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Of Tentacles and Eggs Pt. 03


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"He can't help himself. He's like a dog," Logan said.

"Yes," Dad agreed, "a horny little dog, And soon, he's going to be our cow too." He raised a big toe to my sphincter and casually prodded it. I couldn't help it; a moan escaped my lips, and my body immediately responded, my ass lifting, legs widening, even as I licked away at the floor. Dad laughed delightedly again.

"Ok, Timmy, that's enough," he said after a couple of minutes of watching me clean the floor with my tongue, ass in the air. "Here you go." Still grinning that evil grin, he handed me the glass of piss. I didn't even get up. Still on my knees, I grabbed it from him and began gulping it down. I drank so fast that not all of it entered my mouth. Some poured down my chin and chest, down through my groin and down onto the floor where it mixed with the small puddle of pre-cum leaking out of my own painfully hard cock. This time, no order was necessary. As soon as I had emptied the glass, I went back to licking the floor.

"Excellent," Dad said, chuckling delightedly. "Excellent work, Timmy. Keep at it until that floor is spotless."

Laughing, Logan headed back outside, no doubt to tell Sean all about what had just happened. That small lucid part of me was horrified, of course, but the rest of me was filled with eager anticipation at -- of all things -- the very thought that Sean too might soon need to take a piss.

Chapter 3

After I finished licking the floor, all I could do was sit there on all fours like a dog, eagerly anticipating my master's next order. I was practically panting as I watched Dad casually chop vegetables. Those huge, muscular glutes bulging balloon-like beneath the hem of that camo vest, those enormous balls hanging tantalizingly low between heavily muscled thighs, and that long tentacle cock twitching as it dangled down well passed those big balls were all I could see, all I wanted to see of him, of my own Dad.

Eventually, I found that I was in fact panting, and I began to drool. I was aware of it trickling out one corner of my mouth and running down the side of my chin, but I couldn't stop it, even when it began to dangle in long strands from my face. Every now and again, Dad would glance back down at me, grin and give a low chuckle, looking very satisfied. The sheer humiliation of it sent more shivers of erotic pleasure dancing along my spine.

To the intense disappointment of that vicious hateful part of me now in control of my body, Sean never materialized, but Dad managed to compensate for that, at least in part. On his way to the fridge for more of some ingredient or other, he stopped to look down at me with a cruel smirk. Then his cock suddenly jerked back and slapped me hard in the face, leaving a trail of pre-cum on one cheek. A wave of erotic pleasure shot through me, and all I could do was moan and pant, essentially begging for more. That elicited another delighted chuckle from Dad, who happily obliged, slapping me hard across the face with his tentacle cock every time he walked by me.

As I watched him prepare dinner, most of me still wet with piss and sperm, drooling uncontrollably and moaning like some beast in heat whenever I took a slap to the face from his cock, my body began to tingle, the sensation most acute in my arms, my chest and my groin. I wanted to look down, but couldn't tear my eyes from Dad, from that ass, those enormous balls, that glorious tentacle-cock. Strangely, I began to feel more and more... comfortable, physically comfortable, staring up at him dog-like from the floor, as if my body were somehow adjusting, growing naturally accustomed to the position.

In between casually cock-slapping my face, Dad started chatting away matter-of-factly, sounding in many ways very much like his old self. This made the moment both incongruously strange and heart-breakingly cruel. Apparently, Dad was preparing a western omelet, one of his old specialties. The meal, however, was only for him, Sean and Logan. None of it was for me. I, apparently, no longer required human food.

Dad paused for a moment to adjust the heat on the stove. Part of me hoped he wouldn't elaborate, wouldn't explain why I no longer needed to consume "human" food. I knew I wouldn't like the answer. But of course, he continued. He explained that the squid creatures, which, by the way, called themselves the Cephalani, had three kinds of slaves: stage 1 slaves, stage 2 slaves, and stage 3 slaves. He, Sean and Logan had been stage 2 slaves in the cave, but were converted into stage 1 slaves so that they could return to the human world and recruit more slaves even as they continued "producing" for their masters.

As stage 1 slaves, they could consume, needed to consume, some human food. But human food was insufficient to allow them to keep "producing" and, perhaps even more importantly, to allow them to retain their human appearance. According to Dad, in order to continue producing and avoid reverting to something that looked a lot more like their "true selves", they needed to ingest a special ingredient he did not name. That ingredient was to be produced by me, in my sperm. Ingesting Dad's sperm shake, which had contained a special cocktail provided by our new Cephalani masters, had apparently kick-started some sort of transformation that would allow me to produce sperm that contained the vital ingredient.

