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Players of the Game

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Competing for the right to orgasm.
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I had no idea that the three weeks worth of torture, and anticipation had been leading up to until Anne sprung her latest surprise. I had been sitting in the living room and watching TV, though my mind wasn't really on the plot of whatever it was. Too much bare flesh was on show and it was turning my thoughts in uncomfortable directions. It's not even like the show was particularly about sex, but when you're feeling frustrated about something, anything can be a reminder of what you're not getting.

Anne knew what was going through my mind and kept smirking at me. I could see her out of the corner of my eye and was trying to ignore her. I wasn't going to demean myself by begging for what we both knew that I really wanted, but Christ I was tempted.

When the doorbell rang, it was completely unexpected - to me, anyway. Anne merely glanced at her watch.

"Right on time," she said and told me to answer the door.

I got up without question. This had been one side-effect of her little game - an unanticipated one to me, though no doubt to her. Immediate obedience - but not merely that. I had learned to anticipate her wishes and desires and cater to them. A lot of the time I wasn't even merely anticipating her desires, so much as lavishing more and more attention on her and just taking it on myself to make sure she was as comfortable and satisfied as possible - since she held the literal key to my own satisfaction.

I didn't know the girl standing on the doorstep, but the look she gave me carried a heat and a hunger in it that confused me, but which I responded to, nevertheless. If I had been capable of it right then, I would no doubt have been instantly erect, such was the state of my sexual frustration.

"Alan Fraser?" she asked. Her eyes flicked briefly in the direction of my groin - so briefly in fact, that I wasn't even sure that I had just imagined the motion. She wouldn't have seen much to interest her, either. Another effect of Anne's game had been the suppression of any bulges that may have been there before.

"Yes, that's right," I answered.

Anne's voice drifted through from the living room. "Alan, don't be rude. Let her in, won't you? It's cold outside."

"Sorry," I said and stepped aside. She walked past me and straight into the living room. Obviously she had been here before - she didn't need directions.

I followed her and was astonished to see that Anne had turned the TV off and set up our Scrabble board on the table. She was already filling the cloth bag up with all the tiles and smirking at us both.

"Right, here are the rules. The winner of each game doesn't have to take off anything at all. The loser has to remove two articles of clothing. The other person just removes one. Got it? Oh, and Alan - meet Jennifer - Jennifer, meet Alan."

"Anne, wait!" I protested. "We can't…"

"Alan, where are your manners tonight?"

I pulled up short, in confusion; then, figuring out where I had been rude, I turned to Jennifer and said, "I'm sorry. It's nice to meet you."

She smiled at me, and again there was that hunger in her smile that I couldn't help responding to. She had already selected a chair - her jacket was hung over its back and she was sitting down now, ready to play like she had no objections at all to the rules Anne had set down.

"Sit down, Alan," Anne said and I took the seat opposite Jennifer. "Right… to continue. When one person is fully naked, that person is the overall loser and the game is over. The person with most clothes still on is the overall winner. Socks count as one item, shoes count as one item, while glasses, watches and jewellery don't count at all. Alan, if you object just one more time, you're going to regret it."

Miserably, I lowered the hand I had just raised. I studied Jennifer a bit more closely now though, and felt the confused feelings I had been subjected to for the past three weeks rise to the surface once more. She was beautiful. Dark brown hair that fell to her shoulders, blue eyes that burned with that sexual heat... She was dressed simply - jeans and a tight t-shirt. It had definitely been cold outside - her nipples were poking through the fabric of the t-shirt, despite the fact that she was clearly wearing a bra. I felt the now familiar sensation of my penis attempting and failing to rise and salute her.

"Right, then, let's get started," Anne said and reached into the cloth bag to select her seven tiles. Jennifer did the same and finally, I selected my own. Two "e"s, two"a"s an "x", a "d" and a "v". I stared at them morosely, then half-heartedly mixed them up a bit. "Vexed." Right. Not too bad, I supposed and looked up to see what opportunities would arise when Jennifer and Anne had chosen their words.

The game didn't go well. With a smug grin, Anne put down "torment" and leaned back in her chair, while Jennifer totalled up her points. All her letters used up in one word - that was an automatic bonus of 50 points. It was amazing. And while I was still reeling from that, Jennifer used up the one opening I had been offered and put down "confused" and claimed the second 50 point bonus of the night. After a long time, I shamefully added an "a" and an "e" to produce "ace".

The game never got any better after that. Jennifer and Anne continued to rack up large scorers, while I consistently produced little more than a pathetic series of words that I would have been ashamed of at the best of times and which I was mortified by, tonight. Demoralised from the start, I never recovered and when the game was finished, I took off my socks and shoes and cast them aside. Jennifer kicked off her own shoes.

