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Painting the Roses Red


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I removed her soiled panties. Then I made her kneel by the floor drain. I then hosed her off with cold water, and then the floor. I mopped the painted concrete floor with a bleach and water solution. I was formulating a plan in my mind to further break and humiliate her. I let her drink from the hose, allowing her to rinse her mouth. I made her spit the soap into one of the two stainless steel bowls that she would be drinking out of. The other was for her Purina Puppy chow.

"Lets start over puppy." I offered. Removing her handcuffs. Get on your hands and knees... good girl. Exactly how much money did Frank give you in the bar?" I asked, pushing her wet hair away from her face.

"Frank gave me one thousand dollars, Sir"

"You told me it was ten thousand yesterday." "The other nine is the interest. Please let me go. I promise..."

"Save your breath and save my ears. I interrupted, by slapping her ass hard with my hand. What is in it for no last name Frank? Why did he loan you the money?"

"Frank told me that he was tired of the bitch. Then he laughed and pointed to the bleached blond sitting next to him. He said it right in front of her, Mary or Martha, whatever. He said that we should go to Los Vegas for the weekend and party."

"Did you go to Los Vegas with the Shylock?"

"No, I never went with him, he makes my skin crawl. I just blew him off. I didn't know he was a Shylock."

What is the name and location of the bar?"

"The Golden Key, on Mix Place, Sir.

"I know of the place. It's a scumbag bar that is frequently raided by the police. I said in disgust. You had no business being there in the first place. You have most likely involved your sister and I as well. The Shylock is likely to push up on us for your debt. Do you hate your sister that much, puppy? Did you tell the Shylock about us? Do you know his last name?"

Clarette hesitated before answering, and I knew she would lie. "No, I swear to God." "I...

I slapped her face with my palm making Clarette see stars. Grabbing her hair, I pulled her over to a chair and sat down. I put Clarette her over my knee as if she were a disobedient child.

I spanked with my right hand, holding her easily in place. "You are lying to me, Clarette. "If you continue acting like a untruthful child, I shall punish you like one."

I spanked her until her buttocks were beet red. Clarette was pleading with me to stop... admitting that she lied. I continued until she was merely whimpering, going limp and accepting her well-deserved punishment. I handcuffed her in the front this time. I secured her with a rope around her neck tied to the jack post. Before I left her, I placed a clean gag in her mouth. Then, I spread newspapers on the floor for her to sleep on.

I drove to a pet shop to pick up some supplies. Next, I went to Radio Shack for a wireless camera and monitor. On the way home, I saw a small plastic child's wading pool put out to the curb as trash. It was a silly thing, but no doubt a treasure and delight to a small child's imagination on a hot summer day. It was bright yellow with cartoon sea horses, octopuses and fish. Growing up on a farm, money was tight. As a small child I remember my submarine.... an old galvanized sheet metal watering trough with a slow leak. My Dad would get in with me to cool off, just coming in from the fields.

God bless him, Dad would make me paper hats from newspapers. He carved boats for me from small blocks of wood. Dad was an old navy man, a submariner. What are your orders little Admiral he would say to me. Afterwards, we would sit on the porch and share a double Popsicle broken in half. It made me rather melancholy weighing the things I was missing...well.... back on subject. It was undamaged and without holes. I put it in the back of the truck. I then took a detour to pick up some large bags kitty litter.

After I ate breakfast, I carried the wading pool to the basement, putting it near Clarette. She was cowering by the jack post expecting another beating.

"Please, I have to pee!!

"Please I have to pee, Sir." I corrected Clarette, observing that the newspapers were dry and unsoiled.

"Please, I have to pee Sir. May I please use the bathroom?"

I ignored her, going back upstairs to the truck to get the kitty litter. I made several trips until the wading pool was half full.

"Your rope will reach the litter box." I advised her, taking off her handcuffs and pointing. "You will do your business in the litter box you plump little puppy."

I made her crawl on her hands and knees into the pool. "Good girl! I told her, patting her head. Go pee- pee and pooh-pooh puppy. When I am convinced you are housebroken, I may allow you use of the toilet. That privilege is contingent upon how your obedience training goes." I patted her head as she peed in the kitty litter.

Clarette the puppy was crying quietly in her humiliation. I stood over her with my arms folded looking down at her in the litter box.

