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One Wanton Redhead

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"Slick" finds a vagrant girl and things get interesting.
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This is a true story, really. Everything actually happened to me. Or almost happened to me. Or to somebody. It was a dark and stormy night. Once upon a time in a land faraway. Be warned!

"One Wanton Redhead"

The old pickup looked like a mobile scrap heap. It might have started life as an F1 Ford but hard to see anything that might have been 'original.' Various parts and pieces were evident from the six or so different colored parts including rust and primer. The hood was propped open with a stick. The old Y-block V8 was pouring smoke and steam like a locomotive.

I slowed, then pulled in behind the truck, not at all prepared for the shock of my life.


Perhaps I should tell you something about myself. At some three years old, I developed a disease called alopecia universalis -- a total loss of body hair. Accompanied with a very high fever I was also in later life to be totally sterile but very highly sexed. I was well above average with an eight inch cock. I could "stay in the saddle" for a very long time, it's just not going to do anything beyond create enjoyment and a dry cum. No hair, slick shiny scalp, actually pretty ugly. For my entire life I was called "Slick" by one and all.

Being "different" from other kids I was picked on, bullied a lot. I grew fast and learned quickly I had to fight to survive. I fought with only one rule, I fought to win. Sure, I lost some but I fought with some fury and the other kids found it cost much pain and decided fighting Slick just wasn't worth the effort.

At age 18 I was up to 6' 1" and weighed 210 pounds -- and was totally on my own. Straight out of high school I found a job working on cars at a local dealership. Not much chance for advancement and low pay. I had found an apartment I could afford, bought a well-used pickup and started life.

I have no formal education or training beyond finishing high school. The one talent given me was being good with my hands. I had a sixth sense when it came to installing and repairing equipment. It seemed I was always watching, listening and learning about things most didn't even see.

If I watched something taken apart I could put it back together and most often make it work. It was just a natural instinctive ability.

After a couple of months, I learned that my boss, the owner's son, ran things in the shop to his benefit. He was a total ass plus he didn't like me.

We had a customer come in with a problem and I recommended a new battery, clean terminals and check alternator. Lyle came over and spoke to the lady, assured her I had tried to 'up-sell' the situation and he would handle it. He told her a battery charge was all she needed and he would give her that for free. I was truly pissed but what could I do? As noted, Lyle was the boss.

Next morning by 10:00 the car was back but a mad husband was driving this time, not the lady from yesterday. His first question was "What idiot told my wife a battery charge was all she needed?" Lyle immediately jumped in my face yelling "I told you to yadda, yadda, yadda...........now fix it!"

I faced Lyle, smiled and gently said "Fuck you, Lyle -- you fix it! Can I draw my pay now or do I need to pick it up tomorrow?" I rolled my toolbox out of the shop and was loading it into my truck when Mr Meyers, the principal owner of the dealership, came up and stopped me.

"Slick, come back in and bring your tools. I just told Lyle to leave you alone, let you do your job. And I don't want to lose you. I'll give you a $0.25 an hour raise. How about it?"

"Mr. Meyers, you've been good to me and I like the job, most of it. Now you fire Lyle and give me $0.50 raise and we'll talk about it. No? Thought not. So long, Mr. Meyers."

Now unemployed I went looking for a job. There were many many jobs in the West Memphis area but few really good jobs. And I was looking for a great one.

After two weeks looking and checking I found Dreyfus in West Memphis was looking for help. I managed to pass the preliminary evaluations for a position as a Mill Wright. Imagine that!

They scheduled me for an interview at 9:30AM Thursday. I arrived at 8:40 in the middle of a driving rainstorm.

I'd been sent to the repair shops for the interview and not to the Dreyfus offices. The interview was to be a 'hands on' test to allow demonstration of my skills.

After inviting me in out of the rain and offering coffee the lead man told me the foreman doing interviews was not yet on site but was expected shortly.

The lead noticed my interest in a disassembled unit spread out on a workbench with two people arguing about it. "Know what that is?" he asked. "No sir, but it looks like a motorized flow control valve of some sort."

"Yes sir, that's exactly what it is. Think you could put it back together? Make it work again?"

"I didn't see it taken apart but I can try. Do you have a manual or schematic for the unit? Spare parts???"

