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Not How It was Supposed to Go

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Husband gets cucked when he thought he was getting a swap.
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"Shut up! No, you don't!" I heard my wife, Maya, exclaim to her best friend Nina from behind me.

"It's not that crazy nowadays," I heard Nina sharply replied.

The laughter of Maya, and Nina caught my attention, "What drama are you all gossiping about now?" I asked, flipping over the burgers on the grill. We had invited our friends Nina and her boyfriend Henry over for a Saturday barbeque.

"Your wife thinks it's crazy that..." Nina began before my wife cut her off.

"You're really going to tell him?" Maya asked.

"Like you're not going to tell him the second we leave anyway," Nina joked back to Maya.

"You're not wrong about that," Maya snipped back, sipping from her homemade margarita.

"Alright, alright, spit it out already," I said.

"Okay, Henry and I have been dabbling in the lifestyle," Nina answered.

"What lifestyle? You guys' vegan again? I just put burgers on for all of us?" I mocked.

"No! We... how do I say?... we've been experimenting with other couples in the bedroom," Nina clarified.

"I still don't believe it," Maya yelled clearly, a little intoxicated.

Just then the house sliding door slid open and Henry had returned from the restroom, "What I miss?"

"Your wife just spilled the beans that you and Nina have been taking trips down to the playboy mansion," I let out.

Henry laughed, "That joke is pretty dated ya know, but I would have totally been down to do that and plus would be less sketchy than some of the people we have chatted with online."

"So, this is not a joke? I need all the details! How many couples? How long?" Maya asked - she had always been a gossipy one.

"Uh 6.9 inches last I checked," Henry replied.

"No! How long have you all been doing this!" Maya clarified.

Pretty soon we had all plated our food and sat in a circle around our backyard makeshift fire pit.

"Henry's the one who introduced me to it, but I mean it is kinda liberating having sex with other couples in the same room or even in different rooms knowing he's getting off and I'm getting off. What can I say that's exciting," Nina explained.

"You're so nonchalant about all this! It's not weird? And you're a regular at this Henry?" Maya digging deeper.

"Yeah, monogamy wasn't really my thing. I've been a past cheater before - no more. Now instead of cheating it's a lifestyle I'm into. Everyone wins here," Henry explained.

"Would you all ever think about doing something like that?" Nina asked.

Maya turned her head quickly towards me, staring me in the eyes, "Doug, do you wanna answer first?"

I thought, "This is definitely a trick question, I can't keep quiet for too long that will imply something," so I said, "No, I mean, I don't know. We made a vow of marriage and even though you'd be there or agree would still feel like cheating, I think. Plus, they said they've spoken to some shady people online. That part in itself is enough to put me off."

"Good answer," Maya responded.

"What you wouldn't be down to swap?" Henry chimed into my wife.

"Oh, so this barbeque is you guys asking us to swap?" I laughed.

"No of course not, but hey gotta shoot your shot when you see an opening. We are all attractive and the market in this city is hard to navigate" Henry replied

"Yeah, there's people we find online who really just want to steal our pics, because you know you wanna see the other couple to see if they attractive, but they just take our pics, or they say they want to meet up then ghost us, or my favorite - this guy once showed up saying 'his wife couldn't make it,' like dude we clearly see your lying," Nina laughed.

"See and that sounds stressful!" I replied.

"Well, the door is always open," Henry said.

"Doesn't sound like just the doors open, Nina," Maya joked.

"MAYA!" Nina laughed.

"Okay, okay anyone want another hot dog, you horn dogs?" I joked back to the group.

"My husband, ladies and gentlemen!" Maya laughed, "And this is the guy you wanted to potentially have sex with?"

After some long laughs and more beers Henry and Nina headed home.

"That was fun," Maya said, laying on the living room couch with her legs sprawled out in her sweatpants.

"What do you really think?" I asked.

"What do I really think about what?"

"Shut up. You know what I mean, what do you think about their open relationship?" I pried.

"I think she's kinda crazy for doing it. Don't think I read between the lines of your answer earlier by the way. You'd totally have sex with Nina if I said it was okay."

"What? No," I quickly replied back in a high-pitched voice.

"Aha! Your voice went all high pitched which means you're lying! Fine, go have sex with her. I see how you look at her ass every time she gets up to do anything."

She may have caught me. My wife, Maya is 26, a beautiful dark skinned Mexican, however naturally somewhat fit she doesn't work out as much as Nina, 26, does. Nina and Henry, 28, are the type that go surfing, play volleyball and their bodies show it. They are the type I lurk on social media anytime they post new beach day photos. A better example would be Henry, Nina, and I do 5Ks while Maya watches, not that she can't do them she just thinks it's dumb that we do them.

"No, I don't," rebutting her comment of me staring at her ass.

