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Not with My Daughter

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Well hung guy fucks his new girlfriends daughter.
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This is my first story for a while. I have a few unfinished ones in the pipeline but I haven't been completely satisfied with the storylines. Hopefully this one can break the drought and I can be a bit more productive with pen to paper.

Not With My Daughter

A few years ago, a friend and I went on a holiday on the west coast of England. Halfway during the holiday, we met and hooked up with a couple of girls who were both a lot younger than us. One was seventeen the other eighteen while both of us were twenty. After a memorable and most enjoyable holiday we were about to go our separate way when the girls suggested we visit them in their home town, also promising that we could stay at their houses. It was all arranged for a weekend in two weeks' time.

The girls met us at the local train station. We went for a drink and a bite to eat before we got the obligatory tour of town, after which the girls declared it was time to meet the parents and drop our bags off. We were travelling in Sarah's car who was Tom's girl so they dropped Maree and I off first, adding that we would see them later this evening. Apparently having already organised a night with their parents and friends at the local working men's social club.

As we entered Maree's front door, we could hear voices from the back of the house.

"Drop your bag here in the hall, you can unpack it later, I want you to meet my parents first and get it out of the way."

I was naturally a little nervous meeting them for the first time, not knowing what to expect.

We went through another door which turned out to be the kitchen. Maree's dad who was facing me came towards me, his hand extended. "Hello, I'm Bill."

Maree's mother had her back to me as we entered but turned towards us as we came through the doorway, giving me a profile of her shapely figure and outstanding tits. When I say outstanding, I mean outstanding. They were on the large size, very well formed rounded and sharply pointed.

"Hello, I'm Amanda, but most people just call me Mandy."

I think I may have paused with my mouth hanging open for a millisecond before I regained my composure. Her figure was stunning. I had to force myself to look up and into her face. I felt my face redden a little.

"Hello, I'm Mike, pleased to meet you both."

Bill said "Has Maree told you that you and your friend have been invited out with us to the local working men's club with us tonight? There will be a couple of aunts and uncles of both Maree's and Sarah's there. Everyone wants to give you the third degree and see if you come up to scratch" he laughed.

"Oh god, how embarrassing!" Maree chirped.

I was looking at Bill but wanted to turn and drink in Amanda's figure, not to mention her face.

I was given the opportunity when she said "Maree, you should take Mike upstairs and show him his room and let him unpack."

Amanda was wearing a black skirt with dark stockings and a red tight-fitting thin sweater. The only thing I wanted to unpack at the moment was my cock. It was beginning to stir. To avoid embarrassment, I quickly said "That's a good idea. Show me the way Maree."

We went upstairs and she showed me my room. I closed the door behind us and pushed her onto the bed, wrapping my arms around her.

"Stop it" she hissed "They might come in!"

"I want to come in" I grinned.

"Oh, you're incorrigible. Later!"


"When I know we won't be disturbed." Giving my groin a gentle squeeze. "Let's go downstairs and have a coffee."

Taking off my jacket we proceeded down the stairs to the kitchen.

Bill and Amanda were sitting close together at the kitchen table obviously in discussion about something. They quickly moved further apart, and Bill said "Hello again. I hope your room is OK Mike."

Amanda's face looked concerned momentarily before she regained her composure and smiled.

"The room is great. Thanks for letting me stay."

"Please make yourself at home while you are staying with us. We thought we would take you both out for tea before we go on to the club. Hope you like Chinese food"

"That sounds fantastic. I love Chinese food."

"That's settled then. I'll order the taxi for six o'clock." Bill declared.

Six o'clock came round, and we awaited the taxi. I was intrigued to see what Maree's mum was wearing. It wasn't anywhere near as form fitting as the red sweater she had on earlier. It was a green loose-fitting dress and although belted at the waist showing off her tiny waist her magnificent shapely breasts were well concealed. An enjoyable but uneventful meal was eaten before we headed off to the nearby club.