Half an hour later, I had determined how the parts went together and what had failed. I then told the lead why I thought it had failed and why with two new pieces it would work again.

The lead then told me he had been a bit less than honest with me as he was really the plant floor supervisor. He told me his name was Ed Clinton and shook my hand, saying, "Oh, yeah -- the job is yours. Can you start tomorrow?"-


Now back to the broken down truck.

I found the driver sitting on her ass in the shade of the old Ford. Short sleeve man's shirt, tied at the waist over her bare tummy and old cut-off jeans. On her feet were badly worn sneakers, actually high top tennis shoes, and no socks.

"It ain't gonna start 'til it cools off. You'll just run the battery down if'n you try."

"So," I asked, "What are you going to do -- just sit here and wait?"

"Well, I don't see much else I can do. What would you do?"

"Not much choice as I see it. I know a fair bit about the old Y blocks and they are contrary as Hell. How about this? I was on my way home and its not very far. You come home with me, we have something to eat and about dark I'll bring you back to get the truck. How does that sound?"

She looked at me like I had three heads and said nothing for a few seconds. Then she shook her head and said, "God, you're ugly! What the hell happened to you? What's your name? What's in it for you? Why would you do this for somebody you don't even know? Well, answer me!"

"I will, if you'll shut up and give me a chance! My name is Hinkle, Clarence Hinkle but please don't call me that. You can call me 'Slick' as everybody else does. And there is nothing in it for me. I see someone in need and I offer my help. Now get in if you are going with me, or stay here if you like."

"We'll fuck, I guess I will." She was in my truck in a flash. I noticed she seemed to have nothing with her, no bags, not even a purse.

"Jennifer Maureen Bracken" was a hill girl the likes of which I had never seen. I never once called her or heard her called anything other than "Red" or "Big Red." She had a mane of shoulder length red hair, fiery red hair, thick and curly. Her eyes were amber with green specks. Oh, and she was BIG! Not fat, not gross but big. She was at least five feet ten or so and 155 to 160 pounds but in perfect proportion. Her tits stood high and proud, and were either DD or DDD -- perfectly luscious.

As I learned more about her she told me she had never worn, indeed, never owned a bra. Did I mention she had red hair, lots and lots of red hair. I was to learn her carpet matched the curtains for sure, I've never seen a thicker, redder bush before or since.

Red was exactly what she said she was, no pretense. She loved to drink beer and she loved to fuck, lots and lots of both with no holds bared. C'est le vie, non, c'est le guerre. Red had much in common with the French Foreign Legion, she won some, she lost some but she took on all comers, on her terms.

"Live and learn" so they say and boy, how much I had to learn about this woman.

Red grew up in far western Arkansas, and she grew up rough and fast. When I first met her she was just past twenty one and by her admission, she liked to drank beer and she loved sex, "Cold beer and hot sex for me!" was one of the first things I ever heard her say.

How or why she ever picked me I'll never know, much less understand. "You should have known better" you may say. And yes, I knew if you dine with the devil you must use a long handled spoon! Perhaps I was blinded by all that shiny red hair.

At this late date it's probably of no matter. But select me she did, and oh, we had some times!


We came to the apartment and Red stopped as I held the door for her. "Are you sure," she asked?

I shrugged and motioned her in. We talked a bit as I whipped up a meal of ham, eggs and grits along with my special biscuits. She ate like she was starved.

"When did you last eat anything?" She told me she had a candy bar yesterday as she buttered another biscuit. Her fourth, but who's counting?

Red told me more about herself as we ate, rather as I watched her eat. She was on her way to claim a job she had heard about at a 'resort' in Hornbeak, TN. No, she didn't have a written offer but she had 'heard about it.' And she had some money, she had eleven dollars. Oh, yes, and a truck that didn't run when it got hot.

Heaven help me. How do I find myself in these situations?

Right at sundown we went to retrieve her old truck. The battery was weak so I jumped her off. The engine sounded rough and I couldn't imagine her on the express way in that wreck.

"Follow me back to my place and you can spend the night. We'll worry about the truck and work on it tomorrow. Stay on me, I won't run off and leave you."

We made it back but the old engine was boiling hot again when we got to my place. "I can just sleep in the truck, I'm used to it. And I ain't one to be a bother."

