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Nothing Better

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Allie and Evan take a memorable boat ride.
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Allie giggled, "Come on, Evan, we're going to be late!" She took his hand and ran down the dock. "How can we be late if I'm driving?" She just smiled in response. "Help me get this up there," she said, handing him her small suitcase. He was still confused how she could pack so little on a 3-day boat trip. He smiled and tossed it aboard. He stepped up onto the sailboat and held out his hand to her, "All aboard!" Allie took Evan's hand and stepped onto The Amelia.

"Are you sure your parents are cool about you taking the boat?" she asked. Evan smiled his reassuring smile, "Don't worry about it. We're going to have so much fun." He unhooked the boat from its figure 8 knot and took the wheel. "You ever been on a boat, Allie?"

"I've been on ferries with my family when I was younger, but nothing like this."

Evan laughed, "Well then, you're in for quite a ride."

The Amelia began to speed up. Allie shrieked in delight. The wind pushed her hair out of her face, her eyes were big, and her laugh flowed through the air. "Evan! This is great!" Her summer dress fluttered in the wind, and she had to keep it down with one hand. She walked up to the front of the boat and leaned over the rail, staring out into the ocean beyond. Evan loved her like this, he loved her happy. Sure, she was loud and got excited easily, but it was worth it to him.

A good eight or nine miles out he stopped. "Need help with the anchor?" Allie had come up from the front of the boat. "Sure," Evan replied, and took her to the starboard. "Here, just hold this while I turn that lever and when I say so, drop it." Allie nodded. "Now." The splash sent water droplets over the side of the boat. Evan stood up and brushed his hands off on his shorts. "That should be good for now." Allie stood and hugged him. "How about a tour?" she asked. Evan chuckled, "Sure." He took her hand and since she had already become familiarized with the deck, he led her below into the cabin.

It wasn't terribly large or horribly small. Allie first walked into the main room, a small kitchen with a little table stood before her. To the right was the bedroom, and across from that the bathroom. "There really isn't much to it," Evan admitted. Allie spun around and placed her arms around his neck. "It's perfect," she whispered. "You really are the best, you know that?" Evan replied, and kissed her.

"I should start making something for dinner, it's almost six," Allie said.

"Yeah, there's food and pots in the cupboards over there," Evan pointed, "Call me down when you're done."

"Where are you going?" Allie asked.

"I'm going to put down the sail and get our bags from the deck to bring them down."

"Okay," Allie replied and got to work. Evan walked up the stairs back up to the deck. He had already found their bags, and the sail didn't take too long to take down. What Allie didn't know is that beforehand, he had stored some tables and chairs along with nicer table settings in the compartments underneath the bench in the back of the boat.

He pulled out the table from the largest compartment, and placed it right in the center the front deck. He brought over the two chairs and set them looking over the ocean. He brought out his mom's favorite tablecloth, not too expensive, but definitely a statement. The plates were fine china with some golden designing along the edges. The utensils were his parents' silver wedding forks, knives, and spoons. He brought out the two glasses he had stored, and then two champagne glasses. "She'll be surprised with the smuggled champagne," he thought. And the final touch, is in an empty bottle, and Allie's favorite -- a white rose.

"Evan! Dinner!" Allie called from below deck.

"One second!" He replied. Evan grabbed their bags, brought them down, placed them in the bedroom, and came back to the small kitchen.

"What did you make?" he asked.

"Well, I couldn't decide, so I made some salad, and then some angel hair pasta," she replied.

"It sounds perfect," Evan said, and reached behind her to carry up the pot of pasta and bowl of salad.

"Where are you going?" Allie asked.

"Stay right here, I'll be right back, okay?" Evan said. Allie nodded. Evan carried the pasta pot up, and served the two of them. He placed the bowl of salad off to the side, and then went back down to the cabin.

"Okay," he said, "Close your eyes." Allie looked at him quizzically, but did as he said.

"Take my hand." Evan said. She did.

"Now, really carefully, walk up the stairs..." Evan led her up the stairs and onto the deck. He led her so that she was facing the table. He covered her eyes with his hands.

"On the count of three. One...Two...Three!" Evan removed his hands, and Allie's eyes fluttered open.

She was speechless. "E-Evan...ohmygosh! This...This is amazing!"

"No need to thank me," Evan replied, spun her around, and kissed her. "Now, shall we eat?"

Allie nodded, and walked over to a chair. To her surprise, Evan pulled out the chair for her, and pushed it in as she sat down. "I have one more surprise," Evan said. "What could be more of a surprise than this?" Allie thought to herself. Evan pulled out the champagne. "Ta-da!"

Allie giggled, "You're horrible." Evan grinned and he poured the two of them a glass. "To us," he toasted. "To us," Allie echoed.

After dinner, Allie helped Evan put the table, chairs, and table décor back into their designated cupboards. After a while, they had settled down on the bench in the front of The Amelia, Allie's head on Evan's shoulder, Evan's arm around her waist. "Tell me a story," Allie whispered. Evan looked down on her and smiled, "What story could be better than the story of tonight?" He took her face in his hands, she wrapped her arms round his neck and into his hair. "I love you, Allie," and Evan kissed her.

