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Paige Ep. 029: Humpty Dumpty

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"Dear Diary...Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? WE DID!"
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Part 29 of the 29 part series

Updated 09/14/2022
Created 10/18/2018
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"Last day of school Punkie." Lonnie Turner stepped out of his shower as his lovely daughter Paige brushed her teeth in front of the bathroom mirror. Bouncing in step before spitting out her toothpaste Lonnie dared to imagine her foamy lips as his cum. Not uncommon these days considering the father and daughter incest. Still, now that he was dating Deborah Johnson those days realistically should be over with. Should be, however that was not certain at this point. Strangely, Deborah was fine with sharing him. No matter what, the bond he and Paige shared would never be broken. Love was eternal.

"I know isn't it great? After Saturday I'm a free woman. FINALLY!!"

"Half day today right?" He dried himself off in front of her, dick dangling and for once not saying, come to Daddy. Even as she brushed she looked him over from head to toe, eyes always visualizing the possibilities. It took him to snap his towel at her to get Paige to avert her gaze.

"Yep. Sorry, I can't help looking." She giggled, then spit a second time, this time bending over the sink to slurp up water from the faucet rather than waste a paper cup. While bending over Lonnie reached under and goosed her making her spit all over the mirror. Laughing at him she pointed threateningly, "Now I have to clean the bathroom. Meanie."

"Couldn't resist. With an ass like yours it's hard to pass up."

"Shouldn't we chill out considering you're attached?"

"I wasn't trying to turn you on. Just being goofy. You're right though, we should make more of an effort to straighten up. Once you get a taste it's hard getting off the drugs."

"So I'm an addiction now?" She laughs.

"Something like that. Get dressed I'll drop you off at school today. I told my boss I'd be a little late, it being your last day and all."

"Ok, I'll hurry." She slyly kneels in front of him and swiftly kisses his crown with a wink. He shook his head and watched his dick increase in size almost instantly. "I still have him at my mercy." With a tongue playfully extended she razes him then rushes to her bedroom. Eying his boner Lonnie grimaces. He missed the squirt. Her too.

This being the final day of school the students were allowed to disobey the dress code and wear whatever they wanted. Nothing new for Paige, she had pretty much gotten away with it anyways. Paige had already discussed the clothing style with her new homies Chelsea, Trixie, and Madison. Overnight the girl army had increased due to word of mouth. More girls were willing to get in on the plans Paige concocted after school. Funding the operation helped. After humiliating the boys yesterday without their knowledge at the time, she wanted to explore her own freedom with the girls in tow. The boys would inevitably brag today about the glory holes, let them. The girls knew what really happened. If the boys tried to be cruel, they would just show them a video copy of what truly happened. Beau Stewart having made copies just in case they tried to act tough. Humility would win their silence in the end. Paige had them right where she wanted them.

Wearing a white mini dress with the skirt well above the knee, held on to her shoulders with micro thin straps that drifted low to contain her cleavage, no bra, no panties, she finalized the outfit with matching white pumps. Today she wore her contact lens to show off her gorgeous green eyes. Snatching up a plastic bag of goodies from the foot of her bed she met her dad in the living room where he stood jingling car keys.

"What's in the bag?"

"Mischief. Don't ask."

"I just did." He forcefully lifts the bag, reading the stores name with poised brows, before peering inside. "What in the...?"


"Not even close. Why do you need that many eggs? I bet you're broke now aren't you?"

"Don't you dare try and stop me Daddy. The girls are all participating. And..."She grits her teeth to pause, "I have lunch money still."

"Since when are you MVP?"

"Since I suckered Brett and the guys yesterday."

"How so?"

"Let's just say I made a few new BFF's." She winks, "Not best friend's forever either. It stands for something only myself and my friend's know. Trade secret, we traded, our secret." She laughs opening the front door.

"If you say so. You have batteries?" Those eggs were not from any hen. These were silver bullet vibrators.

"Yes I stocked up. Take me to school my studly Chauffeur."

"Yes Mum. Let me not get that door for you." He didn't either. She opened her own car door.

As Lonnie started his car he checks for Paige to make certain her seatbelt was locked. Eying her she gazes brilliantly at him. He chose to reach over and caress her long red hair before holding her chin, "I love you."

"I love you too Daddy."

"You have five hours. Try not to get expelled." He laughs. "Eggs over easy can set off the smoke detectors."

Snorting, Paige adds, "I brought our egg timer just for laughs."

"Have your fun. Graduation tomorrow night and you're out of the woods."

