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Office (or SEX) Tour

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Sex with my sister in law in hotel while her husband is away.
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I work in a pvt company. I have to travel a lot as per my job profile. I have to go for regular trips in every or alternate months.

Once my trip was to jabalpur. A good city in madhya pradesh, india. My colleague booked my accommodation in vijan palace hotel. One of the cheap and best 3 star hotels. Basically the food is very good in this hotel. There was provision of complementary breakfast in the morning. The dining area is quite large. I entered the dining and punched my card and availed the free pass for breakfast. I was taking different kind of items. In full quantity. There are not many guests at that time. I was just wandering for a corner seat. There was a mirror in front of me. "

I was looking the guests in other corners through the mirror. Checking all the beautiful ladies in and around. Checking one by one, i saw a lady with blue saree. Her back was visible to me. She was looking slim. And curves in desired places.she was just taking her food and not noticing her surrounding. One waiter came and asked her something. For the 1st time i saw her face from side. I thought i saw her some where. I turned around to take a glance. Again i was not able to recall who she may be.

Finally i dared to stand up and walked pass through her for taking some food. Her face was still down. She was only concentrating on her food. When i passed i took a glance and her face composer stricked my mind. I turned around again from the food stall and saw her full face still busy in taking her food. I was speechless. Ohh my god. She was my sister in law rimi bhauja. I cant control my emotions. I pulled the chair and take the seat in her front in the same table. I laughed and she choked food seeing me there. She cleared her throat and i asked her,

Jitu: ohh my god, rimi bhauja...what the hell are you doing here...

Rimi: what does bring you here?

Jitu: i came in some official work. Are you alone? Or came with somebody. Where is big bro?

Rimi: i came with your brother only. He has some office work here. What about you? No phone calls for so long? What happened to you? Are you angry with me? Or anybody told you anything? You showed up after a long time. Is everything alright? How is anu? Is she with you?

After clearing her throat she put me a bunch of questions in a row. I was just seeing her expressions and red lips while she was asking me questions. I had not heard a single question properly. She caught me staring her face. And asked me again,

Rimi: hello... Where you merged in thinking...

Jitu: ohh, just surprised seeing you after a long time. I cant stop myself looking your face. You are so beautiful...

Rimi: ok. Baba ...i am here for 2 days... Don't worry...you see me as much as you want... Now at-least tell something about you...how is life?

We talked about family matters, our relatives, each and everything for 30 minutes. The time flied so quickly, we were unaware of the surrounding. I told her my room number and she also told the same to me. We took 3 glass each warm milk before ending the breakfast completing with each other. During this period she told me

Rimi: take as much as you want. It will help you...

I did not give attention to her words and finished the milk. Giving an audible hitch, we left the dining laughing. She also make comic of the hitching in our way to lift. Once we inside the lift, she again comic my hitching. This time i didn't hesitate and kissed on her lips. She didn't respond to this. Our rooms are 1 floor apart. Her floor came 1st. She left the lift with a smile and told me

Rimi: go to your room, i am coming after some time to your room.

Jitu: ok ...room-403...don't forget...

I went to my room. Keep the door unlocked. I changed to a bath robe. I was waiting desperately. As if time was not moving at all. I waited for only 15 minutes, but it seems to be in hours. I was just wandering in the hotel room.

Suddenly the door bell rang. Rimi bhauja opened the door. I was more than happy seeing her. I realized why she took so much for coming. She had added some more make-up. She had changed her clothing. Now she was wearing a see through net saree. All her cleavages are clearly visible. She winked me seductively. That is enough for me.


Jitu: wahh...bhauja...looking very sexy and beautiful...

Rimi: really...or you are flirting...

I attacked her literally and kissed her pulpy lips. She also responded to my kissing. After kissing for 5 minutes, she broke the kiss.

Rimi: umhhhhhhhh...ohhhhhhh... After a long time i am doing this intense kissing...

Jitu: your lips are so sexyyyy...and you also an amazing kisser...

We kissed again. I started caressing her whole body. She was more than excited. I pressed her ass cheeks. She escaped a loud moaning. The material was very thin and smooth. I did not find any outline of her panty. I ensured myself by pressing her ass several times.

Jitu: i think someone is not wearing panties, under her cloth...

Rimi: do you have any doubt...check it clearly...

While kissing i let her to the edge of the bed. Then i give her a light push on her breasts. She simply fell on the bed. Her legs were hanging by the bed edge.she was breathing heavily with excitement. Her breasts were dancing with her breathing. I wasted no time. Just flipped my bath robe in one move. I was standing stark naked in-front her. My dick was pointed towards the roof.

Rimi: what are you doing, i just asked to check it...

I maintained eye contact with her. Slowly lifted her legs to my shoulders. Her saree and paty coat folded to her waist automatically. Her pussy was clearly visible to me. I just kneel down and checked the wetness of her pussy lips. She just readjusted herself to accommodate my face.

