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Paige Ep. 027: CONNECT FOUR

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"Dear Diary...I finally met Coochie. BITCH!"
7.3k words

Part 27 of the 29 part series

Updated 09/14/2022
Created 10/18/2018
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"Salad officially tossed."

Paige Turner tosses her salad tongs aside on to the counter, while her father Lonnie checks on his porkchops in the oven, preferring baked over fried.

"Chops are close." He shuts the oven door, twisting to look about at everything. "Potatoes mashed. Green beans with bacon simmering. Dinner rolls ready to toss in when the chops come out. What's left? Oh, yeah. Bottle of wine to chill. Get the ice bucket out and put the bottle in, tray of ice around it."

"Really Daddy? Do we really need a bucket of ice?"

"Guess not. Nervous is all."

"Relax. Deborah likes you Daddy. No need to be too extravagant."

"So the flowers I bought her were too much?"

"Noooo! Flowers are good. Just maybe not red roses until you admit your undying love for one another." She giggles.

"For crying out loud. Go get dressed. They're here in thirty minutes and you're nude wearing only a Kiss the Cook apron."

"With All Over scribbled under the word Cook in black sharpie. I thought it was cute. I'm so clever."

With an oven mit on his right hand he muffles a slap to his daughters bare ass making her laugh. Assisting her in removing the apron over her long scarlet hair with his free hand he grins evilly. Pulling the mit off with his teeth he wags his eyebrows at his daughter and raises his uncovered hand ready for another swat to her bottom. She winces and tries to evade him squealing "Nooo!" In response he tickles her instead sharing good times. Finally he pecks her on the cheek lovingly and grunts. "SCOOT BEFORE I BOOT."

She was gone. As she vanished from the kitchen he yells out, "Put on a nice dress."

"I know just the one."

He should have picked it out himself. Lord have mercy.

Thirty minutes on the kitchen egg timer Lonnie knew he was out of borrowed time. Chops out, dinner rolls in. Regardless of what Paige said he did put a bottle of red wine in an ice bucket. His wanting to impress Deborah was impacting his imagination. Eying the apron he decided to wear it himself just for kicks. He knew Paige would call him out on her creativeness but it was good for a few laughs he thought.

Hearing a pair of car doors out front he made one last check on the dinner rolls so as not to burn them and headed toward the door. In passing he swooped up two roses from the vase on the dinner table and put them between his teeth in a charming manner. It was a good thing Paige clipped the thorns or he might be bleeding out.

Doorbell rung he takes a deep breath and swiftly opens the door. Eyes bulging at Deborah's cleavage he nearly let the roses fall from his mouth. She was absolutely radiant. Wearing a black dress with a red wavey pattern moving vertically down her gorgeous body and ending at her thigh high hemline. She smiled brightly at the roses as he opened the screen door. Removing the roses he stared for a moment.

"If this is a dream...don't wake me up."

With a warm caress to his cheek Deborah Johnson beams with pride, "Not even if I stay the night Big Daddy." She accepts her rose then follows up with a kiss to his opposite cheek, her caressing palm still touching him for effect. This led them both into a melding embrace. As he absorbed her delicious scent he peers down behind Deb to discover her shorter companion. Gazing up at him with devilish big brown orbs stood Deborah's daughter Coco alias Coochie. While claiming her own rose the girl mouths the words, "I'm going to fuck you." Lonnie scowled as a reply and overlooked her brazen outlook on life.

"This must be Coochie." He opened up as Deb eased to his side just inside the door.

"My lil' hellion. God love her." Deb winced with a thin smirk.

"Like my dress?" Coochie twirled in a 360. She was wearing a tight white mini dress with the sides laced up, revealing open flesh from armpit to hip. Aiming to behave Lon puckered at her attire.

"You look lovely. My daughter has a..."

They find themselves interupted when Paige joins the reunion. Easing around her Father Paige greets them with a stunning smile. That is until she noticed Coochie's dress. Dropping her jaw she sighs, "Twins?" Paige was wearing the very same dress only in black.

"Ebony and Ivory?" Lonnie joked until Deb frowned at him. He cringed slightly until her expression brightened up.

"I love Stevie Wonder." Deb broke the tension then leans in to hug Paige, "You look lovely sweetheart. Much better than those pajamas I met you in."

"Oooo! I have a brand new pair of Hello Kitty jammies." Paige is reminded of her gift via Mister Frank. It suddenly dawned on her that she needed to text the man and say that she missed him. Missing his nephew Robin even more. She would do that later.

"Good for you. With buttons I hope." Deb winks.

Paige pouts gently, "I don't like buttons."

"Well..." Lonnie clasps his hands, "Shall we step inside before the neighbors get nosey and think I hired strippers?"

