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On the Loveseat Ch. 16


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Dad gave me a lecherous wink as mom walked away and then he took his turn. I returned to my seat, forgetting to get another beverage for myself.

Mom, being mom, noticed this and came out of the kitchen with her glass of wine and a Tigerade for me.

"I saw you didn't get a drink. I brought you one." She handed it to me while keeping her distance.

I reached out and took the plastic bottle from her with a piercing stare. Our bodies might not be able to touch, but our gaze lingered over each other like old molasses.

"Thanks mom." I filled those three letters with all the emotions that I was feeling then.

"You're welcome dear." Her endearment was just as full in reply.

Our gazes broke and we returned to our seats as dad came out of the kitchen with another beer for himself.

"What are we watching next?" He asked.

Like he was going to watch anything while he was fooling around with mom!

"It's the latest Bond film." I answered.

"They still are making those?" Mom asked needlessly.

"As long as they make money they will." I said.

"Let's see what trouble Jimmy boy gets into now." Dad said as he cuddled up with mom, putting his arm around her and hugging her closer.

I turned away from his display.

The action-filled adventure managed to distract me somewhat, with only the scene where OO7 seduced the sexy Parisian croupier reminding me of what was going on across the room. The smacking sounds of wet kisses redundant with the action on the TV screen.

Two hours and eighteen minutes had never seemed so long in my life.

During the first movie, they had kept things PG and that was tough enough. But with the second one, dad and mom were definitely rated R, even without any actual nudity. They were no longer worried about what Johnny and Jojo might witness even though I was still their son too, regardless of my age. Why would dad think that it didn't matter if I saw what they were doing? I was the one more likely to know full well what they were doing. The thought of what would happen when they went to bed and things got X-rated gave me the willies.

I was about to leap to my room as the first credits appeared when dad spoke.

"Could you turn off the TV and get the lights and such?" He asked me.

I noticed that mom's blouse was almost completely unbuttoned and her skirt hung askew on her hips as she tried discretely to cover herself. If dad only knew how much of mom I had already seen! Her eyes avoided mine. My own eyes were trying to avoid looking at dad and seeing any of the signs of what they had been doing.

Dad's hand was on mom's ass as they went to their room.

I couldn't believe how open in front of me they were being with their intent to have sex. I knew it was more of dad's doing than mom's; she was obviously embarrassed by it, as if I had caught them doing something illicit. The fact that mom had denied me that afternoon because of her lingering condition, but that was now consenting with her husband stung. I knew that mom must have been only allowing this because of the irregularity of dad's interest. That she had told me that we might have sex tomorrow was small comfort for me right then.

I went about closing the house for the night; lights, TV, checking the locks on the doors and then headed for bed myself. I put on my headphones with some thrash metal playing to avoid hearing anything that I didn't want to hear from downstairs.

Sleep was a long time coming.

And cumming was the last thing I could think about as I tossed in my bed before I was lost to consciousness.

I was startled out of a forgotten dream by hard knocking on my bedroom door.

What the ...!

I could barely see my clock. 6:15.

"Get your butt out of bed Jeremy!"

Dad's voice.

Oh shit! I was golfing with him this morning!

"Give me five minutes, dad." I called out.

Every part of my being complained at getting up that early. However, I had agreed. Moreover, maybe mom would reward me for my good deed later! Though, truth be told, she'd probably reward me later regardless of any deeds!

Now, I didn't mind golfing with dad. It was time that we could spend together. We never said the words, but it was our way of showing our affection for each other. It was a little awkward for me this time as it was the first time we'd done something together since I'd started having sex with mom. That fact made me feel more of an adult; that I was playing eighteen holes with a guy that I was sleeping with his wife!

Isn't that something that real men did?

It wasn't until the eleventh hole that dad said something that wasn't related to our game.

"I want to apologize to you about the little show that you witnessed last night." Dad said casually.

"Uh, it's no problem dad." It was the last thing I wanted to talk with my father about.

"Your mother is still a very attractive woman. I know she's only mom to you, but she's really got it when it comes to the bedroom!"

"Dad! I don't want to hear this!"

