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One More from the Attic Pt. 03


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I smiled and kissed her. "What did you have in mind, Colleen?"

She licked her lips and looked me over as I stood at the stove. "Well, I really wanted you to fuck me in the ass after dinner—if that's alright with you," she quickly turned to Hope.

Hope leaned in and kissed Colleen. "Oh, I would love to watch that. I don't care how tired I am."

I chuckled as I drained the pasta.

"What's so funny?" Colleen asked. I looked over and saw she had that sexy look with her eyebrow arched.

"Oh, it's just the way you asked Hope for permission. Like I don't have any say in the matter."

"Are you saying you don't want to?"

"No, no, that's why it's funny. I really don't have any say in the matter. If either one of you wants to take my dick anytime, anywhere, all I'm going to say is 'Okay!' If I ever said 'no,' it would be time for me to be locked away." I grinned at them and loved the way they smiled and giggled.

* * *

Colleen looked dubious when Hope came into the bedroom with the little bottle of anal lube.

"Don't you guys have Vaseline?" she asked.

"Oh, Colleen, this is so much better!" Hope assured her.

I was lying on my back in the middle of Hope's bed. Colleen had enthusiastically sucked my cock and it was standing proud and glistening with her saliva. Hope dribbled a little of the lube on the head of my dick and then spread it over the shaft with her hand. Colleen gasped when Hope pushed her over onto her knees and spread the lube around her asshole, but she didn't protest.

Colleen was facing away from me when she slid her butt down on my cock. I could not see her expression, but her voice gave away her surprise.

"Ohhh, wow. That's so fucking good," she moaned.

My eyes were glued to the sight of her sphincter spreading around my mushroom head and then swallowing my shaft. Her shapely bottom slid smoothly down into my lap until it was pressed against my abdomen. She shivered sexily on top of me and then slowly lifted her hips back up. I watched my cock slide out and back in three times, and then she was picking up speed.

As impossibly hot as that looked, it felt even more amazing. Colleen's tight little asshole gripped my entire length as she groaned and drove me in and out of her. Hope had an even better view as she lay between our spread thighs. I could feel her hot breath on my balls as she muttered, "Oh, fuck!" over and over.

Colleen's incredible asshole had me on the verge of orgasm so quickly that I was worried I would come too fast. Then Hope snapped.

I heard her growl, and Colleen cried out incoherently. Colleen's ass was pressed firmly into my crotch when Hope attacked her vulnerable and exposed pussy. My cock throbbed in Colleen's ass as she shook through orgasm after orgasm. I couldn't really see what was happening, but the sounds were fucking amazing. Eventually Colleen's ass gripped my dick and forced me to come inside her. I wrapped my arms around her as she shook and babbled.

I came so hard that I blacked out. It had happened before, but not often. It wasn't like I woke up hours later and didn't remember anything—it was just a few seconds of darkness as overwhelming pleasure coursed through my entire being.

"Fuuuck," I groaned, right into Colleen's ear.

"Tell me about it," she gasped in reply. She was still trembling and I could hear Hope's lips smacking as she savored Colleen's sweet pussy juice. Colleen's legs shook on top of mine as she came again.

It took a while for us to come down from that and especially for me and Colleen to catch our breath. When Colleen rolled off of me, I was treated to the sight of Hope grinning up at me from between my legs. She was still savoring the taste of Colleen's pussy, licking her lips and sucking on two fingers. That was the first I was aware that she had even slid those fingers into Colleen.

Bathed in the glow of that bedside lamp, my sexy sisters looked impossibly arousing. Colleen's gasping body was lightly covered with a sheen of sweat, and her nipples stood out enticingly. Her breasts heaved with each breath and her pupils were huge with her arousal. Her eyes went from my still-hard cock to Hope's satisfied face and then she licked her lips.

"Your turn!" she growled at Hope.

Hope squealed and giggled as Colleen leaped onto her and turned her onto her side. "Oh!" she cried out as Colleen spread her thighs and latched onto her pussy.

I pushed myself up onto my knees so that I could see better. Colleen's hands seized Hope's soft ass cheeks and spread her open right in front of me. I could see Colleen's eyes between Hope's legs. Her gaze locked on mine, wordlessly encouraging me. The way she was holding Hope's ass and looking at me, I knew what she wanted. My eyes settled on Hope's throbbing little pucker, and I wanted it too.

