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Oil of Roses Ch. 11


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"Damn, I didn't think your kisses could get any sweeter," she said when she was finished and Carol's head was back in her lap, "but oh shucky darn, wrong again."

The two women laughed together and Harry reflected that there weren't much more beautiful sounds than the loving laughter of sexy women first thing in the morning.

"Harry, I've been thinking," Carol said, "and I was wondering how devoted you are to Eddy?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I think we can get him just the woman he needs, that would need him, but it might be a little expensive."
"I'm not that awake yet. Expensive?"

"We'll have to buy her off an asshole that won't part with her easily."

"Uh huh… has anyone told him slavery is illegal?"

"Harry, you know the kind of people 'Jimmy' and 'Paulie' pretended to be? That's the kind of person he is."

"Oh. What happens if we 'buy' her and she and Eddy don't hit it off?"

"Not much chance of that where she's concerned, sir, he's just her type. Now, Eddy not taking to her, well, that is a risk. If he doesn't… well, he or we could sell her or keep her."

"What the hell happened to the whole 'setting her free to make her own choices' option?"

"You haven't met Tamara, sir. That isn't an option. It's a threat."

"Lovely. When do you want to pick her up?"

"You're willing to do this? For Eddy?"

"Love, I owe Eddy for more things than I can count. I owe him for last night. I'm trying to learn to trust your instincts. If you think there's a good chance this'll work and hook him up with a woman that won't fuck him over, I'm game."

"Uh, I know where she and Fat Phillie will be tonight."

"Excuse me, who?"

"Her owner, 'Fat Phillie' Philouma. He plays in a Mexican Stud Poker game on Saturday evenings in a place down south."

"You're talking about Philip Philouma, son of Victor Philouma?"

"Yeah, Vic's kid."

"Victor Philouma, widely believed to be the head of organized crime in the city."

"Yeah, Vic."

"Do you miss running in the kind of exciting circles where you'd get to know these sorts, Carol?"

"Not at all, sir, not at all."

* * * * *

As it got hotter they moved inside to the kitchen table where the smell of coffee eventually brought Margo and Eddy to join the morning crew.

"Eddy, we're meeting for dinner at Chez Bubba's at 7. Margo, Carol and I may be a little late so I was thinking you and Kelly could keep Karen and Patricia company until we got there."

"Uh, sure. I didn't have anything planned tonight except for some more senseless drug use and chemical abuse."

"Well, now you have plans."

As Carol and Kelly fixed breakfast, Margo sat in Harry's lap.

"Harry, I'm home if you want me to be."

"No, beloved, what do you want?"

"I don't want to not be here when you need me again." Her lovely face crumpled slightly. "Unless you didn't need me last night…"

"Goddamn it Margo, don't you dare do that! My love, we need you every day, every hour. You're a part of us and that's not going to change. But you felt, may still feel, that you need some time to get shit straight in your own head"

"Should I go somewhere else?" Eddy asked.

"Shut up and drink your coffee, Eddy," Margo said, smiling at him.


"-and if that's still the case then you need to be away from here. So really, where do you need to be?"

"Let me think on it."

"Margo my love, nobody's rushing you but you."

As the food started to hit the table long-denied stomachs made their demands loudly heard and soon there was no more conversation, just the sounds of five people eating good food and appreciating same.

After breakfast Harry made the next of his phone calls, reserving a private room at Chez Bubba's for his party that night.

Then he called his lawyer and told him what to expect.

J. Noble Daggett had argued with Harry at the onset to set up air-tight pre-nuptials but Harry had been in love and stupid to boot. He was happy to hear about the papers he was to receive and would have pressed Harry for details except Harry'd already told him not to ask. He had never been impressed with Angie, had recognized her for the scheming bitch she was and wondered if he'd ever know what had convinced her to give up her rights to her share of the community property. But if one couldn't stand never knowing the truth, then the law was not the profession one should pursue.

* * * * *

"Well, thanks one and all for an interesting evening and an Angie ass-whuppin' I woulda paid good money to see," Eddy said, pulling on his boots. "I need to get home, freshen up some. I'll be at Chez Bubba's about 6:30, see y'all there."