Jitu: ohhhhhh my god...bhauja...you are so wet...

Rimi: its all because of you...

I just lapped 2-3 times to her pussy. All her pussy juice started to drip from her pussy. She had never shaved her pussy. Her pussy was glazing with her pussy juice. I cant control any more. I stood up near the bed edge. Continuing eye contact with her, i aligned my dick head to her pussy entrance.

Rimi: jitu, what the hell are you doing?

Jitu: nothing, bhauja...my cock was erected and finding some wet holes...that's why i am aligning my dick head...ahhhhhhh...ohhhhhh...bhauja...

While i was aligning my dick head, bhauja was uncomfortable and trying to pull out herself from my cock. I was so horny and excited, i unbalanced myself and my dick head entered her tight pussy hole in one swift move. Before she could do anything half of my cock had already entered inside her. She was just surprised with my action. She was not at all expecting all this. All this happened without any warning.

Rimi: what the hell are you doing? Are you gone crazy or what? Pushed inside me without ant warning...

Jitu: no, bhauja...i cant control seeing your dripping wet pussy...it was so sexy...

Rimi: forget it...you are just unbeleiveable...

Jitu: no, bhauja...i was just teasing your pussy lips with my dick head...you started moving and my cock slipped inside...

Rimi: what???... I ...moved you inside me...are you mad... I never let you do that without a condom...

Jitu: from where i will get a condom now? I am not having any with me. I never knew, i see you like this...

Rimi: if you were aware... Did you bring a condom with you...

Jitu: leave it na bhauja... Why you are behind this stupid condom?...don't spoil the moment...please...

Rimi: oho...you are not trying to understand my situation... Your brother always fucks me with condom. And by the way this is the most peak period of my monthly cycle...you brother had not fucked me since last 20 days...yesterday night. He was in horny mood...he came over me and insert his penis in my pussy and started to fuck 2-3 strokes...when remembered he forgot to bring condom, he just pulled out of my pussy quickly...and told me that he forgot to bring condom...

Jitu: so you denied to fuck him yesterday night!

Rimi: are you gone mad...who am i to deny...i was happy, when felt his dick after a long time...i enjoyed his 2-3 strokes ... When he pulled out i felt empty again...he don't like if i demand for sex... I let him, what he wants...then he climbed over me and started tit fucking me and cum all over my face and tits...some how i was satisfied...

During out talk, i slid my cock slowly in her pussy. Her pussy was very tight, but so wet that the friction was nearly negligible. I saw she was not complaining, i continued my slow fuck with my cock entering half inside her pussy while talking.

Jitu: achha! That's why your pussy is so dripping wet and juices are flowing...

Rimi: after all i am also a woman... I have my natural symptoms... How much i could control my needs...

Jitu: i cant control myself without fucking your tight pussy...you are so wet bhauja...its almost dripping my dick is freely sliding inside your pussy...

Rimi: yes... I can feel that...you have already started fucking me... But its wrong...arrange a condom...please...so that we will continue the fucking session...

Jitu: ok...bhauja...i will not cum inside your pussy... When i about to cum, i will warn you and also pull out my cock from your pussy...

Rimi: ok ...but don't forget to pull out...ahhhh...be gentle...it hurts...your dick head is comparatively large for me...

Jitu: bhauja, i am just half insid eyour pussy...the whole cock is yet to be penetrated inside your pussy...

Rimi: is your dick head small? Ahhhhhhh ...it hurts...

Jitu: ohhhhh...khaaaaachhhhh...

Rimi: ohhhhhh...ahhhhhh...ilo...maa...lo...ohhhhh...your dick head is going to tear my pussy...ahhhhhh...

Jitu: no...bhauja...my dick head is not large...your pussy is too tight to take my dick...

Now with one forceful stroke i pushed my hard dick fully inside her pussy. She was moaning in pain. I was trying to fuck her. But i withdraw my dick from her pussy slowly and again pushed inward to her pussy. Again she pleaded to stop and asked

Rimi: jitu, your cock has entered fully inside my pussy... You dick is too fat and long to accommodate in my pussy...please let it be there for a moment...let my pussy adjust to your big cock...

Jitu: haaaa...ok bhauja...now my hard dick is fully inside your tight pussy...it feels like your pussy is pulling my cock deeper inside your pussy...

Rimi: ohhhhhh yesss...ahhhhh...ohhhhh...now move your cock slowly in and out...

Jitu: ohhhh...khach...khach...pach...pach...your pussy feels so damn tight...ohhhhh...ahhhhhhhh

Rimi: yesssss...like that...fuck me...fuck my tight pussy...it needs your hard cock so badly...

Jitu: yesssss...bhauja...your pussy is so fucking tight...feels you have not fucked properly since last few days...

Rimi: yessssss... Jitu ...fuck me...i need your hard cock desperately...it feels so good...when your dick head touches last portion of my pussy ...don't stop...fuck like that...ohhhhh...shitttt...

