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Painting the Roses Red


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I took Rose shopping for some clothing suitable for camping, and bought her a pair of light duty hiking boots.

Next we went shopping for groceries. My time as a bachelor gave me a lot of time on my hands, working out of my home the same. I have always shopped in many small specialty markets, or Mom & Pop stores whenever possible.

I always buy my jars of kimchi, rice, and hot peppers from Mr. Pang. I buy my spices and teas, and coffee from Mr. Adani's Indian Specialty Market. Mr. Adani also owns the Little India Restaurant.

We then had lunch in a little family dinner. It was famous for their fresh ground 1/2-pound hamburgers, onion rings and homemade root beer in frosted glass mugs.

I chose a corner both for us sitting close to my sweet Rose. I took her bun down and played with her ponytail while we were waiting for our order. I received many kisses from Rose, snuggled up next to me. I was disappointed that Nancy, my regular waitress was out sick. I would have introduced her to Rose.

After we finished shopping for groceries, I put the perishables in the ice chest with block ice and locked the truck. We went to the bookstore and spent a few hours there looking through books and magazines and sipping coffee.

Dropping the groceries at home, I had Rose pack us a lunch. I put a tarp and two sleeping bags in the bed of the truck. Rose changed into jeans and green flannel shirt.

I took the back roads to a private road that I have permission to use; originally as an access to a trout stream. However, this late afternoon I had something else in mind. I knew where there was a spot hidden from view. It was accessible by a single hidden path and surrounded with impenetrable thorn bushes. The clearing we entered was a small flat hillock, approximately forty-foot in diameter and covered with soft grass and clover.

I purchased this five-acre parcel of posted land containing the hillock from an old farmer and his son. Covered with large boulders, thorny bushes, sumac, scrub, plus numerous rabbit warrens. Worthless for planting, almost impossible to clear; It was a bonus in this case being landlocked. The only access to even get close to it was the gated private road. I have a 99-year right-of-way and no doubt that old farmer was unaware of the clearing.

Before we entered, I blindfolded Rose with her red silk scarf and told her to wait. I carried everything in that we brought and came back bringing her to the center of the circle.

Taking off her blindfold, I asked her. "Well, what do you think?"

"Adam it's beautiful, how did you find it?" Rose said, sitting down and running her hand through the grass and clover.

"I was fishing for brook trout when I saw the largest buck rabbit that I have ever seen sitting up on it's hind legs watching me. I tried getting closer to see if he was a pet or partially tamed. He kept hopping away and the stopping and looking back to see if I was following him."

"The closest I got to him was no more then 75 yards. I followed him in here, but once inside, he was no where to be seen"

"Adam, is that true or are you teasing me?"

"I am not teasing, and you Rose. You are the first person that I have ever brought here." I said, sitting down next to her.

"Do you think it could be a fairy mound and the little people dance here by the light of the moon?" Rose asked, poking fun at me and smiling.

"I've never seen any, and I have spent the night here many times, Rose." "You have been here at night, Adam. "

"When the weather is nice, yes, I sleep here."

"Are we going to slept here?" Rose asked, pushing me on my back and snuggling down next to me.

Yes.... you are not afraid of the dark, are you Rose?"

"Not with you holding me sweetheart, are you going to build a fire?"

"Not here, Rose my love, it would be wrong. This place seems so pristine and primal. At night, if you close your eyes and concentrate, you will sense a pure, positive and wild energy. A force if you will, emanating from the ground and contained within the circle. Besides, we don't want to offend your sprites and pixies."

"Or your rabbit." Rose offered kissing my mouth and smiling.

"Don't believe me then, you impertinent vixen. I want you naked, strip." After Rose stripped, I put her red silk scarf back on her again as a blindfold.

"On your knees with your head down and your ass up in the air. Very nice, my naughty girl, don't move." I took her clothing and put in the car. "Your clothing is in the car my dear."

"Adam, you can't...." I interrupted her as she raised her head with a sharp slap on the ass.

"Put your head down. You will not tell me what I can and cannot do. Do you understand?" I asked, again slapping her on the ass, sharply. "I will do anything that I want with you Rose."

"Yes, sweetheart." Rose replied.

"Good, don't let me hear ever you say Adam you can't, again! I will not suffer a disobedient woman. I will give you your clothing back when it pleases me." I said, stroking her plump pink pussy lips, making her moan with pleasure.