I knew full well what mom was like in the bedroom! Or in the kitchen, the living room, or even the garage!

"You're a man now, you know how things are. You've got a girlfriend, and a few on the side it seems." He gave me a knowing and almost lecherous smile while nudging my arm with the back of his forearm.


"It sounds like you really know how to swing your club, if you know what I mean!" His grin grew two sizes.

I did know what he meant. If he only knew who it was that I was using my club with! Not that I wanted him to know. Oh no, far from it!

"You have to tell me where you found these sisters that you're dating. How'd that happen?" He leaned closer conspiratorially.

"Dad. Are we golfing or not?" I saw the party behind us was closing on us.

"No, come on. I want to hear this." He waved the foursome up, indicating for them to play on. We stepped aside from the tee box.

"You want me to give up my secrets? Isn't that something sacred between guys?"

"But not with your old man. Besides, I'm married. Not like I'll be using anything you tell me."

"There's actually no secret. My ... girlfriend, um, kind of let her sister be with me."

"She shared you with her sister? You dog." Dad grinned fiercely then grew more serious. "I still say that it will only end up causing trouble. Don't let yourself get hurt."

"Yeah, I know. I'm kinda having that problem now. I like being with them both, but ... I like my girlfriend more than the sister, even though I'd always dreamed about the sister. I want to spend more time with the one without hurting the other." I said trying to be vague.

I know, I was giving out far too much information to my dad, but it wasn't as if he could narrow my comments down to mom and Aunt Jess.

"Anytime you are involved with more than one person, you'll eventually have stronger feelings for one of them. Then you start to treat the others differently and they will notice it, and then without being aware of it you end up sabotaging any relationships you are trying to carry on besides the girl that becomes the main one. And if or when the main girl finds out that you've been fooling around with others, that's usually the end of that one too. But you don't seem to have that problem, if your girl already knows you're dating her sister too. But the other day, you said you were with two girls and neither of them was your girlfriend. That sounds like trouble!" Dad explained.

"The other girl is the sister's friend. I'm not into her really, just some fun on the side. Mostly just because she was a friend is how she became involved. She seems to want to be with me though." I answered discreetly.

It was tough to explain the situation without being too specific and without using any names. I was most definitely not using names!

"It sounds like you're finding out why men choose to be with only one woman. Any more than that isn't worth the trouble, no matter how enticing it may seem!" Dad patted me on the shoulder as he passed on his fatherly wisdom.

I had to change the course of the conversation!

"It sounds like you've gone through this yourself."

"Oh yes." He paused as he recollected. "Back in college. I used to date quite a few girls at the same time. Nothing serious, you know. But then I went on a few second dates with some, then thirds. Next I know, I'm going out with four girls at once. None of them knew about the rest and I had to claim I was doing all sorts of studying as to why I couldn't go out with each of them more frequently. Ended up blowing up in my face when I had gotten so tired from classes and dating, that I mistakenly made a date for the same event with three of them! And the fourth showed up on her own to find me getting told off by the other three!" I could see by his expression that dad was reliving that incident. "Word got out, and it was six months before I could get another girl to go out with me. So, trust me. It won't end well. No matter what you might think."

Wow! My estimation of dad rose after hearing him recount some of his past dalliances.

"Four! That's ... just, wow!" I exclaimed. Maybe I had more of dad in me than I knew!

"Not sisters mind you, but yeah, I was proud of myself. Until it ended in disaster. After that, I learned my lesson. Focus on one girl or woman. You can think all the sex is great, but too much isn't necessarily a good thing. Those six months was an eye-opener. I did manage to raise my GPA though."

"And that's when you met mom?" Yeah, I know, back to risky ground.

"Oh, no. I didn't meet her until a few years later." He gave me a somber look. "I had a few more lessons to learn before I was ready for the right woman to come along. And when she did, I was ready for her. And we've been happily together ever since!"

Dad smiled and patted my shoulder.

Not as happily as he believed!

"Come on. Let's finish our game. I still have you by three shots. If you hadn't missed that putt on eight! You should come out with me and Jack more often."

"If you'd play at noon, I would." I answered.