A cool breeze wafted across the deck while the two slept.

Evan woke as the first rays of light. He got up and set a pot of coffee in the kitchen below deck. He came up to see Allie stirring. "Hurry, or you'll miss the sunrise. It's almost as beautiful as you," he said smiling at her.

Allie looked at Evan for several moments, also smiling. She thought to herself, "I wonder what he has in store for this day." Then she got up and walked next to him at the edge of The Amelia. The sun was just cresting. "You'll go blind doing that," Allie remembered her mom saying whenever she'd stare at the sun. It didn't matter at this moment, it's far too beautiful. She took his hand and sighed.

Evan brought his hand around his waist and wrapped his arm around hers. "I love you as the sun loves the horizon."

As it crept higher, Allie realized she needed somewhere to relieve her dinner from the night before. "Where's the bathroom?"

Evan was started by her sudden mention of the facilities, but not for the right reasons. His mind was drifting more toward a shower. A shower would be nice. "We don't have a shower or anything. But the toilet's at the back of the boat. If you need to shower... ocean water's really nice actually." He remembered the first time he went swimming.

When Allie was finished taking care of business, she came out and got a cup of coffee while it was still fresh. She could hear Evan on the deck. "He could be setting sail again," she thought. She decided to make some breakfast, but it probably wouldn't be wise to cook while the boat's moving. So she went back up to the deck.

Indeed, Evan was walking to the wheelhouse; the sails had been unfurled. "Evan, don't you want some breakfast before we go again? And what about the anchor?"

"I weighed anchor while you were using the restroom. I want to bring the boat around the other side of the island before breakfast. There's a wonderful view of the beach and some cliffs."

"But how am I going to cook with the boat rocking? It'll make a mess!"

"Cook? Just grab a snack for now. We can cook when we get there."

Allie scoffed, but went back down. The bittersweet smell of coffee was making her shaky, but she loved it in any case. She found some small muffins in the kitchen's stowage. She ate one, then brought the other one and another cup of coffee up to Evan. Pouring the coffee was a little annoying with the boat clipping the waves.

Evan gladly accepted the coffee. Weather reports indicated clear skies, but the ocean was being quite choppy for such. No matter, he'd had plenty of experience with his dad.

The hot coffee steeled his nerves, the muffin steadied his hunger; well, what little of it that he got. He took two bites, then set it down. Allie had eyeballed it for a few minutes and then decided to finish it piecemeal. Now she was sitting down with her head in a book she'd found below deck. Evan thought of what he hoped might happen in the coming hours or days.

Allie wasn't really reading the book. She was thinking of what she would cook for breakfast. When she looked in the refrigerator, she saw there were plenty of sausage and eggs. There was even some pancake mix. All of that aside, she craved to make spaghetti. Spaghetti's not a breakfast meal though. Evan is so handsome in that shirt. It really shows his biceps.

Allie's distractions were silenced when Evan pulled on the sails to furl them. He motioned to her, "Help me with the anchor again?"

"Sure." After the anchor was away, Allie went down to start breakfast, not even noting what the island really looked like. She had decided on the sausage and eggs. Evan started furling the sails. He noted a school of fish nearby. He wanted Allie to see, but seeing the fish might spoil her of the beach front in front of them.

"Almost done," he heard her say from below.

"Ahh, good. I'm almost done with the sails. I'll bring the kitchen upstairs in a sec," he said, referring to the table and chairs.

The last knot tied, Evan began bringing the dining set above deck. The school of fish had gone. He saw two tankers moving along on the horizon. That sausage sure did smell nice; he was starting to regret not finishing that muffin.

Allie turned the sausage over once more, flipped the eggs around, and went to get some glasses for the orange juice. One of the closet doors had come slightly ajar. There's a latch preventing it from swinging open all the way, but it was open enough for her to see what was inside. She felt slightly unnerved, but tried not to let it get to her.

Evan came down again. "Smells great. How can I help?"

"All done. Just need to bring it up." She beamed at him.

"Awesome!" He grabbed two plates, some silverware, and a napkin holder. She brought up the food.

Again when they were about to sit down, Evan helped Allie to her seat. She said her thanks and then gasped. This was the first time she'd gotten a good look at the scene before them.

Two miles of cliffs were before them, topped by trees taller than she'd ever seen before. The water crashed against the cliffs and made rainbows. It looked musical to her, reminding her of something her music teacher had said once. "Music is like a rainbow. A note has life. Computers are all ones and zeros. Either it's there or it's not. But music should have no defined beginning and no end. It just slowly is there and slowly isn't." She understood now why he had such passion for teaching music. She'll have to show him a painting of this.