I started lightly spanking her little twat, making her moan even louder. I alternated my stroking and probing with my fingers, just touching her clitoris and pulling out. while lightly spanking her pussy.

"Please Adam. Rose begged.

"Please Adam what?" I asked.

"Please fuck me Sir."

"You are a horny little vixen, Rose." Say I'm a horny little vixen Sir, please fuck my cunt." I gave her ass a slap.

"I'm a horny little vixen Sir, please fuck my cunt". Rose repeated.

"Whose woman are you naughty girl?"

"I'm your woman, Sir. Please fuck my cunt. "Fuck me hard, Sir, I want to come."

I undressed and entered her sweet little cunt with my cock, almost oblivious to everything but pleasing myself. I was lost in my orgasm; better then any that I had experienced before; here with Rose in our special place. I was vaguely aware her screaming, fuck my cunt, fuck my cunt over and over as I was pounding her. Rose achieved orgasm after orgasm. I pounded her so hard that I we both had grass stains on our hands, arms legs and knees.

I felt so wild, so free, being naked on that isolated hillock. I wrapped my hand around her ponytail. "I want you to taste your sweet little cunt juices as I have tasted them." I pushed her face into my groin and made her lick and suck me clean, but still I was not satisfied. This excited me and I was soon hard again.

"You will suck on my cock woman. You may play with yourself while you are doing so. After I have come, you will again clean me with your mouth."

I took Rose's hair out of her ponytail, wrapping my hands in it while Rose licked and sucked greedily until I came in her mouth. Rose swallowed all of my semen. Then Rose continued sucking, masturbating until she came as well. We both lay on our backs in the grass exhausted and drained; but in a good way. Our sexual energy added to that of the circle and watching the clouds drifting by.

The evening being chilly, we made love in our sleeping bags.... slower.... gentler and more intimate. Then we cuddled to keep warm, enjoying the night together. It was very dark and quiet. We watched the fireflies, the only lights besides the moon and stars. That evening I learned about her ruby ring. Rose told me that I was by far more precious to her, the ring her most prized possession. In the middle of the night, Rose woke me up nudging me and whispering. "Adam, are you awake?"

"I am awake now." "What do you want, Rose?'"

"Adam look by the entrance." "I see your rabbit!" And so did I.............................

The next six months went as planned. I exchanged her clothing piece by piece. I replaced all of her under garments with silk ones. Frilly with lace or plain panties, plus silk bras of all descriptions with silk bodices to cover them. I bought her under corsets and garter belts and garters for her stockings, including thongs. Rose had nice cotton and silk blouses. Fine wool, satins or velvet, pima cotton and cashmere dresses and shirts or blouses to wear. Rose had nice shoes, sandals and boots. Everything we bought was unique and beautiful and uncommon. Nothing transitory, fickle or ridiculous as seen on the so-called fashion runways. Rose chose a heavy virgin wool red capote for the winter.

In short, Rose was developing her own style and walked with a confidence she didn't possess one short year ago. Rose dressed to please me and was regularly turning heads now enjoying the attention, but knowing her place. Even the neighbors were treating Rose differently now. Stopping to talk to her when she was coming or going.

Rose and Laura go shopping and have lunch together every Tuesday. On one particular Tuesday, while finishing their lunch, Clarette stopped at their table staring at her sister Rose. Rose was always more beautiful then her younger sister. Now Rose was better dressed and was wearing her ruby ring; her birthright, the ring that her sister Clarette coveted.

Clarette attempted to embarrass and cow Rose, demanding the ruby ring. Rose stood up and folded her arms and gave her a look until Clarette stopped ranting and raving. Clarette, stopped, realizing of the negative attention that she was bringing to herself. Rose and Laura then turned their backs to Clarete, dismissing her with a wave of the hand. They walked away with the applause of most of the patrons in the restaurant for silencing the obnoxious screw. This no doubt infuriated Clarette, who was so used to getting her way with her sister. It forced the final ugly confrontation later that day where I interceded to keep her punk boyfriend away from my Rose.

