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Open House for Panties

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I fill Tammy's white bikini bottom and get a surprise, too.
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Just a few weeks ago, my next door neighbor put their house up for sale. I learned this via the typical realtor "for sale" sign in the yard. Although my wife and I did not interact much with this family, given they had only lived there for two years and mainly kept to themselves, I was a little disappointed to see them go. The neighbors have a daughter, Tammy that I've enjoyed spying on when she went swimming in, and laid out by, her pool.

Tammy was 19 years old when the family moved in and did not go to college. Instead, she worked as a waitress at a local sports bar at nights and attended a few community college classes during the days. Tammy was tall, I'd say close to 5'10" and thick but not fat and certainly not obese. Despite being a rather large girl, she has a very curvaceous figure -- everything is in proportion -- accented by long legs and a very large chest. Her long, dark straight hair, green eyes and always-dark skin contribute greatly to her physical attractiveness. Tall, dark and thick are the adjectives that come to mind every time I see her.

As I work from home in an office upstairs, my recent summers have been filled with watching Tammy when she'd lay out by her pool and work on her tan. Despite her frequent outdoor tanning sessions, over the 2 years she's lived next to me she only wore two different bathing suits: a common black bikini and a white, crocheted bikini that has always been -- much to my delight -- about two sizes too small. When she'd wear the black bikini, I'd return to my work. When she wore the white, crocheted bikini, I was unable to take my eyes of her. I love the way the white fabric contrasts with her dark skin and even darker hair. More so, I love the way a good portion of her ass is visible -- her bikini bottom struggles to cover up her ass crack. The view accentuates the curve from hips to waist. When she'd lie out on her stomach, she push the fabric near the crack of her ass to help tan her ass cheeks. The bikini top -- two white, crocheted triangles held in place by strings -- covers little more than her areolas. The tiny white bikini top is no match for her fabulously large tits which practically fall out when she'd lay out on her back.

On the first Sunday that the house was on the market, I noticed an "Open House" sign in the neighbors' yard and throughout the neighborhood. A wild thought crossed my mind -- this would be my opportunity to leave my cum in Tammy's bikini. I wanted to say good bye to the bathing suit that fueled many a jerk-off session in my home office. My plan was to go over to the house near the end of the Open House, find her white, crocheted bikini and fill it with my sticky cum, then replace them so Tammy would have my sperm pressed against her cunt the next time she put on that bikini. I hatched my plan and waited a few hours.

Ten minutes before the end of the Open House, I told my wife I was going next door as I wanted to see what our neighbor's house looked like on the inside and that I'd be back shortly. Having been inside their house before -- but not a lot -- my wife had no interest. I knew this and her pass was not a surprise.

When I entered the neighbor's house, I was greeted by the realtor. Much to my surprise and disappointment, the realtor, Cindy, is a woman my wife knows socially in the town. Although not friends, they are acquaintances and I've met her before and seen her around town a time or two.

"Hey there!" I greeted her. "I didn't know this was your listing," I declared with surprise in my voice.

"This isn't my listing. My friend has the listing and agreed to do the Open House today, but had to back out at the last minute because of some family issue. And the sellers had already planned to be gone, so, I'm helping her out." She replied.

"I see." I said. "Lynn and I live next door and I'm just curious to see their house. I'm always interested in what homes in my neighborhood sell for and look like. I hope they get a good price for it." I informed her.

I wanted her to know that I was not serious about the house and therefore she'd be wasting her time following me around the house. I was on a mission and did not need a tour guide.

"Sure, help yourself, "Cindy replied. "All bedrooms are upstairs, as is a really great media room."

Cindy is a well-known realtor in my town. She's a reasonably attractive woman but not sexy. I'd guess her age to be in her early 50's and she'd been divorced for quite some time. She obviously spent a great deal of time and money on her appearance and she always looked well cared-for, but the wrinkles in her skin betrayed her age. She was dressed very nicely in a professional skirt of moderate length and a nice silk sleeveless top.

I made my way up the stair case and immediately sought out Tammy's room. Once in there, I made my way to her dresser and -- as quickly and as quietly as I could -- began searching for my target: her white, crocheted bikini bottoms. I carefully opened each dresser drawer so as not to make any noise. I opened a few when I struck gold. I quickly seized the bikini bottoms, quietly closed the drawer (but not all the way -- I intended to put them back when done) and found my way to her closet. I turned on the light, got into the closet and closed the door behind me to provide me some privacy. My cock was already hard and I figured this would not take long. I unzipped my shorts, reached into my boxers and pulled out my rock-hard dick. I held the white bikini bottoms up for inspection. I bathed in the softness of the fabric and admired how tiny they were. I imagined them pressed against Tammy's smooth, dark skin and I visualized her ass and tits, barely covered by this garment.