Hope's sweet little asshole felt every bit as amazing as Colleen's had minutes earlier, but this time I could see everything. Hope gasped and looked over her shoulder at me when I pressed my rubbery tip into that tight little knot. I grinned at her. "It is your turn," I said.

"Oh God!" she gasped.

It was indeed her turn—her turn to gasp helplessly as Colleen devoured her pussy, and as I pistoned my cock in and out of her sexy ass. Hope shook and cried out. She bit down on Colleen's thigh once, and that just seemed to make Colleen slurp her harder. It was the first time I had ever seen Colleen lick a pussy, but it was obviously not the first time she had done it.

I would not have lasted a minute, except that I had just come a few minutes earlier. I was really able to savor everything as I drove my full length in and out of Hope's helpless and sexy bottom. When I finally threw my head back and filled my sister's ass with come, we were both drenched in sweat.

It took a while for us to recover after that. Colleen finally pushed us toward the bathroom while she offered to change the sheets. After a rather perfunctory shower, we tucked Hope into her bed. She was out like a light. Colleen and I stood next to the bed and smiled down at her. Then Colleen took my arm and led me out to the living room.

She kissed me and then pushed me onto the couch. She opened my robe and slurped my freshly-washed dick into her throat. It felt amazing, but my dick was stubbornly soft.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "You two completely wore me out."

Colleen smiled up at me after releasing me from her mouth. "That's okay. You still taste good."

After she had sucked on my cock for a few more minutes, I pulled her to her feet and then pushed her into the couch. She groaned appreciatively when I knelt between her thighs and finally got my own taste of her tangy pussy. She came twice and then pulled me up for a kiss.

"Thanks," she whispered. "Now I need to get a shower before we go to bed. I'll join you in your room in just a minute."

It took her more than a minute to shower, of course. By the time she slid into my bed with me, I was sound asleep.

* * *

Colleen shook me awake the next morning. "Daniel!" she said, sounding a little frantic, "You overslept!"

It took me a moment to get my bearings. I got out of the bed and blinked as I looked at the clock. It was eight-thirty. I looked at Colleen, kneeling on the bed and looking apologetic.

"Hope got up and left early," Colleen said. "I was enjoying snuggling up with your warm body and fell back asleep. I'm so sorry!"

"'s Wednesday, right?" I finally muttered. Colleen nodded uncertainly. My shoulders immediately relaxed. "I only have two classes on Wednesday and Friday, and the first one doesn't start until ten. I normally sleep in."

I watched Colleen's shoulders relax, which caused her big tits to wobble enticingly. "Oh, thank goodness," she said, letting out a sigh of relief. Her eyes landed on my morning wood, then, and she licked her lips hungrily before looking back up at my face. "So we have some time, then?"

"Yes. Yes we do," I replied.

"Do you think Hope would mind if we use some more of her lube? I really want you in my ass again."

"I'm sure she'll understand." I practically sprinted into Hope's room to grab that bottle.

When I sank my lubricated cock into her ass, Colleen groaned, "We need to buy a gallon of this stuff. It's fucking fantastic!"

She groaned happily when I started pumping in and out of her ass, craning her neck so that we could kiss.

"Ohhh! I love this so much," she moaned. "I love feeling how hard you get when you fuck my ass!"

"I still can't believe we're doing it," I gasped in reply.

As amazing as it felt, there was something about the knowledge that it was my impossibly sexy sister's ass that was welcoming every thrust that just made it so much hotter. Her mouth opened wide when she felt my cock swelling in her snug tunnel, and I felt her entire body quivering beneath me. It was just too much. I gasped for air when my nuts tightened up and then I was breathless with pleasure as my orgasm shook my world.

We both panted and shook as my molten semen rocketed out of the sensitive tip of my cock to spray inside my sister's sexy ass. I felt an incredible sense of fulfillment and completeness when the last of that cum trickled out of me. I kissed Colleen's neck and earlobe.

"That was amazing," I breathed into her ear.

"Yes it was," she moaned. Then she shook again. "Oh! It still is!"

I love that look on my sister's face when she comes on my hard dick.

We lay there for a while and then Colleen coaxed me off of her back and onto the bed. She rolled to her side to face me. Her hand reached out to stroke my cheek gently and she shook her head.

"Unbelievable," she whispered.

"Mmm. I agree," I murmured back.

Colleen reached behind her and shivered as her finger explored the gooey mess I had left in her ass. She made a slightly annoyed face.

