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One More from the Attic Pt. 03


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She kissed me under the warm spray and stroked my soapy cock. Unlike most of the times we had been together, there was nothing frantic in her kiss. Instead, this was a slow, sensuous kiss that was full of promise. We got out of the shower and she toweled me dry. She kissed me on my chest, then on the head of my cock, and nuzzled my shoulder while gently working the towel over me. After that she wrapped a bathrobe around me. I was completely calm when we emerged from the bathroom.

Hope was there, looking tense, and I was ready to hug her gently and calm her down. The three of us were sitting on the couch talking quietly when Colleen emerged from my bedroom. She was blinking and stretching when she stopped and looked at us. Amy was wearing one of our fluffy white bathrobes, like I was. She was the one who stood and strode over to Colleen, embracing her in a warm hug. After a moment of confusion, Colleen hugged her back.

"Colleen, it's so nice to finally meet you," Amy murmured. She gave Colleen a radiant smile and then led her over to the couch. Amy guided Colleen into my lap and then settled beside us. She was still holding Colleen's hand. Amy patted Colleen's hand softly and prompted, "So, how was your drive?"

"Um...it was okay." Colleen looked at me, then Hope, and then Amy. "I'm sorry—who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Amy. I'm Hope's friend, and now Daniel's friend. I hope I'll be your friend, too." Amy gave Colleen's hand a soft squeeze. I saw that clearly, since it was right in front of me.

Colleen could not help but smile at the warm look Amy gave her. "Thanks," she replied softly.

"Oh! How is Aunt Cathy doing?" Amy asked. That was another surprise. We had barely mentioned Aunt Cathy to Amy. At least, I hadn't. I turned to look at Hope, but she also seemed surprised.

"She's doing great," Colleen replied. "She absolutely loves her new job. It's at the same company where our mom used to work, so she already had some friends there. Can you believe they already gave her a promotion?"

"Really?" Hope breathed. "That was fast."

Colleen nodded, and went on to tell us how Danielle was fitting in nicely at our old high school. "Annette quit her job this week," she added. "I think she's going to be getting an internship at Mom's company, though, so that will work out nicely." She shook her head. "I wish I had thought of that. I could have applied for an internship there two years ago. It just never crossed my mind to do it."

"Well, what do you want to do now?" Amy asked.

Right then, Colleen's stomach gurgled loudly, and we all laughed. Amy stood up from the couch. "I'll get dinner. Let me get dressed and make a phone call. Hope, will you come with me to pick up the food?"

"Sure!" Hope said, hopping up from the couch.

I wrapped my arms around Colleen's waist and squeezed her. "I'm so glad to have you here," I murmured, kissing her neck.

She rubbed her bottom in my lap and leaned back against me. "I'm so glad I came," she sighed.

I could never help myself with one of my sexy sisters in my lap. I got hard, and of course Colleen could feel it. She stretched her body sinuously against me, letting out a soft "hmm" as she planted the head of my cock against her hot pussy. Even through her jeans, that moist heat was obvious.

"I've missed you so much," she sighed.

Amy and Hope came out of Hope's bedroom. Amy once again wore her Denny's waitress uniform. "We're going to go pick up dinner," she said. She glanced at the time on the microwave. "We should be back in twenty minutes or so. The water heater should be full again if you'd like a shower, Colleen."

She bent and kissed my cheek. After a brief pause, she kissed Colleen's cheek as well. She stepped back, and then Hope bent over the back of the couch and wrapped her arms around both of us in a nice hug.

"See you guys in a bit!" she said, and then they were out the door.

As soon as Hope locked the door behind them, Colleen turned in my lap and drove her tongue into my mouth. She clawed at my robe as her tongue aggressively attacked mine. When she had my robe open fully, she slid back on my thighs. She sighed when my boner sprang up between us. She wrapped her hand around it and looked up into my eyes.

"It was so tough for me to keep this a secret," she murmured. "After Dave broke up with me, I wanted to tell him he would never be half the man that my little brother is."

I cocked my head at that. Seriously, these women keep telling me things like that, but I know I am just not that well-endowed. A little above average, maybe, but not porn-star material. Oh, it looks really thick when it first spreads open a tight pussy or sphincter—especially the first time. When Colleen slid to her knees in front of me, she had no problem taking the whole thing down her throat.