After hugs and kisses, Eddy headed out.

Kelly threw on her clothes from the night before.

"Arthur, my liege, if we are to venture forth tonight in search of adventure, I must needs repair to mine own castle and prepare as did Sir Edward."

She pressed her body next to his and caressed his cock through his shorts.

"Yet again I find myself leaving Camelot without having achieved my desires. I will have thee, Arthur. Thou cannot forever slip so neatly out of my grasp."

Margo moved up and grabbed Harry's right arm.

"Good Lady Kay, know that you will have your way with Arthur even if I have to hold him down myself."

Carol grabbed his other arm.

"Aye noble lady, for I have enchantments that will stupefy him and make him docile so that he might be bent to thy will. These will I gladly employ to help thee."

"Then hear my pledge, Arthur of the Britons. Before your head hits pillow again for sleep I shall have my way with you!"

"So say I," echoed Carol.

"And I as well," added Margo.

Harry just grinned.

* * * * *

While Harry washed up the breakfast dishes and Margo straightened up the bedroom, Carol very carefully gathered the 2 rugs and 4 pillows that Angie had touched.

"Harry, I'm throwing them away," she called out.

"Please do, I don't want them in our house," he answered, knowing exactly what she was referring to.

Carol took them out to the trash.

Margo had the bedroom back to a somewhat more orderly state. She climbed up on the bed, sat down and thought.

When she came back to the house, was she running away from something or was she running to something?

The first time she'd come here, away, certainly. But that was done and in another fifty-seven days it would all be over and she'd be shut of Benjamin Abraham Sapperstein forever. The first time she'd come back after that was to christen the bed. That wasn't running away. The second time was because she was needed and that wasn't running away either.

How could she go on pretending that she was doing anything alone in her barren little apartment but mourning the fact that she wasn't home? She wasn't working on erasing the big red 'V for Victim' off her forehead when she wasn't with her loves; she was rocking back and forth, missing them with all her heart. It was impossible to think about 'getting her head together' when all she could do was think about the joy and love she was estranged from because of her own fears and insecurities. Harry and Carol didn't ask her to be perfect, they didn't demand that she have it all together, they simply loved her the way she was.

She threw on her clothes, grabbed her keys and purse and headed out the door.

* * * * *

Harry and Carol stared at each other as she drove away, not knowing in the least what to say to each other.

"She'll come back when she's ready," offered Harry.

"We still have each other here to hold on to," said Carol. "Harry, come help me clean myself out. I feel the need for you to take me in my ass. I need to feel owned."

A long shower and some special cleaning later, Carol lay on the bed, as Harry lightly massaged and stroked her ass.



"Did I not tell you specifically not to call Margo?"

"Yes sir, that was one sir."


"But I'm glad you did, Little Cunt, so this isn't going to be just a spanking."

"Oh God I hope not. That was two, sir."

Eight smacks later, Carol lay on the bed, her waist hoisted high on pillows as Harry licked back and forth between her cunt and her ass, nibbling and tongue-thrusting, grasping her hips firmly in his hands.

"Ummm, thank you sir, this is part of just what your little pet needed. Any time I'm feeling insecure, ummm, give some attention to my ass."

Harry lifted his head. "Do I even want to try to figure out the psychology behind that?"

"No sir, you just want to appreciate it."

"I do, believe me."

There was a honking outside, a car horn.

Harry tongue-fucked her ass, running his hands up her sides to her shoulders, gripping them tightly and pulling her towards his face.

"Oh sir, see how nice it is when I've been properly cleaned?"

"Ummm hmmm."

The car horn continued to honk.

"Will whoever please go tell them to get off their horn, they're spoiling my mood!"

Harry buried his face in her cunt, working her clit back and forth.

"Alright, they're not spoiling it that much."

As Harry moved his tongue back and forth over the tiny nub, Carol climaxed and her moan filled the room, so neither of them heard the footsteps approaching.

"When you two are through, would you like to help me unload my stuff from the car?" Margo asked.

Two very surprised faces looked up at her.

After throwing some clothes on the two of them were humping loads in from her car.