Assuming they had been washed since I found them in the dresser drawer, I did not even attempt to inhale her scent. I instead quickly scanned her closet, looking for her dirty laundry. Sure enough, I found a basket containing her unwashed clothes. I rifled through, looking for a pair of panties. I came across a cotton pair -- bright pink from the Victoria's Secret "Pink" collection with black trim and a black heart smack dab in the middle of the rear section. I grabbed them, found the crotch and lifted them to my nose. Her musky pussy scent filled my nostrils and reached my brain. My cock twitched with anticipation and I became wild with lust. My left hand lifted the pink cotton panties to my nose so I could breathe in her scent with each breath. My right hand wrapped her white bikini bottoms around my smooth erection and I began to slowly pump myself. Images of Tammy in her tiny, white, crocheted bikini filled my mind -- her thick ass, barely covered with a few inches of ass crack showing. Her big, full tits struggling to stay held in place by the skimpy top. The scent of her pussy in my nose, the feel of the crocheted fabric on my cock, the images in my mind, the naughtiness of my actions and the sight of both of these garments all had me delirious with lust. Although I wanted to go slow and enjoy it, and I tried to make it last, I couldn't restrain myself and my right hand began furiously pumping my dick.

As that familiar sensation filled my balls, I dropped the panties I was holding up to my nose, filling me with Tammy's pussy scent with each breath. With my left hand, I grabbed the tiny white bikini bottoms and flipped them around so that the crotch part was in the palm of my left hand, facing upwards. I then positioned my left hand at the end of my dick and continued stroking myself with my right hand. I was now ready. Cum began to shoot from my swollen cock and I neatly filled the crotch of Tammy's white bikini bottom with my thick, milky cum. I was nearly dizzy from the delirium but continued slowly stroking until I had emptied my balls into the crotch of Tammy's tiny, white, crocheted bikini bottoms. I looked down and noticed that I had spewed a huge load of thick, milky white cum. I was quite proud of myself. Fortunately, there was plenty of fabric to absorb my load. I took a few seconds to admire the object of my lust --the tiny, white crocheted bikini bottoms -- now slimy with my sperm. I knew I'd miss them but took solace in the fact that, the next time Tammy put these on, my cum would be pressed against her pussy and even her tight asshole. I was still turned on.

I now had to get the bikini bottoms back into the drawer from where I had taken them. I dropped them to the floor, put my still-hard cock into my boxers and zipped up my shorts. I grabbed the pink cotton panties off the floor and stuffed them into my pocket. I would enjoy these in the privacy of my home at some time in the future, keeping Tammy's scent to remind me of her. I then grabbed the bikini bottoms and quietly opened the door of the closet to leave. As I exited the closet I was confronted by Cindy who had just entered Tammy's bed room. We both froze. "Oh my god! What the hell are you doing?" Cindy asked loudly. She glared at me.

Her face became red with embarrassment and I could feel heat overcome my own as I became flush. I did not know what to do or say and just stood there, Tammy's white bikini bottoms in my right hand. I knew I had been busted. What could I say? What could I do? Cindy then took charge and began the interrogation.

"Is this why you came here?" she asked, pun likely unintended.

"Yes." I murmured.

Despite my embarrassment for getting caught, I managed to maintain eye contact with Cindy. I may be a horny, pervert, but I'm still a man.

Cindy exhaled loudly and took a seat on Tammy's bed, facing me.

"I've never had this happen to me before. I've never heard of such a situation. What am I gonna do?" she asked rhetorically.

"Well, for starters, we could agree to keep this between us and I'll just return home. No harm, no foul" I suggested.

She did not respond, but instead ran her hand through her thick, straight blond hair (a good dye job, I might add) and pondered what she wanted to do about this situation. I did not see the harm in her keeping this between us. As she pondered, she stared down at the ground. Without looking up at me, she addressed me.

"Are you here cause of the girl or are you into panties?" she asked hesitatingly. She seemed afraid of my answer. She then looked up at me to receive my reply.

"A little for her and a lot for her panties, "I replied. I held up my right hand and showed her, "Actually, I like this particular bikini of hers." I said nothing about the pink cotton panties in my pocket. My erection subsided given the tension of the situation.

"Well, I don't know what to do, Mark. I feel obligated to communicate this to my friend who is the listing agent here but I'm not sure I want to tell her what has happened. "She said, and then paused for what seemed like a long time but was probably a few dozen seconds. While perched on Tammy's bed, she leaned back and rested on her arms and stretched out her legs which were crossed at the ankles.

"Perhaps," she said very carefully, "you'd be willing to earn my silence." She said and fixed her gaze on mine. I found her eyes and noticed a small smile had broken out across her face.

