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Pathetic Ch. 00: Prologue Pt. 02: Coward

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A friendly senior finally shares his feelings with his love.
4.1k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/24/2015
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Thanks to everyone for the feedback provided! I just had a couple items I wanted to cover before getting to the story. When I started this part of the story, all the responses asked for a continuation so I decided to complete it. I didn't see the last two comments until the majority of it was finished. I want to apologize to the those readers. I was never my intention to disgust or upset anyone. I want to assure everyone that I'm not a sadist or masochist and I certainly don't support or enjoy causing pain in others. I realize now that I should have given a warning to the violence in the story. I assure you that it is the key element to the story and character progression and without it, there would be no story to share. I only ask that you give it another chance for the main part. The first submission was actually the first half of a prologue so this is a completion of it (from Brett's POV, so there is violence again) before the main story. I hope you all enjoy! Again, feedback would be greatly appreciated in addition to giving a score so I can get an idea of whether I'm improving or becoming worse. :-X Thanks!


"What the FUCK am I doing here?" I thought once again. I was starting to sound like a broken record, but I guess it was expected, considering this was the biggest social event of the year: Senior Prom. It stood for everything I loved. People putting in their best attempts to look good in hopes to feel good about themselves and to share a final experience with those they had grown up with before graduation. A perfect example of a social tango that I normally would be ecstatic to spectate. In reality though, it could all be described in one word: connection. Everyone, doing everything in their power to share a deep sense of belonging and joy with their date. My desire to have that grew so intense at times it was almost nauseating. I couldn't stand to sit here wallowing in self pity because the person I wanted to share this night with would never be caught at a place like this...

I should probably apologize for the run-on and make a proper introduction. I tend to get on a train of thought initially as a passenger, but get so wrapped up, I miss my departure by 5 or 6 exits before I notice. Only at that point it's too late. Everyone is already questioning if I'm a hobo hitching a train ride... OK that was the last random thought, I swear.

My name's Brett. I have a heritage from so many different origins that you wouldn't be able distinguish a single one from my features. I considered myself OK in the looks department with my fair skin, dirty blonde hair and, blue-gray eyes. I wasn't much to look at with those features alone, but with my tall (6'4") and bulked (190 lbs) muscular form, I tended to stand out amongst a large crowd. I'm a senior, as I previously stated, and became a legal adult earlier in the year.

So there I was: sitting at a chair, at an empty table, watching the play unfold, unnoticed, berating myself for giving in to attending this social affair, only to be reminded of how alone I truly was. I wasn't sure why I allowed myself to be badgered in to attending. I guess I was just so fed up with being nagged by my jock team mates and some of the snobby cheerleaders. Don't get the wrong idea, they weren't terrible, it was just... they were the type of people you could only deal with in small doses. It didn't help knowing that if they truly knew me, they'd treat me like the spawn of Hitler and Justin Berber. At the moment though, I was seriously considering on ditching the group for the last few weeks leading up to graduation. After all, they ditched me the moment we walked in to the room.

As I continued to scan the room for anyone that was alone and could enjoy talking to in an attempt to speed up the time, my eyes settled on a familiar head. As I stared at the back of the head, which was covered in flawlessly thick, dark brown (almost black) hair in that all to familiar, carelessly ruffled style, it turned. My suspicions as to who the head belonged to were confirmed once I saw one of those beautiful brown eyes that seemed to call out to my soul and nearly pull it from my body. At the moment, I was fairly certain that my heart had stopped beating and I was pale white. I still couldn't accept how easily I could be manipulated by this person's gaze. While I was well aware of the typical naivety for a person my age, I believed that there was no other explanation to this connection and draw I felt aside from love. Before I even began to formulate a thought after recovering from this drug-like trance, I realized my feet were carrying me towards the source of my yearning.