When the job was done there was a pile of clothes on hangers, a few garbage sacks of non-hangables, a few boxes of books, a box of jewelry and assorted personal care items, her Sybian Sex Machine, two small boxes of kitchen wares, an ice chest of food and drinks, a box with dry and canned goods and not much else.

There hadn't been any conversation while they were unloading the car as Harry and Carol had been afraid to ask what it all meant and Margo assumed they knew.

Harry was first to take the plunge. "So, moving a few things over for when you visit?"

Margo looked at him, confused. "No Harry, this is it, all I'm bringing with me. Everything else is either in the bank or I don't give a shit about."

Now Harry was confused but Carol had begun to snap.

"Margo, love, do you mean you've decided to stay? You're home?' she asked.

"Yes Baby Girl, I thought the two of you knew."

Harry and Carol, in a reversal of their recent trend, put Margo on the bed before they threw themselves on her.

Her clothes somehow disappeared, as did theirs.

"Guys, I'm really sweaty…" she said.

"Shut up," her lovers replied in unison.

So she did and she was in her lovers' arms and their hands were everywhere at once and they were crying and she was crying and they were kissing her and she would kiss any part of them that got close enough to kiss. When the frenzy of welcome finally calmed Carol was between her legs, making love to her with her tongue while Harry held her in his arms, kissing her passionately and stroking her breasts.

Harry paused for a moment and looked into her eyes.

"Margo Wohler, will you marry me"


"-when both our divorces are final and accept ownership with me of this most special pet?"

"Yes, Harry, yes."

"Then tonight's an engagement party. We'll pick you out a ring tomorrow."

The three of them cried together yet again.

* * * * *

Harry woke up and slowly realized that somewhere in all the crying and cuddling he'd gone to sleep. Not surprising given the night before.

He turned his head to look at the woman he was going to marry. Her long auburn hair spread over the bed like a spill of rose-tinted honey, her pale, slightly golden skin glowing in the afternoon's light.

She was home. She was home where she belonged. She still had issues she needed to work through, which of them didn't? But they could work through them together, helping each other the way they were meant to. That's what friends were for, that's what family was for.

"Why didn't you fall for her when you were in high school together, Harry?" Carol whispered from behind him.

"I don't know… a lot of had to do with the cliques we hung with, a lot of it had to do with our perceived social differences. I was a Stoner, she was a Brain. I was the son of Methodists, she was a Lutheran minister's daughter… biggest problem was that like every girl I found attractive, she was beautiful and I was just another geeky guy with a perpetual hard-on and the social graces of a epileptic bull moose. There are a lot of guys, my love, who go through their teen years firmly convinced they're not worthy of any girl… not that they've put girls on a pedestal, just that they perceive themselves as so uncouth that they completely ignore any possible signals that a girl might be interested in them because that's simply inconceivable to them. And the one signal a girl could send them is one that until recently it seemed socially unacceptable to send: hey, I like you and want to go out with you. There was the whole 'what was proper female behavior and what was not' thing and a lot of the burden for initiating social interaction fell on the sex least able to handle it. I was in college before I lost my virginity and the only reason it happened then was the girl bluntly said 'wanna fuck' and I managed to get 'yes' out without stammering too much."

"But she's yours now."

"No Baby Girl, she's ours now."

"Well then," Margo murmured sleepily, "are you gonna molest me or not?"

"I thought we might wait until you were a little more awake myself," Harry said, grinning.

"Yeah," Carol said, "I've always considered it bad form to interrupt a nap just because I was so horny I could wear out a set of batteries."

"I'm awake now," Margo said with a yawn, "so there's no need to delay any longer." She smiled and stretched, her body in full extension almost overhanging the end of the bed. "Damn, I love this bed. I can stretch and-"

Her sentence was cut short by Carol's kiss; her stretch was interrupted by Harry wrapping an arm around her middle and pulling himself to her. Before she was even aware of what was happening, Harry's head was between her legs, licking and teasing her as Carol was sucking at her breasts.

Margo's mind had been at peace for the first time in as long as she could remember since she made her decision to come home. She had allowed her own fears and insecurities to overcomplicate the situation. Her lovers had been okay with that. They had been willing to allow her all the time she needed to get it together.

Where was it more together than when she was with them?