"You're amazing," I breathed. I could not help but shake my head in disbelief.

"Gluk! Gluk! Gluk! Gluk! Sluuuurp! Mmmm," Colleen replied, fucking my cock in and out of her throat before taking me to the root and moaning happily. My knuckles were white as I grabbed the edge of the couch cushion. She had taken me to the brink of orgasm just like that. Colleen knew it, too. Her eyes twinkled wickedly as she looked up at me and savored the way my dick throbbed in her gullet.

Even though she was the one on her knees, I was the one who was helpless and in her power. She kept her eyes locked on mine as she carefully worked her throat muscles over the head of my cock. She was swallowing my pre-cum as it drooled out, without quite pushing me over the edge. I moaned and shivered, which just encouraged her. Colleen's mastery of her talented throat was incredible. She sent waves of pure pleasure over the length of my erection again and again, stimulating me and making me harder and thicker. I could feel pre-cum pulsing out of me and watched her smile around my shaft as she swallowed it.

Both times I had been with Colleen before we had been in a hurry. Now, she was taking her time and giving me a glimpse of what she was capable of doing to me when she wasn't in a rush. Unfortunately, we ran out of time. Colleen's eyes went wide when we heard Hope and Amy returning. At first, I thought they must have forgotten something, but when I whipped my head over to look at the microwave, I just stared in disbelief.

There was no way that was twenty-five minutes! my mind screamed. I looked down at my lap as Colleen reluctantly released me from her throat.

"I guess I should get that shower," she said. She stood slowly, but as soon as we heard Hope's key in the lock, she bolted into the bathroom.

When I stood up, my dick was glistening with Colleen's saliva and was as swollen as I had ever seen it. Every vein stood out clearly and the entire length was throbbing. It really did look big in that instant before I wrapped and tied the robe around me and walked to the front door.

A blast of cold air preceded Hope and Amy, swirling around my ankles and making me shiver. They hustled inside and quickly shut the door behind them.

"Brr!" Hope said with a shiver.

Amy nodded in agreement. "It got cold in a hurry!"

They went over to the dining room table and began opening the Denny's bags. As they pulled the little "to-go" containers out, the smell of that food had me salivating.

"This is Denny's?" I blurted out. Amy cocked her head. "Oh, I'm sorry! It's just that this..."

She laughed prettily and put her cold hand on my forearm. "It's okay, Daniel. One of the guys who works with me is going to the culinary institute. He has been bragging for months how he could cook incredible stuff if they'd just let him put it on the menu. A couple of weeks ago, I had him cook something for me. It was amazing. When I called over there before we left, I told him I had a friend who—"

She broke off abruptly, looking for Colleen. Then she heard the shower running and lowered her voice. "I told him my friend had been dumped by her fiancé and she needed something special to cheer her up."

Hope frowned sourly. "I can't believe he told his mother," she spat. She shook her head angrily. Amy wrapped a reassuring arm around her.

"Hey, this really is for the best," Amy said softly. Hope looked at her, and Amy went on, "Just think, she could have actually married that guy. Even if he hadn't run into Colleen's big-mouthed ex-boyfriends, he wasn't the guy for her. I mean, if he was going to run to mommy as soon as anything went wrong for him..." She shook her head dismissively, and I found myself nodding along with Hope.

Oh, I still want to kick Dave's ass. But it isn't like I obsess over it.

As soon as Amy opened that first container of food, we all groaned and salivated. Now, I'm no foodie, so I could not even pretend to tell you what the dish was. Only the Chicken Cacciatore was one I was familiar with, and none of the other dishes were Italian. Colleen stepped out of the bathroom and took an appreciative whiff.

"Wow!" she said. Her hair was still damp and she was wrapped in a towel.

Amy looked over at her and grinned. "Hope, let's get some of those warm fluffy bathrobes for all three of us." She fixed me with a mock-serious look and a pointed index finger. "Don't you dare eat without us."

I held up my hands defensively. "I won't!" I promised. I had to close the plastic containers though. You know I have never been any good at resisting temptation.

When those three gorgeous women emerged wrapped in the fluffy white robes, Colleen was blushing. She was smiling, though. As they hustled over to the table, I caught a brief flash of Amy's pussy when the bottom of her robe gaped open slightly. All four of us were naked beneath our robes.

