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Penal Slavery Pt. 05

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The slaves have an interesting day. Red has dinner and more.
13.1k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/23/2018
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a multi-part story and needs to be read in order. The series is set in a near future alternate world where incest is legal and criminals are sentenced to terms of slavery rather than jail or prison per se. Because this is Literotica, there is a lot of sex. No rape or violence, reluctance at worst.

That said, one of the many good suggestions of my editor was a brief recap of what has gone before. However, to get the most enjoyment of the story read the earlier parts first.

Penal Slavery Pt. 01- Brooke, Mark, and his twin sister Beth are sentenced to penal slavery for their crimes. They are stripped, flogged, barcoded and collared and then needed to make atonement before starting their sentence as sex slaves.

Penal Slavery Pt. 02- The collared trio are transported to the Lodge to serve their enslavement. Including a picnic. With a special dessert.

Penal Slavery Pt. 03- Arrival at the Lodge and in processing of the slaves begins.

Penal Slavery Pt. 04-Slaves servitude at the Lodge begins. Red gets a surprise that rocks her world.

Many thanks to ZZchromosome for his insightful comments and edits that helped make this a better story. Sorry this is running behind. Life has been a bit crazy of late.

If you enjoy this series try Mom and Daughter Face Penal Slavery, set in the same universe. The next chapter there will be character crossovers so you might find it interesting.


"I have a meeting in thirty minutes that's likely to run a couple of hours. Do you want to stay in the room and rest or be released to guest service till 5:00? I figure we can have dinner, then meet Nympho, Poseidon, and Carousel back here at 6:30."

"I probably should go. I don't want Carousel spreading gossip that I am slacking. Nice kilt. I like the way the red, blue, and black weaves together."

"Thank you. I'm glad that they are making a comeback. They are not only comfortable, but useful around the Lodge."

"How so?"

A mischievous grin crossed Jack's face, "Red, I will let you find out at dinner."

Jack continued as he slid his wrist comp on his forearm and belted on his sporran, "Afternoon Guest Service will be starting soon. The pool area is on the way to my meeting. I will drop you off there and confirm that you are still checked out to my room."

Brooke gave him an impish look, "I was thinking, instead of going I could stay here, watch videos and jill off till you get back. Who cares what Carousel says? Do you think room service delivers vibrators and bonbons?"

"Vibrators are in the toy drawer over there. I suspect that bonbons are possible. Lazy slaves that missed exercise today need to do something to burn calories." He gave her a swat on the ass. "Get moving!"

They were both laughing as they left the room. Brooke was a little surprised to see that they were taking the stairs. Responding to her remark, Jack replied, "I believe that you can never get enough exercise. Plus, I love watching your ass when you walk."

Brooke tried to put a little extra roll to her hip as she went down the stairs. As she got to the door she felt Jack come up behind her and tease her damp cunt. He put a wet finger in front of her mouth, "Lick it."

She sucked and licked her juices off his digit. Brooke figured it was psychological, but she swore her slave cunt was better tasting than the taste of her free pussy the times when she licked her fingers after masturbating at night.

"God, I wish I could skip this meeting."

Jack opened the stairwell door and turned down the hall to the first-floor rooms into a large lobby. Brooke was amazed by the rich woodwork and marble flooring. The stone floor was a bit chilly for her bare feet and she was thankful for the rich thick carpets. Jack spoke,

"This is the original lobby built in 1897. There are several interconnected wings and a total of 600 rooms. The slave quarters were in the basement and housed 400 under less than ideal conditions. Today it's used for BDSM dungeon spaces, and the IT spaces. The current slave spaces predate the current collar and tracking technology and the security is a little bit of overkill."

"Dominus, when that cell door slammed when we first got here I realized that I was a convict serving time. My cell is windowless, and I can't even go outside without permission. Even with meeting you and the sex, I wish I had never gotten drunk that night... " Brooke replied in a small voice.

"Which is probably why we have next to no recidivism from here. Red, you can't undo the past. But you're making the best of the present. As for the outside...I might have something to show you later."

Brooke continued to follow Dominus Jack's directions walking through the lobby. According to the lodge rules, slaves were to walk behind and to the right of the domini. Paradoxically, slaves are to walk in front of guards and follow directions. Brooke suspected that her dominus' military and law enforcement background made it impossible for him to do anything else. Of course, on the other hand, he said he liked to watch her barcoded ass.