Harry had decided that the warm moist welcome his tongue had received meant he should stay and bury his face in her welcoming wetness but Margo had other plans. She grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head up.

"Fuck me, Harry."

"Your husband shall do as you command," he replied.

He began to reposition himself and tuck pillows under her ass.

"What did you say, Harry? Did you refer to yourself as my husband?"

"Ahyup, sure did," he said as he made sure she was properly supported and prepared to slide into her.


Harry sat back on his knees and looked at her through the 'vee' of her long legs.

"Margo, as far as I'm concerned, in my heart and the eyes of God I became your husband the moment you said you'd marry me. To love, honor and cherish from this day forward in sickness and in health till death do us part. Waiting until our divorces are final is a formality for the State and the State's not welcome in our home, we don't have enough room. The same for a license… I don't need it. Had one once and it didn't make it a marriage neither did it stop it from being a tragedy. I want a big ceremony with all the trimmings when we're legally able to have one, but that's for you and our friends. I'll enjoy it but I don't need it. Unions are made in the heart and it seems damned foolish to me to call our union one thing and then another simply because of the laws of men."

"Baby Girl," Margo sniffed, "do you ever want to just hold him so tightly you'd probably break him, just because you love him so much."

"All the time."

"Harry, come make love to your wife."


As he slid into her, in his heart he knew that at last everything was right. He was where he belonged, as were Carol and Margo.

Carol was blissfully happy as she and Margo made out, kissing deeply and passionately as Carol's hands caressed her co-owner's body. Co-owner… Carol thought that sounded clumsy and unwieldy.

"Margo," she said, breaking from the kiss, "with Harry I can refer to him as 'sir'… how shall I refer to you more formally… 'madam'… 'mistress'… 'missus'… what name would please you?"

"Oh, madam I think… mmmm, yes, madam… Harry, I think I'm there."

Further intelligent conversation with Margo was impossible as her climax began and the beautiful flush rose through her body. Carol attached her mouth to Margo's breast and bit down, causing Margo to moan as her orgasm continued.

As it slowly wound down, Carol leaned up and whispered in her ear. "Madam, it is so good to have you home where you belong." Another orgasm began to shake Margo's form.

"O-o-oh Baby G-girl, I like that n-name."

Carol got up and went behind Harry. She could tell he was on the edge himself.

"Sir," she said, "thrust in and stay there."

He did so and she moved in-between his legs and sucked his nut sack into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. She felt him trembling above her just as she felt his balls convulsing in her mouth. She released them and crawled up on the bed, fingering herself to a quick, down and dirty orgasm as she watched her beloved owners ride out the aftershocks of theirs.

As the three of them lay there, cooling down, Carol said, "Sir, we'd better get cleaned up and dressed if you want to see about Tamara tonight".

Harry looked at the clock. "Holy shit, you're right. We'd better get a move on."

"Who's Tamara?" Margo asked.

"We'll fill you in as we go," Harry replied as they headed for the shower.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
True grit fan to true grit fan

J Noble Dagget was too cool not to mention. thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
It just keeps getting better and better!

Loving this story! <3

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
The BEST Story I Have Ever Read!!

Again, I have to tell you that this is my third time reading this chapter and story. I really enjoy this story very much and enjoy the cast and plots.

Keep up the good work and hopefuly there will be more chapters after chapter 19 so that I can continue with this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

I really love this story and am looking to further episodes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Time Enough for Love

Loved it! If Robert Heinlein was still around and wrote erotic fiction instead of naughty science fiction, he would have wriiten this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

Great as always. Please MORE. It is like a soap opra that you just can't get enough of!!!

Landrious1Landrious1over 19 years ago
A delight and wonder to behold!

As with the others more PLEASE! Soon! I love this story and eagerly wait the fate or Tamara and Edward. I am glad to see Margo got her head together enough to know where she belonged. Great story!

SensualCurvesSensualCurvesover 19 years ago

I always get to the end and can't wait for the next bit! Sign of a talented and gifted writer.....Congratulations and well done! SC xx

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
love it

I can't wait for the next installement when they get tamara for eddie please hurry. it is real hard to wait for the next story

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