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Outpost: Hetero Version Ch. 02: Snowed In

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Schaffer and his adopted pack are visited by a shuttle pilot.
30k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 01/03/2017
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Schaffer was awoken by a familiar sensation, opening his eyes and blinking sleepily as he lay in a pile of slumbering aliens, the sky outside one of the outpost's tiny portholes was still dark. It must be early morning, the Borealan sun had not yet risen, and the Polars that lay around him like a pride of idle lions were not yet awake. Their chests rose and fell softly, their breathing deep and regular as their paunchy, furry bodies cushioned and insulated him.

He had been living with the pack for months now, they had saved his life after he had been exiled to a remote listening station in the Borealan tundra by a corrupt Admiral, they had found his freezing body in the snow and had nursed him back to health. They had taken him in as one of their own, made him a part of their pack and their family, and now they lived together in the base with the UNN's consent. Schaffer had been put in charge of maintaining the station's eavesdropping equipment, intended to spy on the other alien nations of the planet, and in return he was allowed to live here along with his pack. It was warm, safe, and they were periodically resupplied with food and amenities. A far cry from the subsistence living the Polar pack had been accustomed to when they had come across him.

He was enveloped by their giant, feline bodies, downy white fur and insulating fat pressing on him from all sides. The Polars liked to sleep in a big pile, partly to conserve warmth in their harsh environment, and partly because of their tendency towards spontaneous and permissive sexual behavior. For that reason he slept in the nude, there were no other humans for thousands of miles and the aliens had no comparable concept of shame, wearing revealing and often purposeless garments that completely failed to preserve their modesty.

In some ways he had 'gone native', turned feral by human standards, choosing to live with his adopted family over the people who had betrayed him and had sought to kill him through exposure and starvation. The criminal organization that had stranded him here had been systematically deconstructed by UNN security services, and the figurehead had been put into a coma after resisting arrest, but even though the whole sorry affair had been resolved he still felt more at home with his pack. It was a simple life, fulfilling, he wanted for nothing and there were none of the day to day worries that had plagued him in his old job. His only human contact now was weekly status reports and the supply shuttle that came by once a month.

He looked around him in the gloom, trying not to disturb the sleeping aliens, someone's fat thigh was cushioning his head and there was a heavy arm draped over his belly. They were in one of the dorms of the small base, originally it had been full of bunk beds and cots, but the aliens had been far too large and heavy to use them and so they had removed the mattresses and piled them on the floor. There were a few of these dorms, and the whole pack couldn't fit in just one, so they tended to wander between the different groups depending on who they felt like sleeping with.

Schaffer realized that he was leaning on Osha, a near nine foot tall female who had taken a shining to him almost immediately upon his arrival, adopting him like a stray animal. Her pudgy thighs were as large as his torso, and made an admirable pillow. He couldn't see the faces of those piled to his left and right, but he recognized the patchy, camouflaged fur markings of one of them and determined that must be one of the twins.

He turned his gaze downwards, seeing what had woken him, a pair of familiar blue eyes staring up at him expectantly as they reflected the low light. Shrimp was rubbing Schaffer's thigh with her silky hand, so named for her unusually small stature for a Borealan, putting her on par with a taller human in terms of height. Meek and submissive, she had warmed to Schaffer due to their similar circumstances, the little alien tagged along with him everywhere he went like an adoring puppy. She seemed to see Schaffer's initial refusal to sleep communally and participate in their occasional orgies as neglect, and had taken it upon herself to satisfy his needs, a behavior that had continued long after Schaffer had accepted the ways of their pack as his own.

She was shorter than her peers, one of the pack's younger members, but although she was lithe and petite by Polar standards she was as developed as any human woman. She had heavy breasts and round thighs, with a pleasant plumpness to her figure that gave her some paunch on her belly, the harsh gravity of their native world endowing her with an underlying musculature that made her butt springy and shaped her feminine figure in ways that never failed to draw his gaze.

"Shrimp?" Schaffer whispered, keeping his voice low so as not to rouse the others. "What are you doing up so early?"