Presently, he directed her down a hallway with what looked like conference rooms on one side and a glassed-in gym space on the other. She noted that the equipment was oriented to some spectacular views.

"It's really nice when the sun comes up. You will see when we work out in the morning."

"Dominus, I am sure that I can give you an excellent morning workout."

"No doubt Red. But you really don't burn that many calories during sex. You will have to exercise daily."

"Nympho is not going to like that. She's convinced that she will be buff by the end of her sentence from all the sex."

"Oh, she will be. Three hours of exercise a day, six days a week will do that. Especially when her collar will jolt her to keep her from slacking."

"And I already agreed to be her exercise buddy. I love her, but she can be a whiny bitch during a workout."

"Interesting. Halt, turn to the right. Before you enter..."

"Once I go through that door, I am just another convict cunt being delivered to suck, fuck, lick pussy, and take it up the ass on demand."

"Insolent, but correct. Through the door, slave."

Brooke saw a sign saying, AQUATIC AREA, STAFF ONLY. Entering the door, she saw a desk with a stocky man 'of a certain age,' as the Brits like to say, with close cropped salt and pepper hair, heavy on the salt. He looked up.

"Jack, good to see you again! I heard you were back."

"Bill, good to see you too. I figured you'd be retired by now."

"Retired? I will retire the day I can't enjoy the job perks. If that day ever comes, I still won't retire, because I will be dead. What have we here?"

"Bend and spread Red."

As she assumed the position, Jack continued, "Red here is assigned to me indefinitely. However, because of idle hands and all that, I will be seconding her when I have to be elsewhere."

"So, when do you want her back? Any limits?"

"Depends on when we are done. No later than 4:45. No limits other than she's spoken for."

Brooke heard the now familiar beep indicating her ass, along with the rest of her, was at someone else's whim. As she was told to stand, she felt a familiar finger plumb her wet cunt. Standing, she saw Jack licking his finger.

"I hope that the meeting ends quick."

As the door shut behind him, Brooke felt another finger explore her wet hole. Bill said,

"You certainly have a tasty cunt. We have about 15 minutes till the other slaves start arriving."

She saw Bill walk around his desk, to stand at his chair, drop his pants, releasing an impressive cock, and sat down.

"Knees, cunt "

She went to her knees and swallowed the proffered cock whole. Bobbing her head up and down, she hoped the man wanted more than a blowjob because the man's tweaking and twisting of her nipples was setting her cunt on fire.

As soon as Brooke felt his cock harden in her mouth, he released her tits and said, "Spread your legs and bend over my desk."

Brooke realized as she spread her legs apart and bent across the desk that the cold glass top was stimulating her already hard nipples as her ample breasts mashed against the surface. The position also opened her cunt lips and asshole to the cool breeze in the air-conditioned room. A tongue jabbed into her twat with no warning, licking and probing her from hole to hole. Brooke writhed with pleasure.

After all too brief a time, the tongue was replaced by a cock slamming into her wet cunt and pumping in and out of her needy orifice.

"I will have to spend more time with that tasty twat later. For now, let's get some creme filling in you."

Dominus Bill definitely knew how to fuck a slave. Brooke was on the verge of cumming when she felt her cunt filled with warm cum at the same time the door opened and she saw Beth and two green collared slave cunts enter. One slave, a blond with cone shaped tits and a bare cunt walked to a station identical to the ones the guards showed Brooke, Beth and Mark when they were escorted to their cell. The slave bent and spread in front of the scanning station and straightened back up at the familiar beep. The other green collared slave, that Brooke recognized as Circe from the shower, was speaking to Beth.

"Nympho, Like Dryad just did, bend and spread and you get logged into the area. Be sure not to move until you hear the beep. If you want an itch scratched, just come early like she must have and Dominus Bill will be glad to help a slave cunt out. He eats cunt almost as good as a girl."

"Flattery will get it up your ass Circe."

"Just how I like it, Boss."

Brooke heard another beep as her hair was pulled gently but firmly to direct her body up and then on her knees to clean the man's still firm cock. The dominus spoke.

"Circe, Dryad, go mount up. Nympho bend and spread. Wait here while Red cleans me up."

As soon as the beep went off, Brooke felt someone come up behind her.