"What the fuck are you doing??", I asked in a voice that was much deeper than my typical one. The difference managed to knock me out of my trance. I watched as the object of my desire jumped and immediately tensed. It seemed like that was always the initial reaction any time someone took notice. It tugged my heart each time as I wondered what could cause the this habit to development and made want to erase the source of it; followed by embracing and reassuring that everything was alright and I'd always be there for protection. The head slowly turned and looked up at me with a look of preemptive fear, which melted in to relaxation as ours eyes met. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I finally got a full look at the person who had claimed my heart: Luch.

I knew I was gay from the moment I first saw Luch when he started at our school in 7th grade. I privately christened him with that nickname when he was forced to introduce himself to the class, automatically making him a target to prey on and bully. I think it was my way of marking him and creating a special bond between us that only I could sense. I felt terrible for the shy, small boy standing at the front, looking down so that his thick, dark hair covered those gorgeous eyes as he mumbled his introduction. I had always been extremely horny, even more so than the average teenage boy. But as I took in the combination of his body and mannerisms, I felt a surge of lust that was overwhelming and new. It took every once of control I had not to fling my desk aside and throw him over the teacher's desk, marking him as mine in front of everyone.

Luch was my gateway in to my phase of sexual discovery. That very night when I got home, I immediately ran to my computer and searched for all the gay porn I could find until my dick was raw from all the rubbing. I felt elated until my step dad walked in and saw what I had on my screen. I don't think I had been as terrified as I was at that point. That was one event I never wanted to reenact again. I still cringe every time the memory of it bubbles up in my mind. After that night, I was terrified of anyone ever finding out my secret. I made a decision to remain in the closest until after graduation at least, when the consequences would be minimized, and that Luch would be the first person I would tell.

So there I was, standing and waiting for a response from Luch as he looked up at me with an unneasines that I wanted to calm. Even he'd been standing, he'd still have to look up to keep eye contact. It was one more thing to love about him because it fueled my sexual fantasies; imagining all the things we could do thanks to his smaller frame.

"You're the last person I expected to be here, Luch. I thought you hated these things!" I said, as I grinned with a confused stare. Judging by his reaction, I was sure that he still didn't get the nickname, despite how long I'd been using it.

"I do... I was nagged in to coming though." He quietly replied as he broke our eye contact. He always seemed to avoid looking at me for long. I could feel this barrier come up every time I tried to connect deeper with him. Tonight, I was determined to break that wall down and accept the role of his confidant. I suddenly realized what he had said and was hit with a wave of jealousy and despair. Was it possible that I didn't even have a chance with him, not only because he had a date, but he was actually straight?

"Where is she? Better yet, who made you come? It's kind of shitty to drag you out and then abandon you." I asked while attempting to mask my envy and fear.

"Cassie wasn't feeling well" He simply stated. "And I don't think they'd allow my mom to come."

Knowing his platonic relationship with Cassie, I relaxed as I felt relief wash over me. That only lasted for a brief though, once I saw him turn deep red from the statement he tacked on at the end. Holy shit, it shouldn't be possible to be that adorable! I couldn't help but crack up at his joke and immediate shyness.

" Yeah, that may been a bit awkward for everyone", I said as I continued chuckling.

There was a stretched time of silence as my laughter died off and I got lost in his eyes again. I got the notion that he was hoping for me to leave but I was determined to not be the coward that I was for just one night. Damn it, why couldn't I just say it!?

"What about you? There's no way you came solo, is there?" he asked.

My smile fell as I looked down and mumbled "Nah, the person I was planning to go with wasn't available." At least, not until now, I thought.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." he replied. He actually seemed to be sincere about it, too. That was another quality that made me love him even more. He always seemed so concerned about others well being and never seemed to desire attention, gratitude, or favors in return.

"Nah, no worries. I'm expecting things to turn around" I said, as my smile returned and I locked eyes with him.

"Oh well, that's good! I don't want to get in the way of that. I'll let you get back to her." he replied quickly, emphasizing on his uneasiness with the situation.

"I'm in no rush. I have a feeling things will work out on their own." I said as I sat down backwards in the chair next to him and leaned forward. He immediately tensed up from my close vicinity. He didn't appear to be all that comfortable with being near another person. I felt my dick plump as he swallowed hard and I imagined the things he could do with that mouth and throat. I could feel the heat emitting from me as I continued staring.