Beside the cliffs was the beach. How could a beach be so clean? There weren't things in the sand, it wasn't adorned with warning signs. It didn't have a pier. There wasn't a rainbow on the ocean indicating oil spills or waste or anything of the sort. It was just blue water and tan sand.

"I don't know how you could top the sunrise, but you did."

Evan beamed. He remembered his dad once saying "Son, one day a woman will like the things I teach you." He scoffed at his dad then, but silently thanked him now.

Evan sat and watched Allie enjoying the view. "Breakfast is going to get cold."

Allie jerked awake. She'd completely forgotten about breakfast. "Ahh, yeah. Let's eat! I'm famished."

After breakfast, they decided they'd go for a swim.

Allie was a little shy in her bikini. But after a few minutes of self-reassurance, she'd come out of the bathroom. His expression when he saw her above deck was worth it, though. She'd had to shut his mouth for him. As nervous as she was for the bikini though, she wasn't nervous at all for swimming. She kissed him on the lips and dived in.

Evan tightened his trunks and jumped in after.

"Swimming on a full stomach is bad, you know?" Allie recited what her swimming instructor told her on the first day of swimming lessons.

"You're looking at the full stomach swimming champion, missy!" Evan boasted.

Allie went under the boat and came out on the other side. Evan came along behind just a half moment later. "You placed third, you say? You're damn fast even so!", he exclaimed.

Allie simply smiled. She swam closer to him. "'Damn fast,' you say?" she echoed.

Evan simply grunted his agreement. He could see something coming. He knew what it was. He smiled.

"What's so funny, smartypants?"

Allie screeched as the school of fish swam between them, tickling her every bit.

"Oh my GOD I thought they didn't do that!!!"

"Do what, dear?" Evan lurched forward, took her sides, kept himself up by kicking the water, and kissed her.

Allie simply melted. His kisses were divine before, but this was just pure amazingness. She reciprocated by holding him close. With all of their arms not swimming, it was difficult to stay afloat despite the saltwater encouraging it. They slowly sank; they breathed in and enjoyed a moment underwater before breaking.

When they came up for air, Allie felt more alive than she ever had before. Evan asked, "Is there anything on the ocean you want to see? Anything at all?"

They slowly swam back toward the boat.

"I've never seen dolphins."

"Dolphins are playful but hard to find. I'll do my best."

Evan reached the ladder first. He took hold of the ladder with one hand and helped her toward it with the other.

Allie also took hold of the ladder with only one hand. "There's something else I'd like to see though." Before he could reply, she'd started tugging on the knot for his trunks.

Evan grinned sheepishly and helped untie them. He kicked them down a little, enough to let them fall to his feet, then used his feet to grab it with his free hand and brought them to his hand holding the ladder. Ahh, nakedness.

Allie had inched herself closer and had hold of his hard cock and was pulling it toward her. She'd moved her bottom to the side, to allow entrance. Evan pulled her closer with his free hand and kissed her as she slowly impaled him into herself.

When she felt all of him inside of her, she just floated there for a moment. She wanted so much more, but she wanted the feeling to be just right. He started up a rhythm. Damn him; oh well.

Her breasts were floating from the saltwater. She pressed them closer to him. He seemed to enjoy it. His chest rubbing her nipples through her bikini top combined with the four-and-a-half inches of hardness moving in and out of her sent some shivers through her. Since he was holding her close, she let go of the ladder. With one arm around his neck for support, she used her free had to start rubbing her clit.

His pace quickened. She could feel his cock throbbing. She knew he was close. Her clit hand switched to two fingers; she enjoyed this when she was alone, it will surely help her now.

His grunting, suddenly slowed pace, and the extra warmth now oozing inside let her know that he'd beaten her to the top. But he wasn't out yet, she wouldn't let him be. Allie picked up the rhythm where he'd left off.

Evan kissed her again, not going soft at all. He felt around her bikini strap for the lace, and pulled. It started to float away, but he grabbed it and brought it back to his ladder hand. Holding her again, he pressed her against his chest while she bounced about in her quickened pace.

Allie could feel the energy building. Her insides wanted to explode and implode with it at the same time. She let out a sigh. She wanted to ride this as long as she could, so she slowed down.

Evan whispered something in her ear. She wasn't listening. She was focused on herself, on her senses. She couldn't feel anything else. She was in heaven.

He felt her squeeze. It wasn't like in bed, it wasn't like under the pier. Her clit hand stopped, frozen with tense energy. She screamed with delight. Her eyes were tightly shut; she could only see stars. He could feel her body radiating with warmth.

After a few moments, she relaxed.

But he wasn't done yet. He kissed her again, and started up another rhythm. He was exhausted but he wanted her to remember this moment even more.

She wasn't quite done with leaving her perch. His regained stamina brought her back to the here and now, but only briefly. She could feel him pulsing again. It threw her over again too. Their bodies writhed as if one.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

There was something macabre about this story. What was in the cabinet that unnerved her? I kept waiting for him to morph into something or for something to happen that was unnatural... and I am not a fan of monsters and demon stories or movies...

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