New game, fresh start. Jennifer went first this time and produced a substantially smaller word than the ones she been producing last time. It seemed that "tit" was the best she could produce and she blushed a little, as she caught me looking at hers as she sat back but said nothing and instead stretched, like she was flaunting them at me. Her nipples - despite the warmth of the room - had shown no signs of wanting to subside. Heartened by this - and by the better letters I had received this second time, I produced "tension" and cursed the fact that I was only one letter away from my own 50 point bonus. Anne smirked directly at me and turned Jennifer's "tit" into "chastity". My cock twitched.

Once again, Anne won. This time however, Jennifer found herself having to remove two articles of clothing and she chose her t-shirt and - surprisingly - her bra. Considering she still had a pair of jeans on, I was confused by her decision to bare her breasts, rather than hold onto as much modesty as possible by removing her jeans and playing in her underwear - especially as the lower part of her body was concealed by the table, anyway. She was built perfectly, I noticed. A beautiful pair of breasts - firm and ripe - and what looked like a nice, firm stomach. She obviously worked out. She looked at me defiantly as I managed to tear my gaze from her body and meet her eyes again. I hesitated, realising that something was expected of me, but not sure what. Finally, I got it.

"Oh, yeah, right," I said and took my shirt off. I was starting to sweat now. Just my own jeans left and my shameful secret would be revealed. I had to win the next game.

We started.

I went first this time and studied my tiles. Four vowels and three consonants - for a while it seemed impossible to produce anything of any value from them until suddenly the word leapt out at me and I produced "aroused". My first 50 point bonus of the night and I laid them out triumphantly. Anne smiled at me and added "flaccid" to the "d" of my word, while Jennifer laughed and added "penis" to the "s". I shifted awkwardly. Neither of them had managed to threaten my lead, but it seemd to me that the words that had been set out all night had almost been designed purely to taunt me.

That was the first game I won and the first one that Anne lost. Jennifer unbuckled her jeans underneath the table and slipped them off and it seemed to me that she was going to extreme lengths to prevent me from seeing anything of interest. I couldn't blame her. I was having a similar conflict of my own, though I at least had a reason for that. It didn't seem likely that she was merely being modest, however, since she had shown little concern at my seeing her bare breasts for the duration of the last game.

Anne displayed no reservations at all. She stood up and while we both watched her in surprise, she sensuously stripped right down to the bare flesh. Then she advanced on the table and leaned over it before us. A chain with two keys on the end hung between her breasts. Strangely, her nudity didn't seem to make her even remotely vulnerable - in fact, it seemed to empower her. She licked her lips and smiled at us.

Wait a minute… two keys?

"The next game's between you two, alone," she said. "But nudity's no longer the key. The winner is the one who gets to cum."

"Come where?" I asked. But I was looking at Jennifer now, and my eyes had narrowed suspiciously. Suddenly I really wanted to see what kind of underwear she had on.

"Silly," Anne said and she drew the word out seductively. "Haven't you guessed yet? Jennifer, stand up."

Reluctantly, Jennifer did as she was told. She was blushing violently, now - her face was scarlet. I glanced down at her groin and felt no surprise at all. The metallic nature of her underwear - complete with padlock - revealed it for precisely what it was. Merely, the female equivalent of what I, myself had been wearing now for three weeks.

I flashed back on what every day had been like for that three weeks. When Anne had made love to me, beautifully, sensuously and luxuriously. She had oiled me up, rubbed me down, taken me to the very pinnacles of pleasure time and time again. She had been totally selfless in her pursuit of my pleasure and had gently rebuffed me every time I had tried to return the compliment. Finally, she had washed me off, laid me down and held me in her arms until I had fallen asleep. When I had woken up, the chastity belt had been in place. I had protested, of course, and she had asked me if I didn't trust her. Of course I trusted her - she was the woman I loved, how could I not trust her? So she had asked me if I couldn't trust her enough to play this little game with her - and then she had refused to elaborate on the rules. They would unfold in time, she assured me. I just had to be patient.

Every night for the following three weeks had followed the same pattern. When I came home from work, she would be waiting for me. She led me upstairs and tied me to our bed, before unbuckling the belt and washing me. Freed from its confines, my penis would swell to full erection - a response which delighted her intensely. Each time, she would tell me that possibly this would be the night when all my patience would pay off - then she would suck me and masturbate me right to the edge of climax, she would sit over my face and make me taste her while she would have orgasm after orgasm and play with my cock like it was merely her own personal toy and finally, she would pour icy cold water over it to make it shrivel down to the point where she could put that damn belt back on it, sympathise with me insincerely and tell me that perhaps tomorrow night would be more fulfilling for me.

In the mornings, she would make me wear a collar that she could cuff my wrists to, then lead me into the bathroom where she would take care of my personal hygiene. Again I would swell to full erection and would luxuriate for an all too brief period in the sensual pleasures of feeling my cock hard and throbbing, before that cold water would make a reappearance and signify that I was once more nicely cleaned up - and the belt would go on again.

And now, I just had to wonder… had she been doing exactly the same thing to Jennifer every day of the past three weeks too? And even as the question occurred to me, she answered it.