One nice thing about our little apartment was that the heater was very efficient. All through the winter it was nice and toasty, and our electric bill was never that bad. Lounging in the dining room in those fluffy robes was perfectly comfortable and sexy, rather than the shivering misery it could have been. Hope and Amy guided Colleen through the kitchen.

As they grabbed plates, silverware and glasses, they showed her where everything was. I stayed out of their way and opened all the plastic containers of food again, arranging them so that everyone would be able to reach them. I got the paper bags out of the way.

When the four of us sat down, I commented, "If we ever invite someone else over, we're going to need another chair."

"No we won't," Amy replied. "One of us will just sit in your lap."

All three of them smiled at that thought.

Rather than each of us selecting one of the dishes, we shared all of them. Everything was just spectacular. While we ate, Amy told us more about Antwaan, the student chef who had so generously cooked for us. His family had been refugees from East Africa. They had moved to France before coming to America. He had first learned to cook from his mother when she was a prep cook in a French restaurant.

Amy sighed as she swallowed another delectable morsel. "I'll bet he's a famous chef in five years. Seriously, he made all of this from ingredients that were already there in the restaurant. He only added some spices that he'd brought in."

After that delicious dinner...hell, "delicious" doesn't do it justice. Antwaan was one world-class master chef. I felt like I had been blessed with works of art—masterpieces—that evening. Anyway, I volunteered to do the dishes after dinner. I didn't quite get to finish.

"Hope, would you mind taking over the dishes?" Amy asked politely. "I have to go soon, and I really need to steal Daniel for a little bit before that."

"Sure," Hope replied. She came out to the kitchen as Amy dragged me toward my bedroom.

I heard Colleen say, "I'll help you."

Amy closed the bedroom door behind us and turned on the light. She kissed me and opened my robe, easing me onto my bed. She untied her robe and let it drop from her shoulders before sliding into my lap. We groaned around each other's tongues when my cock slid into her tight, wet pussy. Amy moaned continuously as she drove her hips back and forth. It only took her a couple of minutes before she was shaking and her pussy spasmed around me.

"Thanks," she murmured into my neck. "I really needed that."

"You're welcome," I replied.

Amy leaned back a bit so that she could look into my eyes. "I promised to keep your secret, and I will," she said. "Now I am going to tell you something, and you have to promise me you will keep it to yourself. Can you do that?"

"Of course," I nodded.

"You need to take care of Colleen tonight. She really needs to be loved, and I know you will do that. You also need to let your sisters know that you're sleeping with both of them. This apartment isn't big enough for you to keep that secret anymore."

I just stared at her for several seconds. My mouth was working, and finally I heard the words, "How did you know?" come out of my mouth.

Amy patted my cheek and gave me a soft kiss. "I would stay and help you through it, but that would spoil this fun game you, Hope and I have been playing. I don't want to give that up. Do you?"

I shook my head. The enormity of what Amy had said hit me then. This was a dangerously smart woman. She slid from my lap with a delicious shiver of her sexy body. When she put her robe back on, I finally found my voice.

"We're going to have a tough time continuing that game with Colleen here," I whispered.

Amy grinned. "It will just make it more interesting," she whispered back. She returned to a regular speaking voice as she helped me to my feet and tied my robe. "I do have the morning shift at Denny's tomorrow, so I won't see you again until tomorrow afternoon. If you need more time alone with your sisters, just text me. I have got some school work I can do."

She kissed me again, and once again smiled at me. "I have to admit, I am tempted to stick around. Whatever happens tonight is going to be so fucking hot. But whatever you do, keep it to yourself. When I finally get you to slide your dick into your sister...mmmh! That is going to be amazing."

I just watched her in awe as she walked out of my room. She ducked into Hope's bedroom and emerged once again wearing her waitress uniform and wrapping her coat around her. She kissed Hope and Colleen briefly on their cheeks. "You guys have a great night. I have to work early in the morning. Hopefully I'll get to see you in the afternoon. Colleen, I can't say enough how happy I am that you're here."

"That is so sweet," Colleen replied, hugging Amy warmly. "Thank you so much, Amy, for everything."

I gave Amy a hug as well, and then headed into the bathroom. I knew I had to work on getting my expression under control before I sat down with my sisters. Amy had just blown me away.

