inside the screened in porch. Minutes later Theo returned with duct tape and scissors he found in the kitchen cutlery set. With Darnell's help they cut tape to design words on her body. It took awhile but piece by piece they blocked the sun from passing through the taped on words. On her chest they wrote SUCK EM. On her forehead they wrote a thin version of SLUT that was centered pretty well. At least Theo and Darnell were artistic. Allowed to lotion her body now Maurice coated her good and enjoyed playing with her tits and rubbing her pussy.

"Let's leave her to bake. KFC run?" Theo opted, his belly growling.

"She safe alone?" Maurice asked.

"Her yard! She'll be cool. We won't be gone long."

"Should we get her water?" Darnell winced, "It's hotter than fuck out today."

"Bring me water when you come back. Let me tan please." Christina was all in. Shrugging the trio went for Extra Crispy. All alone Christina Holly actually nodded off as she tanned.

While gone her still high loyalists Vince and Tucker who were looking through windows for her returned, discovering Chris snoring in the yard. slyly sneaking up on her slumber. Jerking off over her she only woke up to the feeling of cool cum threads pelting down over her belly and tits. Smiling up at them she asked for more lotion. Ignoring their ejaculation both boys covered her a second coat to prevent her burning.

"Who did this shit to you?" Vince laughed at the tape.

"Theo. They went for food."

"Good thing your ole' man won't be back for another two weeks. You getting these tanned words is funny as fuck but I bet he'd be pissed."

"I'm not sure anymore. He called me earlier and discussed us swinging with another couple sometime."

"No way!" Tucker looked with shock. "He still thinks you're here all alone and bored?"

"Yes. I won't admit what I've been doing until I'm certain he won't kick me out. I love my home. I love all of you."

"Greg told us about you home jumping if you got kicked to the curb." Vince added. "New bed every night doesn't sound terrible does it?"

"Not at all, as a last resort."

"Different dick every night." Tucker shrugged, "I'm sure my Dad wouldn't object if you stayed in my room one night, his the next."

"I would be honored to do that for both of you Tucker, but I hope Dixon will keep me. I do care for him."

"I get it! Hell you could do that revolving door thing when Dixhead's on the road like he is now."

"I could, but I'd prefer my own home, my door is always open as it is."

"So are your legs." Vince lightly tapped her inner thighs with his toes. She smiled brightly, that was true. "Man I wanna cum on you again."

"I have no where else to be right now. Is cum like wearing UV protection?" She giggled, it was good to laugh for a change.

"Doubt it but hey it's worth a shot or five." Vince stood back up and began jerking off again. Tucker just lotioned her legs good trying to avoid Vince should his trajectory cross paths with his hands. Taking care of Christina was a vow all of the boys had, some less sweet about it like Vince and Theo but most genuinely adored their whore. She knew it by looking at their reactions. It was nice to be worshipped even if it was for primarily sex.

Buddies Mike and Shawn popped over just as Vince rained on Christina's pubic area, she needed shaved again but had let it grow out to stop the itching. Shawn whom had shaved her before the party noticed it already growing back in stumble. Gathered around her she was getting shade and making her frown. Recommending they step out of Sol's influence over her they did, just standing around talking. When Theo's group came back from eating to find everyone it was around 11:15. She was baking nicely but needed longer in the oven. Theo peeled a corner of duct tape to see how well she was actually tanning and saw a difference but concluded another hour before flipping her over. They figured she had until 2:00 before the sun might not be as effective.

Darnell with a water bottle tipped it over her gaping mouth to feed her hydration. Choking a bit he resisted more and capped the bottle. Everyone going inside her house congregated in the living room as more boys showed up like roaches out of the woodwork. Twelve guys in the house rummaging by themselves bothered her but she was in no position to check on them. Finding her dildo and magic wand Theo brought both outside in checking on her at noon. Using the wand on her clit he at least kept her entertained. Another tan line check beneath her collar this time he sighed, "Ready to turn over?"

"Yes! Can I get a pillow for my head?" She asked as he and Darnell untied her limbs long enough to roll her over on her towel. Ass in the air they tightened her restraints all over again.

"Wrists and ankles are gonna leave rope marks too." Darnell pointed out.

"Good! Just shows she's owned." Theo remarked. "We should have ball gagged her too that way she'd have had a tan line around her jaw." Too late now she was face down. Maurice bringing her a couch cushion to rest under her head as requested made her more comfortable. Easing her ponytail away from the back of her neck made certain her hairline down was well defined by the sun's harsh accommodation. Everyone reconvening around her meant twelve eyes enjoying her fine ass. Inspiration striking Vince took her big dildo and propped it up between her ass cheeks so that the sun tanned her ass crack in the shape of a penis. Too funny! Taping the words FUCK ME on her ass cheeks only added to the effect.

Well lotioned they again left her to herself until 1:10, checking on her with more water, this time brought out in a salad bowl and sat in place of her removed pillow. She slurped water from the bowl like a dog as Mike held her head up by her ponytail to prevent her drowning as she drank. Pictures taken, video recorded she was a hit. As her water bowl was taken away and pillow returned she settled in for another hour of hardcore bronzed flesh. Keeping her greased in intervals kept her from burning in most places.

Dedicated to perfecting her body to their lustful satisfaction Theo finally peeled her tape and saw a well developed tan around the fiber blockage. Removing it altogether the recognition of their work made them proud. Untying Christina she rolled over to offer her earlier work. Looking not quite even she was guided on to her sides for thirty minutes each until a ripe golden brown. Her blond hair was even bleaching some, but with it being tied into a ponytail it wasn't remarkable achieving only highlights. By 2:50 they gave her a thumbs up for her silent dedication.

Vince being evil strung a garden hose out to the yard and sprayed her down to cool off. Frontal tape peeled off the Slut was wet as hell. To celebrate her new skin Theo and Maurice fucked her on her towel DP style. Noisy as all get out she rejoiced at their perseverance. Once they hit those holes there was no stopping until all involved had cum and cum hard. Darnell taking over hit her doggy style, using her ponytail as a reign to hold on to.


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