Schaffer didn't speak their language and the aliens didn't know English, but they understood each other well enough to communicate through a makeshift system of contextual gestures and basic phrases. The young alien parted Schaffer's legs gently with her fluffy palms, then planted a soft kiss on his inner thigh, Schaffer realizing that his prominent morning wood had drawn the Borealan. Schaffer was still growing accustomed to the pack's laissez-faire attitude when it came to sex, it was both a recreational act, and one of bonding. Shrimp had interpreted that her dear friend was in need of relief, and Schaffer could think of no good reason to deny her.

His erection bounced in the air, and Shrimp took that as an invitation to continue, rubbing her furry face against the underside of his member and lapping softly at the human's balls with her obscenely long tongue. It parted her lips and snaked out of her mouth, almost a foot of pink, wet muscle that roved and coiled with a life of its own as its textured surface wrapped the base of his cock and cradled his testicles. Schaffer covered his mouth with his hand, stifling a groan so as not to disturb his sleeping neighbors, and reached down to sink his fingers into the Polar's soft hair. He scratched her scalp, hearing Shrimp croon happily, delighted to please Schaffer as she painted the human's loins with her viscous saliva.

She took Schaffer's shaft in her hand, wrapping her large fingers around his pulsing member and letting her velvet fur tickle his skin, careful to avoid cutting him with her hooked claws. Her drool made her fur wet, the sensation slippery and pleasant as she began to stroke, Schaffer doing all that he could to keep still as the alien licked and teased below.

Shrimp was so doting, eager and dutiful, constantly glancing up for approval as she worked. The pack structure was still something that Schaffer had a hard time adjusting to, it was just so alien compared to human society, they were led by an Alpha male and then each member of the group was ranked in descending order with Shrimp at the bottom. Far from abusing her, the pack seemed to take special care to ensure that its weaker members were looked after, Osha especially fawned over her like a concerned mother. Being at the bottom of the pack however usually meant...well...being at the bottom of the pack. Zagza, the enormous Alpha male, seemed to take a special interest in subjecting the small alien to long and exhausting sessions that left the poor creature scarcely able to walk. That was to say nothing of the larger females who seemed to particularly enjoy her oral attentions. From one perspective it might be a blessed existence, the plucky little Polar never seemed to refuse or complain, but Schaffer always found himself rooting for the underdog and wanted his friend to come out on top one day.

Today didn't seem to be that day however, and he lay back, letting his head sink into the soft fat of Osha's thick thigh and enjoying Shrimp's indulgences. The Polar mouthed and kissed as she crawled her lips up Schaffer's shaft, an expert on human anatomy by this point, pulling back his foreskin and taking his sensitive glans gently into her mouth. She coiled her slimy tongue around the head, feeling Schaffer's member throb between her lips as she grazed it, then sucked him deeper into her throat as she pressed her head down in one smooth motion to kiss the base.

Schaffer jerked, arching his spine in alarm as Shrimp's smooth throat muscles closed around his erection, massaging and squeezing as the alien swallowed a mouthful of saliva around it. Schaffer combed the Polar's hair with his fingers, scratching her behind one of the round ears that protruded from the top of her head, feeling her shiver appreciatively. Shrimp struggled, eyes watering, and took Schaffer's erection even deeper. Her tongue lolled out to lick the human's balls, her saliva leaking to wet his thighs, the fleshy walls of her gullet rippling and massaging as the alien struggled to hold him there. Finally she pulled back, releasing Schaffer's member along with a mass of stringy drool, clinging to her furry chin and sliding down Schaffer's cock in globs. Shrimp used it to wet her hand, stroking as she caught her breath, wiping some of the mess away with the back of her forearm.

Schaffer felt something heavy on his head, it was Osha, it appeared that she had been roused by the activity. Her dinner plate sized hand rested on him, her black claws tickling his scalp as she stroked his hair. She didn't seem to want to participate, she was just watching sleepily, yawning widely as Shrimp bowed her head to resume her work. She started to go faster now, wrapping her tongue around Schaffer's erection and adding a new layer of sensation, encompassing his length in wet muscle as she sucked and bobbed her head.