In addition to being creepy as all hell, that explained why they kept calling me a cow. Once my body was "ready", Dad, Sean and Logan were all essentially going to use me like one, milking me for my sperm. I didn't really see how I could produce enough sperm for the three of them, but, once again, I figured I'd find out soon enough and maybe, if I was lucky, I'd be too out of it by then to really care. In any case, I don't think I could have asked for details even if I had wanted to. All I could do was sit there like a dog, watching and listening, as I panted open-mouthed, tongue lolling out, drool running down my chin.

Unfortunately, Dad then finally returned to the subject of my not needing to consume human food. Even in this early stage of my transformation, my body was apparently already able to derive all the sustenance it needed from almost anything Dad, Sean and Logan's bodies could secrete. That was one of the reasons I so craved their piss, Dad's sperm, and Sean and Logan's vaginal fluids. I found that I had been both right and wrong about not liking the answer. Even as part of me wanted to vomit, part of me, doubtless the part now enslaved to Dad, Sean and Logan, had never felt so turned on.

Throughout the whole, incredibly surreal and completely one-sided conversation, whenever Dad looked down at me, I tried to focus on his face, his smile and his eyes, which, more than anything, helped remind me that he was no longer the Dad I had known all my life. Eyes and smile had both turned cold and cruel. His eyes, in particular, sent a chill down my spine practically every time we made eye contact. They were Dad's eyes, and yet they weren't. There was something deeply sadistic about them now, something that could never, would never, have been there before. It was almost as though the squid creatures, these Cephalani, had re-made Dad into the exact opposite of so much of what he had been.

That's when the realization truly hit me. I wasn't entirely sure about Sean and Logan, but Dad at least was not being controlled by the Cephalani the way he was now controlling me. They had done something to him, something deep and maybe permanent, changing him somehow to the core of his being. The realization made me incredibly, deeply sad, or would have if I had been in full control of my emotions. Instead, the thought of Dad as my sexually sadistic master turned me on as much, or, if I was being honest, probably by this time far more than anything else.

Chapter 4

When Dad was finally finished making dinner, he loaded everything onto a tray. "Come, Timmy," he said, as he walked passed me and out onto the patio, tentacle-cock smacking against his legs as he went. I got to my feet to follow and nearly fell onto my face, as if my body had not wanted to cooperate, as if it would have preferred to remain on all fours like a dog. My arms, chest and groin still tingled, and when I looked down, it took me a moment to process what I was seeing. My cock looked huge, not tentacle-like, but considerably bigger than it ever had, and my balls hung almost halfway down to my knees. As I stepped tentatively forward, walking out onto the patio, I felt my balls swaying heavily between my legs, and the word "cow" kept echoing through my ears.

Outside, Sean and Logan were casually sixty-nining on one of the lawn chairs. They had their faces so deep into one another that they didn't even notice Dad and me coming out. Dad didn't even blink. Instead, he smiled approvingly, as he put the tray down on the table. "Hey boys! Meal time!" he called, as if they were out in the yard playing ball or something. They looked like they were already having meal time to me.

Reluctantly, very reluctantly, they disengaged and, grinning stupidly as if they had just woken up from a particularly pleasant dream, they joined Dad at the table, their faces wet with each other's juices, and their stomachs beginning to bulge again. Logan was still wearing his number 7 tank-top with no bottom, while Sean had only dawned a short-sleeved button-down shirt. Sean belched as he took his seat, and the only two closed buttons on his shirt popped off. The shirt opened wide, releasing his growing belly.

"Omelets! Awesome!" he declared. "Not as awesome as cum, but still awesome."

"What's the extra glass for?" Logan asked. Dad had brought out three glasses of orange juice to wash down the food, and a fourth glass, which was empty.

Dad grinned. "That's for anyone who needs to piss," he said. "Go in the glass and give it to Timmy here." He gave me a pat on the back and another one of his cruel grins. "He'll make short work of it."

Sean guffawed. "Yeah, so I heard," he said, and they all laughed as they might have once done at some random jocular joke.

As Sean and Logan started tucking into their omelets, I made to sit down even though I knew none of the food was for me, but Dad stopped me with a raised hand."No, no, Timmy," he said. "Slaves don't sit at the table." Pointing down, he indicated a spot on the flagstone floor by one end of the table, the one next to Dad and Sean. My body immediately obeyed, and I resumed my dog-like position, sitting obediently to attention as they ate. All three looked at me with a mix of mockery and sadistic satisfaction, looks that sent more erotic chills through my body, and that caused me to again start leaking pre-cum.

I managed to avoid drooling again, at least until Sean got up from the table, took the empty glass from the tray, squatted a little as he brought it to his slit, and, watching me with sadistic glee, began to fill it with his piss. As I watched him, I began to drool again, which triggered a dark, satisfied chuckle from Dad, and peals of mocking laughter from Sean and Logan. They hooted and egged me on, as I down Sean's piss with abandon, urine once again running out the sides of my mouth, over my chin and down the length of my body. I couldn't even control the way I drank it! It seemed the more they gave me, the more I wanted and the less control I had.