Jitu: what happened bhauja?...

Rimi: i feel my orgasm building up...don't stop...i am almost there...ohhhh...shitttt...not now...not again...

Jitu: what happened bhauja?...again...

Rimi: i think, my mobile is ringing...there...just hand over me...

I gave the mobile to her. A naughty smile spread on her lips. I stopped fucking. And surprised why she is laughing. She showed me the mobile before picking up. I hardly see the screen, she asked me and picked up the phone. I was wandering what is happening. My dick started to limp a little in nervous. Suddenly rimi asked me,

Rimi: guess who in the call...

I just nodded my head with a no sign. She started to talk in the mobile. I was surprised to hear the name from rimi's voice. In the other side of mobile was her best friend puja. They are good friends. And share almost everything with each other. The conversation between two friends started. My prick was still inside rimi's pussy. Rimi put the mobile in speaker phone mode,

Puja: rimi, where are you? To whom you are giving my introduction? Is dipak(my brother in law) there?

Rimi: you cant believe, where i am now...guess with whom i am now?...

Puja: you are in jabalpur, na? In a official tour...

Rimi: yes...baby...thats true...but at this moment, can you guess...

Puja: ok...you sounds to be in horny mood...definitely not with dipak...are you gone mad or what?

Rimi: you are absolutely right baby...but guess...where i am now...

Puja: i just cant say...

Rimi: i am under somebody's...

Puja: what the hell...are you serious...in the mid day time...

Rimi: so what...opportunity may come at any moment...why you stopped fucking...fuck meeee...let my friend hear the sexy noise of our fucking...

This is too much for me. My dick started to respond to the hot conversation. I started to push and pull my hard dick in&out of rimi's pussy. Rimi do some thing, i was surprised. She put the mobile near my dick and told to her friend,

Rimi: puja, are you listening...ohhhhh... Fuckkkkkk... .khach... Khach... Pach... Pach...

Puja: rimi, oh my god...you just gone mad...i cant believe...

Rimi: my mobile is not supporting video call, otherwise i could have shown the fucking video to you...ohhhhhh fuckkkk...what happened...why are you so worried?

Rimi was holding the mobile near my cock. The mobile screen was flashing towards me. I found that in back ground, one incoming call is flashing. It was dipak's call. Seeing the caller id i was frightened and wanted to tell to rimi. She was asking me repeatedly. I was trying to give hints, but she was not getting. Because orgasm was building to peak. In parallel she crossed her both legs behind my ass and pulled me tightly. Finally she flipped the mobile and saw the caller id. She was also frightened and asked puja to disconnect the call. After puja disconnect the call, the mobile start to ring. With nervous rimi answered the call still in speakerphone mode.

Dipak: hello, rimi...with whom are you talking so long?

Rimi: guess who was in the call...

Dipak: how can i know?

Rimi: you...just unbeleivable...just cant guess...my best friend puja...who else..

Dipak: okkkk... But don't talk much...we are in roaming... Data charges are very high in roaming...

Rimi: ohhhhh...sorry...i forgot in excitement...

With this rimi stop the speaker phone and took the mobile to her ear. She started to talk with dipak. Mean while her orgasm was building and rimi did not free her legs from around my waist. I was trying to pull from her pussy, but she hold my ass more tightly. My dick almost entered her cervix. This was too much for me to pull back. My dick head was gripped by her cervix ring like a nut. My dick started to explode inside her fertile pussy. She felt my cock pulse inside her pussy. She was talking with dipak in low voice and i was filling her pussy with my baby making seed. When she realized the fact that i am cumming, she suddenly pushed forcefully me on my chest. I manged myself from falling. When sit myself in the bed edge, she slapped on my cheek. Then she adjusted her clothing and rushed from my room with anger in her face. My dick was still dripping cum drops on the bed sheet. I was unable to understand what just happened... I called one in the hotel intercom number, but she did not pick up the phone. I did not tried second time...i tried to go to her room, but stopped. I was totally confused whole the afternoon...

I was trying to sleep, but the slap was reminding me again and again. Why she slapped me? What happened to her suddenly? All these questions are wondering in my mind...i switch on the tv and shuffled all the tv channels from 01 to 200 many times, but could not watch a single channel...

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LechemanLecheman20 days ago

Alas, for the grammatically correct cabal, you have floundered.

Me, well at least it's not pidgin English....now that is a challenge!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
from the old one

This is irredeemable rubbish made worse by semi-literacy. Oriya seems to be your mother tongue. Your English is seriously inadequate and does little justice to educated Indians.

Ideally refrain from writing! And stop being a glutton.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
More Indian author incomprehensible crap

Write in your own language, at least then people will understand you. No stars, this sucked ass big-time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Please... Get a Editor.

driver73driver73almost 9 years ago
get a better translator

I got as far as walked pass through her and just couldn't take anymore.

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