"Look at me puppy. I do not care how Rose addresses you. No matter how things turn out between us, as Blanche became my sweet Rose, you shall be my Puppy. Perhaps I may even grow to like you... perhaps not. For now I hold you in contempt and you will obey me! Obedience is you only salvation."

I went back upstairs and returned with her wire mesh dog kennel. I assembled it while Puppy watched.

It was high enough for Clarete to be on her hands and knees. It was not high enough for her to sit up. The kennel was perfect for her to assume the posture of a bitch dog. I again left and returned with the surveillance camera. I set it up to watch her small section of the basement.

Next, I placed an army surplus wool blanket in Puppy's kennel. I made her crawl in closing the door. I then locked Puppy in, securing the cage with a padlock.

"Can I have something to eat Sir?"

"It is may I have something to eat, not can I, college girl. You will be fed twice a day. I will feed you in one hour."

I returned in an hour with a bowl of dry puppy chow and a bowl of water. "Here you go Puppy. You may not use your hands to eat. I put the bowls down and opened the kennel door.

It was not my intention to make her eat dog food for the next two weeks. I intended on purchasing the smallest bag available. Fortunately I took advantage of a promotion and brought home one free sample.

U.S. law requires that pet foods be processed. A high quality product like Purina is a processed food. It is required to meet the same strict standards as food processed for human consumption. While not particularly palatable, Puppy will eat it when she is hungry enough.

That will be the first mental shackle I will place on her. The second, making her beg for dog food and be glad to get it. When Clarette eats it, and she will, I will move on to another mental shackle.

"Are you going to eat, Puppy?" Puppy crawled out of her kennel. She looked down at her bowl of Purina Puppy Chow. Clarette just shook her head, tears forming in her eyes.

"Suit yourself, Puppy." I immediately removed the bowl putting out of her reach. I left her bowl of fresh water.

"It's time for your bath and haircut."

Puppy crawled up two flights of stairs to the bathroom. She crawled into the tub staying on her hands and knees. I purchased Sergeant's Flea and Tick Shampoo and Crazy Dog Apple Conditioner for Puppy's hair.

The Sergeant's contains insecticide. I dumped it out and then rinsed the bottle well before refilling it with Suave Green Apple Shampoo. It matched the color of the original perfectly. Puppy didn't know that. I made sure she saw the bottles to read the labels. Taking my time and using my hands, I washed her with Rose's castile soap. As I was washing her, I was questioning her.

"Think hard Puppy, what is Frank's last name?"

"Abzug, his name is Frank Abzug, Sir."

"Good girl." I praised her, patting her ass. You need to trust me or I can't help you. In the short time that I have known Rose, I have grown to love her dearly. Did you know that your sister Rose does not hate you? Rose has forgiven you for everything. Before I sent her away to be safe, Rose told me to tell you that"

I'm not as forgiving as Rose. Rose is everything to me and you have put her in danger. Your own flesh and blood, your sister! Have you no shame? Have you decency? When you meet your maker and he weighs your soul... your immortal soul Clatette. Do you know what he will find, I shall tell you; green ink on paper?"

I was becoming genuinely angry with her Clarette. My sublimated rage and resentment were coming suddenly to the surface. I was remembering her father's wake and funeral.

Then afterwards, how Rose cried as I tried to comfort her. Rose cried, not for her father... not for herself...but for her sister. The sister that she loved, the sister that she cooked, cleaned, and cared for...sacrificed for. Clarette, the sister Rose protected from their drunken abusive father. The sister that my Rose, my dear sweet Rose............ "God damn you woman!" I shouted angrily and then suddenly stood up.

I kicked the cast iron tub hard enough to hurt my foot, making Clarette cower at my outburst. The pain helped me master my anger. I left the bathroom to stand in the hallway to calm down. l left Clarette sobbing in the bathtub.

When I returned, I started washing her hair. "One way or another I will settle with this Shylock, this Frank Abzug! I said calmly.

"Are you going to beat me again?" Puppy asked, sobbing.

I just ignored her and started rinsing the shampoo from Puppy's hair. While I was rinsing out the conditioner, Puppy was still sobbing,

"Are you going to shave me bald? Please, I told him, he knows where you live. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I must pay him! He said he has people. I'm afraid, I... I didn't know what to do."

