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Pillar Ch. 02

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Ruth's initiation into her new life.
29k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/30/2015
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Author's note:

This is my first completed novel. While the plot isn't too complex, the goings on in the story are tricky, and with the help and dedication of a friend who reviewed the whole thing, I tweaked the crucial parts of the story to be better.

I wrote this story to explore the main themes that are included in it. I won't spoil anything by going into what the second theme besides BDSM is, but it's always been my intention to write something enjoyable that hopefully makes my reader think about what he or she read afterwards. (While also being nice and hot.)

So please, leave a comment that tells about your thoughts and opinions. I you have some relevant experience that the story reminds you of, by all means, share it with the rest of us.

Voting I leave to your discretion, but I do want to remind you that if you enjoyed the story, giving it a good score will make it more likely that others will find it and enjoy it as well.



The next morning Ruth woke up to the smell of coffee. Tom had left her a white cotton undershirt, on top of it lay one of his boxers and nothing else. It was comfortable, but somehow it didn't hide any of her curves. She entered the kitchen to find him reading the paper. He gave her a once over and smiled. "You look good in your uniform, Ruth."

Blushing, she poured herself a cup of coffee and glanced over his shoulder to see what he was reading. He clapped his laptop shut, spun around on his bar stool and pulled her against him. "So what did you think of last night?"

She avoided eye contact and talked into her cup. "It was so exciting. I've never done anything like it. In the restaurant, I couldn't stop wondering if someone would notice I wasn't wearing any panties, and with those toys in my pussy I felt strange, like I was different. My memory's a little blurry, but I'm sure I'd do it again and again."

Tom smiled a quiet smile and listened to her, his hands folded on her back.

"Doing what you made me do, trusting it would be okay... I doubt I could've done all that if I hadn't been so worked up. But I'm proud that I did. And then when I was kneeling on the floor, you have no idea what I imagined you would do. I wanted to look back at the chair so many times, just to imagine myself lying there."

"How do you feel now?"

"I'm a little tender, but I love how relaxed I am."

"I'm glad you liked it. There's something about you that makes me want to tease you. I can't help it, you're just too much fun to play with."

He took her chin in his hand and said, "Service isn't play though, and it'll take a lot more out of you. Your schedule's on the table. I want you to read it. I've also set up your online diary, the rules tell you how I want you to use it."

Tom grinned as he watched her reading and rereading the schedule he'd put together for her. Her life would be very different, with him intruding on nearly every front. Would she give her life over to him? He thought she would. Would she keep it up? That was harder to foresee, but he hoped she would. The possibilities made his head spin.

"I'm supposed to do all this?"

"Starting tomorrow."

"Starting... I don't know, Tom! I can't do all of this. I have a life."

He raised his eyebrow. "What is your life right now? You work and then what?"

"I hang out with Jenny and I go see a movie once in a while. I met you at a party, remember?"

"You did, but it was a work party. Besides going out with Jenny or spending time on your own, what have you achieved that you're proud of?"

She slumped down into the closest chair and said, "Do we have to do this now? I was feeling so good when I got out of bed. Let's not ruin this please."

"No Ruth, I won't drop this. How long has it been since you felt alive like you did last night? I felt it too. That piece of paper, doing what it says, that will give you the life you've been waiting for."

Ruth trembled and tears rolled down her cheeks. "Is that how you see me? Some boring wallflower that needs sprucing up?"

"Oh Ruth, no."

He got up and took her in his arms. She stood still in his embrace, her arms hanging down her sides.

"I don't think of you as boring at all. When I saw you at that party, I discovered a beautiful, self-assured woman. When we talked I learned you're intelligent, witty and a pleasure to be with."

He squeezed her against him. "I was surprised that you were single. I didn't understand. As I got to know you, I saw that inside you're a shy little girl. You need to feel comfortable and safe before you can show that girl to anyone."

She grabbed his waist tight and hid her face away in his shirt. He rested his chin on top of her head and stroked her back to make her calm down. "You trust me enough to let me soothe you, but I'm asking you for much more. It boils down to a simple question: can you be strong enough to let me decide for you? I'm not saying it'll be easy. But imagine, no more wasted nights on the couch. I won't let you do nothing. You'll never disappoint yourself because you'll be too busy trying your hardest every day."