When I got to the bathroom, I realized that I also had to figure out what I was going to say. Amy was right, of course. This apartment was too small for me to keep sneaking around with my sisters. I had only kept it secret because I hadn't wanted to hurt their feelings. Hope was the one who had let our mother know that we had been having sex. Maybe I should tell her first?

I thought that over for a bit and knew that it was the right choice. I was hers, after all. I thought about going back on my word to Amy, but dismissed that idea immediately. I had promised her, and it would only take away from Hope's enjoyment if she knew that Amy knew. I had to think that over a couple of times. Yeah, that was right.

"Hope, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked when I came out of the bathroom.

"Sure," she said, popping up from the couch.

I smiled at Colleen, but she looked a little nervous as Hope and I went into Hope's bedroom. I closed the door softly and sat on the bed, patting the mattress next to me. She sat and looked at me expectantly.

"I have been keeping a secret from you," I said. "When we were home for the Christmas break, I had sex with Colleen. Twice. The only reason that I didn't tell you then was that you and I never got the chance while we were there, and I didn't want to upset you. I never told her about us."

"Oh," Hope said. She looked thoughtful for a moment. "Why are you telling me this now?"

"Because I don't think we can keep sneaking around—and I don't think we should have to. I want to tell her about us. I don't know how to tell her without hurting her feelings. I mean, we've been...a couple, now, for quite a while. I wanted to tell you first. But I also thought you could help me break it to Colleen. After what she's been through, I don't want to hurt her."

Hope nodded and her eyes searched mine thoughtfully for a while. "Is there anyone else, Daniel? Have you been sneaking around with anyone else since we've been together?"

"Nope. I've told you about everyone else that I've been with. Brittany, Mom, Aunt Cathy, Annette and Danielle. Oh, and Amy, but you were there for most of that. God, I am a slut, aren't I?"

Hope laughed at that. It was a beautiful laugh, but it also made her robe open up enough to remind me that my sexy sister was not wearing anything underneath it. I couldn't help myself. I kissed her, pushing her back on the bed. Then I kissed my way down her body.

"While you're thinking about what we should say to Colleen, I'm going to—" I drove my tongue into her tangy pussy. She gasped softly and tangled her hands in my hair. I looked up at her face as I savored her with my mouth. She closed her eyes and bit her lip when she came.

"I love you so much," she murmured afterwards. She sat up and secured her robe around her before standing up and opening her bedroom door. "Colleen? Could you come in here please?" she asked.

Colleen looked very nervous as she came in, but Hope slid over and patted the mattress between us. As soon as Colleen sat, Hope wrapped her arms around her and gave her a tight hug.

"You know I love you, right?" Hope asked.

Colleen nodded. "I love you too, Hope."

"I know," Hope sighed. "Please don't be mad. Daniel just told me that you two had sex over Christmas break. He had been keeping it a secret."

"Oh!" Colleen gasped. Her eyes were wide as she looked over at me.

"He told me because he didn't want me to be jealous. You see, Daniel has been the only man in my life for the last year."

Somehow, Colleen's eyes got even bigger as she looked from me over to Hope. Before Colleen could find any words, Hope continued.

"I'm not jealous, Colleen. I love both of you so much. Also, I haven't minded sharing Daniel. We've been having so much fun lately with Amy."

Colleen sucked in a breath at that. "Really?" she breathed.

"Yes," Hope nodded. "But tonight it's just the three of us. Daniel is going to make love to you so good, and then the three of us will cuddle and sleep together right here. This is our home now, Colleen, and you are welcome to stay as long as you like. We love you so much and we have always looked up to you and thought you were amazing." She shook her head. "That's not right. We know what an amazing woman you are. If you want your privacy, I'll leave you two alone, but I would love to watch you."

My sisters looked into each other's eyes, and I realized that they were holding hands. That was an intense gaze that they shared. For me, it went on for an uncomfortably long time. A tear rolled down Colleen's cheek then. She sniffed.

"So, you guys have been...together this whole time?"

We both nodded.

"If I hadn't been wasting my time with Dave...do you think the three of us would have been together?"

Hope and I looked at each other. I finally cleared my throat and spoke up.

"It's not something we ever talked about," I said. "But when I think back to that sexy swimsuit show you two gave me before last summer, I would have to say 'Yes.' That was before you and Dave started seeing each other. I wanted both of you so badly right then."

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