"Dominus, may I help Red clean you?"

"No Nympho, but thanks for your kind offer. Red, tuck me in and zip me up."

After complying with the dominus' order, Brooke rose to her feet as did the manager. Dominus Bill gestured to the door that Circe and Dryad had entered.

"Through that door cunts"

Brooke followed Beth through the door and into a space that looked like a large office waiting room with lines of chairs. She noticed Circe and Dryad squirming in their seats as was a slave cock she didn't recognize. As she approached the chairs, she noticed what looked like a small dildo sticking up from the seats. The dominus spoke up.

"Ok, hop on. Just like cowgirl"

"Except with cowgirl I get to come," Dryad muttered loudly.

Brooke eased herself on the plastic cock as Beth sat beside her doing the same. Bill continued, "This is designed to get you warmed up for the guests. Slave cunts get your twats filled and the slave cocks get their prostates stroked. Now we don't want you too spent to serve the paying domini, so your collars monitor your vitals and make sure that you don't...quite...come."

The plastic dildo started to vibrate and Brooke felt herself getting increasingly excited. Right at the edge of an stopped. Brooke whimpered at the same time she thought she heard Beth sob a little.

"Sorry. The state owns all of you including your cums. This is how it's done and I..."

"Just work here," all the other slaves chorused in unison.

Brooke got the idea that was something Bill said on a regular basis.

Soon she was squirming along with the other slave cunts and slave cocks. As more slaves arrived and mounted the plastic penises the sounds of moaning increased. On a certain level, she could appreciate the stated intent to get the slaves horny for the paying guests. On the other hand, she wondered if this was a way to remind a penal slave that they were in fact convicted criminals who lost their basic freedoms because of their crimes, even having their orgasms curtailed. Honestly, Brooke thought to herself, the edging was just as if not more tiring that if she masturbated to orgasms. She would have to ask Jack about this later.

After an indeterminate time, a chime sounded and Bill entered the room and spoke up.

"Ok boys and girls, time to go fuck, suck and lick."

Brooke felt the vibration cease and she got up and stretched. Beth did the same, saying, "I am so ready to serve some domini. Hopefully with big dicks or long tongues. Preferably both."

Circe chuckled, "Good luck with that Nympho. Most of the free women here are the biggest pillow princesses you will ever run across. Lick a convict cunt? Quelle horreur! Mostly you are sucking cock and licking pussy. Or taking it up the ass. And they sure don't care if you get off."

"Yeah kind of noticed that making up rooms," Nympho replied as they went through an open door labeled, "Staff Break Room" on the side facing into the pool area.

"Ok, the drill here is to circulate among the domini. A fair amount of what you do is drink and food service. The bar will serve you soft drinks only. If for any reason you are offered an alcoholic drink by a dominus or domina, politely decline and advise that you are not allowed alcoholic beverages. You don't want your collar reporting booze in your system," instructed Circe.

"What about sex? I was promised sex," pouted Beth.

"Never fear, we are all going to get plenty of use. Domini will give you an order to suck cock or eat pussy as easily as wanting a rum and coke."

The trio separated, and Brooke spent her first thirty minutes fetching drinks and munchies for the domini. The aquatic area was completely glassed in and had a relaxing view of a mountain range. There was seating around a double Olympic sized pool and several hot tub sized pools that appeared to be a variety of temperatures, with seating areas around those as well. Brooke saw Beth bent over the edge of one of those pool areas being fucked with her face between the legs of a woman. Trust Nympho to land with her legs open she thought wryly. Looking around to see if anyone one needed anything Brooke froze. A woman had just entered the pool area. A woman that she knew.

Blond, tall, and well endowed, Brooke though that Catherine Pridigen looked the very model of a Junior League society matron. Her husband was a state senator. She was on several committees with Brooke's mother and was at the house often for meetings. She was oh so proper and always doing the "right" thing. Brooke thought she was pretty selfish.

Pridigen not only saw her but didn't look all that surprised to see her naked, collared and barcoded. The matron sat down on a lounger and motioned Brooke to come to her. With a sinking feeling she did so. Stopping in front of the matron, Brooke said, "Domina, how may I serve you?"