"Half of me always wondered if you ran behind Nina in those 5K's just to stare at her ass," Maya said.

"No! She's genuinely faster than me," I disputed.

"So, you wouldn't have sex with them if I agreed?" Maya asked.

I shrugged.

"I KNEW it!" Maya yelled not angry but more joyful that she finally caught an honest answer out of me.

"I don't know if it sounds scary, but potentially fun? Also why is this all on me? Would you have sex with Henry?"

"What are we even talking about?" Maya sidestepping the question.

"Hey! You're the one who brought it up!" I pointed, laughing back.

"You'd really wanna have sex with Nina?"

"I'm not going to play the I'm a man card, but you're dangling sex in front of me. Of course, my instincts are to say maybe," clarifying my stance.

"And you'd be okay with Henry having sex with me? I can't believe this."

"Sex is a dangerous weapon," I joked.

"Okay I'm going to text her right now to set it up!" Maya said, grabbing her phone.

"Do it! I don't think you will!"

"Be careful what you wish for Mister Douglas. After it's all said and done, I think you're the one who's going to be feeling bad about all this."

Maya flashed me her phone with a sent text to Nina:

Maya: Doug says he's willing to try the swapping thing.

"No, you didn't!"

Nina texted back.

Nina: WHAT?" No way? With us? What do you think?

Maya: We are down to try...

Nina: You are so drunk. Aren't you?

Maya: Possibly.

Nina: Text me again when you are not drunk. LOL

"Tomorrow when we aren't drunk let's see how you feel about things?" Maya said to me.

The next morning came. We didn't bring up the topic again - instead we laid around the house on a lazy Sunday and put on our sun hats and began picking weeds in the front yard. After about 25minutes of picking weeds Henry's truck unexpectedly pulled up to the house.

"You set this up fast?" I joked to Maya.

"This is a surprise to me. I haven't talked to Nina all morning," Maya replied back wiping sweat from her forehead.

"Hey Henry, how's it going?" I yelled out.

"Oh it's... uh... it's going, but I think I left my wallet here last night?" Henry replied.

"Okay well let's go to the backyard and take a look," I responded.

Henry seemed a little jittery looking in the backyard for his wallet.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah... Yeah... I just hate driving without my license," Henry said.

"Hey, did Nina tell you the news?" Maya joked as she entered the backyard.

"Maya..." I let out shaking my head towards her.

"No, I actually didn't spend the night at Nina's last night. What news?" Henry asked.

"Doug here wants to have sex with Nina and has agreed to try swapping thing," Maya revealed.

"Really?" Henry chuckled in disbelief, "I've known you for a bit Dougo, and that doesn't seem like you?"

"He just wants to get in your girlfriend's pants," Maya said.

Henry looked at me, "Oh is that so?"

"I mean... It's just... you guys made us feel flattered" I stuttered.

"No, no it's okay, trust me I get it. If anyone gets it. It's me. I'm surprised, but happy. I got some time now. Do you guys wanna do something now? I mean I could use a good fuck to destress here," Henry proposed.

"Woah um. Shouldn't Nina be here? What am I supposed to do?" I interjected.

"Doug, it's your first time. Let's take it easy. I feel like you're a jittering fella. Let's ease into this. Maya and I can hook up today and you and Nina can hook up another time."

He spoke so suave that even though that didn't make sense - he made it make sense.

" I mean I think... we wanted to do this together?" I responded.

"Maya, what do you think? You want to take a shower first or just go like that?" Henry urged.

"Oh..." Maya was caught off guard, "Ya know I feel a bit sweaty from the garden work. Not sure now's the best time."

"We are about to get all sweaty anyway I don't mind," Henry took a few steps towards Maya placing his hand on her ass on the outside of her shorts giving a small rub, "C'mon, there's never a bad time for getting it on!"

"I mean I guess, what do you think Doug? I think we were kinda half joking," Maya said towards me looking for some assurance.

"We aren't drunk anymore, and I think I'd still be up for it, right?" answering her question with my own.

"Thatta boy! Then it's settled! Where's the bedroom?!" Henry asked.

Henry playfully put his arms on Maya's shoulders and ushered her into the house. Maya turned to make sure I was following.

After entering the bedroom Henry stood in front of Maya and placed his hands again on her shoulders to gently massage as he looked deep into her eyes. Maya's gaze back was one of surprise this was happening, shyness but a tad flirty and awe.

"I'm glad you all are cool with this!" Henry said to which I believe was directed towards me.

Rubbing the back of my head, "Yeah, no, it's totally cool. I mean you'll be cool with me and Nina so I should be cool with this."