We met Tom and Sarah together with her parents inside the club where they had reserved a table for us alongside theirs. Maree's and Sarah's aunts, uncles, and other various relations, together with family friends were ranged in various tables all around us. I felt as if I was in a goldfish bowl. This uncomfortable feeling didn't last long, the company was good, the entertainment outstanding, and the evening thoroughly enjoyable. The only fly in the ointment was that on a couple of occasions I caught Marree's mother looking at me with a curious expression on her face. On each occasion it quickly changed to a smile but not quick enough to make me wonder what it was all about.

Rather than catching a taxi back it was decided we should walk to take advantage of such a pleasant evening. Thirty minutes later we were enjoying a late-night cup of coffee. Soon after Bill said it was a good idea for us to all turn in. I was grateful, it had been a long day with an early start for me coupled with a few drinks had made me sleepy.

Soon after my head had hit the pillow, I was sound asleep.

How long I was asleep I couldn't really say but it seemed like it was only a short time. A noise had woken me. Maree? I was just about to call her name when Amanda said "Mike are you awake? I need to talk to you."

She was stood in front of the window and although the curtains were drawn, she was silhouetted by the dim light from the streetlights outside.

Groggy with sleep at first, I quickly came alert when I realised it wasn't just a dream.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, I am not exactly sure how to put this but I am not happy with you seeing my daughter because of the age difference."

"It's only a little over three years, as she is nearly eighteen and I am just nearly twenty-one. I wouldn't call that a big age difference."

"Nevertheless, you appear much more mature than her, and I think she may do something rash."

"By 'something rash' you mean 'have sex with me?"

"Yes, I think she should wait until she is at least eighteen, preferably nineteen before she loses her virginity. That is why I am going to offer you a deal."

This got my attention. "What kind of a deal?"

I am prepared to have sex with you if you promise not to take my daughters virginity."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Time to negotiate. "Tom and I were planning to stay all week. Does the deal include sex all week?"

"Well," she hesitated "that wasn't my plan but if that's what it takes then ok. I will come to your room each night and have sex with you."

"And how will you explain to your husband where you are disappearing each night?

"I have already discussed it with my husband and he agrees with what I am proposing."

"I don't believe it. Why would your husband let you have sex with another man?"

"He Knows I don't have any interest in sex and neither does he, ever since his um, accident about five years ago. It left him impotent. Our sex life was pretty non-existent even before that. He used to put his thing in me and jerk away for a few minutes until he was done. So, you see it is not that a big deal to us but our daughter is."

"Ok, I said, we have a deal." My eyes had become used to the dark a little and I could tell she was wearing a dressing gown. "Take off your dressing gown and come over here." She did as I asked and could see she was wearing something sheer about knee length, and could see the outline of her body vaguely. The whole package looked absolutely delightful, full formed and curves in all the right places, shapely legs completing the package. "Open the curtains I want to see you."

"Somebody might see me at the window!"

"Remember our deal."

She briskly stepped over to the curtains and opened them flooding the room with more light. Now back lit, her lithesome body was clearly presented to me in all her glory. Her magnificent figure made me instantly bone hard.

"There, I've done it, please keep our deal."

"Climb into bed then." I said, peeling the blankets back.

She did as ordered, and as she climbed in her hand brushed my cock.

"Oh! What on earth is that" she squeaked as she jumped away.

"You are a married woman, you must know."

"But it was so big! It's much, much bigger than my husband's penis."

"What about other men's?"

"I have never been with another man other than my husband."

"So, you have no one else to compare him with other than me?"

"I think we might have to break the deal. I don't think that thing will fit inside me."

"If it won't, then the deal will be honoured, but you have to let me try."

She gave a nervous little murmur but nodded her assent. I took her hand and laid it on my turgid cock. At nine and a half inches I knew it was a lot bigger than average but with sufficient foreplay I had never failed in sliding it into any of the girls I had been with before. As she touched my cock, she stiffened and gasped "Oh my goodness." She only put the palm of her hand on the shaft without gripping it.

"Wrap your fingers around it."

She tried but said "They won't go around it. I'm afraid it will split me."

"Relax, we have to take things slowly." I kissed her gently on the mouth and moved my arm around her shoulders while sliding the other around her waist. "Close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly. After a few minutes I could feel her begin to relax a little. I kissed her again and drew her closer. Caressing her shoulder, I drew her towards me. She had already let go of my cock and slid her free hand around my back. As soon as my cock touched her stomach, she tensed a little and took a sharp intake of breath. I bent my head and licked her nipple.