"We're halfway through the back nine by then!" Dad exclaimed and gestured toward the tees. "It's your shot."

We finished the rest of the course with no further conversation about women.

Afterwards, we stopped at the clubhouse. Dad even tried to order me a beer along with his, but when they asked for my ID, dad relented and I ordered a Coke. Dad seemed as if he wanted to linger at the course, but I was in a hurry to get home to see mom. Not that we would be able to do anything with everyone home. It was no longer just about the sex though, I truly enjoyed being with mom even when she wasn't sucking my dick!

We arrived back home and mom welcomed us both with an atypical hug. I thought mine lasted longer than the one she gave my father. I even managed to surreptitiously grab her ass and give it my own welcoming hug with my palms. I heard her squeak in my ear as I did!

I was starving and asked mom about lunch. She informed me that lunch had been two hours ago but that she could be persuaded to fix me something. Dad joined in and said that he could use something to eat also. Out of dad's sight I gave mom a sly knowing smile and asked what I needed to do to get her to make me a sandwich (or two!). As dad grabbed a beer from the fridge and couldn't see her, mom opened her mouth in an 'O' and pushed her tongue against the inside of her cheek. She then brought her right hand to her face as if drinking from a glass.

Or as if she was holding my dick!

I understood her intent.

I let her see me look at dad then back at her.

"I'll have to owe you that mom."

"I'll owe you too honey." Dad said as he headed for the living room.

I saw mom's face light up at that moment.

"You spent time with Jeremy this morning, how about you do something with the other two this afternoon? Jeremy just said he was going to play basketball with some friends. That would give me some time alone to soak in the tub." Mom's glance at me was so slight that if I hadn't been studying her, I would have missed it.

Mom was up to something!

I played along.

"Yeah, Alan and Jim said they got a bunch of guys together. Should be fun." I interjected.

Dad paused before he sat and he looked back at mom.

"I suppose I could do that. You do spend a lot of time with them. And with Spring Break coming up next week, you'll have them all day long." Dad said. "After I have something to eat, I'll take them somewhere. Maybe the movies."

"Maybe the movies and something else." Mom said in a firm tone. "More than just a couple of hours. Like don't come home until dinnertime."

"Oh. Okay. Well, I'll think of something. Or the kids will, I'm sure."

Mom went about preparing dad and I our late lunch, and though dad was sitting in the other room oblivious, I sat at the kitchen table and watched mom go about her task. I noticed that she would glance secretly at me from beneath her lidded eyes.

Definitely was up to something!

Something that surely meant sex for me!

Well, and for her too.

I wolfed down my two large sandwiches and big glass of juice. Mom called my sibling in from the backyard and informed them of dad's plans for them. They went upstairs to wash up before going. I made a show of leaving, telling dad once again thanks for the golf game. He turned his attention from the big screen for longer than his usual glance at me.

"You too. It was nice to get out with you, Jeremy. We don't spend enough time together. We'll have to get out more this summer."

"Yeah dad, sounds good. See you at dinner. Bye mom!" I called out. My words sounded fake to me. I hoped it was only my conscious talking.

"Okay, bye, Jeremy! Have a good time this afternoon!" Mom stepped into view from the kitchen.

That was going to be up to her!

I headed slowly down the street. I planned merely to walk around a block or two, just killing time until I saw dad leave with Jojo and Johnny. I circled our block and the next one behind us then cut across the intersection with our street and saw dad's truck still in the driveway. So I walked around the two blocks across from us and coming back from the opposite end of our street, saw his truck was now gone. I almost ran down our street back home.

I was slightly winded as I entered and the little breath that I had left was quickly sucked from me when mom mauled me with her mouth. After more than a few minutes, we parted. Just before I would have collapsed from oxygen deprivation!

"I need you so badly Jeremy!" Mom gasped, breathing deeply herself.

"Me too mom!" I replied, having her half undressed with my eyes. "My room." I said as if it was already understood.

"Yes." She answered in the process of removing my shirt over my head.

Another lingering kiss and we headed up the stairs.

Do you know how hard it is to walk up stairs side-by-side while trying to undress someone and kissing them at the same time? It's very difficult.