I was in my workshop at my fly tying bench relaxing and working on a size-12 hares ear nymph. My truck was at the dealership getting detailed and would be ready tomorrow morning. When I am concentrating on my tying, I often tune things out and am oblivious to outside stimuli. Some how or other, the hook impaled itself on my thumb breaking my concentration.

I got off my stool cursing my carelessness and removing the hook. I glanced out the window to see a black Corvette parked in my driveway and something about it didn't feel right.

A thought popped into my head, " Beware the jabberwocky!"

I ran to the house to find Rose was struggling and being forcibly held by the new boyfriend. He had Rose's behind her back with his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. Clarette was trying to get Rose's ring off and was punching her because Rose refused to unclench her fist.

"Give her the ring or I will break your arm!" The bastard said, applying pressure. Rose's muffled scream enraged me enough to want to kill him. I punched the bastard behind the ear, a very dangerous thing to do because in my rage I could have killed him. At the time I didn't care because it got the result that I wanted. He immediately crumpled to the floor unconscious, allowing Rose break away unharmed.

"Rose are you all right, did he hurt you?" I asked hugging her gently. "Adam, he has handcuffs in his pocket and a switchblade knife." I pushed Clarette away from the bastard as she tried to get the knife out of his pocket, retrieving both the knife and handcuffs. I then picked up the telephone to call the police. Rose put her hand on my shoulder.

"No Adam, please don't involve the police. Do what you have to do. My sister has been allowed to run wild all her life and it has to stop, now."

Smiling and folding my arms, I looked at Clarette for the first time with contempt, nevertheless studying her. She was sitting on her floor, her back against the lower cupboards, cowering. Five years younger then Rose and about the same height but a good thirty pounds heavier. Clarette was a woman with a tanning booth tan and layered mid- back length jet-black hair. She was wearing far too much makeup making her look older then her actual age. Judging from her clothing, Clarette was trying to dress and act like a teenager and not pulling it off. Clarette had expensive rings on every finger including her thumbs. Disgusted with her greed, I made her take them all off and I put them on the kitchen table.

I reached down and grabbed Clarete by her long hair dragging the slattern to her unconscious boyfriend. Still holding Clarette's hair, I forced her to her knees next to him handing her the handcuffs.

"Put these on, you greedy tramp." "Good, now get the cuff keys out of his pocket and give them to me."

"Is that your Corvette in the driveway Clarette?" I was now starting to calm down, my anger slowly draining away.

"It's a lease. What are you going to do with me?" She whined. "I will ask the questions and you will answer." I said, pulling her up by the hair and making her stand.

Rose walked over to us rubbing her arm, a very serious look on her face. "How could you do this to me Clarette? I'm your only sister, family. He almost broke my arm. It was bad enough the way you acted when Dad died, but this... You know the history of the ruby."

"Your boyfriend is coming to Clarette." Rose advised her, pointing at the boyfriend, now on his hands and knees, vomiting on our clean floor.

"Don't you think he is a little young for you? He does not look more than fifteen to me. When did you start dating children?"

Clarette stared at the floor not answering.

"Answer your sister!" I warned, tugging at her soon to be gone long her hair.

"Duke is eighteen, old enough to fight for his country. Duke loves me and we are engaged.

Duke slowly got to his feet looking scared. He was about six-four, and about 200 lbs. With blond hair and blue eyes, Duke was handsome to the point of being pretty.

"What about you Puke? I said, slapping his face. What do you have to say for yourself, Puke? I sneered, mocking him.

"Are you ready to fight for your true love's honor, Puke? Will you stand toe to toe with me and defend your true loves honor?"

"It was all her idea!" Puke blurted out, pointing at Clarette and frantically looking around for a way to escape. "Clarette said that when the ruby was sold, she would pay off the Shylock and we would be moving to Hawaii."

I turned my back to him knowing what would happen next, and Puke bolted for the back door. I was ready for him. I grabbed the back of his shirt, then his arm, pinning his arm behind his back. Then I broke his thumb making him scream like a little girl.

"That was for Rose, little girl. You make me ill. If you open your ball washer again, I will gladly break your other thumb, bitch. You are not family Puke. Assault, Robbery, Weapons 1st., plus attempted kidnapping will get you a minimum 25 to life in Attica. I'm sure a pretty white boy like you will soon be somebody's whore bitch to be passed around. Clean up your mess bitch then go outside and wait by the car."

