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One More from the Attic Pt. 03

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Amy keeps pushing the siblings, Colleen arrives unannounced.
17.1k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/06/2019
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The Usual Disclaimer: This is a work of fantasy. All characters featured in sexual situations are over 18. The characters in these stories are fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons living, dead or undead is purely coincidental. Do not try this at home.

Thanks again to gobred here on Literotica for the original story idea, as well as his constant assistance and feedback as I have written this story. Thanks to Pat, for his editorial expertise. This story had a load of little errors before he pointed them out.


I woke up a few hours later and had to blink and recall where I was and what was going on. In the faint light of my sister's bedroom, I could see Amy's blonde hair in front of my face. She was moaning softly and pressing her butt back against my hard cock. The covers had been pulled down, and I lifted my head slowly. Amy had pulled her shirt up.

Hope was once again moaning as she sucked on one of Amy's stiff nipples. I realized then what had awakened me. Amy had pulled my dick out of the front of my boxers. She had shed her panties, and now she was rubbing the head of my cock between her moist pussy lips. Hope saw my face, and she closed her eyes briefly before looking at my face expectantly.

She wanted me to act like I was asleep? I closed my eyes and carefully lowered my head back to the pillow. I realized I had been holding my breath, and tried to breathe evenly.

I heard Amy whisper, "Oh, he's so hard right now. It feels so big pressing against my wet pussy."

Hope moaned and released Amy's nipple. "Oh, you're so bad, Amy! He's my little brother."

"He's not so little anymore," Amy growled back.

I bit my lip and breathed out through my nose when I felt the head of my cock slide into Amy's wet pussy.

"Oh! He's inside me!" Amy hissed.

I heard Hope moaning softly as Amy pushed her head under the covers. I felt her hot breath on the shaft of my cock and my balls. Her breathing quickened, and I heard and felt her taking a whiff of Amy's wet pussy.

"Does that look hot?" Amy whispered. "Does your brother's cock look incredible stretching my pussy like that?" Amy held the base of my cock steady, and then she moved her hips so that just the head of my cock slid in and out of her. "How does that look?" she hissed. Then she groaned.

I felt the wet tip of my sister's tongue as she licked Amy's clit. Amy shifted her hips and her grip, and then I felt my sister's hot mouth taking in the head of my cock. "Oh, fuck!" Amy gasped. "That is so hot!"

Hope sucked my cock noisily for a few seconds before she reached up and pressed me back into Amy's pussy. Her hand reached around and she pressed my ass forward. I started pumping my hips forward, and Amy gasped as she lost her grip on the slippery shaft of my cock. It was buried inside her two strokes later. I moaned and thrust in and out of her tight, slippery channel.

My sister's head popped up out of the covers and she kissed Amy on the lips again. "You are so bad," Hope growled. Amy just panted as she came all over my invading dick. Hope snaked her hand down and teased Amy's clit, pushing her to a new level of climax. Her pussy spasmed and squeezed my dick.

It took all of my self-control not to come inside her right then. I groaned and "woke up" then, acting confused.

"Amy? What are you..." my hand slid down her side, stopping on her naked hip. "Where are your panties?"

"Oh, Daniel," she moaned, turning her head to kiss me on the mouth. "Please fuck me!"

Hope's eyes met mine then, and she nodded enthusiastically. I groaned and thrust into Amy's drenched pussy, and she moaned into my mouth. She was planting fluttering little kisses on my mouth and panting as I drove my hips forward and back.

"You guys look incredible," my sister breathed. Then she went back to noisily sucking Amy's nipples.

Amy cried out and shook like crazy when I came inside her. After that, I held her in my arms and kissed her. I fell asleep soon after.

* * *

We slept in and then lounged around the apartment in bathrobes as we enjoyed a late breakfast together. Eventually we had to get dressed and go to class, but everything had changed. We were so comfortable around each other. The tension of the previous day was gone.

Amy needed to head back to her apartment to change before class. She talked to us while she shed her robe and pulled on her clothes from the previous evening. It was only after she pulled the t-shirt over her head and turned to us that she realized we had watched her. She blushed slightly, but then shrugged it off and kissed us both before leaving.

"I have to work tonight," she said, "May I come over after that? It will be pretty late."

Hope said "Sure" at the same time I said, "Of course."