As much as Schaffer wanted to encourage her to be more assertive, it was very difficult to refuse her eager, affectionate advances. It was as if her one purpose in life was servicing the other members of the pack, and she never missed an opportunity to make herself available to them. Schaffer most of all. It was also fairly hard to communicate to the little Polar that he didn't want sex, especially when she was already burying her face in Schaffer's crotch and pulling his member into her mouth with her agile tongue.

Shrimp found a punishing pace, sending pleasant shivers crawling up Schaffer's spine as she licked and sucked, swallowing the organ as deep as she could take it as she peppered its length with licks and gentle glances. Schaffer's glans hit the back of her throat, sliding against the slick muscle, the suction the Polar was creating nearly enough to draw his emission from his very body. She let her saliva flow freely, lubricating her gullet, the obscene noises of her wet blowjob drawing a smirk from Osha as she observed them from her reclined position.

Schaffer gripped Shrimp's silky hair more harshly, taking a handful for leverage and thrusting into the alien's eager mouth as his arousal started to overpower his restraint, fucking the willing Polar in earnest as she looked up at Schaffer with yearning in her eyes. The salacious plea went unspoken, but Schaffer understood it well enough, feeling his orgasm rising in his loins as his alien partner begged silently for him to release into her waiting throat.

"You little..." Schaffer growled, his curse petering out into a pained groan as his erection pulsated, releasing a thick wad of his ejaculate directly into Shrimp's waiting gullet. The Polar swallowed him deeper, her lips clamping around the base of Schaffer's cock, gulping down each fresh flood of come as it came. The beleaguered human sank both of his hands into the alien's fur, grimacing as Shrimp drew more of his emission from him, draining him with the cruel massage of her throat muscles as she drank.

Euphoria washed over Schaffer, his muscles tingling and aching as he shot his final load into the Polar's mouth, a pang of harsh arousal coursing through him as he watched the alien swallow conspicuously. Shrimp scraped her lips up Schaffer's still twitching shaft, careful to take as much of her own slimy drool and whatever had escaped from her mouth with her, leaving the human basically clean and panting as he lay against Osha's squashy body. The giant female lay her head back down on the mattress, losing interest and resuming her sleep now that the show was over, Shrimp licking his pink lips and looking to Schaffer for praise.

He reached down to pet the alien, Shrimp purring happily and crawling up to lie beside him, wrapping her furry arms around Schaffer and burying her face in the nape of his neck to nuzzle contentedly. Schaffer felt like sleeping too, the damned alien had drained him, but it was still early in the morning and he could probably catch a couple more hours before the other pack members started to wake up. He heard snow battering the windows as he closed his eyes, must be a storm rolling in.


Riya steered her dropship through the blizzard, the winds buffeting the little craft as it glided on its stubby wings, a sensor overlay projecting on her cockpit window in an attempt to help her see through the almost opaque flurry of snow. It was coming down harder than she had ever seen it, battering the craft's hull, audible even over the sound of the thrusters as they pulsed to maintain altitude.

This should have been a routine supply run, she had been tasked with delivering a cargo bay full of food to a remote station located on this planet's northern pole, but on the way down from the orbiting jump carrier a storm had rolled in. Weather patterns on Borealis were unpredictable on the best of days, and seemed downright hostile on others, as if the world itself was trying to knock you out of the sky. This was one of those days, and she struggled with the vessel's flight stick as she tried to locate her destination, circling as best she could in order to shed some of the speed she still retained from atmospheric insertion.

She had coordinates to the base, but this planet was primitive and did not have GPS satellites in orbit, so the computer had to rely on surface mapping to determine her location. The scanners were having problems penetrating the thick snow, and so the ghostly, orange line drawing of the ground that was scrolling across her HUD was patchy and incomplete.

Just when she thought she might have to fire her main engines and head back to space, she saw it, a geometric blob on her display that could only be a man-made structure. She angled her dropship towards it and began her descent.

Schaffer was jolted awake by the sound of engines, the storm was in full swing and the pack was taking shelter inside, could it be the supply shuttle? They usually called ahead to let him know that they were on their way, but he had received no such message, perhaps the blizzard was interfering with their communications?