"You could have asked your sister to help. You could have gone to the police."

"I can't go to the police. I can't snitch. Clarette sobbed. I'll go to jail. I have shoplifting warrants in three states. "He said that if I didn't pay him by the end of the month I would owe him fifteen thousand. Frank said he would make a prostitute to pay off my debt to him.

"I will check out your story and give you the benefit of the doubt for now. If you are telling the truth, I will not beat you or shave your head. I finished with brushing Puppy's teeth for her, and then letting her spit the used toothpaste into the bathtub drain.

I could have easily forced myself on her, but I put those carnal thoughts aside. Perhaps Clarette was not the hard case that I thought she was. Perhaps there was hope for her after all. So far Puppy was quite compliant. She was not that bad to look at, despite the extra pounds. Puppy's bath was very impersonal and business like. So unlike the baths or showers I share with Rose.

I really should fence in the backyard and put in a hot tub...but I regress.

I toweled her off in the same business like manner. Clarette was still on her hands and knees. I wrapped her hair in a towel ordered her to stand. I put her hands behind her back and held them there.

"Stop blubbering and feeling sorry for yourself. Because you are Rose's sister and she loves you, I will help you. I give my word that I will protect you from the Shylock. Stand straight and keep your hands behind your back. I want to get a good look at you.

You do not have permission to speak. I have all the information I need from you for now. From this point on if you speak without permission I will beat your for disobeying me. Do you understand Puppy?"

Clarette nodded yes.

Clarette had the same thick and well cared for hair as Rose. The difference being Puppy's hair color was a rich shiny jet- black. It was cut in long layers falling to the middle of her back. Puppy had a round face and no dimples. Although her lips were not as full as Rose's, they were nice. They had the same small ears. They shared the same nose. Puppy's eyes were a darker brown, so brown as to appear almost black in the right light. Puppy had the same long eyelashes as Rose.

"Open your mouth I want to see your teeth." I ordered, removing my Surefire ED2 flashlight from my pocket. I stuck my fingers in Puppy's mouth, pulling her lips back. Puppy had good teeth and healthy gums, excellent.

I did not approve of her long nails painted nails. Many of her nails were now broken from crawling on the floor. I cut them short and sensible and removed the nail polish.

Slightly plump, Puppy had a small belly and her hips were wider then Rose's. Puppy's breasts were larger, with pinky brown areolas and bigger longer nipples. Tight clothing really didn't suit her figure. Puppy would be curvaceous upon dropping 10 to 20 pounds.

Puppy's pubis was covered in thick black hair. I stroked it with my hand making her shudder.

"Your day's in the tanning booths are over. Don't you realize the damage you are causing to your skin? Not to mention the increased risk of cancer. You have the same beautiful skin and complexion as your sister, why ruin it? Go downstairs to the kitchen, Puppy. I will give you your haircut there. You may walk for now."

I made her sit on the bar stool and then removed the towel from her hair. I combed her long hair out smoothing it down her back. Picking up the scissors, I separated a section of her hair in the front with my fingers. I slowly chopped it off just below shoulder length. l let Puppy see each severed lock before dropping it to the floor. I continued this all the way around, from right to left until the last snip. I wet her hair again and combed it out. Next, I divided her hair into sections. I twisted them up and clipped each section on the top of her head with plastic butterfly clips.

I brought the first section down, and used the comb to cut it straight across, exactly to shoulder length. Then, bringing each uncut section down, using the cut sections as a guide. After I blow-dried Puppy's shorter hair, I checked for any stray pieces. I cut them with my scissors until the bottom was cut perfectly straight and even. It was now shoulder length with a good blunt cut: almost all of the layers gone. I planned on cutting it shorter, as part of her punishment until Puppy was left with a short bob haircut.

I played with her hair, fluffing it about her shoulders. It felt much thicker and fuller without the layers. I parted her hair in the middle, and then divided it in two sections. Then, I fixed Puppy's hair into pigtails.

"Do you have to pee or poop?" Puppy nodded her head for yes. Go down to the basement and use your litter box. Remember, I can see everything you do on the monitor. I will be recording everything on my laptop."