We did not have that much time after Amy left, so we talked in the shower. I told Hope that I had admitted to Amy that I would get hard when she and Colleen sat in my lap, and that I had fantasized about something happening. "Of course, we never actually did anything," I said with a grin. "You are my sister after all." While I said it, my soapy cock was in the cleft of her buttocks, and my hands were spreading sudsy foam all over her breasts and belly.

"Of course," she chuckled. She leaned her head back and kissed me. Then she revealed that Amy had asked her if it turned her on to watch while we had sex on Wednesday night. "I told her it was really hot to watch that, but of course, you're my little brother. It's not like we could have sex or anything. I did admit that sometimes when I sat in your lap I could feel you getting hard, and that it turned me on. Did you realize that she actually pushed your dick into my mouth last night?"

"I thought so, but I couldn't see it."

Hope shook her head and then turned around to face me. She was grinning. "I have to say, this is incredibly fun. But it's tough for me to act reluctant. Amy gets so turned on just thinking about getting the two of us to do something naughty."

We did not have enough time, or we would have done "something naughty" right then and there. Instead, we scurried around to get dressed and off to class. Amy and Hope had the same class, and I walked my sister to that building and gave Amy a quick smooch before heading on to my own class.

* * *

That afternoon, I had some time to catch up on the video feeds from the house. Annette had gotten a part-time job, but she did not care for it. She was already looking for something better. Danielle was in high school, and it was my old high school. I recognized some of the people she talked about when they shared stories from their day.

I had gotten some fantastic videos of the three of them showering and walking around their rooms naked or wearing only panties. However, they never did anything overtly sexual with each other. I thought that was odd after the way they had acted during our visit. What they did do regularly was spread some kind of high-end moisturizing lotion all over their massive breasts. That was always a treat to behold.

Clearly, they loved each other dearly. They were comfortable being naked or mostly naked around each other. They just didn't have sex the way I did with my mom and sisters. I imagine it would have been different if one of them had been a guy.

I realized that afternoon that I was rapidly running out of storage space on the two hard drives installed in my laptop. I had been saving so many high-definition video clips over the past year that I had almost filled my computer with them. I hated to get rid of anything that I had saved, but I was going to have to either do that or invest in some other sort of storage.

It never crossed my mind that maybe I should just delete all of it to get rid of the evidence. I was too addicted to my illicit peep-shows to consider it. My laptop was over ninety percent full of those videos now. Even though they were all password-protected and hidden, anyone with any sort of computer skills would be able to see right away what was on my computer.

It was only much later that I even thought about any of that. My life could have become a living hell if that laptop had fallen into the wrong hands.

* * *

Amy spent more and more time at our apartment over the next week. She gave me a blowjob for the first time, and refused to stop when Hope came into the room. She only moaned louder when I whispered that my sister was watching. Amy loved riding me while Hope watched, and she was just as turned on when I watched Hope lick her pussy. Her favorite was still when I took her from behind and teased her sensitive little asshole while she slurped on my sister's pussy. I think that was everyone's favorite, really.

Amy kept pushing. On Tuesday night, she took my hand and filled it with my sister's soft breast. "Doesn't that feel nice?" she whispered in my ear. Later, she urged me to kiss my sister while her fingers were buried in Hope's pussy. When I "reluctantly" bent to kiss her, Hope fervently returned the kiss. "Oh, damn, that's so hot," Amy hissed.

Wednesday night, Amy rode me "reverse cowgirl" and pulled my sister's mouth into her pussy. My sister's tongue was all over Amy's pussy and my shaft. After Amy came, she lifted her hips and pushed Hope's head down. My sister moaned in protest around my cock. "Oh, fuck!" Amy hissed. "That's so hot! Suck his cock!"

I had already been close, and that pushed me over the edge. "Oh, God, I'm coming!" I gasped.

I think Amy actually had an orgasm just watching me come in my sister's mouth. Hope sat back after that. "Amy! I can't believe you did that!" she whispered. She actually looked shocked, even to me. Amy crawled between Hope's thighs.

"Let me make it up to you," she said. While she licked my sister to another climax, I lay on my side next to them. Hope just moaned helplessly and Amy's eyes were on fire when my sister's mouth once again closed on my dick.