We reached the top of the steps with me stumbling with my pants around my knees. Mom's saffron colored blouse was open and hanging on her elbows revealing her lacy black bra. Her trim white slacks were undone and pushed around her hips.

We paused to lock our lips again, our arms wrapped around each other.

"My room." I repeated as we again regained our breath.

Mom's eyes darted down the hall to my open doorway. I almost picked her up and carried her there. We instead walked the dozen feet, our hands wandering over our bodies and our lips meeting in a multitude of quick kisses. Both of us still had enough wits about us to bring any removed clothing with us and not to leave any incriminating evidence along our route.

After going a week without we skipped any foreplay and I entered her almost as soon as we fell onto my bed. Neither of us lasted more than a few minutes.

We were both ready to go again but we took a moment to lie beside each other in the afterglow and collect our breaths and our wits. Mom and I stared at my ceiling in mutual silence for long minutes before mom spoke.

"I was glad you and your father were able to spend some time together this morning. With all this," she waved a hand above her sheen-covered belly, "going on, I don't want any rivalry to come between you and your dad." She then turned to look at me.

I felt her gaze on me and twisted my head to look back at my beautiful mother.

"That's funny that you should say that." I then related the conversation that occurred between me and dad. I did leave my own personal conflicted feeling about her unspoken.

"I'm sorry about last night too. Regardless of my own dilemma, I don't want you to feel caught in the middle of your mom and dad. You shouldn't have to choose between us."

"There is no choice mom." I interrupted.

"Let me finish. You only say that because of the sex. Would you still say that if my hand hadn't landed in your lap? Don't answer that. Again, I don't want you to have to choose. Your father and I love you equally as our son. Things have become complicated beyond that, but that will always be true and I don't want you to forget that. Whatever else might happen if Justin ever found out about us, that he would stop loving you would break my heart Jeremy." Mom turned onto her side to stare at my face. Her eyes were glassy with excess moisture.

"Mom." I rolled onto my shoulder and put a soft hand on her cheek.

"I can't say that I appreciate him telling you details about our ... sex life." She gave me a weak smile but her voice was a notch harsher.

"Wasn't really ... details. Just that you were still attractive and ... hot in bed." I declared. "Both of which I already knew."

Her smile grew stronger, adding brightness to the daylight lit room.

"He said that?" Her green eyes warmed.

I could see the love that she still felt for dad. It may not be the fierce roaring flame that we felt for each other; it was more of a warm comforting fire that kept the chill of a winter's day at bay. I could also see the conflict that mom felt between the two.

"Mom. Can we not talk about dad while I have you naked in my bed?" I put my hand on her shoulder and pushed her over onto her back again. I moved my upper body over her, her full breasts and wrinkly nipples pressed to my chest.

"You didn't have to hear anything again did you?" Her eyes flickered between mine, searching.

"I put on headphones. After a week of not being with you, I wouldn't have been able to bear hearing you ...," I could not continue.

"Oh, Jeremy." She lifted her head to kiss me gently.

"You get to hear me now though." Mom gave me a devilish smile.

"Are you going to get loud mom? Are you going to scream out in pleasure as I fill your pussy?"

"Oh, yes! Fill me good honey. So many times this week I was nearly ready to jump on you!"

"What was that about you saying you could last longer than me?" A sly smile crept on my lips.

"I didn't have you blowing me almost every day either!" She retorted.

"I don't remember twisting your arm with any of them." I responded calmly. "And it seems that it was your decision that we didn't do anything more than that also. I was willing."

Willing was an understatement.

Mom's eyes dropped from mine.

"I'm sorry Jeremy. No matter how horny I get, I just can't have sex when I'm on my period. It maybe just a quirk, but it's how I feel." Her apology sounded hurt.

"It's okay mom. That I get to have any sex with you, or do anything with you for that matter, is more than I can ever ask."

"Aww, honey. That's how I feel too." Mom cooed.

"And speaking about blowing me ..." I glanced downward at my hidden loins.

"Are you asking your dear mother to suck your dick dear? You're such a naughty son to talk to me that way! I might have to let you spank me for that!"

"Don't you mean you spanking me?" I teased back.

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