"I can't wait to sleep in for the rest of my life. That and date lots of really handsome men."

"What's the Tender calculator up too now?" He pulls out of his drive and hits the street.

"It locked up. I think it only goes up to six digits. Lots to pick from still."

"Be careful."

"You know I am."

"Says the girl that fucked a strange neighbor in our back yard at 3 in the morning."

"I couldn't resist that one."

"Uh huh! You need to resist more. Let me examine the guys before you make plans from here on. I don't want you getting used."

"Like Mark is trying to do?"

"Don't sweat over Mark. I have that dealt with. "Not completely but he had a start on it. "Which reminds me, look in the glove box, I left you a surprise."

"Graduation gift?" She bulges her eyes and hops in her seat.

"Yes and no. Just look." He watches her open the glove box and finds the only thing in it was an envelope.



She greedily tears it open and pulls out the contents. Eyes flaring wide, followed by a lowered jaw, she read the flyer. "OH MY GOD DADDY! We're going to Hawaii?"

"Yep. I could use a vacation too. Besides I wanna see you in a coconut bra and a grass skirt."

"I thought you were trying to behave?" She giggles then tries to hug him but her seatbelt got in the way.

"Last time."

"Yeah, right! You want me every day. I'm irisistable."

"Yes you are." He didn't want Paige to know that he was biding time to safeguard her from Mark Rapier and his skinhead cronies. He needed time to plan out his own strategy on how best to deal with them and not get beat up. A recorded cell video of Mark's threats would help but that would only be a slap on the hand. No real jailtime to move past his demands, Mark would come back swinging. Between protecting Paige, he also had to consider her Mother who lived with the douche bag Mark. She being a recovering alcoholic the knowledge might send her spiraling. Lonnie needed more leverage before confronting Mark Rapier and his Foreskins.

"So, I'm an ALOHA HO?" She danced in her seat. An instantaneous image of Paige dancing a hula that was slipping from her hips made him smirk. Noted for the future he thought.

"Sure are my Tiny Bubbles."

"Huh?" She winced not understanding, "Because I'm bubbly?"

"Don Ho? Forget it, he's before your time." A shrug added, "Almost before my time." That she did, instantly gone from her thoughts. Drive on Lonnie.

Pulling up out front of the High School Lonnie Turner reached over to halt his daughter before she could leap from her seat in her giddiness. She was definitely in a hurry to get this day started, and ended in a fun filled fashion.

"Hold up Punky." Hand on her leg she freezes to look over at him.

"Yes Daddy?"

Teary eyed he realized just how close she was to being a full fledged adult, free to do as she pleased. After 18 years of helping her do homework, teaching her values, battling her baggy nerd days, acne, she had grown too fast. A good thing actually, considering their bad habits the past couple months. He could not shelter her forever, as much as he might want to.

"Just wanna say I'm proud of you."

"Aww! You should save that for when I'm holding my diploma tomorrow night."

"I'll say it again don't you worry. Every day going forward."

"Don't make me cry." She pouts pointing at her cheek, "Makeup."

"Right! Can't go ruining the rouge, as if you need it. Listen, word of advice? Put the plastic bag in your book bag until you're sharing the wealth. Please be careful."

"What? You think the logo on the bag saying Bed Petters would give me away? I've gotten away with worse." She giggles, but listens unzipping her bookbag to stash the vibes. Removing a book tossing it in the backseat to make room made Lonnie chuckle. "Sex education book. Who needs it. Moving on to Karma Sutra once I get to the library. Teasing Daddy. I can get all that online."

"Course you can. Long as I'm your test run."

He shakes his head. "All I'm saying is it's safer hiding those silver bullets before any of the faculty think there's going to be any school shooting. I want my sweet little Assassin to make it the next few hours without a gunfight."

"Assassin?" She smiles reciting the word again but breaking it down, "ASS ASS IN. You just gave me a brilliant idea Daddy."

"Oh boy."

"Exactly. She laughs. "Hawaii?" She wiggles her brows.


"Karma Slutra practice."

"Perfect. Except I'm asking Deb and Coochie to go too. My treat for Coco's graduation. That way I can have alone time with Deb and you have a buddy to run with."

"We win Lotto? I thought money was tight."

"Grampa Frank. I made a call. You're spending the weekend after we get back with him. Got an advance on your holes."

"Yay! So we're not in the wrong rabbit hole anymore." She snickers patting her bookbag. "Is it weird I like it when you pimp me out?"

"Don't remind me. Last time I'm asking Frank for any advance. I don't want him to turn on us. We have to send him pictures from Hawaii."