I stroked my sister's cheek afterward, while she savored the semen in her mouth. "I'm sorry, Hope," I murmured. "I should have stopped you, but it just felt too good."

"That's okay," she whispered back. "I think I always wanted to try it."

Friday evening, Amy joined me in the shower. She urged Hope to join us and had me wash both of them. We ran out of hot water—I had to rinse in the bitterly cold spray. Afterward, we lounged around in bathrobes. Amy stretched and leaned over the back of the couch, lifting up the back of her robe. "Daniel, I've got something for you," she cooed, spreading her feet. Hope came over and stood beside us while I fucked Amy from behind.

"Can you see his cock going in and out of my pussy?" Amy asked my sister.

"Yes," Hope replied, gently rubbing Amy's back.

Amy shuddered and came. She turned her head and kissed Hope deeply. "Your turn," Amy hissed after that kiss.

Hope and I both balked at that. "Amy! He's my brother!" Hope gasped, stepping away.

"Come on, Amy," I said, shaking my head. "That's just too much."

We had discussed it that morning after Amy left for work. We agreed that we were going to make Amy work for it. She was going to have to find a really creative way to get us to fuck "for the first time."

That night Amy did get my face between Hope's thighs. Hope gasped when I started licking her. Amy kissed my sister and asked, "How does it feel to have your brother licking your pussy? Isn't he good at it?"

"Oh, Amy, that's just so wrong!" Hope protested. Then she shuddered and came on my tongue.

* * *

Saturday afternoon I was at the apartment alone. Amy and Hope were both at work, and I was on my laptop. I realize that I have made it sound like all I did on my laptop was look at those video feeds from the attic, but I was actually doing online research for an assignment when there was a knock at the door. I glanced at the clock and knew it couldn't be Amy at the door. She still had two more hours on her shift at Denny's.

I opened the door, and there was my oldest sister, Colleen. I had not seen or talked with her since New Year's Day, so it was a real shock to see her standing there. I recovered and let her inside, giving her a big hug. I leaned back and looked at her face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Dave broke up with me," she said. "I dropped by the house to visit Aunt Cathy. I figured I would stay with them, but then I saw that my old bedroom was..." Colleen spread her hands helplessly. "She told me you guys had visited, and she apologized for the mess. When I saw all that furniture piled up in my room, I just didn't feel like telling them that we'd broken up. It didn't feel like home any more. I got in my car and drove here. Can I please stay with you guys for a while?"

"Of course!" I said. "There's not a lot of..." I suddenly remembered Amy and Hope would be back in a couple of hours. Our little apartment might get awfully uncomfortable in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" Colleen asked.

"I'm not sure where to start," I said, sitting down on the couch. My sister sat her perfect ass in my lap and wrapped an arm around me. I looked up at her face.

"You could start by kissing me," she said softly. "I could really use a good kiss right now."

I wrapped my arms around her while we kissed. It was a soft, lingering kiss. The way that she kissed me let me know that she needed to be loved and held rather than filled with my dick. I hugged her, just enjoying the marvelous warmth and smell of my sister in my arms before leaning back and looking up at her again.

"What happened?" I asked.

"My slutty past caught up with me," Colleen replied bitterly. "Evidently Dave ran into a couple of my ex-boyfriends around town. Those guys ran off their mouths. Dave started asking around, and there were just too many big-mouthed assholes that had been with me. They bragged about all the things I had let them do to me, especially when I was drunk." She shook her head. Colleen was sad and still upset, but she'd had days to dwell on all of this. She sounded depressed rather than really angry.

"Instead of coming to me and asking me about it," she continued, "Dave called his mother and asked her for advice. He told her everything." She colored again as that humiliation replayed in her mind. "She called me a dirty slut and said I wasn't good enough for her son."

"What a bitch!" I spat. I was furious. Nobody talks that way about my sister, dammit!

Colleen kissed me and then she started crying, burying her face in my neck and just bawling. Her body was wracked with sobs, and tears streamed down her face to soak my neck. I hugged her fiercely until the worst of that passed. Then I murmured in her ear, "Do you want me to kick his ass?"

She chuckled at that and sniffled. I leaned forward and snagged a tissue from the coffee table and handed it to her. "Thanks," she said. After she blew her nose, I gave her a fresh tissue for her eyes. I had to lean way over to reach the little waste basket that we kept beside the coffee table. I held it for her and she dropped the tissues into it after wadding them up. It took a few more tissues before she was done.