"Excellent," Henry exhaled, leaning down to kiss Maya who at first hesitantly accepted his kiss, however after the initial ice break could see her body release her tension and accept the passionate kiss. I noticed she was on her tippy toes to make it work as Henry was a lot taller and broader than myself - it only exemplified how cute Maya is.

Henry broke the kiss, "I can tell this is going to be fun!" Suddenly he picked Maya up causing her to catch her breath. With what I can only describe as a playful wrestling move, he lifted her up on his shoulder with ease and flopped her on the bed laying her stomach down with her head at the end of the bed. I don't think even if I wanted to, I could have lifted her up with that much ease. Maya giggled at the movement. Quickly and excitingly unzipping his shorts he slid them down to the floor kicking them off to the side. His cock hung out, the confidence he oozed was palpable. Standing there awkwardly watching I noticed his cock size and girth was larger than my own. "Of course, it would be," I disappointingly thought - but I will get to be with Nina so this jealousy should be worth enduring.

With his cock now directly in my wife's face he leaned over her body placing his hands down her shorts grabbing and tugging on her ass. Maya accepted his cock with her right hand. I could see in her eyes her mentally measuring his cock before she slipped the head of his penis into her mouth. POP - the teasing sound her mouth made releasing the sucking on his cock head and then a slight giggle. Her hips as if in a trance were in motion humping the bed - her ass flexing with every thrust.

"A new cocks exciting right?" Henry asked as his eyes were fixated on Maya's ass.

Releasing him from her mouth, "It kinda is actually, I gotta admit I'm way more turned on than I thought I'd be." Maya smiled to herself until her gaze caught mine. She brushed her hair in front of her face to try and downplay her smile and excitement, but also to hide me from the view of her sucking another man's cock. Seeing her hair bob back and forth didn't so much help, however.

"Oh yeah?" That gave Henry the opening to flip her around on her back as he tugged away her shorts to throw over his shoulder. Maya responded quickly, removing her baggy sweatshirt and unclamping her bra. "Hot damn! you hide a hot body under those sweats" Henry shouted, palming Mayas smaller B tits.

If it wasn't real, enough before - seeing my Latina wife holding her legs spread on our bed with just her socks on for a bear of another man was a sight I thought I'd never witness in my life. I knew Henry was physically taller and thicker than me but seeing him naked did make me feel self-conscious. He was like a fucking bear compared to both of us.

Taking a step forward Henry licked his hand and started rubbing the head of his cock, "Think you going to stay for this part buddy?" Henry turned to ask me before taking a step forward to smack his cock against the outside of Maya's pussy.

"I... what do you think Maya?" I asked.

Maya looked at me in that indecisive look like when I ask her what she wants for dinner, but this was a very different situation.

"Maybe wait in the other room? Kinda feels weird if you just stand there and watch?" She answered back.

"Think of it this way when you fuck Nina do you want me to watch, or do you want your privacy? Whatever you choose Is what I'll choose?" Henry inputted.

Though he didn't really wait for me to respond as Maya gasped at Henry, slowly began inserting his cock into my wife's pussy.

"Ya know I think I'll wait in the other room," I said before scooting out of the room.

"Sounds like a plan brotha," Henry nonchalantly said, going down on his elbows above my wife on the bed as his thrusting picked up steam.

"Lo... vvvvve.... You...you...honey!" Maya managed to get out from the intermediate thrusting of Henry. All I responded with was a quiet nod and a quiet, "I love you too babe," before closing the bedroom door the last image I saw was Henry's hunched over the bed atop my wife fucking as Maya's hands reached around to hold onto his ass.

The excitement, embarrassment, erotic nature of it all had me not knowing what to do with myself. From the living room I could hear the bed springs squeaking and the occasional, "Fu...fu...fuck!" Coming out of both. Quickly grabbing a paper towel, I knew I had to clear some of this from my head. I pulled up Nina's Instagram and pulled my dick out and began stroking. I found a picture of her playing beach volleyball in a bikini. Seeing how her suit wrapped around her tone fit body and how I will get a chance to fuck her was throwing me over the edge - closing my eyes I imagined the scenario. During this I let my phone fall to the side of me on the couch letting just my imagination guide me.

My jerking off was interrupted and my eyes opened wide when I heard, "Oh dude you like what hearing the fucking?"

To my shock Henry was standing naked watching me with his shaft raised like a flagpole, "oh, no, that's not. Uh are you all finished already?" I asked.

"It's cool if listening turns you on. No, I had to pull out Maya's pussy's is too damn tight and almost made me blow my load, so I grabbed some Gatorade really quick and she asked me to ask you where the condoms are?"

"Oh in the top dresser drawer you should find some." I replied back. As casual as can he grabbed a gatorade from the fridge and went right back to the bedroom. As he was passing me, he said, "Don't worry brotha I'll make Maya make some more noises for you to get off too!"