"I locked you both up on the same day," she said. "For three weeks, neither of you have been able to do a single thing about your sexual frustration. Alan couldn't even get a hard-on without my allowing it - could you, Alan?"

I blushed and mumbled something.

"Every day for the past three weeks, you've both relied on me to keep you clean. Every day, you 've both tasted me. I've never been satisfied so completely in my entire life. It's amazing. And you just both get better and better at it. But I've promised you both that it's going to be worth it in the long term, and tonight it will be worth it for one of you. But just one. Jim, take your trousers off."

I hastened to comply, and while I did so, she got on her knees in front of Jennifer and undid the padlock on her belt. It fell away and I saw Jennifer's fingers twitch. For a moment I wondered if she longed to plunge her fingers inside her pussy and start playing with herself right there and then, not caring that Anne and I were here to offer her no privacy. Anne undid my padlock too and removed my belt and my cock reared up, strong and proud. I think my question was answered then, for I suddenly burned to just grab it and start pumping. I didn't care who was watching. Then I looked at Jennifer and saw the heat burning in her eyes more strongly than ever as she stared at my cock and I knew that having a wank was just not going to be enough. I wanted to grab this woman and drag her into the bedroom with me.

"Sit down, both of you." Anne said. "One last game. Winner gets to cum as many times as he or she wants to, tonight. Loser has to do the honours. I get to watch. At the end of the night, the loser puts his or her belt back on. Winner gets to remain free for a week before being belted again, while loser has to be a slave to myself and the winner until the next game night. And on the first day of every month from now on, we meet here for another game. "

If you ask me why it is that we both agreed to this, I won't be able to tell you. We could both have simply refused to play Jennifer's game any more - she had effectively removed all the shackles she had placed on both of us. But there must have been some part of us both that enjoyed our situation, 'cos we both agreed.

My first word was "freedom". A great word - with another 50 point bonus - but I had no time to bask in pride at coming up with it, before Jennifer used my "r" to come up with "released". I scowled at that, lowered my head and knuckled under.

It was a close-run game. The stakes were high and we were both determined to win - but for some reason, it went on for a very, very long time. I gasped out loud when I first felt Jennifer's foot playing against my inner thigh, when I was stuck on a set of tricky letters and I realised that she was trying to distract me. Anne smirked and looked under the table, then walked over to my side and leaned against me from behind. I felt her breasts against the back of my head and her hand slid down my stomach, to nestle in my pubic hair. Eventually, I gave up and changed my letters, but then I dragged my seat round so that I could sit next to Jennifer.

I lowered my head against her shoulder and bit her gently. She gasped, but did otherwise did not respond, so I slid my right hand round her body and laid it against her stomach. I stroked her gently, up to the underside of her right breast and back down again to the edge of her neatly trimmed pubic hair, over and over. Eventually, she set down "pussy" and it was my turn again.

Her hand settled on my thigh this time and she laid her head against my shoulder, where she could look down and see what she was doing. I felt her fingertips brush against the underside of my scrotum and my whole cock twitched at the contact. Her hand moved and her fingertips closed gently round my cock and softly drew back my foreskin, then the tip of her thumb dipped into my precum and smeared it round my glans. I was breathing much heavier now, but otherwise managed to ignore her completely.

I put down "tease".

I lowered my head to her breast, then licked one of her nipples, just as my hand found her pussy and slid inside…

I don't know how we managed to get through that game, but it was the closest one yet. When the scores were finally totalled up and I had managed to beat her by one point, I was initially elated and then terrified that Anne would order a rematch in order to produce a more decisive victory. But a result was a result, apparently and we were both led through to the bedroom.

My memory of the rest of the evening is hazy, to say the least. I have a series of jumbled up memories, in which Jennifer was teased mercilessly and brought to the brink of orgasm over and over again, while I came repeatedly. Anne made me lie on my back on the bed, in much the same position as she had made me adopt every night for the past three weeks, but for the first time she didn't strap me down to prevent me from masturbating or otherwise pursuing my own pleasures. Then, Jennifer got down on her knees by the side of the bed, took my cock in her hand and started playing with it gently. She sucked me off, she masturbated me, she endured every moment of her "punishment" without a single complaint. Finally, just before Anne put the chastity belt back onto her, so that we could all fall asleep in a tangled mass of legs and arms, she sat on my knee. She took my cock in her hand once more, then twisted her body so that her breasts were pressed against my chest, wrapped her other hand round my head and pulled me forward to kiss her, deeply. I came one final time, splashing my seed over her hand and, looking me in the eye, she raised that hand to her mouth and licked her hand clean.

"Enjoy this week," she said. "But you won't always win. And next time it might be me who gets to have all the fun." She smiled, wickedly and gave my cock a quick squeeze. "Mmm, I wonder how it's going to feel to have this monster being kept hard all night, but never letting it erupt." She slipped off my knee and dropped to the floor in front of me, without letting it go, then lowered her head and kissed it. "I'm going to enjoy finding out."

Anne smiled at us both. "You know something?" she said. "So am I."

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