"Me nakie on the beach at sunset?"

"Whatever we can get away with."

"Gotta go Daddy. Love you." A swift reach over to kiss him on the cheek Paige was out of the car running. Lonnie had to toot his horn to make her return just to shut her door. It was pretty humorous. Watching her wiggle away, her skirt darted side to side, pausing to look back at Lonnie she bent over on purpose to reveal her bare ass. She didn't do it long to avoid Mom's dropping off other students. No one else spotted her mischief.

"There goes that cute as a button, emphasis on butt." After sighing he slapped his own cheek to return himself to reality. In the gutter as always, a car tooting behind him made his final thought fade. He needed to get moving anyway, not so much being late for work, his boss agreed to let him run late due to Paige's last day of school. He had one more destination to stop at before his reprieve's end. "IHop here I cum." Deb Johnson was already serving her own type of eggs over easy. He hoped that the sudden Hawaiian vacation wouldn't be premature considering it was spontaneous. She might not even be able to take a week off. It would serve him right or wrong. He would know soon enough. He expected to be called Sugar Daddy.

Bolting through the doors of the school and secretly bypassing the metal detectors Paige headed straight through the student body loitering in the halls. Everyone had the chance to defy the dress code today. Short shorts, tank tops, halters, mini skirts, it was all about skin on the final day. It was amazing the school allowed it. It was the rite of passage toward the future that they promoted. Truth be told it was just the faculty wanting a free fantasy moment. The school did have dozens of super hot girls in the senior class. Snorting she thought to herself, "Wonder if I could have gotten away with a string bikini?" That might not have been as acceptable, but for some well received. Cleavage was one thing, 90% nude not so much.

Searching for her newest friends along the way she managed to locate Chelsea Cooper and Trixie Wiggins, as ever glued to the hip, both wearing dresses not far off from what Paige was wearing, only in yellow and red. Yawning vividly after a long night of partying with dates, yes they got laid, the two beauties welcomed Paige with warm smiles. They were still amazed at what Paige had managed to pull off yesterday. She had literally made history in her bait and switch during a glory hole shelter concocted by a flock of mean spirited boys. Switching the girls out with gay young men without the other boys knowing gave everyone a chance at a good time at the true losers in the school. Namely Brett Chenowyth and his entourage of asshats. Without even knowing what had happened video was taken that would counter any blackmail attempts in the future, not wanting to face humiliation. Good times.

"Are you two lovely ladies ready for more fun?" Paige excitedly danced in step wagging her book bag in front of them. "I brought breakfast just like I said I would."

"Not hungry. Hangover." Chelsea winced at Paige's vigor.

"What's in the bag? Not donuts I hope."

"Eggs." Paige winked.

"Tell me we're not throwing eggs at anything." Trixie rolled her eyes, "I'm not into interior decorating."

"There might be some decorating if they do their jobs." She laughed at the girls, then unzips her book bag and opens the inside plastic bag to reveal it's contents. The second Trixie realized what she was looking at her jaw drooped.

"WHOA! My sister has one of those. Her boyfriend likes to get her worked up in public."

Chelsea got a good look next and bulged her eyes, "You must be the Easter Bunny. I'm soooo in. Trix fits right in, she was named after the rabbit on the cereal box." She bumps shoulders with her bestie. "Who gets the remote?"

"Choose anyone you want to as long as you know they're nearby to use it. Suggestion?" They were listening, "I say let's give the boys less fortunate the chance. Even if they're not anyone you might date. It's not fair to give any of the guys we suckered yesterday a chance to get even with us. Right?"

"Soooo, it's nerd day?" Trixie chuckled, "Why the hell not, I have two classes with Fred Koones. I know he likes me, as if, but I'll give him a thrill for the heck of it." She digs in to procure her packaged egg and hides it in her own bag.

Chelsea grabbing hers ponders her controller, "Billy Doolan. I have every class with him. Stalker." She laughs.

"Make it worth it. Have them pass the cordless remote around to others." Paige added. Shrugging the girls agreed with that. Before any of the girls could run off to install their new toys another new found friend approached them.

"Hey HOmies."

"Patrick Nichols? My adorable Assassin. I have something for your Mancave." Paige yanks him into their huddle and shows him the eggs. His eyes brightened up, "Get it? Ass Ass In? You want one? Give the remote to any boy you want."

"Not my Mancave, my Diva Den." He corrected her grinning, "I know just the one. Play along when you find out who." He swiftly grabbed two more eggs from her bag, "Two for my Boos." He meant his glory boys Timothy and Peter. Fun would be had by all.