I made Puke clean his mess with paper towels and Lysol. When he was done, instead of waiting, he drove away burning rubber and leaving his fiancé stranded.

"So much for true love, Clarette, the punk grabbed all of your rings off the table before he left."

Now I turned my attention to Clarete, who was sitting on the floor in a corner crying. Rose was standing in over her with her arms folded and looking down at her blubbering sister.

"Adam, take a look at the nice present my dear sister Clarette bought me. It's in her purse on the table." Opening the oversized purse, I removed new electric hair clippers still in the blister pack. It was not hard to guess whom it was intended to be used on, Rose.

"Get on your feet you miserable wretch. I commanded, grabbing her hair, pulling her to her feet, and then putting her face close to mine. What is the Shylock's name? Whom is he collecting for? Remember, things will go badly for you if you lie to me!"

"He said his name was Frank. I owe him ten thousand dollars."

"Whom is he collecting for?" I asked, giving her head a jerk.

"I don't know. I met him in a bar with some bleached blond. I think that her name was Mary or Martha; something like that."

"Rose my love, go upstairs to our bedroom and wait for me. Your sister and I are going to have a little chat. Do not come back downstairs for any reason. I do no want you to know about or be exposed to this dirty affair or the people involved."

"Yes sweetheart, I am sure you know what's best." I laughed to myself at the expression on Clarette's face as Rose walked away.

"Now there goes a kind, sweet Lady and I love her dearly." Turning my attention back to Clarette, I jerked her head with her hair. "Let me get this straight, Clarette. You expect me to believe that you met a strange man in a bar. His name was Frank, a complete stranger to you. Frank loaned you ten thousand dollars? But you don't even know his last name...you expect me to believe that?"

"I'm telling you the truth, I swear to God!"

I let go of her hair, and then shook my head, sighing. "It is a shame that you are not more like your sister, Clarette. You are either lying or not telling me the complete truth. Obviously you have no idea what you may have gotten yourself into. Shylocks are not nice people. I removed her handcuffs.

And if you continue lying to me...................................."

I punched her in the stomach, taking care to pull the punch, doubling her over. Clarette sank to her knees, gasping for breath. I hoped that I wouldn't have to hit her that hard again with my fist. The implied threat that I would do it again should be suffice. Rose was sweet and kind, very pliable.... truly good person. Clarette was not.

In order to get Clarette to comply and change her ways, I had to first break her. I would make Clarette totally dependent on me for everything.

"While we are on the subject of God. You are not to lay hands on your sister ever again. God help you if you dare even to raise your voice to Rose. No matter how smart and clever that you think you are. You will never be your sister's equal! The sooner that you learn that the happier you will be."

I made Clarete crawl on her hands and knees to the basement. Then I handcuffed her hands behind her back. I tied a rope around her neck and to the jack post. Using my serrated Spiderco Cricket, I cut off Clarette's tube top blouse. Then, I fashioned a gag from her blouse. I wrapped a bar of Ivory Soap in it before placing it over her mouth, and tied it snuggly behind her head.

"Perhaps now you will think twice before lying to me or leaving out information, Clarette. I will be back later for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." I then cut off her bra and black Capri pants, leaving her in panties only.

I needed to watch Clarette carefully over the next few weeks. I could not afford any distractions. My friend David has connections, knowing many powerful influential people. Although soft-spoken, David is no pushover. David's wife Laura is classy and confident and he loves her dearly. David enjoys spoiling her. Behind the scenes, Laura always defers to him. We sent Laura and Rose to a very exclusive spa and resort. We wanted them safe and out of the way for the next few weeks.

Both of our ladies were excited about the prospect at getting away to do girl things. David would be available to help with the shylock if things got ugly. The girls were now safely tucked away. I can always count on David being discrete. He didn't ask why I needed to be alone for the next few weeks.... or longer.

Clarette spent the rest of the day and the following night secured to the post.

I checked on her early the following morning. Rose and Laura were being driven to the airport to catch their plane to Colorado. Clarette had soiled herself, and then in an effort to get comfortable managed to get her feces on the floor. That was to be expected.

"How dare you crap on my clean floor like some kind of ill mannered puppy? I said, feigning anger. Obviously you were never properly house broken." I removed her gag noticing the dissolved soap that she managed to spit and drool down the front of herself.


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