As he spoke, Ruth sobbed into his shirt. By the time he finished, her whole body shook. Tom whispered small nothings to her. "You're fine, little girl. It's ok. Everything's going to be alright. Cry now, cry all you want. Shhhh, it's fine, you're fine. Let it out."

"How do you know me so well?"

"Not how, but why. It's simple, it always is. Because I want to. You're my little girl."

His words put a faint smile on her face, and she rubbed her face dry on his shirt. Tom pet her on the head and said, "Let's have breakfast and take a minute to rearrange our thoughts."

He plopped her down in the couch and gathered some fruits and bread before he joined her. Ruth sighed and shuffled over when he patted his lap and arched an eyebrow. He handed her the food, picked her up and put her on his lap, so she could nestle herself against him. Bits of fruit and bread made it to her mouth, but not all took the same route. The game got more playful and messy as it went along. Soon, Ruth's eyes sparkled again.

"You always make me..."

Tom shut her up with half of a banana. She shot him with what she meant to be an indignant look, but utterly failed to pull it off with the banana sticking out. For one long moment they just stared at each other before they burst into laughter.

"You always make me laugh. I don't know how, but you always do. I'll trust you. The contract, the rules, I read it all so many times but somehow it didn't seem all that real. I have to do everything on the schedule?"

He nodded. "It's the foundation for later."

"Hey, I'm not a house."

"That's true, no loose screws in a house."

"I'll get you for that one!"

A delightful tickling match followed, which ended with Ruth being ravaged on the couch. They spent that day at least semi-naked, having a casual bite and enjoying each other's company. In a way, it was their last day of being boyfriend and girlfriend. Starting the next day, they would be Master and servant in more than just name.


Tom smiled as he picked up his phone. He'd been expecting this call. "Yes?"

Nothing but labored breathing came across the line.

"You'll have to speak up, Ruth."

'Please, Sir, may I come?'

"In a minute. How was your day?"

'I've been horny since this morning, I would like to finally be allowed to finish. It was much worse than yesterday, I can't focus on my job like this.'

"That's a problem. Do you want me to solve your problem with extra training?"

'Yes, Sir. Anything.'


'May I come now, Sir?'

"No, Ruth. You just asked me for extra training. I'm available right now. Stop what you're doing and come over here."

He hung up the phone moments before Ruth screamed at the phone in pure frustration.


Tom opened his front door and saw Ruth's blushing face. Her clothes were crumpled, like she'd put them on in a hurry. Her hair was messy and the look she gave him was filled with lust. He shook his head and clicked his tongue. "You're messy and you're wearing work clothes, Ruth. Coming here for training doesn't mean you can show up without proper grooming. I'll remind you later, come in."

Ruth approached Tom with barely concealed hunger. She wanted him to do anything at all that would help her get rid of the tension built up inside of her. He sidestepped her and gave her a push towards the living area. "Undress and kneel at the coffee table."

Eager to get started, she threw off her clothes.

"Little girl!"

Ruth froze with her hands on the buttons of her blouse when Tom's voice lashed out.

"That is not how you undress properly."

She tried to do it right, but failed to remember how the rules specified to take off, fold and stack her clothes, so Tom had to interrupt her again. "You can stop your fumbling. Just go and open the box on the table."

The clear disapproval in his voice stung, and it ticked Ruth off that she made stupid mistakes just because she was horny.

As she sat down she could feel Tom's presence behind her. She longed for him to touch her, but he hadn't taken a step closer to her or even tried to tease her. Her spirits lifted when she opened the box and found a vibrating egg, finally! The rest of the contents confused her, there was a pencil and a sudoku book. Her relief vanished and she looked up at him. "Sir, what am I supposed to do with this?"

"Little girl, I thought you realized that training calls for different protocol. You speak when spoken to. You get permission to ask a question. Have you done so?"

"No, Sir."

"You didn't lie about having problems focusing when you're horny."

The red on her cheeks deepened, and she struggled to keep her eyes from shying away from his. He noticed and took her chin into his hand, to make sure she couldn't avoid him. "Lucky for you, I have a solution. You'll put the egg in your pussy. I have the remote and I'll only use setting one and two of five. That way you won't be tempted to come. You wouldn't dare come without permission, would you?"