"Go bitches. Into a stall...and install." Paige shoos Chelsea and Trixie away. The thrill was just kicking in. Noting a clock on the wall time was running out, she needed to get her own egg put in and find her girl Madison. Searching high and low she decided to call her cell, leaning on set of lockers next to a janitors closet. Once dialing it began ringing. Strangely, she heard the pig from the Geico commercial going WEEEEE WEEEEE! all three times it rang. "You've got to be kidding me. She worries about being called a pig and she uses that ringtone?" Following the ring she realizes it was coming from inside the janitor closet. Smirking Paige opens the door quickly and catches Madison on her knees holding Beau Stewart's dick. Busted they both panic until Paige rushes in closing the door. "Commence pigging out."

"You scared the hell out of us Turner." Beau whispers, "There's no inside lock to lock the door."

"Hurry up and get him off Maddy, I have something for you...and Beau."

Dropping her book bag Paige crouches down, in doing so Beau looks up her skirt to see pure pussy. His dick got harder in Madison's mouth. Whatever helped him along Paige would say if she had noticed. Tearing open her own egg she reached between her legs and pushed her egg between her pussy lips and deeper until it was a comfy fit. Standing up it felt strange but she shook it off.

"Was that a vibrating egg?" Beau chuckled.

"Yes it was. I have one for Maddy here too. You get the remote. Trixie, Chelsea, Patrick, Tim, and Peter Rabbit have one too. This is going to be Humpty Dumpty Day."

Nearly gagging on Beau's dick, Maddy pulls off turning pale, "I'm wearing what?"

"Fuck it. You can blow me after school." Beau retrieves his penis and puts it away, while Madison stands up wiping her chin. She looked terrified of the unknown. Busting open a second egg she puts it in Maddy's hand and hits the remote. Buzzing in her hand she laughed. "Drop your britches Miss Piggy. Nice ringtone by the way."

Beau assisted Maddy in unzipping and dragging her pants and thong down. Kneeling in front of Maddy Beau took the egg and pushed it up into Maddy who nearly freaked out. "What if I can't get it out?"

"I''l go in after it." He chuckled, "Relax, it will be fun." Once entered Maddy pulls her pants up and looks at them dumbfounded. Paige hit the remote and instantly Maddy jumped into a squeal, her eyes lighting up at the sensations.

"I'm going to pee with this in me if it keeps doing that."

"No pee, all cum." Beau tweaks her nose, then kisses it. Paige silently spoke "Awwww!" in her thoughts.

"Bells gonna ring in five minutes. I need help here." She again opens a third egg and hands it to Beau before bending over in front of them hiking her skirt. Bare ass in the air she looks over her shoulder and says, "Put it in me Beau Beau."

"You're wearing two?"

"Hide that Easter Egg."

"Up...your asshole?" He cringes.

"Plug it in. Plug it in." She sang the air freshener commercial giggling, and shaking her booty. "Come on, you've been there before. Sorry Maddy, before your time. Hurry it up." Sighing heavily Beau Stewart lines it up with a gross look in his expression, using one finger to guide it into Paige's anal canal. Once it disappeared he pulled away in a hurry.

"So crazy." Maddy whined as Paige stood up.

"Okay, I gotta run and pass out these others, and find my remote controllers." Opening the closet door in a blond moment she bulges her eyes at who stood just outside.

"I thought I heard voices in there. What are you three doing?"

"Principal Dewey!!"

"Hi. How are you today?" Paige attempted cuteness, "I love your tie."

Grimacing at them at first, he decides to lift his tie as if inspecting it. Basically, he had forgotten what tie he had even worn today. "Ah yes. I too love this tie. You look quite lovely today as well Miss Turner, Miss Daily...Mr. Stewart. I'm not going to even ask...this being your last day. Go on, get to home room." He steps aside and allows them past. Beau and Maddy went right, Paige his left. Halfway down the hall Paige had a bright idea, crazy but, what the heck. Bending over in front of the portly Principal she made it look as if she picked something up off the floor. Turning in step she notes Dewey looking her way sweating. She concluded that he might have seen up her skirt and was embarrassed. Skipping back to him she held out a remote to one of her eggs.

"I found this on the floor. I'm not sure what it is." Passing it into his hand she turned with saucer like eyes and headed for her locker. She knew he was pushing the button, feeling her G-spot quaking under the eggs direct contact with it. Letting out a yelp she stopped to breath, looking back at Dewey they met eyes. As if instinct he pressed the button again and spotted Paige wince and point at him.

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