"Dave wouldn't fuck my ass," she sighed. "I asked him twice, and both times he acted like I was disgusting for even bringing it up."

"Yeah, well we've already established that Dave was an idiot," I replied.

Colleen looked sad as she nodded. It made me angry to see that, but then I decided to change the subject instead of dwelling on it.

"You and Hope really wore Amy out the other night," I said. "By the time she crawled into my bed, she was too sore to do anything but cuddle."

Colleen blushed and looked up into my eyes sharply at that. "Oh, damn," she murmured. "I still can't believe that happened." She shook her head and her blush deepened as she remembered it. "I was drunk, but Hope...I never thought Hope and I would do something like that."

I was intrigued. Hell, who am I kidding? If I had spy cameras on Hope's bedroom here the way I did back at our parents' house, I would have been all over that footage as soon as Amy left the apartment. I wanted to see it for myself.

Colleen really didn't want to talk about it, though. She was embarrassed, even though I wasn't sure why. We talked for a little longer before sharing a warm shower. Afterward, Colleen welcomed me back into her snug, wet pussy and I savored the way her sexy body shook when I spread her legs wide and pounded her. She came explosively, but insisted on finishing me in her throat.

My legs were a little shaky as I made my way down the stairs to head to class.

* * *

Colleen was waiting for me when I got back that afternoon. She kissed me at the door. Her long, sexy legs were bare and she wore a long t-shirt. Her nipples stuck out proudly, letting me know she wasn't wearing a bra. As soon as I closed the door behind me and locked it, she had a request.

"Would you mind changing into just boxers and a t-shirt?" she asked.

"Um, sure," I replied.

It did not take long for me to drop my books and laptop on the desk in my room and shed my jeans and socks. I felt a little pang as I folded my jeans, and it took me a moment to figure out what was bothering me. It was the laptop. Wednesdays and Fridays had been the time for me to catch up on the video footage from the house. I had not viewed my sexy cousins and aunt in a week now.

I know, I had been having the most amazing sex I could imagine in that span. Still, it was a completely different turn-on that I got from those videos. I was going to have to figure something out or I was going to start losing whole days of that footage.

Colleen was sitting on the couch waiting for me. She patted the middle cushion and handed me the remote when I sat down. I thought that there was something she wanted to tell me, and that she was thinking it over. I flipped through the channels for a bit and settled on an NCIS rerun. I knew it had been one of Colleen's favorite shows, and I didn't think it was an episode I had seen before. As soon as I set down the remote, Colleen slid over into my lap.

As always, I got hard immediately. Colleen reached between her thighs and eased the head of my cock out of the opening in the front of my boxers. She shifted her hips a couple of times, and I sucked in a breath when I felt the warm wetness of her pussy taking me in. I leaned back and lifted the back of her long t-shirt, gazing at her lovely naked bottom in my lap.

"Colleen! You aren't wearing any panties!" I growled at her.

She turned and looked over her shoulder at me. My sister actually looked a little sad. "I should have done this a year ago," she breathed. "If only I hadn't been so chicken..." She shifted her hips again, working a little more of my length into her.

I flexed my buttocks a couple of times, which pushed a little more of my dick into her and also caused the length of it to throb. "That's nice," she whispered.

This was slow and teasing penetration. I had to imagine how it would have been if we had done this at the house, with Hope sitting next to me and our parents sitting on the loveseat. Then I remembered that Hope and I had done this. I had sat beside Colleen and talked to her with my dick buried to the root in Hope's drenched pussy.

"Did you know?" I whispered. She turned and looked at me, uncertain what I meant. "Did you know that Hope sometimes sat in my lap with no panties, just like this?"

"Oh, damn," she groaned. The last three inches of my shaft slid into her and she shuddered. "I just thought she was teasing you, like I was. Like Mom was." Her eyes widened when she felt my dick throb inside her. Her mouth opened in disbelief. "No way," she whispered. "You and Mom?"

I bit my lip, but I couldn't deny it. After a long moment, I nodded.

"Not on purpose, I think," I finally said. "Mom was wearing that little pink robe thingy, and she wasn't wearing panties. She assumed that I was wearing shorts, but all I had on was boxers. I came out to the living room and sat down. As soon as she slid back in my lap, my dick went right into her wet pussy."

As I told her this tale, Colleen started pushing her hips back and forth. Her eyes were on mine the whole time. She licked her lips when I stopped. "What happened then?" she asked breathlessly. "Did she jump out of your lap?"