"If your training goes well and you please me, I will not show anything to Rose. Your punishment will remain strictly between us. After you do your potty, you will find baby-wipes in the red covered trashcan. You will wipe your bottom with the baby wipes. You will clean your hands with several others. Put the soiled wipes in the can, and then come back to the kitchen. After you return you have permission to speak."

Puppy ran down the stairs and defecated and urinated in her litter box. I watched the look of relief on her face as she was going. Clarette must have been holding it for a while. My best guess was when Puppy returned she would be more cooperative.

"You will find a broom, dustpan and trashcan in the closet, Puppy. Puppy sweep up the hair disposed of it properly and put everything away. Get on the stool Puppy and put your hands behind back."

I dumped Clarette's oversized purse on the kitchen table. I removed her Drivers License, Social Security Card, and credit cards. I scanned them into my computer and sent to David as e-mail attachments. David would use this information to have one of his many contacts run a background check. I followed it up in a telephone call. I made right in front of her. During the call I updated him of the unfolding events.

We planned on bringing Puppy to David's and hiding her if necessary. This was contingent upon the outcome of the meeting with the Shylock. Nobody can enter David's property undetected. Trespassers would be shot and killed.... survivors would be shot again. The Shylock was a threat to my family. Now I had the Shylock's name. David would provide me with a detailed report about this Shylock, this scumbag, Frank Abzug.

After I finished my telephone call, Puppy asked. "Are you really going to help me Sir? Or are you are just saying that?"

"I am going to give you a pass Puppy to speak your mind. Even though I did not give you permission to speak." I tugged sharply on one of her pigtails to emphasize this point. I then stood behind her and took a pigtail in each hand. I stood behind Puppy, holding her pigtails and continued talking quietly.

Afterwards never again question my veracity. Just come out and say it, "what's in it for you." The answer is nothing. I really am going to help you with the Shylock.

I value honesty, loyalty and friendship.... family.

"I imagine these are concepts that are hard for you to grasp, Puppy. They come to me as naturally as breathing. The people I surround myself with, breath the same air."

"All men want something." Clarette stated, matter fatally.

"To a certain extent, yes. I admitted. Don't judge all men by your father or with the men you keep company."

"My father was a drunken bastard, I hate him!"

"Yet you didn't refuse your inheritance as spelled out in the will, did you, Puppy?"

"That was different."

"Why was it different?"

"Because he is my father. I was legally entitled to it."

"I see. You were legally entitled to it because he was your father, and you hate him. You took the money, or to be precise, sold his things to get the money. It all makes sense to me now. You didn't attend the funeral or wake, nor did you help your sister with the incurred expenses. You showed him didn't you Puppy."

"You are twisting my words!!"

"Am I, Puppy? You cleared out the house taking everything of value. You even took sister's bed and dresser. You certainly showed him."

"But Blanche got the house. "Puppy said defensively.

"Did she?" I asked.

"Well she got the ruby anyway.

"Did you know the house had three mortgages?"

"How could I possibly know that?" Clarette answered, looking as if she wanted to cry.

"I don't know Puppy, how could you possibly know that? I asked, sarcastically. Perhaps you could have at least attended the funeral. By not attending, you broke Rose's heart, not your father's.

"I never made Blanche stay with father." Clarette said, tears running down her face.

"That is true, you didn't."

"Blanche could have left at any time."

"That is also true."

"But if Blanche didn't have any money, how did she pay for the funeral and headstone?"

I didn't answer her; I let the silence do the talking.

"You must have paid for them, then."

"Rose talked to me about selling the ruby. I wouldn't let her... how could I possibly let her? Did you assume that Rose sold her birthright to pay for the funeral and headstone? If it came to that, Rose would have, Puppy...my sweet Rose would have. Totally selfless on Rose's part; leaving her penniless." Puppy didn't answer.

"Then by chance, you ran Rose in the restaurant; you know the rest."

"This is the woman who protected you from your father. The father you admitted hating. You were seven when your mother died, Rose was twelve. Rose cared for you until you left for college at seventeen. She wore second hand so you could wear new. Rose worked two jobs to help put you through college, frat girl. Eight years of college... and you never even graduated with a two year degree."

Clarette was openly sobbing now as I continued to berate her. She tried to wipe her face with her hand. "Keep your hands behind your back Puppy or I will spank you for disobeying me I again tugged on her pigtails.


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