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Pillar Ch. 02


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She swallowed, closed her eyes and tried to ignore his soft kisses. Her ties were ironclad. There was no way she could leave this chair without breaking it. How could she still resist him? She was lost.

"Tell me what I need to know, and I'll let you leave here unharmed."

Ah, that's what he wanted from her. She pushed her chin down and said, "Never. I'm not telling you anything."

Tom leaned on the back of the chair and enclosed Ruth in the circle of his arms. With his face inches from hers, he bored his eyes into hers and locked her gaze with his. "You don't want to test me. You could lose more than you care for. Believe me, acting tough will get you nothing."

She didn't drop her gaze and answered his threat by spitting in his face. She laughed as he pulled back, wiping his face. "Does that answer your question, asshole? I'm not telling you anything and there's nothing you can do to make me."

An unpleasant smile widened on Tom's face as he wiped it clean. Ruth knew she'd done the right thing. Tom looked different than usual, somehow more determined and powerful. More focused. He watched her in silence for a long while, and she wriggled in discomfort. Had she made a mistake after all? No choice but to keep going, so she said, "Lost your tongue?"

"Most certainly not, but I know a few things you'll be losing soon."

His laugh was dark as he grabbed her bra in his hand, she tried to shy away when he pulled out a pair of safety scissors, but there was nothing she could do. Before she said anything he'd cut through the tough fabric and thrown away the scissors.

She froze, bound even tighter by his actions than ropes ever could. Still, she had to resist. He'd called her bluff, what was the next step? She wet her lips and decided to just go for it. "Does it make you feel strong to threaten a helpless girl bound to a chair?"

She tried to sound condescending, but couldn't prevent her voice from rising when he pinched her nipple.

"Strong? I'm just doing what I'm told. I would've let you go if you'd just cooperated, but now I'm afraid that's off the table."

He sat back on his haunches and looked up at her, but there was no doubt about who was in control of the situation. "Do you know how simple it is to torture someone with stuff lying around the house? Just with stuff from your cleaning closet. You know about water boarding right?"

Ruth eyes widened as his cold words penetrated her.

"They lay you on your back..."

She yelped as he grabbed the chair's legs and flipped it backwards. Tom's face appeared above her, and he continued his story in the same cold tone.

"All I'd have to do is put a mop or two over your face and then leave for the kitchen. You'd lay here and listen to me fill up a bucket of water, knowing, always knowing what I plan to do with it. You might get those mops off your face when they're dry, but never when they're wet. Time after time you'd hear the water running while you struggle to breathe. It wouldn't be long before you piss yourself."

She tried to look away from him, but he grabbed her jaw in an iron grip. He hardly even blinked as he continued his story. She felt her resistance crumble, and she slipped under his spell.

"And if that's not enough, there's so much more for me to use. Have you ever wondered what bleach could do to you? I could pour some... right here."

He rested his hand on her panties and rubbed her pussy through the wet fabric. She felt herself sink deeper into her captive role. Her eyes teared up. "Please don't hurt me, I'll tell you what I know. I'll tell you everything."

"So you're a good girl now? Good, maybe I won't have to hurt you after all."

Relief flooded her as he pulled the chair back up. He untied her hands and bound them together before he released her feet. It didn't take long to tie her spread eagled on the table. He stood up and ran his hands over her skin, it relaxed her immensely to finally be able to give in and spread her legs for him.

"Good, that's a good girl. I'm kind to those that cooperate with me. But please don't forget what I told you before. If you lie to me, I know where everything I need is."

She shivered with delight and fear as his hands found her breasts. He kneaded them, and she gasped as he sealed his lips over her pussy. He pleasured her slowly and luxuriously, his hands always moving, circling, kneading. His lips tightened around her clit, and she tried to push forward, but he pulled back and retreated to her pussy lips every time. Each pause was longer than the last, she was powerless. He stopped touching her and walked around the table. "That's a good girl, really a very good girl. Can you say A for me?"

She didn't question his request even though it confused her. "Aa..."

The second her mouth opened, Tom shoved a tightly folded kitchen towel between her teeth. He looked down into her eyes and shook his head. "I never expected you to be this easy. You started off so brave and feisty. Well, it's a bit disappointing, but it'll have to do. I've got a little present for you."

He took clothespins from his pocket and put them on her nipples and breasts. She whined and pleaded for him to stop it when he played with the clothespins. He chuckled as he connected them one by one with a piece of cooking twine. "It really is surprising how much stuff lying around the house comes in useful isn't it?"