"Mmm." She murmured.

"Like that?"

"Uh, Huh"

I did it again, sucking and nipping gently with my teeth, eliciting further noises of pleasure from her.

"It's about now my husband would stick his penis in me."

"We're nowhere near that yet." What kind of an inconsiderate lover was this guy I thought.

Continuing with the caressing of her breasts and nipples made her more and more relaxed. Sliding my hand over her lower stomach and gently caressing in circles lower and lower towards her pubic area, she arched her back slightly. I little foreplay was doing the job it was intended to. Touching her pubic hair produced another small intake of breath. Her pubic hair was silky and pleasant to the touch. Sliding my middle finger slowly and inexorably through the undergrowth steadily towards her clitoris. She made it clear when I had reached it by her blissful reaction.

Gentle movements brought on tiny sighs and inhalations. Increasing the vigour of finger movements increased the deep sighs and sharp inhalations of her breath. Continuing further south my middle finger slipped down the lips of her vagina. Suddenly her hand grasped my wrist, and held me there. "Don't stop!"

I had no intention of stopping, instead I used pressure of the base of my middle finger and palm to stimulate her clitoris. She was definitely moist and the tip of my finger nestled deeper, and deeper until it slipped inside into and passed through her vaginal lips.

"Mmm" she whispered.

Deeper inside and further along her slit my finger explored drawing more sounds of pleasure and contentment. Slipping my hand further down enabled me to probe her vagina deeper whilst stimulating her clitoris with my thumb, producing an involuntary jerk and wriggle of her hips. She was becoming wet and slippery. Finger fucking her made her so wet she made sucking and squelching noises with her cunt. Slapping her hand to her mouth she stifled a moan of passion. I covered her mouth with mine and began vigorously finger fucking her first with just my middle finger then slipping my forefinger alongside it. She spread her legs wider to allow me better access. The harder and quicker I pushed my fingers in and out, the more fierce her bodily movements became. I moved down her body and pushing her legs even further apart I was about to mouth her pussy when she suddenly said "No!" ignoring her plea I dived full faced into her soaking pussy plunging my tongue deep inside. Grabbing my head and pulling me in she gave a groan and cried "Yes, yes, yes." After a very short while she gave a massive shudder of her whole body and moaned softly "Oh, oh" over, and over again never letting go of my head. Finally, she lay there and said "I think I have just had an orgasm, I'm not sure, I've never had one before."

Drawing my tongue full length over her clitoris drew a squeak of delight. Continuing on with the mouthing and nipping of her labia lips soon had her writhing in pleasure once more. She was so wet.

Pushing my middle and forefinger once more into her opening and thrusting whilst licking she couldn't keep still, writhing in pleasure. Adding my third finger to the other two increased the stretching of her saturated pussy. When I was satisfied it was time to try to insert my cock into her now thoroughly wet and stretched honey hole, I picked up her legs from behind the knees and opened her, ready to be impaled.

"Yes, I want you to try to put it in me!"

"Hold it with both hands at your entrance ready for me to push."

She did as she was told, and I increased the pressure pushing lightly forward. She moved her grip of the hand nearest to the bulbous end and worked it against her labia until both lips were either side of the head. Another push and the head disappeared inside her. She gasped.

I paused a moment and just said "More?"

"Yes, but gently and slowly."

Working my cock fraction by fraction in small strokes, I had about five inches inside her.

"Oh my god, it's so big. Its twice the length of my husband's and maybe twice the thickness. I didn't think it could ever fit."

Withdrawing an inch and slowly pushing back in brought forward an extended "Ahhhh."

Repeating again and again produced the same results except the tone steadily rose to a higher octave the deeper I went, accompanied by an ever increasing "Ohhh" on the withdrawal stroke. After about three or four minutes I was plunging about seven inches deep, but still moving very slowly.

Increasing the tempo from about four or five seconds for the instroke, less for the outstroke, to about three or four seconds, her legs came up around my waist. "Oh God yes." She moaned on some of the instrokes.