"He thinks I could be a stripper. I so adore this man." Deb shivers at Coochie who merely grins. "Coochie? This young lady is Paige. Say hello please."

"Love the red hair." Coochie opts to compliment.

"Love the extensions." Paige admires the beaded additions to Coochie's hair.

Silence briefly Lonnie ushers everyone inside and closes the door. It was then that Deb noticed the apron. Accepting his offer the Nubian goddess slithers close and kisses his neck. He blushes looking through the corner of his eye at the girls.

"Ummm! What's this all about?" He chuckles. In response Deborah taps her index finger over the words on his apron. The second Paige realized he was wearing her apron she narrowed her eyes, "HEY! THAT'S MY APRON." Lonnie sighed and enjoyed Deb's succulent lips. He finally quakes at the chill her warm exhales were leaving upon his neckline. Laughing Deb eases back and winks at Paige.

"His now Baby. I love me some Su Chef. Mmmm mmm! Some vittles smell good."

"Something is burning." Coochie sniffed the air.

"SHIT! My dinner rolls." Lonnie darted away abandoning the ladies who enjoy his panic attack. Deb setting her purse on a table by the door smiles before patting Paige on the arm.

"Never let a man cook." Her whisper made Paige wrinkle her nose. Watching Deb join Lonnie in the kitchen Paige pivots on her heel to eye Coochie.

"So...why are you sending nakie videos to my Daddy?"

"You know about that?" Coochie snickers, "I like messing with my Mom's guys."

"Guys? She has more than one?" Paige loses expression.

"Relax Red. My Mom isn't seeing other guys. All she does is talk about her Big Daddy. I can see why, your Dad is hot."

"Isn't it rude to be trying to steal your Mom's boyfriend?"

"Naaaa! My Mom knows I do that shit. I'm a nympho what can I say."

"Really?" Paige fidgets then leans in to whisper, "Me too."

"I couldn't tell by the dress."

They share a laugh knowing both are wearing the same laced up dress. Coochie eyes Paige's lily white complexion. "White girl can't get much whiter."

"I was gonna say Coco can't get much more...chocolaty."


"No. Are you?"

"If I was I wouldn't wanna fuck your Dad."

Paige bulges her eyes and expresses awe at her words. "Not going to happen on my watch."

"Not gonna fuck him on your watch...I'm gonna fuck him on his bed."

"Don't make me punch your lights out. I'll give you a black eye."

" are racist."


As Paige doubles her fist Coochie leans in nose to nose and smiles, "I like white girls too."

"Soooo not gonna happen." Paige wanted to laugh but tried her best to be defensive. Finally, they both broke silence and share their amusement.

"We nymphos need to stick together." Coochie giggles, "Literally."

"Someday you might be my step sister."

"That or I might be your stepmommy."

"OH HELL NO!" Paige belts out as loud as her kiddy like voice could escalate in octave. Shrinking with clenched teeth, hoping that their parents hadn't heard her outburst Paige smirks, "That's hilarious. Wanna see my room Mommy?"

"Rather see your Daddy's room. I'll settle."

"We are going to be soooo much trouble." Paige snatches up Coochie's hand and drags her out of sight. Fast friends? Time would tell just how fast.

In the kitchen Lonnie had turned on both the exhaust fan and the charm. Removing his apron he placed the collar over Deborah's neck and proceeded to leave a hicky on the woman's throat. The chemistry was still there. This led to them pawing each other up against the fridge. Magnets fell to the floor in their attraction. How ironic it was. Who needed dinner anyway. Her rose was tossed on the counter beside them.

"Mmm Big Daddy you take my breath away." Deb whispers softly with her eyelids sealed to absorb his tenderness. Her arms surrounding his own neck led to perfectly manicured nails digging into his polo shirt. He wanted her bad but knew that it would have to wait. Sighing as his lips left her throat he murmurs his desire to continue.

"I could kiss you all night long."

"Ditto Big Daddy. I suppose we should present a good example for the kids shouldn't we?"

"My kid knows what I'm like." He smirks.

"Somehow I can believe that. You don't have to tell me everything handsome. A momma knows."

Lonnie finds himself taken back by her comment. He knew that their first meeting at IHop might have looked bad but had he let on his attraction to his own daughter that day? It was more a show and tell scenario toward Frank Martinbaum than for himself. Wasn't it? Was he that obvious?

"Knows what?"

"You're the man of the house. You should have the priviledge to do as you want. I would never look down on you for anything you chose to do." She clings to his neckline with a warm subtle grin of acceptance.

"I'll play dumb here, what are you implying?" He shares a smirk of curiosity.

"Big Daddy I see how you look at Paige. I see how she looks at you. The two of you have...something unbreakable. Undeniable."