"It really drives me crazy, Luch. I can't seem to figure you out. You always seem to fall back in to the shadows with any group event and no one seems to pay attention. Why? How could you possibly enjoy being so unnoticed?" I said. It really did frustrate me that no one noticed this selfless and beautiful person.

"I just don't trust people. It's easier to not be noticed than to risk someone being mean." He answered immediately. Shock hit me as I watched a similar expression appear on his flawless face.

"Well that's too bad... Sure, there are some dicks out there, but not everyone is that bad. A lot of people like you, too! I seriously doubt you'd have much trouble making friends," I said as I frowned and added on, "or girlfriend."

"Yeah well, school's nearly over so. I might as well wait for college." he said in what seemed an attempt to avoid actually answering me.

"But don't you feel lonely? I mean, you must have a desire to be close with someone at some point." I said with an even larger frown. I felt my heart rate increase as I saw a stream of emotions pass over his face and I wondered if I was finally chipping away at that barrier.

He started to stutter as panic took over before I smirked.

"You know what? This isn't the place for this type of conversation." I said. He seemed to relax with that until I added on, "Let's move it to a better spot." He then switched to a look of confusion and bewilderment.

Before he could object, I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his chair, leading him out of the auditorium.

As I lead him through the guys' locker room in to the showers. I could hear Luch's breath change from steady to shallow gasps. I felt terrible. The last thing I wanted to do was cause him to have a panic attack.

I decided that I should pour my soul out to him before his state worsened, soI stopped and turned around, placing my hands on his shoulders. I mustered up the most intense look I could as I made eye contact with him in an attempt to reach his own soul.

"Luch, I've been wanting to say this for so long." I whispered as my eyes started to tear up. "I really like you."

The only response I received was total silence. I felt my heart start to race as I realized I needed to man up and stop tip-toeing around.

"I mean, I'm in love with you", I whispered even softer, "and I have been for awhile now."

This time, I heard him gasp in response. I decided to finish my speech before giving him a chance to make a decision and respond.

"You're amazing in every way." I said. "You're so fucking sexy and you have this humble aura about you. It makes me want to be near you and comfort you every minute of my life. I wanted to ask you to prom, but was too terrified. I'm not out and I wasn't sure how you would react. I'm such a fucking coward. But I'm ready now, and I just want to make you happy. Would you please give the chance?"

As my speech tumbled out, I had closed the gap between us so that by the end, we were a mere inches apart. My breath at that point was heavy and fast, and was blowing out on the top of his head as I gave the lightest of kisses on my love's forehead. If the feelings I felt before were overwhelming, what I was feeling now were surely symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. I'd never felt this before. My heart was pounding, but I felt so elated. I truly thought my dick would rip through my dress pants. My mind was in such a haze, trying to process dozens of thoughts and fears each second. Most of all though, I was scared. Oh fuck I was terrified of the possibility that this could all backfire and I could lose Luch forever. I'm not sure my heart could survive that. Despite the mesh of thoughts running through my head, I was hit with one solid, clear message: This is right and you need to go for it, my heart told me.

My hand had moved under his chin of it's on volition, nudging his face up toward mine. I stared at those eyes once again, only this time, I could see a lust and magnetism in them that had never been present before. He slid his hands up my arms as my lips met his for the first time. I felt both of our bodies convulse from the incredible current that ran between us. Luckily, I still maintained some body control, unlike the smaller man in front of me. In a fraction of a second, my hands shot under his pits and I caught him as he started to collapse. I felt so amazing to literally be his support.

"Holy fucking shit!", I chuckled against his lips as I felt his heart pounding against my chest. "All my fantasies combined were nothing compared to that."

I'm sorry." He mumbled as he went red once again. "My body doesn't seem to be working anymore.'