I told her I wouldn't have it and made up the bed in the second bedroom.

We talked for awhile, watched some TV and I told her it was time for me to turn in as I had to get some sleep. I used the bathroom and handed her one of my T-shirts to sleep in. She asked me "What for?"

I told her it was for her to sleep in. She smiled at me like I was the village idiot then informed me she slept in the nude. All I could say was "good night!"

I laid down and was soon sound asleep. I woke up with some one rubbing my neck and shoulders. She must have showered as she smelled like soap. When I rolled to her she asked, "Can I get in bed with you. I cain't sleep."

I lifted the covers and she pressed her firm, nude body into mine. After a few minutes we were into a wild coupling. Both of us rolled back to catch our breath, and she asked, "Can you go again?" We had quite a night.

I was off the next two days and we had a look at Red's truck. It was worse than I expected if that's possible. All four tires were slick as baloney skins. The radiator was bone dry and no oil on the dipstick, none.

I told Red it looked like wherever she went it wouldn't be in the old truck Then, fool that I am, I told her we would get her taken care of starting first thing after lunch.

We cleaned up a bit and I suggested lunch. She didn't argue.

Red told me again she had eleven dollars and she needed to be careful how she spent it. I convinced her not to worry and the cost was covered. We ended up at a diner I knew and Red ordered the 'Special'. After eating every crumb Red thanked me and we loaded up.

She asked "Where we goin?" as I headed the truck into the flow of traffic.

"To get you some clothes," I replied. Red looked at me like I had three heads and said nothing until we turned into the Kresge store.

An hour later she had two pairs of jeans, a nice pair of slacks, two pairs of shorts and four tops. I sent her with an amused sales clerk to get two bras and a six pack of panties. She was complaining about the cost, wondering aloud how she could ever pay me back and telling me she never ever had any new clothes, etc.

She only stared when I told her we still needed some toiletries and a new pair of sneakers for her. Red responded with "You're crazy!" We were going to get along just fine.

Episode I

Leroy came up to my workbench in a rush, a tight worried look on his face. "Slick, you gotta come quick. One of my boys just told me Red was in the back room at the Gin Mill, come on! Hurry!"

I knew all about the Gin Mill and had heard about the back room. None of it was good. We must have set a record for getting there.

We ran inside and headed for the closed door to the infamous back room. A short, round faced gnome jumped as we opened the door and yelled, "Hey! You cain't come back here!" Leroy dropped him with one punch and we were inside. And what we saw sickened me.

Red was sitting in a chair, surrounded by a dozen dudes with their cocks out and hard. She was naked from the waist up. One was sucking her tit, she had a cock in each hand. Another held a beer to her lips as she drank.

Then of all people, Lyle Meyers from the auto dealership knocked the bottle away and pushed his hard cock towards Red's mouth, saying "Suck this, baby!".

Red came out of the chair and onto her feet like she was jet propelled. She punched Lyle square in the mouth, no slap but a hard balled fist punch thrown straight out from the shoulder. Another punch into his face smashed his nose and he was down. Red didn't stop but kicked a field goal, using Lyle's groin for the football.

Two of Lyle's minions rescued him from Red's assault and helped him out of the bar, walking like a chimpanzee with lumbago. Red was still standing ready and mumbling "Bastard trying to put his tally whacker in my mouth. He didn't ask me or nothing. That's bullshit!"

"I'll get a couple of the guys together and come over, Slick. I can't believe Red would do this to you. Don't sweat it, we'll straighten this shit out for you." Leroy spoke just loud enough to be heard.

As much as humanly possible I had recommended we hire former convicts for openings in various operations, really anywhere we could use them. As jobs for newly released cons were scarce they were fiercely loyal to their job and to me.

I knew from experience what he was offering. All I needed to do was agree, perhaps not do anything and just allow events to develop. I didn't want that and decided to stop it.

"No, Leroy, ain't gonna happen. I thank you but if Red had not been at least somewhat willing it could not have happened. I'll take care of this one. But thanks anyway, buddy. It means a lot to me"

The remaining crowd parted like the Red Sea of old as Leroy and I walked a still very pissed Red out of the bar and took her home. I could hardly wait for her explanation of today's events.

