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Pay it forward

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I did something at work a nurse shouldn't ...
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I'm not one for kiss and tell stories. But this just happened to me, and I have to tell somebody. I hope you don't mind but it's something I really shouldn't have done, and I feel quite conflicted about it. It's not like I can tell anyone I actually know, and I'd love your opinion.

Anyway, I don't know if it's always been this way, but there's something about being on a ward that brings out the worst in patients. I'm a junior nurse, mid 20s, trying to keep fit but with a lifestyle that doesn't help. I'll leave the rest to your imagination. I mainly do night work, because my situation makes it easier for me to go after the slightly better money.

The work can be hard and it can also be rewarding. But it can also, occasionally, be whatever in hell the opposite of rewarding is! I'm also what my momma used to call 'a little bit brown' which, these days, seems to rub some folks up wrong before I've even opened my mouth. I keep telling myself that I'm meeting these people at their worst, so I have to be at my best. That somehow gets me through.

Not that everyone is an asshole. Don't get me wrong, we do get some nice folk passing through. Real polite, understanding, and thankful that we're here to do our job. Which after all, is to mind them. Besides, the patients are only half the story. I could make your blood boil with tales about doctors and other nurses and administrators and the shit they bring down on us for what seems like no reason. Not that I'm complaining. I got a good job. I make ok money. Some days I get to help save people's lives or just make them feel better.

Johnson ward on a graveyard shift could be a heaven or hell shift depending on who you drew in terms of patients and other staff. On the night in question, it was mostly great. Teresa was senior nurse on call. She used the quiet time to catch up on stacks of paperwork in the small office. I spent my time divided between the nurses' station and the ward, doing my rounds like a prison guard. The ward itself had ten beds. This night, six were occupied. Two had left us unexpectedly. I'll say no more about that. Two more were due in first thing.

Somewhere in the very small hours, I noticed a light shining before I even stepped inside the ward. Last bed, modesty curtain drawn, a phone light shone in the dark room. Hardly disturbing the other snoring patients, but it's my job to check. I coughed lightly as I walked up to the curtain. I'm pretty sure I detected the unmistakable sound of someone pleasuring themselves.

"Hello." I said quietly. Then, with some trepidation, I pulled the curtain back a few inches. The patient was a man in his sixties. Recovering from a routine procedure. He'd be out in the morning, most likely. When I popped my head round, he was lying in the bed like nothing was happening, nonchalantly (too nonchalantly!) scrolling through Facebook on his phone.

"Hello." He replied warmly, smiling broadly. He looked slightly flushed, either from my sudden appearance or from whatever he'd been engaged in just before I arrived. He had his knees raised slightly under the covers, so there were no unsightly bulges, I noticed.

"Having trouble falling asleep?" I asked, matter-of-factly.

"A little." He admitted somewhat sheepishly. I asked him if he was ok and if there was anything I could get him to help him nod off.

"Oh, I'm fine, thank you." He smiled kindly. "Unless you'd care to take some weight off and keep me company for a few minutes." He looked straight in my eyes, and I felt a pang of something I couldn't quite recognize. "Unless that's against the rules." He added quickly.

"Oh, no, it's fine." I said and squeezed myself into the tiny seat near the head of the bed.

"I'm Tom." He offered his hand, and I shook it.

"I believe you'll be leaving us in the morning, Tom." I said in a friendly tone.

"Yes. Thankfully I keep myself pretty healthy."

"Good man."

A couple of beats of silence.

"Can I tell you something, Nurse?"

"Jen." I responded, nodding warmly.

"It's a little delicate." I nodded.

"It's just that I've done something and I'm not sure whether it was the right thing to do."


"Over the last few days, I've become chatty with one of the ladies in the ward across the corridor. I won't mention her name but she's in her early seventies, I think. Being mobile, I've been able to wander about and chat to the ones who can't."

I nodded, wondering where this was going.

"Well, this particular lady, I was just with her a little while ago."

I nodded again, hiding the knot tightening in my stomach. What was he going to confess?

"We got chatting, and she let it slip in the course of the conversation that she missed the human touch. Her partner had passed many years ago and she'd never thought to date."