He scrambled out of the pile of furry aliens, many of whom had also been roused by the noise, their round ears swiveling atop their heads to track its source. They weren't afraid, they knew what shuttles were by now, but this was still an unannounced visit. He rose to his feet and pulled on a nearby pair of pants, hurrying through the sterile corridors of the installation on his way to the entrance. He looked out of the porthole embedded in the reinforced metal door, squinting his eyes against the ceaseless torrent of snow, trying to make out the shape of a shuttle or the telltale flare of a thruster through the powder.

He couldn't see three feet in front of him, landing a shuttle in these winds would be dangerous enough, never mind the low visibility. He needed to get out there and find out what the hell was going on. He retrieved an environment suit from a rack by the door, they had internal heating elements that would protect him from the planet's blistering cold for a time, they also had a flashlight attachment that he might be able to use to signal the pilot.

He heard footsteps behind him, claws clicking on the deck as Zagza approached, the massive Alpha male's head skirting the ceiling. He looked concerned, standing with his arms crossed across his barrel chest and cocking his head at Schaffer. He was by far the largest...anything, that Schaffer had ever laid eyes on. Broad shouldered, and with a weight lifter's gut to match his impressive musculature, he stood almost nine feet tall and served as the pack's leader.

"I have to go out, big guy," he said as he gestured to the door. The alien understood well enough, and Schaffer signaled for him to stay put. "Too cold out there, even for you."

He pressed his shoulder against the door, turning the handle and trying to force it open, but the buildup of snow on the other side had it stuck fast. The wind howled as it blew through the gap, cold air flooding the corridor, and Zagza planted his massive hands above Schaffer as he leaned over him to help. With the Polar's immense strength, he pushed the door open, baring his sharp teeth as he heaved against the weight of the snow to open a gap that Schaffer could slip through. Zagza slammed it closed behind him, and Schaffer found himself alone in the freezing tundra.

It was cold enough to penetrate his suit, pricking at his skin despite the heating coils that kept his body temperature in the safe zone, and his visor automatically darkened to lessen the glare of the snow. He couldn't hear much now, the outside noises were muffled by his suit, and the blizzard hammered him with enough speed and force that it sounded almost like applause.

He struggled forward in the snowdrifts, deep enough to sink up to his knees, scanning the sky for the shuttle. Only a few feet away from the outpost, he was already beyond the comforting yellow glow that emanated from its windows, hopefully the flashlight beam would penetrate further than the interior lights did.

If he knew anything about dropship pilots, they'd be looking for a flat surface to set down on, and that might prove difficult with the dunes of snow that the winds were forming. He felt a fresh blast of air coming in from a different direction, warmer than it should be, and looked upwards as flecks of snow splashed his face plate. There, he could make out the blue flare of the shuttle's thruster jets, but only just. There was no way his flashlight would penetrate that far.

It seemed to be circling, there was no way the pilot could see anything in this storm, and so they must be trying to locate a landing site with their scanners. He watched the ship sway as it hovered, moving off a short distance from the base before attempting to set down. He could make out its silhouette now, a large, dark blob with an angular hull and stunted wings. It lowered itself tentatively, then a strong gust of wind took it and the pilot had to fight to stay level. It looked as if it was about to spin out of control, but then the pilot made the decision to set it down regardless, and it dropped abruptly to land heavily on the side of a snowdrift. It slid down the side of the dune, its thrusters sputtering out, the engines winding down as Schaffer hurried towards the vessel.

When he arrived it was already beginning to disappear under the snow, the dropship was resting at an odd angle where the pilot had been forced to set it down, tilted on an incline at maybe thirty degrees. Schaffer climbed up onto the cockpit and smacked his gloved hand against the glass. The pilot within, a dark skinned woman with long, black hair jumped as he startled her. He waved, and gestured towards the rear of the craft, and she nodded her understanding. He clambered across the vessel's hull then hopped off into the snow near the tail, waiting for the pilot to lower the landing ramp.

When there was enough of a gap for him to slip past, he stepped inside and hit the emergency close button, waiting for the ramp to seal behind him before removing his helmet. He took in a breath of stale, recycled air, the heating system in the shuttle working overtime as he felt the cold he had let in dissipate. He was surrounded by crates, no doubt containing food and supplies, anchored to the floor with straps where the crash couches would have been in a troop carrier. The whole thing was slanted, and he gripped one of the handholds in the roof to steady himself.


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