I shook my head. "No. She sat there and gasped and looked back at me. Like she could not believe it had happened. I started to apologize, but she just shushed me." Colleen's breathing was heavy as she slid my cock in and out of her, hanging on every word. "Mom said that it was her fault. 'I should have been more careful,' she said. 'I understand that you are a young man with certain needs. If you can't stop, I understand.' But while she was saying that, she was sliding her hips forward and back, fucking herself on my hard dick."

"Oh God!" Colleen groaned. She shivered deliciously in my lap and her pussy spasmed and coated me with her juices.

I kissed Colleen's sexy neck and wrapped my arms around her waist. "She felt guilty about it afterwards," I continued. "But it wasn't the last time that it happened. The crazy part is that she and Dad had apparently had this fantasy of her fucking her own son. When it actually happened, she told him."

"Really?" Colleen gasped. I nodded.

"Dad and I never talked about it, but he loved taking her after I had been with her. Our mom has got the filthiest dirty talk I have ever heard."

"You saw them together?" Colleen asked.

"Only a couple of times," I lied. "There was that one time you were in my lap in the living room and we saw them."

"Right," she hissed. She shivered in my lap again as she remembered it. After that passed, she shook her head. "Damn. This was really hot, Daniel. Everything I hoped it would be. But now I feel like I missed out on so much. It's not that I'm jealous of Hope—I love her. But I am jealous of what you two have had for the past year."

I hugged her tightly. "I know what you mean," I breathed into her back.

We sat there like that and watched the rest of the episode, savoring the way it felt to have my throbbing dick in her snug pussy. Shortly after the show ended, I got a text from Amy. She was on her way over for a visit. Colleen reluctantly got up from my lap. I had an amazing view of her ass and wet pussy when she was bent over in front of me.

I wanted to follow her into Hope's bedroom, to bend her over and fuck her from behind. However, I knew that Amy wanted to continue our teasing little game of brother-sister seduction. I went into the bathroom and quickly rinsed the evidence off of my still-throbbing cock. I also had to change my boxers—they were drenched with Colleen's juices.

When Amy arrived, the three of us shared a late lunch. I quizzed Amy on the French vocabulary, which was something Hope and I did regularly. It quickly became apparent that she had the terms down far better than I did. She wound up giving me pointers to help me remember them better. We watched television until Hope got home from work, with Colleen sitting in my lap.

It gave Amy a wicked thrill when she noticed Colleen shifting atop the obvious bulge in my boxers. She glanced at my sister's hard nipples protruding in the front of her t-shirt and licked her lips. I did my best to keep my eyes on the television screen and to act like nothing was happening.

Amy dragged Hope into the bathroom for a shower while Colleen and I cooked dinner. They emerged looking flushed with arousal, their bathrobes barely concealing their naked bodies. Colleen arched an eyebrow at me when she saw the look on my face. I cocked my head in the direction of Amy and Hope. Colleen looked at them and said, "Oh."

After dinner, Amy playfully pushed Hope into my lap on the couch, while Colleen sat next to me and curled her legs up underneath her. Amy pulled Hope's robe open and tickled her, and then she grabbed my hands and put them on my sister's heaving breasts. Hope was giggling and wriggling around in my lap. Her open, fluffy robe was long enough that it covered the tops of my legs entirely.

I could barely see anything. Hope's hair was in my face. Oh, it smelled great. It was slightly damp and smelled freshly shampooed. I could not see Amy at all. I could see Colleen sitting to my right. She had pulled her panties aside and had two fingers thrashing her clit from side to side as she watched Amy. It sounded like Amy was licking Hope's pussy. I thought I felt Amy's shoulder brush the inside of my leg.

Colleen shuddered and then got up from the couch. I lost sight of her when she walked around behind the couch. Amy let out a surprised moan, and I thought I heard Colleen murmur something as she lapped at Amy from behind. I was trying to figure out how to move my head so that I could see what was going on, when Hope finally shifted her head so she could turn and kiss me.

I kissed her, and over her shoulder I could see Amy on her knees between our spread legs. She was completely naked now, and Colleen was kneeling behind her and absolutely devouring Amy's exposed pussy and asshole. Hope had her hands on the back of Amy's head, holding her face tightly against her pussy. Amy's eyes were wild and had a helpless look in them as she groaned into Hope's pussy.

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