We had a long talk about being faithful, about being exclusive if she wanted to stay with me. I couldn't help but be pissed to the extreme when Red said she just had a little fun. In her opinion she did nothing wrong as she only jerked them off and let them suck her tits but she promised when I told her "No More!" Not really sure I believed her but anted t give her another chance.

We had found Red a job and she was doing great adapting to the new routine. On her first payday she burst into the room with a shout, waving the check at me. She almost bowled me over but the best came later in bed.

Episode II

It probably should have been no shock when a couple of weeks later Red came home roaring drunk, so drunk she couldn't open the door. I didn't want to argue on the stairwell, so I helped her up the stairs and into our apartment. She was quite a load.

I helped her off with her coat and then saw that her shirt was all undone and pulled out of her jeans. Her jeans were grubby and the zipper was almost all the way down. She smelled of perspiration, and her lips were obviously a bit swollen! And she stank of sex.

Obviously questions, questions, a lot of questions. What the hell had been going on, what had happened, why? She couldn't look me in the eye. I told her to get her ass in bed and we certainly had a lot to talk about later.

She needed a shower but there was no way that would happen tonight. I got some blankets from the closet and headed for a night on the sofa. She was snoring like a chainsaw when I walked by her on the way out of the bedroom. What a fucking mess I'd gotten myself into.

Morning came and Red was up. She sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee. She was cleaned up from last night and did not appear hung over. We had the long talk and I told her I would not tolerate this sort of behavior, not now, not ever.

She replied, "Slick, I jest cain't help myself. I love beer and I love to fuck." After explaining (Again!) if she was to stay with me it had to be sex only with me, period. No way to be certain she understood "Exclusive!"

I think that's when I realized I was falling in love with Red after some three months.

We had discussed our future together and decided we should get married. Red was overjoyed with the idea and we were in process of discussing details. She was even wanting to start looking for a house we could buy.

Then everything went to Hell.

Episode III

I was back on second shift and as usual really busy with a critical part repair. I stayed over until the part was ready then left it for the third shift to install. I clocked out and headed home, pulling into my drive at 2:15 AM. I certainly was not ready for what I found in the house.

Red was a mess, her hair was all over the place and her lipstick was smeared. I asked her what the hell was going on and where had she been until this time of the morning! Wasted effort on my part.

Red was out like a light. It looked like a gallon of cum had been poured on her, the bed was absolutely soaked. I had had enough and was thankful I had found enough to convince me how lucky I was.

Yeah, right - no way could we stay together, no way would I ever marry her as we had decided. Now I could say fuck that. Just like baseball, "Three strikes and yer out!"

I packed an old seabag and a suitcase with what clothes I owned, not many, and placed them in my truck. I followed up with another load of the few other things I was taking. I made one more pass by the bedroom to see Red had not moved except to open her mouth and she was snoring.

Seeing the way the hair of her red bush was matted and clumped I suddenly had an idea for extracting some measure of revenge. Stupid, yes but I wanted some payback.

I went into the kitchen and brought back a large pair of shears. Taking a deep breath, I went to work. In about fifteen minutes I had cut ever hair from her scalp and her still open cunt. She was welcome to go and do what she wanted, free to fuck whoever she pleased. She'd have to do it hairless, at least for a period until it grew back.

I went out to my truck and drove back to work. Maybe I was more upset than a little, I know I cried as I drove.

I walked into the shop and went for a cup of coffee, waiting for Ed Clinton to come in. I had just poured a second cup when Ed walked in and we went into his office. Filling him in on the details in brief, I told him I was leaving. Then he threw me for a loop.

"Damn it all, Slick, this hurts me more than I can tell you. Man, I hate to lose you. But, I do have a possible solution for your problem. Did you know my brother is a tugboat captain? He knows a bit about you as I've told him, probably too much. He is looking for an engineer and will be passing by here tomorrow with a tow going upriver. I'll put you on him if you want."

Ed called his brother on the radio and we had a short, three way discussion. He asked if I would like to come out and at least listen to the details and ride for awhile.

We worked out what few details needed handling. Ed agreed to store my few things and take care of my truck. The apartment was a month-to-month agreement, Red could keep paying for it or let it go. I crashed for a couple hours on the sofa in Ed's office then went to the diner.


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