"I might," I replied, "depending upon what you've got in mind."

"I've never seen a man pleasure himself before. I want you to jerk off for me. Do that, and you'll have my silence." She offered.

"How do I know you'll keep your end of the bargain?" I asked.

"What do you have to lose if you take me up on my offer and I renege?" she retorted. "I mean, what's the difference between what you've done and what you might do?"

"Well, it's a reasonable offer and I'd like to accept it. But I'm nearly 40 years old and just came. I don't know if I can make it happen again so soon after the last one. I'm not 18 years old, you know?" I said, now smiling. "Perhaps you could help me?" I offered. I was fishing for a little something from Cindy. Who knows what I might get???

"Yeah, OK. But first, pull it out and show it to me." She said.

I tossed Tammy's cum-filled bikini bottoms on to the bed and slowly pulled my cock out of my shorts again. As I showed it to Cindy, it began to grow, stretching out towards her.

She stared at my cock as it fully extended to its 6.5" length. My circumcised cock, smooth and thick, was now fully engorged. Even so, without any help from Cindy, another orgasm was not likely. I spit into the palm of my right hand and began slowly stroking m cock for Cindy. Cindy was smiling widely at me and her gaze was now fixed upon my hand, slowly masturbating my erect penis.

"That's a very nice-looking dick you have there, "Cindy said. "Nice girth," she admired.

"Thanks," I replied. I stroked it a few more minutes. Having an admiring audience was somewhat of a turn-on. I wanted to put on a good show for Cindy. I spit again in my palm and pumped my cock, all the while pointing it right at Cindy's smiling face.

"Are you enjoying this?" I asked her.

"Absolutely, "she replied. "I find it very sexy watching a man pleasure himself. It's a better experience I thought. I can't wait to watch you cum."

"Well, how about that help?" I asked and reminded her of the low odds of a second orgasm.

"OK, turn around, "she said with a wry smile.

I did as I was told. I turned around so my back was to her and the bed. I was facing the closet door. I continued pumping my hard on as I thought about what Cindy might be doing. I heard her stand up and heard the sounds of some clothes rustling. Was she removing her clothes? I hoped, excitedly.

"You can turn back around now." Cindy instructed.

I turned back to face Cindy who was now standing. Her body was now about two feet from mine. When I turned back and caught her gaze, she lifted her right arm and handed me a pair of black panties.

"Here. These are mine. I just took them off. You can use these to help, seeing as how you've got a serious panty fetish." Cindy said. A smile broke across my face as I took hold of Cindy's black panties with my left hand. They didn't appear to be anything special, but the fabric was smooth and soft and I rubbed them against my cock.

"Can I cum on them?" I asked her.

"Absolutely. I want you to fill them for me." She said with a smile.

Feeling confident now, I found the crotch of her panties with my left hand and lifted them up to my nose. I never took my eyes of Cindy's as I pressed the crotch of her black panties against my nose and inhaled. The scent of her pussy was much stronger than Tammy's and I actually noticed a little dampness in the fabric. Was she wet? I wanted to know. My lust now raged and I felt much better about the odds of producing a nice load for Cindy. I could tell by the look in her face that she enjoyed the fact that I sniffed her panties.

"How does my pussy smell?" Cindy asked "Do you like the scent of my cunt?"

"Your pussy smells heavenly, Cindy." I replied. "Is it me, or are these panties just a little wet?" I asked.

"Seeing your thick cock and watching you stroke yourself really turn me on. They should be a little wet." Cindy said.

I continued to hold the crotch of her black panties up to my nose and the pace of my right hand around my prick hastened. I really enjoyed smelling her pussy through her panties and my balls sent the signal that my orgasm was near.

"Oh fuck, Cindy, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna fill your panties with my cum." I moaned. I removed the panties from my nose and wrapped them around my cock.

"Cum for me! I want you to fill my black panties with your cum!" Cindy said, never taking her eyes off my hand feverishly pumping my dick.

"Oh, here goes! I'm cumming! " I nearly shouted. I watched her as she watched my panty-encased cock erupt into her sexy black panties.

Cum spewed from my dick and saturated her black panties. Cindy smiled as drops of milky white goo appeared in and throughout the fabric. I stroked my swollen, red cock until I had emptied the last drop of cum from my balls into her panties.

"Did you like that, Cindy?" I asked her.

"Oh, that was hot. I really liked the show." She replied. "Now, give me my panties back, please."

I reached out with my left hand and offered her back her panties. She held them up and inspected them.

"Wow, that's a lot of cum for a 40-year old on his second cup!" Cindy said with amazement.

"Thank you!" I replied proudly. "Thanks for your help" I said, with emphasis on the last word.