He reached the other end of the table and pulled on the twine moments before he speared her with his hard cock in one brutal thrust. He briefly paused and ground his hips against her clit while he tortured her breasts. The calm didn't last long though, soon he was fucking her and having his fun with it.

He changed his rhythm, his angle. Every particularly hard thrust was accompanied by a pull on the twine. Yet he didn't allow her to come, any time she responded a little too much he picked up on her signals and slowed down.

Suddenly, he pulled out and walked around the table. He removed her gag and grabbed a handful of her hair and claimed her lips. She felt his strength pour into her, and instinctively she understood that he meant to push her soon. When his lips left hers, he looked down upon her face and she nodded. He got up and walked back to the other side.

"I've rewarded you enough, it's time to end this. You know what I look like, so I can't let you leave here alive. But you've been a good girl, so I'll give you a small chance to survive. If you don't come in the next five minutes, you live. If you do, well... You'll find that dying doesn't have to be painful. I'll have mercy. Now, let's get started."

A strong buzzing filled the room. Tom put the hitachi wand on her clit, and it caused her body to strain against its bonds. She tried to fight the pleasure, to deny it. But it was no use. She hungered for release. Her scream sounded through the apartment and drowned out the buzzing as it warped into a moan forced deep from the recesses of her body.

Tom pulled hard on the twine, and she let out a high pitched shriek as the sudden flashes of pain hit her. He cranked up the hitachi wand to high, and Ruth trashed against her bonds. It was too much, everything mixed in her belly. A huge ball of fire burned her from the inside. All the tension and arousal she'd felt got released in that one monumental orgasm.

After her struggles died down, Tom looked down on her and said, "Very disappointing, even if it was unfair. You didn't even last five seconds. Well, I guess you don't want to live."

Ruth was limp in her bonds, wrung for all she had. She vaguely felt him draw his finger across her neck, symbolically killing his victim. Tom untied her and took care of the slight bruises caused by the ties. He fell back into his chair, exhausted. He motioned Ruth over to him and gave her one last command.

"Ruth, I want you to give me release. Use the wand on yourself and come as many times as you can while you suck me. And don't you dare drop it, you can't handle my response right now."

Ruth obeyed and Tom leant back into the chair, focusing on the clenching of Ruth's throat around his cock. He put his hand in her hair and guided her head. He kept her down with her nose against him and slowly counted in his head, his eyes closed. Her throat fluttered as she struggled to breathe and her body came on the hitachi at the same time.

He didn't hear her gagging, and if he had, he wouldn't have cared. Her throat was his to use. He kept alternating between given her free rein and taking control until he finally blasted his come down her throat. Five, six thick ropes of come shot from his cock as he sat frozen, bent over with her face pressed to his crotch. She gasped for air when he released her, but it didn't register yet.

His orgasm broke through a dam inside of him and released a high he hadn't experienced before. He'd wanted to force, to dominate, and he'd found his desires thoroughly satisfied. He felt assured in who he was. When he noticed Ruth again, she was staring up at him, dreamy eyed. He could still hear buzzing in the room.

Relaxed and content, he got up with a forgiving smile and took the wand from her hands. He felt weary and didn't even bother cleaning up before he carried her over to the bedroom so they could both get some well-deserved rest.


Later that evening, Ruth woke up. Tom was still sleeping. She smiled and rested her head on her hands, watching him in his sleep. It was a special treat since he was usually up long before her. His face was so calm and peaceful in the dim light. She found it difficult to reconcile it with the magnificent, terrible dominator that had used her so badly.

She brushed her lips with her finger and recalled how it had made her feel to have his cock forced down her throat. It had been the best part of the evening for her, complete and utter surrender. No room for her to deny anything, she'd been reduced to an instrument for his pleasure. The lack of oxygen and the constant orgasmic bliss forced out of her tortured clit had made her dizzy, only half aware of what was happening to her. The one clear memory she had was his hand taking complete control over her.

She looked at his sleeping face in wonder this time. This kind man held a devil inside of him, a beast that would devour her if she couldn't withstand it. If he'd started the play with using her, instead of doing an interrogation bit... She shuddered at the thought of being submitted to a whole evening of such intense domination. She'd do it without hesitation. If he asked her right now, she would ignore her sore throat and her tender clit, and she would allow herself to be swept away again.

She pushed that thought away and was curious to know what had made him act like that. He had to wake up to tell her, so she poked his nose and cheeks and delighted in the sleepy groans she got in answer. When he opened his eyes, he was still groggy. "What?"