"Well yeah, I am her Father. It's my job to adore my kid."

Deborah tilts her head with a half grimace that calls him out. He swallows wryly at her gaze studying his. "Are you insinuating that I'm...with Paige?"

"Not saying another word Sweetie. I'm here for you no matter what your decision and lifestyle tells you to do. I would think by now you would know I'm openminded toward most anything."

"Including...our...closeness...Paige and I."

" did sell her to her not so much Grandfather."

"Pretty stupid of me, huh?"

"We both know Paige lives to make you happy. As long as you make her happy too that bond will strengthen. Like I said...unbreakable."

"Alright, while we're on this subject...why are you so open as to let your daughter send me masturbation videos? Doesn't that bother you? It's like she's trying to steal away your...well, me."

"She's me when I was her age Lonnie."

"BIG DADDY." He insists with a playful glare.

"Mmmm! You're liking my nickname aren't you?"

"I do. Let's stick with that nickname."

"My pleasure. I'll never refer to you as anything else." She nibbles her lower lip before continuing, "As I was saying, I was the same way growing up. I liked my body and I enjoyed letting men see it. I still do. I know I got it going on still."

"That you do Runway Diva."

"Is that my nickname?"

"Naaa! I'll find a better one."

"Make it sexy." She too insists.

"Let's discuss this further after dinner. From my bed."

"Well now! Inviting us to spend the night?"

"We're locking the bedroom door. I'm not letting your kid sleep with us." He offered a stern look.

"Coochie might come in through the window." Deb chuckles.

"Fuck it. Your kid just mouthed her intention to fuck me behind your back at the front door. Now I'm worried."

"She's testing you."

"I have enough trouble keeping Paige's hormones in check. Now I have two to stress over?"

"Package deal Big Daddy. My baby goes where I go."

"Maybe we should get them both jobs and let them share an apartment."

"Uh huh! They would be evicted in a week."

"So we're saddled with them?"

"It almost sounds as if you're moving us in with you."

"Well, no...not the worst idea...but don't you think we should get to know each other better? Tame the kids."

"I agree. My lease is up soon though. No pressure. One bedroom cubicle where we live now but it's home."

"One bedroom? Coochie doesn't have her own bedroom?"

"Oh no. We share a queen size bed. I know it sounds strange but she's slept with me since she was a baby. Don't read too much into that. It's out of convenience."

"So where did she sleep if you had guys over?"

"Don't judge me." She snickers, "The couch silly."

"Whew! I was hoping you didn't say with you and the guy."

"Like you Big Daddy...there is a freaky side to me. That's exactly why I don't frown on you and Paige. I adore you both regardless."

"When she turned eighteen awhile back I made the rule of no clothing while at home."

"I can abide by that rule." She winks mischivously.

"I meant Paige and I. That rule would need to change."

"It doesn't have to."

"Yeah it does. I don't think I could deal with Coochie seeing my erection around you...or Paige sadly."

"Sweetie? I can barely keep that girl clothed as it is. We had the cable guy over to replace our DVR and that girl answered the door in all her glory. I was in the shower at the time. If I hadn't walked out in my towel she would have been riding that poor man."

"EXACTLY! I don't want Coochie trying to ride me. I want you...not her...that way."

"I understand that Big Daddy. We can sit down and talk with our babies when and if we decide to share a residence. I have two months on my lease still, although they do try and get us to sign on a month early. pressure."

"Right. I guess the kids must have gone into Paige's room. A good sign they're getting along I suppose."

"They'll be like sisters in no time. What worries me is who will influence whom more."

"Meaning what?"

"It's pretty obvious they both like men. My Coochie is on Tender like Paige is so she's met a few men already. I'm assuming Paige has as well."

"Ohhh yeah! My lil nympho."

"I say that to Coochie too." She sighs, "Like Mother, like daughter. Although I don't go after every man in sight. I can promise you faithfulness...unless of course Big Daddy wants to share his wealth." Her brow peaks looking for his thought on the subject.

"Want me to whore you out like I do my kid?"

"I'll leave that up to you Big Daddy. Like I said I swear my loyalty, the rest is on you."

"God we're some kind of freaks aren't we?"

"Are we complaining?"

"Not yet."

"Good. Our food is getting cold."

"We can nuke our plates."

Lonnie decided dessert was on the menu first. Chocolate mousse with a cherry on top. Deborah enjoyed his appetite. More magnets hit the floor.

Paige's bedroom...

"You sleep with a teddy bear?"

"That's Fuzzy. Yes, he's my boyfriend." Paige giggles.

"Not so well endowed though is he?" Coochie taps the bears privates.

"I have a much bigger teddy bear. His name is Joshy."

"In the closet?"