She shook her head as much as she could.

"All you have to do is solve three sudokus. I planned on two intermediate ones and a hard one, but I'll flip those numbers around. You need some discipline after all. I'll allow you to come when you finish all three puzzles, on the condition that you've made no mistakes. You can start. I'll be over there reading."

He settled down beside a reading lamp, comfortable and absorbed in his book. Ruth didn't move for a while, until the egg started to vibrate inside of her. She moaned and swallowed. She tried to clear her head, but the sweet ache in her pussy kept distracting her and soon she drifted away on the pleasure the egg gave her.

Her hands slid towards her nipples and pussy, even light touches felt incredible. She chewed her lip and rocked her hips against her hand with her eyes closed. Her eyes snapped open when Tom slammed his book shut.

"Little girl! Are you incapable of following even simple instructions? You stray one more time and I will make you beg for the orgasm you seem to need so much. When I give you an assignment, you do it. I won't forget about this."

"I- I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to..."

"I know exactly what you meant to do. You have twenty minutes to finish the intermediate Sudoku. I suggest you don't test my patience any more than you already have. And address yourself correctly during training, don't make me remind you of every little thing."

The egg picked up a notch and Ruth gasped, thankfully the intensity of the vibration lessened when she focused on the puzzle. She struggled to keep going. More than once she drifted off only to be rudely reminded of what she should be doing. Every time Tom racked up the vibe's intensity, it pushed Ruth right up to the edge but never over it. One more notch and she would explode, but it stayed of reach. Finally she finished the first puzzle and she told Tom, he checked his watch and said, "26 minutes. That's too long."

She nodded, weary of what being over time would mean for her.

"You'll have to do it again, under twenty minutes this time. I'll get you another pillow to kneel on, I can see you'll be here for a while."

Ruth briefly hung her head down, but she didn't want to fail anymore. She wanted to solve these damn things. With a vengeance she set to beating the next one. Tom was much more active with the remote now, sometimes he even turned it off so he could make her gasp when he turned it on again. The second attempt took her 21 minutes. The third attempt took her 16 minutes.

"Very good little girl, you're learning. Now the hard ones, I'll give you 30 minutes for those. If you manage that in time I'll reward you. I'll leave the egg on setting two. Good luck!"

She gritted her teeth and tried not to scream. She wouldn't fail this time. She struggled on, threw numbers around in her muddled brain and slowly solved the puzzles. At some point during the last one Tom appeared behind her and played with her nipples. So unfair, she was never going to make it that way! But while he toyed with her body he encouraged her with little whispers. She fought with all her might to ignore her body so she could stay concentrated. With trembling fingers she wrote the final number down.

"28 minutes. Congratulations, little girl. You did it. Come with me for your reward. I give you permission to come as much as you need."

He led her into his bedroom and pushed her on his bed. He bent over, took her throbbing clit between his lips and held perfectly still. Ruth no longer dared to breathe. Tom turned the egg up to maximum and flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue, while he curled two fingers up in her pussy and rubbed the egg against her sensitive insides.

Ruth screamed, but she didn't hear her own screams. All those long minutes of built up pressure crashed down on her and flooded her with pleasure. Tom didn't let up, he drew out her massive orgasm until he couldn't contain himself any longer.

He claimed her then and filled her pussy with his hot, throbbing cock. Ruth made a strangled noise at the intrusion. Her mouth gaped open wide. Every time Tom bottomed out, he ground his pelvis against her, to stimulated her tingling clit. She lost track of her own pleasure, there was just so much of it. The orgasms she could make out were smaller than the first, but so delicious.

She fell asleep soon after Tom finished, happy and utterly satisfied.


The next morning Tom had Ruth do her daily masturbation homework in front of him. The exercise was designed to arouse her, make her better at pleasing herself and did not allow her release. Once she was close he told her to keep going while he used her mouth.

"You'll repeat this exercise right before your aikido class. I want you fired up. Charlotte doesn't accept anyone below her standard. I vouched for you, so you'd better make me proud."