The situation was like a cold ice bath. I couldn't continue to jerk off knowing Henry was in their fucking my wife thinking that is what I was getting off on. I felt cucked a bit from my own hand - and obviously my wife was getting plowed in the next room. I sheepishly walked to the backyard and continued to pull weeds. Checking my watch time I kept thinking, "they must be done... it can't be that much longer."

Finally, I heard some movement in the living room. Walking back inside I found Maya relaxed eating some cereal while sitting sideways in one of our living room chairs with a sweatshirt on and her legs spread giving me a view of her pussy - this didn't seem purposeful but just how she had collapsed on the chair. Henry on the other hand was quick to gather his belongings.

"Alright, I'm taking off!"

"Taking off so soon?" I asked.

"Yeah, I got some errands to run," he quickly responded.

"Babe, that was actually pretty fun! I think you're going to love hooking up with someone else!" Maya assured me.

"You came, I came!" Henry joked.

"Try twice!" Maya joked back.

"You going to set up a time with Nina for me?" I asked.

"Ya know I think I'll uh leave that for you all to set up. Maya, Doug, it was a pleasure if you ever want to do this again hit me up," and with that Henry exited the front door.

"So, you mean you had fun babe?" I asked as Maya sighed with relief from the chair as I grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen.

"No lie, I had fun! Hey, while you're in the kitchen can you grab my phone!" I quickly obliged and provided her phone to her, "Speak of the devil, I got a missed call from Nina and some texts."

"Oh," excitement rushed back to me, "Call her back and set up her and I!"

"Okay, okay its ringing!" Maya replied.

"Like tonight or tomorrow!"

Maya shook her head at me with laughter.

"I'll try for tonight honey!" Maya said before turning her attention to her phone. "HEY!" Maya yelled into the phone, "Henry just left here"

"Put her on speaker!" I whispered.

"He did? That mother fucker! Did he tell you what he did?" Nina sounding upset.

Maya and I looked at each other with worry before Maya spoke, "No what happened?"

"We broke up this morning!" Nina yelled from the other end of the phone

"WHAT?" Maya yelled back. My heart sank.

Nina went on, "That son of a bitch was cheating on me! All this bullshit about being in the swinger lifestyle, gets me to fuck other guys so he can fuck some chicks, and all along he had this other girl who also thought she was his girlfriend! UGH I can't believe that douche bag talked me into fucking some other dudes! I'm not going to lie there was some questionable dude's I had to get with all soo he would be happy to fuck their wives. I am so glad we didn't swap because I am never ever doing anything like that again. You were sooooo right Maya!"

"Noo, he didn't mention any of this..." Maya quickly clicked the mute button, sat up in distress and put her hand on my shoulder, "Shit, we cannot tell her what just happened! Fuck I am so sorry! Fuck, we will talk about us later." Standing up she turned her attention back to the phone, "Nina how did you find out? Who is this other girl?" Maya took the phone to the other room.

I slouched back into the chair, "Fuck," I thought to myself, "For fucks sake, I just got cucked. This was not how it was supposed to go."

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Every husband is looser in end when wife cheats

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Brilliant, the Doug character got exactly what he deserves, I hope his wife becomes the slut she is and dumps him for some arrogant piece of sh*t , leaving him to jerk off on his own sad self.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This was beyond stupid. I know men think with their dicks, but to offer up your wife on a platter, without even a agreement to get yours, is just dumb. Besides that, woman can get laid without your help. It’s the guy who needs the woman on board, so he is accepted into the lifestyle. What I see happening here, is eventually wifey starts screwing around on her own. Hubby has his right hand to comfort him. What women most want from a marriage, is the stability it brings. For this consideration, she locks up the pussy. What this story proposes, would be like a woman giving her husband permission to keep a sugar baby. Move his family to a smaller house, and eat Ramon noodles, so he could afford an apartment for his new woman. Forgo braces, school activities, and new clothes for the kids, as he could no longer afford them. Takes his sugar baby on exotic vacations, while his family stays home in poverty. Ladies, how many of you, would be ok with THAT?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Oh the games people play! Nice twist at the end!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Yawn, just another male failure story/fantasy. When will you guys learn?

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerabout 2 years ago

How a couple could be so stupid, so retarded, is beyond understanding. Never having done this before and they hadn't even got back to Nina to discuss it in the cold light of day. Then they just plow ahead when some untrustworthy dickhead practically demands they do it right then and there. Frankly, they deserved what they got. Now, if he has any backbone, any balls at all, this stupid husband should tell his equally stupid wife that he is going to hire some gorgeous escort for an hour... and fuck her, just as his dumb wife did.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

pathetic - 1*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I know its hard for a married guy to easily get laid but his wife owes him the hall pass regardless of how long it takes. Even if he has to pay an escort.

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