I nodded again, nervously.

"Well, long story short, I offered to help her out a little."

A shocked look crossed my face.

"Oh, completely consensually, I swear. She actually asked me, and I agreed."

"What form of human touch did this involve?" I asked, trying to sound clinical.

"Well, I slipped my hand under the sheets and under her gown. I very gently caressed her mound, slipping my hand along her lips down there, allowing them to become a little moist."

His voice was educated and mellifluous when he talked. Guy could have done talk radio.

Quite unexpectedly, I felt myself becoming slightly aroused, and shifted on the chair a little.

I kept my face passive. He took that as a sign to continue.

"Well, once she was wet, I began to stroke her pussy and flick at her clitoris with my thumb. In no time at all, she was breathless. I was going to stop but she implored me to continue. So I did and, she came very quickly really."

I nodded.

"And she's ok?"

"Oh, better than ok, I would say." He smiled, obviously pleased with himself.

"Well, no harm done, as long as you were both respectful and no one got hurt."

"Thank you, nurse. But that wasn't the end of it."

Again, I felt a mild feeling of dread. I needed to hear this out and then check on the other patient.

"What else occurred?"

"Well, it seems that, having had her first orgasm in years that involved another human being, she was eager for more."

"Oh, no." It slipped out. What the hell had this man done.

"Oh, nothing like that." He tried to reassure me. "I'm not stupid."

"What did you do then?" I asked.

"Well, after a brief chat, I offered to use my mouth. Down there."

I closed my eyes. Bloody hell. Ah, well, at least someone was getting some action.

"Tell me more." Why the hell was I suddenly interested in the details. Again, I shifted myself. Between the confession and his voice, I was genuinely finding this all a little hot.

"I carefully pulled the sheets back a bit from her, lifted her gown, and licked her pussy until she came again. The second time harder than the first."

I had gone red now and felt very warm.

"Then I bid her goodnight and came back to my bed."

"And she's all good?"

"Perfect, I believe. She fell straight asleep."

"But now you're the one finding it hard to sleep?"

He nodded his head a little shamefacedly.

"Yes, you see the whole experience rather turned me on. I find it hard to sleep when I'm turned on. So, I was just trying to take care of that when you approached."

"Oh, right, em, sorry."

"Oh, no need to be. You're just doing your job."

"And the phone?"

"Ah, yes. You're too quick for me. I was... em searching for a little stimulation."

"I see."

Now, maybe it was because his story was a tad racy, or maybe it was because he was so nice and polite. Or, let's face it, maybe because I was turned on, I said something stupid.

"Em, would it help if I tried to ... put you at your ease?" I said.

His eyebrows raise, and he smiled.

"I couldn't ask you to do that, dear." He said. "You're young enough to be my granddaughter."

"I really don't mind." I said, a little too quickly. "If it'll help you get a good night sleep."

The man did not need asking twice.

He lowered his legs in the bed and flipped back the covers. And there it was. One of the largest dicks I've ever seen lying half hard across his belly. It must have been seven or eight inches and not even fully hard. I could see his saggy balls handing down below, full and pendulous.

Briefly asking myself what the hell was I doing, I reached over and touched it gingerly. It twitched and I could see a drop of precum in the light from his phone.

"Oh, my." I said.

"I usen't get any complaints." He smiled kindly.

Taking his cock in my tiny hand, I slid my palm along it. He shivered at my touch and closed his eyes.

Well, I'd started this and now, I suppose, I should finish it, I thought.

I spat into my hand and grabbed him again. I gave a few test tugs. Then, I committed, deciding that if I was going to do it, I would do it to the best of my ability.

I began to slowly stroke his shaft, which thickened to my touch. The whole thing grew, not much bigger or thicker, but fuller and harder. It now felt like an iron bar in my hand. As I stroked it, my own flood gates opened, and I could feel my panties become wet. I shifted on the seat again, this time, giving myself a little stimulation. I took to rocking slightly on the chair, which had the effect of allowing my lips to crush and uncrush, sending mild waves of pleasure into my tummy.