"He was a fool," I whispered.

"Thanks," she said again, giving me a sad smile.

"No, I mean it," I said. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known. And you know I'm not just saying that because you're my sister. If Dave had worked at it every day, he might have been able to be worthy of you, and he blew it. He'll never be with anyone as good as you, ever."

My voice was fierce when I got to the end of that. My sister looked at me the whole time and then her eyes welled up again. She hugged me tightly and sobbed into my neck, "I love you so much!"

"I love you too," I whispered, but of course she knew it.

Colleen was physically exhausted after the long drive as well as being emotionally drained. I carried her bags up from her car and curled up with her in my bed until she fell asleep. I got up carefully and tucked her in. After quietly closing my bedroom door, I paced around the living room and tried to figure out what I should do.

After a bit, I pulled out my phone and texted Hope. "Colleen is here. She and Dave broke up."

I wanted to call Dave and chew him out, but I knew that Colleen didn't want that. Of course, what I really wanted to do was beat him senseless. That wasn't going to help anybody, but it was going to take a long time for that feeling to pass. Six years later, I'm still waiting for it to pass.

Hope called then. "What happened? Should I come home now?" she asked.

"No," I said, blowing out a long breath. "She's asleep in my room. Dave broke off their engagement. She went to the house, but couldn't bring herself to tell Aunt Cathy. So she packed up her car and drove here. I told her she could stay with us. I hope you don't mind."

"Oh, that's fine. She can stay as long as she likes." Hope thought for a bit. "Oh! What about Amy?"

We knew that Amy didn't have her phone on her while she was at work. "I'll try to call her at work," I said. "If she's busy, I'll just have her call back when she can."

"Okay," Hope replied. "I'll be home right after work."

I called Denny's and the manager said she would get Amy.

Amy was breathing hard when she got to the phone. "We're pretty busy. What's up?"

"Our sister Colleen just showed up unannounced. Her fiancé dumped her. She's zonked out in my bed right now. I just thought I should give you a heads-up before you come over."

"Oh no!" she said, "Is she alright?"

"I'm sure she'll be fine. We just haven't seen or talked to her since New Years, so she doesn't know anything about us."

"Oh, okay. Do you still want me to come over?"

"Yes. might want to call first. Sorry to bother you at work, Amy. I just didn't want you to get blindsided."

"Oh, no, no; that's fine. I'll call you as soon as I get off work, okay?"

"Sounds good."

I hung up and paced around the living room some more. There wasn't anything else I could think of that I could do, so I got back to work on my computer. I was still seething the whole time.

Amy called me before Hope got home from work. Colleen was still sleeping. She looked peaceful and happy lying in my bed, and I did not want to disturb her. I told Amy everything, and how Colleen had cried after she told me. My anger was obvious over the phone.

"Daniel, you need to calm down and take care of your sister," Amy said. Her voice was soothing, and I stopped pacing and sat down on the couch. I blew out a long breath of frustration.

"I know," I said. "It's just so damned infuriating! Those assholes hurt my sister, and I can't just let them get away with it."

I heard her park her car and realized that she had been talking to me while she drove. I heard her car door close and could tell that she was walking.

"Daniel, you want to come open the door and let me in? I promise I'll help you calm down."

I walked over and unlocked the front door. Amy hung up her phone and smiled as she stepped in. She hugged me, wrapping her arms around me and rubbing her hands over the tense muscles of my lower back. I closed the front door and kissed her. My muscles remained stubbornly tense.

Amy managed to completely surprise me. It was a side of her I had never seen and didn't even know existed. Prior to that afternoon, she had been shy, horny, easily embarrassed. I knew she was Hope's best friend, but that afternoon I got a glimpse that showed me why Hope thought so highly of her. Amy stepped into our apartment and completely took charge.

When rubbing my back and kissing me did not calm me down, she hustled me into the bathroom. "Let's get a nice, warm shower," she said. Her voice was calm and controlled and at the same time she was stripping off her work uniform. That distracted me, and the next thing I knew we were both naked in the shower. Between the soothing warm water and her sexy body rubbing against me, Amy made me forget that I was mad.

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