He grabbed her before she got in her car to leave for work, smashed her body against his and kissed her long and deep. He left Ruth leaning on the hood, her pussy throbbing with rekindled need.

Work was okay, and she made up part of the backlog she'd accumulated in the past few days.

Back in her own apartment she couldn't distract herself with work any longer. She saw herself in the mirror and noticed she was blushing already. She bit her lip and closed her eyes so she could keep her own hands under control. After a deep breath she undressed, outer layers to inner layers, bottom to top, neatly folded and stacked.

She slid her hands over her skin, thought back to the morning and tried to imagine herself kneeling down and exposed to Tom. It had still been early morning and her mind had been cloudy. When he told her to kneel down and play with herself, she sunk down on her knees and slipped her hand between her legs like she was doing now. She could feel her own hands slide across her perky breasts and circle her nipples without touching them just yet.

She felt the excitement coming back, the delicious feeling of being watched by her master, of having his eyes glued to her fingers.

Tom had looked her straight in the eye when she first slipped two fingers inside of her. She remembered biting her lip for him. He liked it when she did that. It had given her a little jolt to see his eyes dart to her lips and she'd started playing for real at that moment. She'd been fully awake by then and sopping wet. One hand kneaded her breast as the other found the right spot, she arched her head back and moaned. She couldn't hide from him, he saw everything she did and how much she enjoyed it.

Much quicker than usual she'd felt her orgasm rise, and she'd jerked her hand away from her pussy way too fast. He saw her jerk and freeze, but stopping wasn't an option for him so he slipped his hand between her legs and teased her asshole. She rolled her hips to push against his finger and kneaded her breasts, pushing them up into her hands. He slipped the tip of his finger inside her ass and wiggled it. She'd almost toppled over the edge when she'd viciously twisted her nipple and rubbed her clit hard with her other hand. The only thing that had prevented her from coming was his voice telling her to stop.

After that he slid his hard cock into her mouth and ordered her to keep herself as close to coming as possible. He groaned when she used her tongue on him and growled that she should divide her attention. Sucking his warm shaft and teasing its tip distracted her enough to keep off her orgasm, while she fingered herself with three fingers.

Faster, more intense. Her thoughts had turned mechanical, as holding back and not disappointing him at the same time became harder. Tom got close and put his hand on her head to warn her, it was a sign for her to let go of her nipple and push one finger in her ass. Tom came and filled up her mouth with his come, the sheer volume surprised her enough to save her from coming without permission. If she hadn't been startled, her hands would've made her come hard with his cock still spurting in her mouth.

Alone in her room, she watched her own reflection, on hands and knees. Beads of sweat covered her skin. The need that burned in her pussy wasn't a joke. It would be so easy to come right now, and to make things worse it would be incredible. But he'd be able to tell, he knew how she was if she'd been satisfied. So she sat on her hands until she no longer felt like plunging them into her wet box.

Beating on someone sounded like something she would welcome when she left her place.


Amused, Tom watched his girlfriend panting on the mat, exhausted. A boyish smile had lit up his face from the moment he'd entered the dojo. He turned to Charlotte and said, "Sensei, how was she?"

"A complete beginner, but she seemed determined to get me. Like she needed to work off steam. All in all, she did well. I think she can learn."

He laughed and shook his head at Charlotte's questioning glance. "Never mind, it's an inside joke. I can count on you for weekly private classes, and you'll admit her to the group class when you think she's ready?"

"I'll take her on as a pupil. Will you come as a substitute attacker in some of the later classes? It's hard to get good practice without someone to throw around."

"If you can make her capable, I'll let her throw me around. Now, let me take what's left of her home. I'll drop her in a hot bath and give her a nice massage."

Ruth feebly struggled as he lifted her over his shoulder, but she stopped struggling when he slapped her ass and told her not to move. She fell asleep in the car and woke up down to her shoulders in steaming hot water.

"Welcome back. How was your first taste of aikido?"

Ruth opened her mouth to say something, but she changed her mind and let her head sink into the bubbles. That woman was worse than Tom, so much worse. By the time they'd gotten to the actual aikido part of the class she'd been exhausted, while her tormentor hopped up and down, keeping limber.


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