"If he wanted me there I'd do him there."

"Funny. I'm not into stuffed boyfriends."

Paige brightens up and snatches her cell from it's charger. Looking through her pictures she finds one of she and the bodybuilder Josh. It also had Bryan and Greg in the photo. They were all nude but no private parts were on display. Once located her arm extends full length in showing off the picture. Coochie flares her eyes at the selfie.

"Those are some mighty fine Bears, Boldilocks."

"I know." She whispers, "They all have huge dicks."

"Why are you whispering? Afraid your Dad might hear and bust you?"

"No! This guy Greg is one of Daddy's best friends."

"Does he know you're...?"

"Daddy lets me do whatever and whomever I want."

"Sounds like my Momma." Coochie reveals her own cell and digs for pictures of her own. Finding the one she had in mind she shares it with Paige. The man in the picture was also a bodybuilder type, only African American. "This is Antoine. I call him Ant."

"Big Ant."

"GIANT!" Coochie chuckles showing the man's nearly foot long penis.

"I bet that hurt."

"Why do you sound like you're twelve?"

"Why do you sound like you're thirteen?"

"Guys dig my soft voice even if I do get mouthy."

"I've learned that men like that youthful feel. Kind of creepy, but I like turning them on with my voice."

Coochie scans about her at Paige's room. Seeing pictures of she and her Mother Paula. "That your mom?"

"Yep. Same red hair. I took after her in that aspect."

"Gingers have no soul."

"Cartman? I love South Park."

"Not in my hood. You're awfully girly girly. Hello Kitty? For real?"


Coochie scowls, "I haven't seen it yet."

"Whoa! Are you...really into girls?"

"Sure! Why not?"

"I didn't mean me. Just curious..."

"Bi curious?"


"Lyin' bitch. I've seen you looking at my body."

"Only because our dresses match...except in color. White looks good on you."

"Black looks good on you. Maybe we'd look good on each other."

"I'll pass. I like dick."

"Dildo too it looks like." Coochie points under Paige's bed where the crown of a big rubber dong sat in view. Paige blushed, "Sorry. I thought I kicked it under the bed further."

"Don't be sorry Ginger. I got all the soul you need."

"Huh?" Paige looks confused until it dawns on her what Coco had meant, "Ohhh! Soul as in Soul sister."

"Whatever." Coochie drops to her hands and knees to look under the bed further. Reaching under the frame she drags out the Hitachi wand that Lonnie had bought her. "You sing?"

"That's not a microphone."

"I know that. I have one too. I sing like freakin' Missy Elliot when I use it."


"TMI stands for Tuck Mine Inside. Ever try that?"

"Nooo!" Paige flares her eyes, "Now I need to try that."

"Lift that skirt up."

"NOT NOW!" She swats Coochie's hand away from her hemline. Pointing at the girl on her knees still with a deadly sneer, the expression faded fast. Both laughed at each other. "Maybe later."

"Daddy mentioned you were on Tender too. How many guys have you met on there?"

"Couple hundred. Physically? Ten. You?"

"I have over 2000 guys on my reply list. I've met a few but Daddy keeps me on a leash until I graduate. Once I have that diploma I can meet as many as I want."

"I graduate next week."

"Mine is on Saturday. You guys should come. Oh wait! My Mom will be there. Her racist asshole boyfriend too. I wouldn't want you two degraded by Mark."

"We can take care of ourselves. We have a family barbecue on Saturday anyway. You and stud Daddy are welcome to join us before your Graduation. All the ribs you can eat."

"Speaking of ribs. We should probably go eat dinner."

"I'm gonna play footsy with your Dad under the table."

"You have my blessing. I might do that too." Paige chuckles then realizes that she was basically admitting her own attraction to her Father, "With your mom. Wait! I give up."

"We'll probably have to fight with my Momma's feet. You put your foot on your Daddy's crotch?" Coochie squints smirking.


"You don't lie very well Ginger. It's all good. If I had a daddy that hot I'd tapdance on that lapdance."

"Hilarious. Let's eat."

"I thought you weren't bi?"

"NOT THAT KIND OF EAT!! Oh my gosh! We should get on Tender after dinner and stir up trouble."

"I'm game."

A connection was made.

Shuffling into the dining room the girls discover the food in transit. Reheated necessities were finally ready to be served. Both Lon and Deb wore oven mits and were readily carrying casserole dishes and bowls of delicious smelling vittles.

"Have a seat ladies." Lon took time to play the gentleman and pull out a chair for Coochie offering a warm smile. Coochie slyly grinned at Paige first, then mouthed the words, "I'd rather sit on your face." He overlooked it as she took her seat and he nudged it forward. He did the same for Paige who politely thanked him.

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