He rubbed his face and nose as he cleared his head, and he squinted at her. "Were you poking my face to wake me up?"

Her face was innocent as she looked at him, fluttering her lashes. "Of course not, Tom. I'd never do such a thing."

"I do apologize, what was I thinking? To accuse you of such a..."

The poke in her side surprised her, and she giggled when he tickled her and then pushed her wrists against the mattress above her head. Their eyes locked, and he leaned down to kiss her. His lips touched hers softly, lovingly. There was no need for any tongue, it was a kiss for the joy of kissing.

She could feel a different flame being kindled inside of her. It wasn't the passionate fire from before, no, it was a crackling hearth fire in the dead of winter. It warmed her in ways she knew moments of ecstatic pleasure never could. Those were mere sparks, originating from what she was feeling now. She saw it in the concern in his eyes as he looked down at her, and she heard it in his voice when he said, "Did I go too far?"

He was looking for something, some reassurance he hadn't needed while he dominated her. He wanted her to tell him she was okay with what he'd done to her. A small smile curled her lips, and she opened her eyes wide so he could look into them and see that the only thing she felt for him was love. "No, Tom. It was incredible, again. I can't say I liked everything, but it didn't matter in the end. By then I was mush anyway."

He tried to keep his face neutral, but he couldn't hide a hint of relief. "What didn't you like?"

"From the moment you slammed me against the door and tore the buttons off my shirt I just wanted to do whatever it was you asked of me. I would've done anything. And you told me to say no to you. It didn't feel right, but I did it. Next time, start from the end and keep going until you can't go anymore. You might break me, but fuck, I'd die happy."

He laughed at her crude quip. "I'll remember you enjoy being a helpless fuck toy. Not that I couldn't have guessed."

She slapped his arm to shut him up and pulled his mouth to hers. Hearing him put a name on what she'd felt like made her horny again. She froze when she felt a stab of pain from her clit.

"Everything alright?"

"I think we should stick to kissing or I might hurt something down there."

"I can live with that, I'm pretty exhausted myself."

"What came over you? You felt different somehow. More intimidating, more everything."

"I don't really know. Today went by in a trance. I wanted to see you at my feet, ready for me. It was strange, everything was so clear and focused. Work flew by and every time I took a break I saw a clip of what I wanted to do to you in my mind. At first I wanted to wait until you were almost out of work to call you, but then I thought: no, she should make herself wet thinking about what I'll do to her. So I called you.

"When you showed up, everything fell into place and things just flowed. I wanted you to struggle and then I wanted something else. And in the end I wanted you to squirm and beg. I had to make you come over and over until you couldn't handle it anymore. I was prepared for it to be harder, but you gave in, and I went with it."

His eyes had a faraway look as he thought back to her performance. "When you spit in my face, god, I felt happy you gave me a reason to do my worst. I could see the things I whispered to you. Part of me didn't want to go further. If I think about it now, I feel terrible. But a different part of me is exhilarated. I think it's always been there, and I'm not sure what to do about it."

She cuddled closer to him. "I don't know. You were scary, really cold and terrifying. Don't get me wrong, I was wet from the start, but it's not the easiest memory to deal with. I think I'd do it again though. You had something that made surrendering feel more complete. By the time you tied me to the table, I was the frightened girl you wanted me to be. But fight you? No, I don't want to do that again."

They were quiet for a while, each mulling over their confessions.

"Anything you still want to do tonight?"

"I'm not leaving this bed any time soon. And since I'm too sore to do much of anything, I just want to go back to sleep."

"You have the best ideas, one of the perks of dating a smart girl."

"Shut up and hold me, Sir."

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JudyLeeJudyLeeover 8 years ago
A different twist.

When he had Cristina over, did he regress to a more cruel version of himself by being reminded of what she taught him? I hope he can strike a medium that is enough to satisfy Ruth but not injure her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
I'm really curious as to why...

... You didn't change the name of the story or characters as this is clearly very different from the original. It's hard to separate the two. And I really hope you don't introduce another woman like the original.

CaringAndDemandingCaringAndDemandingalmost 9 years agoAuthor
Yes, a rewrite

Most of the story hasn't changed, and the story's spelling and grammar were at a good standard before my rewrite, but I still felt it was needed. It was my first novel after all, and there were issues with my storycraft.

Most changes are in the pivotal third chapter and in the subsequent chapters 4 and 5. I'd recommend waiting for the rewrites to be posted. Otherwise you might be confused.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Best story I 've read in weeks on this site. Thank you. Hope to read more from you.

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