Trying to go a little deeper brought forward a small noise of pain.

"Not too deep." She pleaded.

Instead of going deeper, I increased tempo yet again. This produced a very enthusiastic response from her, and the quicker the tempo, the louder and more enthusiastic she became.

"Oh yes, fuck me, fuck me."

For someone who was supposedly not that interested in sex the reaction was certainly a surprise.

With each pistoning of my cock inside her, her body rocked up and down the bed, swinging those magnificent tits back and forward. They stood upright without sag, perfectly formed like two volcanoes tipped with dark exquisite nipples, which were now protruding like wine corks. As I thrust, she began to thrust her hips taking a little more cock deeper and deeper. Each time she made a sound of a cross between pain and pleasure. I wasn't sure if I was hurting her or not until she dug her heels into the base of my spine. Then, I was sure. Deeper and deeper until my balls were slapping her arse. Suddenly she gave a tremendous convulsion and tightened her arms and legs around me with surprising strength. I was close to orgasm myself. A few more strokes and I ejaculated what felt like hot streams of sperm deep inside her. We both remained motionless for a while until I tried to withdraw but she held me with her legs. "Don't pull out yet. I want to prolong this feeling of contentment."

After a while I rolled off her withdrawing my cock with a slightly audible 'plop.' Laying on my back, she turned and reached for my cock and holding it by the base, it stood limply bending to one side out of the top of her fist. "I want you to do it again."

"OK then get me hard again." She began to slide her hand up and down my cock in a very awkward manner, obviously not even well versed in giving someone a wank. "Not like that, put your lips around it."

"My lips?" she sounded incredulous. "I've never done that before."

"Now's your chance to add to your inadequate sexual experiences." I took her by the head and gently lowered her mouth towards my cock. She offered some resistance the closer she got to my cock.

"It's repulsive. It will taste awful!"

"No, I promise you it will only taste awful if the guy doesn't keep it clean properly. If you think it really tastes awful, we will stop."

"Ok" she murmured but sounded unsure, opening her mouth with obvious reluctance.

Finally touching the bulbous end with her lips, she lifted her eyes to me.

"Ok?" I asked.

"Mmm, mmm." She answered in the affirmative.

"Ok slide It deeper into your mouth."

She moved her head slightly, parting her lips fractionally. I felt my cock touch her teeth. Opening her jaws, a little further, I pushed in slowly, the edges of her teeth scraping over the sensitive flesh of my knob. I groaned with ecstatic thrill. She looked up at me, her eyes wide, white even in the semi darkness. She grasped my cock tightly with both hands, forming a tight seal around my cock with her lips and withdrew with a pop sound. She smiled a knowing smile, made a throaty superior sound. She knew she had me under her control.

"I feel so dirty" she said, "and it feels so good."

She sucked my cock again, briefly pausing to run her teeth over the knob and clamping down gently on the shaft, applying more pressure, then raking her teeth along the shaft as far as she could take it before gagging as it hit the back of her throat. I had groaned the whole time. Without taking it from her mouth, she gave a few more sucks along the length before pulling her head back and announcing;

"There, that's hard enough for you to do it to me again."

Pushing her back, and parting her legs once more, I positioned myself at the entrance to her vagina.

"Push" she said "I want it in me."

I did push, and it went in but not without some manipulation. As it went in, she gasped.


I slowly pushed more and more cock inside her until I had about six inches inside of her and thought she couldn't take any more without more gentle easing in and out.

"Wait!" She ordered. "Hold it there for a second. I want to have that feeling of being stretched."

After no more than a couple of seconds, she lifted her legs high and wide.

"Now." She commanded.

Slowly in and out I pistoned, increasing the depth fractionally each time but not the speed.

She had been moaning louder and louder as I got deeper and deeper.

"Kiss me. I need you to smother my moaning. I don't want to wake everyone up."

As I smothered her mouth, she wrapped her legs around my back and pulled my further in, bucking her hips in time with my thrusts. By now her moaning was more vocal than a moan and if I hadn't covered her mouth with mine, she would indeed have woken the house.

She came with an intensity that was almost scary. Her whole body shuddered and shook violently diminishing to tremors and an occasional spasm.


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