I found my own breath becoming a little more labored as I continued to stroke his penis, giving some attention to the large head. I was greeted with soft little moans from the man, obviously enjoying the experience. I continued to stroke him, occasionally replenishing the spit on my hand to keep him lubricated.

My other hand creeped up by itself and my thumbnail began to lightly rub at my panties. I was incredibly turned on by now.

The look of pure enjoyment on his face filled me with warmth and good feeling. I don't know what came over me, but I bent down and took the head of his cock in my mouth.

He gasped and I instantly felt his hand on my head, holding gently, not pressuring or pushing. I licked the head of his cock, down and around his glans, then took the whole thing in my mouth. I let my saliva flood down his shaft to meet my hand, just as my own juices began to run, fully soaking my panties.

The old man was panting slightly now, and my head was bobbing quicker on his cock. I let go of my panties for a moment and began to fondle his saggy balls with my hand. I detected a change in his breathing, then he quietly said. "Careful, I'm going to come shortly."

Maybe, it was his continued politeness, that voice, or my own state of arousal, but I took that as a challenge rather than a warning.

His cum hit the back of my throat in gallons and with surprising force. Even as it made me gag, I kept sucking and stroking him. He moaned and groaned, raising his bony ass high of the bed as he kept filling me with his semen.

I swallowed and sucked and stroked until I heard his breathing return to normal. Then, wiping my mouth, I carefully rearranged his gown and the bedclothes.

"Oh, my dear, that was the most wonderful feeling I've had in a long time. Thank you so much."

"Just paying it forward." I smiled. "Do you think you'll be able to sleep now?"

"Yes, dear. I think I'll probably have a wonderful sleep with lots of great dreams."

"Good. I do aim to please."

"And what about yourself?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Well, I'd hate to leave you high and dry having given me such a gift. It seems only fair?"

"Oh, that's really not necessary ..." I said, half wondering what he had in mind.

"Here, stand by the bed and let me see if I can't offer you at least a modicum of the pleasure you've given me."

Well, what can I say? I've always been told to respect my elders. I stood by the bed. He leaned over and slid his cold bony hand over my mound. I shivered. One of his fingers found my slit through the sodden cotton and stroked it, tracing his way to my clitoris and gently massaging it. It felt incredible. He rubbed me through my panties, a look of fierce concentration tempered with eager joy on his face. My legs spread and my hips began to tremble. The sensation was incredible, and he hadn't even touched me skin to skin yet.

"I wonder if it might be easier just to take them off?" He asked politely. I did as instructed with eagerness.

Soon, he had two hoary fingers plunged into pussy, massaging my lips. Somehow his thumb was also stroking across my clit with practices ease. I could feel the power draining out of my legs as blood rushed to my pussy. I felt flush and warm. I could feel an orgasm, far off in the pit of my loins, growing, approaching. If only he'd keep doing that, at that pace, with that pressure. Now, his hands we're out of my pussy and I felt a sense of loss, only momentarily, He used his palm and fingers, soaking from my own juices, to stroke over my mons, stimulating my clit, my labia, setting the whole area on fire. His pace changes from quick to slow to quick again, I think by watching the effect it was having on my face.

I cried out when I came, knees buckling, thighs snapping shut on his hand, not wanting him to stop, not wanting him to continue to send me over that edge. He gently stroked my mound now, steering clear of the super sensitive clit.

"Thank you." I gasped.

"You're so welcome. And it was so deserved."

All businesslike now, I stepped back into my soaking panties and pulled them up. I rearranged my clothes and stepped out from the cubicle. The rest of the shift, I sat or walked in wet panties, a smile on my face.

I didn't see the man again before he left. Probably for the best, I thought. His massive cock did play on my mind though. And I help myself to a daydream of it ploughing me as I drifted off later that day.

Two days later, back on the ward, a massive bouquet of flowers arrived for me. The note read 'Thank you for your wonderful care.' It wasn't signed. But there was an email address.

I responded to thank him for the flowers.

He responded.

We chatted.

I'm going to his apartment after work tomorrow morning, first thing.

I may stay a while.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good premise.

But needed to be not so rushed. Needed details of what each was doing to the other, and how it felt.

Needed her to at least SHOW him her breasts.

Four stars.

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