No sooner had I finished than Dad ordered me to "open wide, Timmy". He brought the fat head of his tentacle-cock to my lips and began to piss straight into my mouth. Sean and Logan's cat-calls became inter-mingled with pleasurable moans and groans, both theirs and mine, as Dad's thick stream splashed into my mouth.

"Ah, yeah, Dad, give it to him. Give it to him good." Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that they both had a hand between their thighs.

I closed my mouth to swallow, but Dad, of course, just kept pissing onto my face. He chuckled again, as I hurriedly opened my mouth again with a desperate, needy whimper to take in as much as I could. His stream began to ebb, and when his tentacle-cock withdrew from the edge of my lips, I couldn't hold back, and gave another disappointed whimper.

"Now clean the floor, Timmy," Dad ordered. The order had been unnecessary. I would have thrown myself at the flagstones regardless. My tongue felt long, longer than normal, as I began lapping at the small puddles of Dad's piss. Dad, Sean and Logan all laughed, taking turns to toe my exposed asshole and balls, as they cleared the table.

"I still say he's more of a dog than a cow," I heard Logan say. I heard Sean snigger and say something that sounded like agreement, but Dad's reply was lost, as he passed into the house. I wanted to hear more, to feel the erotic thrills that being denigrated like this sent coursing through me, but I couldn't have torn myself away from that patio for anything, except maybe more of Dad's cum, or my brothers' wet slits.

Time passed for me in a fog of arousal, as lewd laughter, the echo of hands smacking flesh, and occasional moaning and groaning accompanied the sounds of splashing dishwater, clinking dishes and clanging cutlery that drifted out from the house. When they re-emerged, all three were completely naked, having ditched what little clothing they had been wearing. Sean and Logan looked heavily pregnant, their thighs streaked with their fluids, and their thighs and asses with Dad's cum. Dad's own thighs were also streaked and splattered with his cum, his tentacle writhing in front of him, still leaking. None of them had cum yet. How I knew that, I couldn't say, but I was sure of it. The scent of their readiness finally allowed me to raise my head from the patio floor, drool running down my chin and pre-cum leaking steadily from my engorged cock. My ball sack, now so large it rested on the floor between my heals, felt heavy and swollen.

Dad, Sean and Logan formed a semi-circle around me, grinning sadistically as they looked down at me sitting dog-like at their feet. Dad's tentacle-cock writhed in anticipation, and slapped my face again, hard. It was all I could do to keep myself from begging him to fuck me raw. I barely noticed the object he was carrying in one hand.

"Ok, boys," Dad said. "It's time for our dessert. Timmy, get up on the table on your hands and knees."

I obeyed immediately. Grinning, they snickered with obvious delight, as they examined me standing on all fours on that table, manipulating my huge cock and balls, casually finger-fucking my ass and my mouth. "Alright," Dad said as I sucked eagerly on two of his big fingers, "let's see how much he can produce." I couldn't stop myself from giving a short whine of disappointment, as Dad pulled his fingers from my mouth, and put the object he had been holding -- a large bowl -- on the table right under me, so that my cock dangled down into it. He then moved behind me and started pulling on my cock as if it were the teat of a cow. Almost at the same time, I felt something large push against my sphincter.

"Open up for Daddy, boy," Dad ordered, as the engorged head of his tentacle-cock, slick with pre-cum, pushed into me. I cried out, or, at least, I opened my mouth wide and made a sound. To the horror of that still clear-minded part of me, what came out sounded more like a bestial bellow of some kind than like a human cry of ecstasy.

"That's it, boy, open wide for Daddy." I bellowed again, as Dad started pumping my cock with his hand, and my ass with his tentacle-cock. Off to one side of me, I could hear Sean and Logan moaning with excitement. From the corner of my eye, I saw that they were fingering each other, hands all but disappearing under their now heavily distended bellies.

An eternity of tortured bliss followed, until Dad, breathing heavily, roared into my ear: "Ah yeah! Daddy's gonna cum, boy. He's gonna cum hard." He gave a bestial cry of his own, as his cock spasmed inside me, and he started pumping out his load.

My body seemed to cry out in relief, as it consumed his sperm. I could feel myself absorbing it. The tingling in my arms, chest and groin redoubled. Dad's roars of pleasure were still ringing in my ears, his ejaculate still spewing into me, when my own orgasm hit. This time was even more intense than the moment I was turned by Dad. I bellowed my pleasure like the beast I had become, before everything went black.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wiĺl there be more to this series?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

As a cow would love to see Tim be able to provide more than one kind of milk for everyone

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