As she held up the panties, she arranged them and -- much to my astonishment -- slipped her panties back on her under her skirt, cum and all. She caught my look of surprise.

"Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this for quite awhile, "she explained. "The fun for me doesn't stop here."

Cindy picked up Tammy's white bikini bottoms, still wet with my cum and handed them to me.

"What were you going to do with these?" she asked with a smile.

"I'm going to put them back." I said. And with that, I replaced Tammy's tiny white crocheted bikini bottoms to the drawer where I found them. I tucked my now-flaccid cock in to my boxers and shorts and zipped up.

"Well, you've earned my silence. Your secret is safe with me." Cindy said. "Let's go."

We fixed up and Cindy escorted me out of the house, locking the door behind us.

"It was good seeing you, Mark. Thanks for the show!" Cindy said as we proceeded down the walkway.

"You're welcome. I'll put a show on for you any time you want to help." I said.

As I made my way to my house, I put my hand in my pocket and reminded myself of the pink cotton panties that I had stolen from Tammy. I began to look forward to the next time I would enjoy another woman's panties.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Very hot story, made me jerk off and shoot loads of cum onto my desk. I am a panty fetishism, so this tale really pressed all the buttons.

AkpervertAkpervert10 months ago

That sounds like something I might try to do. And if I got caught, I'd hope to have things happen as they did for you.

Did you ever hear from Cindy again?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is an awesome story! I would love to perform for any woman that is willing to take their panties off in front of me so I could jerk off in front of them, are there any women that would take part in this? The closest I came to this is when I went to a open house and a nice looking older woman was sitting on a bar stool a d I sat down at the kitchen table to look at the info about the house and got a real nice look up her skirt to see her sexy white panties. Don’t think it was intended but she realized that I saw up her skirt but didn’t close her legs but nothing became of it except me having a good jerk off session about it :)

Cactus99Cactus99about 2 years ago

anymore with Cindy ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Iove to have a great experience like that . I'm going to be a little more aggressive at any women house . I hope to get caught in the middle of the act and. Find a good girl that is fun like that

SissyCrissy6245SissyCrissy6245about 3 years ago

This is a "Classic" Panty Fetish tread...this long-time PantyBoi has soaked countless VS "Pink" Collection lace Bikini and Thong Panties through the years....cumming back to this thread for years....Mmmm!!! Christine/Crissy LUVS all of hur "danties/Intimates" feminine lingerie....bras, camisoles, stockings, etc....the Avatar pic is exquisite...tight Thong up a beautiful Bum, so Erotic! ... xoxoxo ;-)

tinyclittytinyclittyabout 3 years ago

Very nice! Thank you for the story.

PapaGolf414PapaGolf414over 3 years ago

Nice story for a Panty Fetish -- and this guy really has a bad one! He was lucky to be able to share it with the older Realty Lady, who it seems has a petty fetish of her own! Good luck to them both and particularly to the guy who has gotten away with a nice bright pink pair of his neighbor's daughter's panties for remembrance times! Thanx for the nice Read.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 3 years ago
Not bad

Not bad for a panty story, but shooting and leaving evidence not so cool. In the line of business I used to be in I was able to obtain about 180 pair of panties from different homes I would work in. Nowadays it's just too risky with all the cameras installed in homes. As it was, it was always a pleasure to find some nice used nylon panties in the clothes hampers, especially when I could get a pair from the mother and daughter(s) to add to my collection. Having a Cindy to share with would have been a huge bonus.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Really sexy story

Really sexy story x I often leave my panties for friends/neighbours to find. I love men sniffing my knickers, they get so horny.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Nice Panty Fetish Tale

This is a tale that will be hard to replicate. Wish you well!

lingerie65lingerie65almost 7 years ago
The audience

Wow a really fun & kinky story.

maddictmaddictover 8 years ago
You've never won the lotto?

Lucky wanker. Be glad your not in jail working it up for bubba.

Have you hooked up, i mean strech him out again for Cindy .

plsirronplsirronover 8 years ago

Jacking off for a woman that enjoys watching is so cool!

Randall096Randall096over 10 years ago
me too

I have stolen panties from several openhouses in my time. I prefer soiled/unwashed panties but will take a clean pair from the teenage daughter/s drawer if need be.

zl00pedragl0verzl00pedragl0verover 11 years ago
Understanding Women!!

The world needs more of these

understanding women! Mmmm

I used to fantasize about a woman

like Cindy.

kfdcanadakfdcanadaalmost 14 years ago
very entertaining

My panties are wet now too.

EricProfEricProfabout 14 years ago
Very Hot Story

.....made me cum in my panties!

sniffpantiessniffpantiesabout 14 years ago

Love your sniffing panties stories....Keep them up!!

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