My laughing grew louder as I whispered, "Fuck, how cute are you?" That seemed to only instigate a stronger state of embarrassment as the red traveled up to his ears. I planted another kiss. This one was deeper, longer, and oh so much more sensual. My restraint was rapidly melting and I worried I would lose the little control I still had. Luch seemed to be under his own spell as he whispered in a raspy, lust filled voice:

"I'm not sure I can survive another one of those."

My chuckling returned but was cut off as he suddenly threw himself at me. By the time I registered the sudden change, his hands were up the back of my shirt, massaging my back as he sucked on the base of my neck and wrapped one leg around me to grind his erection against me. I thought I would explode right there, painting the walls, floor, and Luch in an ocean of cum. He was infinitely more sexy than I had imagined when horned up. He managed to let out a groan as I slipped my own hands down the back of his pants to grope his rounded, bubble cheeks. His body instantly started to convulse again and I thought he had already climaxed.

"Fuck, it's so sexy how responsive your body is!" I whispered in to his ear. I then snaked my tongue around the outside of his ear. He let out the most adorable whimper in response. I felt him suddenly stiffen as I snaked my hand down his front and grabbed his hardness. The sound that escaped his throat from my action was the most erotic growl. Oh yeah, we were going to have a ton of fun.

I started to smear his leakage around as I jacked him. I couldn't wait to see him fully lose control as he climaxed.

Wait... hold up!" he said suddenly as he grabbed my arm. I easily could have ignored him and continued with the difference in strength but I decided to stop and looked down at him while trying to mask my hurt. Apparently he didn't want this after all.

"I... I need.." he paused before a confused look fell over his face. Him biting his lip as he was deep in thought had to have been the cutest face yet.

"What is it, Luch?" I asked. "I'll give you whatever you need, stud."

I thought he had lost body control again as he suddenly lowered to the ground. I was at a lost for words when he suddenly grabbed my pants and slid them down along with him. His eyes slowly raked up my legs until they met my penis. He seemed to be enthralled and mesmerized by it. I knew I was a considerable size for my age, about 9 inches long and respectably thick. I didn't think it was large enough to make any run for the hills screaming, though. Apparently, Luch thought differently.

"If you're too worried about the size, you don't have to do anything yet." I said. "We can just-"

I never finished my sentence. I did, however, almost swallow my tongue as he suddenly dove on to the head. It was impossible for anything to be this amazing. It wasn't just the physical feelings, but the fact that it was Luch delivering me such pleasure. I was worried that it would end too quickly, but I had the feeling that even if this went on for hours it still wouldn't suffice. He slid down my length and swallowed suddenly just as my head hit his throat, causing it to slid further in.

"Ooooohh FUCK ME RUNNING!!" I grunted. "Who else have you sucked off!? No one's ever taken me so quick!"

He let out the sexiest of all moans in response as he continued to swallow around my pole. I had never felt more alive and happy than I did at this point.

"This is too good, babe. I don't think I'm going to last!" I grunted as he slid his hands up to my ass. I felt them clench in response "You should pull out before I-"

I never finished the thought but instead, followed up with a squeak and moan as I leaned forward on my toes, my hands grasping his amazing hair as my dick exploded. I was pretty sure that my balls had disintegrated from what was easily the most intense orgasm of my life. At the moment, I knew I could experience this repeatedly for seven lifetimes and would still want more.

We both were heaving and coming down from our high as we heard another deep voice from around the corner.

"What in the heavenly fuck is going on here?" I froze and felt my heart fall in to my stomach as Max, the star quarter back, rounded corner with his usual gang. They were all holding brown paper bags hiding what could only have been liquor.

Luch and I looked at each other with widened eyes as the group closed the distance.

"Brett, I didn't know you had a fag bitch on the side to get you off. I never thought you would stoop low enough to recruit this shit head, though." Max slurred as he stumbled, making his inebriated state obvious.

As Luch looked up at me in fear, my mind began to fall in to a misty haze of panic and fear. I was suddenly back in my bedroom the night my step dad caught me. Only this time, everything was from his viewpoint. Red began to fill my vision as a rage I had never experienced took over.


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