"So, I was right. You and the Thompson twins were enslaved. Silver collar, so about a year. 'Wilderness trekking,' at least that was something new. Everyone knows when someone in the better classes suddenly winds up going to Europe, or out of town, or..." the blonde laughed unpleasantly, "'Wilderness trekking' the reality is they are going to be collared and barcoded somewhere for a while. Usually here. Of course, everyone pretends, goes along, and doesn't ask questions."

"Those of us who have access to Hidden Hills don't have to ask questions. We know. Turn for me slave cunt."

Brooke was mortified. For the first time since she was collared, she was not the least bit horny. But she was a slave, and a domina had given an order. She turned as directed.

"How adorable, you're embarrassed. I can see the flush. You redheads are so transparent that way. Nice perky tits. I like the way your cunt is trimmed. I always wondered if the carpet matched the drapes. Knees, cunt."

Brooke went to her knees to the concrete. The woman spread her legs, exposing a yellow bikini bottom with string ties on each hip.

"A convict cunt like you should know what to do next. Use your teeth to pull the ties. No hands. Keep them busy fingerfucking your cunt and asshole. When my husband gets here, he is going to want to harvest your ass. That's one of the things I love about this place. Plenty of slaves to take it up the ass so ladies such as myself don't have to demean ourselves to satisfy our husbands. "

Brooke had pulled the strings of the bikini bottom and her domina raised up her ass so she could pull the cloth away, exposing a shaved pussy open and glistening with moisture.

"I guess I won't be finding out if her rug matches the drapes," Brooke thought as she bent her head in and plunged her tongue between the domina's folds at the same time she stroked her clit with one hand and stuck a finger of her other hand up her ass.

"Yes, yes, just like that you slut. I bet fresh meat like you gets lots of practice licking bull dyke cunt in the cell block after lights out."

"She has been watching way too many women in prison vids," Brooke thought to herself. At the same time, she wondered if she heard a touch of...longing in the domina's voice.

As much as she hated to admit it, the diddling of her cunt and the now three fingers pumping in and out of her starfish really turned Brook on. Additionally, the domina's pussy was delicious, tasting like peaches and cream.

"I can't wait to tell the others about this marvelous mouth of yours. Once the word gets out, there will be four of us in a row being serviced by your talented mouth. Perhaps you can get Elizabeth, or whatever her slave name is, to help."

Slave hot Brooke was looking forward to eating pussy with Beth beside her. The thinking part of her had alarm bells going off in her brain, causing her to falter in her oral servitude.

"Oh honey, you don't think I would keep you to myself. It will be such a coup to be the reason the rest of the club would get Amanda Ashcroft's daughter servicing their pussies. Not to mention Cindy Thompson's daughter. Oh, and her son too. Judging from the way his jodhpurs fit he seems...well endowed."

Lifting her head, Brooke spoke, "Domina..."

"Hush slave cunt. I know about that silly rule about not disclosing who you see here. It's not like we tell the world. Just our little circle. Not even our husbands know. Of course, I do see some advantages to a discrete conversation with your mother. Might encourage her to give me a committee chairmanship. Then I would be too busy to talk..."

Before Brooke could stop tonguing the free bitch's clit, to say anything, Circe's voice behind her spoke up.

"Domina, a thousand pardons but the slave cunt servicing you has other duties and needs to return to the staff room for pickup. This slave would be happy to continue to pleasure you."

"I want to keep this cunt and check her out..."

"Apologies, but she has already been checked out."

"Humph. We will see about that."

"Desk? This is Mrs. Catherine Pridigen, Senator Pridigen's wife. I want to check out a slave cunt and not only have I been told no, but she is being taken away from what she is doing. Ok, she is red headed and... what is her slave name?"

"Her name is Red domina," Circe added helpfully.

"Desk, her name is Red... what do you mean she is assigned? Oh, all right then Do you know who I am? Very well, send a message to this person that I will make it worth his while to assume her use. Goodbye."

Brooke felt her hair being pulled, drawing her head away from the domina's pussy. She looked up into the cold eyes of the angry woman.

"You are free to go for now. Till I find out what your use price is from the person you are checked out to. You, take her place."

Brooke jumped up and walked back to the slave holding area as Circe settled between Pridigen's open thighs. Part of her was horrified and angry, but another part was turned on by her body being haggled over like a piece of fruit in the market. As soon as she was through the door, she saw Jack. It took everything she had not to run subbing into his arms. Instead, she walked up to him and said, "Dominus I am so glad you are here."

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