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Please Fuck My Pregnant Bestie

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His wife wants him to fuck her divorced pregnant friend.
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Pregnant, pregnancy, drinking breast milk, husband sharing, consensual cuckquean, breast sucking, love, lust, sensual, female relief, female pent up, female destress, cum inside me, friends to lovers, no condom


Katie and Annie watched poolside as Ethan leapt expertly from the diving board, disappearing under the water with a pleasingly hushed splash.

"He's getting really good at that," Annie said, thumbs idly stroking her pregnant belly.

Annie wore a pink maternity swimsuit, her brown hair cascading from a sun hat to curl gently around her shoulders.

They had been relaxing beside one another in lounge chairs for most of the hot afternoon, taking refuge from the sun beneath a large deck umbrella.

Katie was relieved she and Ethan managed to get their pool ready in time for the summer. They definitely needed a break from work stress, and Annie especially needed a place to unwind.

"Oh, yeah," Katie said, sipping her iced tea. "Babe's been practicing. He's gotten even more in shape, if you can believe that."

Annie sighed longingly.

"I believe it."

Even though Annie wore sunglasses, Katie could tell she had been staring at her husband since Ethan came out in his trunks. She couldn't blame her. Ethan already had a fairly toned body for years, but this year he had gone on a diet and began exercising daily. The results were hard to miss.

"How's everything?" Katie asked, stirring her drink with the straw. The question had been on her mind all day.

"Oh, good," Annie said, still stroking her bump. "Real good. Baby's doing great."

"I meant with you," Katie replied gently, placing a hand on Annie's arm.

Annie went quiet. Maybe Katie shouldn't have said anything.

Annie took a deep breath.

"Jake's gone for sure," she said, holding back a sob. "But that's a good thing. We don't need him, do we?" she caressed her stomach.

Katie smiled sadly.

"That's right, Annie. You don't need that loser."

After a beat of silence, Katie added, "you can always stay with us anytime. You must get lonely in that big house."

"Yeah, sometimes," Annie nodded. "At least we got the house, though. It'll be a great place for my baby."

"I do think you should come stay with us when the due date arrives. Just in case. Or maybe we can come bunk with you, if you like? It won't be long now."

Annie smiled, thanking her.

Ethan finished his lap around the pool and ascended the cement steps, dripping and smiling as he strode toward them.

Katie noticed Annie tense as Ethan approached.

"How's everything?" Ethan asked, wiping water from his face. His abs glistened in the sunlight, the water trickling between the muscles to disappear into his trunks.

With his trunks soaked and hugging his body, Annie undoubtedly got a good idea of what Ethan was packing down there.

Annie blushed. Behind her sunglasses, it would be really easy to get a good look at Ethan's bulge without him noticing.

"It's perfect!" she said. "Thank you for inviting me."

"You can come over any time," Ethan said. "Can I get you anything?"

They had all known each other for several years, Katie and Annie being college dorm mates. They met Ethan in some elective in their sophomore year. The rest was history. It wasn't long after graduation they got married, and not longer after that when Annie married Jake.

Katie didn't like to think about Jake. She was just proud that Annie found the courage to divorce him. Now she could raise the baby without any drama.

"Oh, no," Annie said. "I'm fine."

"Why don't you take a quick dip with me?" Ethan offered his hand.

Annie turned even redder.

"In a bit maybe. I think I have to pee again soon!" she laughed.

Ethan shrugged, still giving Annie the genuine smile of his that Katie loved so much.

"Just let me know, I'll help you in."

He turned his attention to Katie, looked her up and down in her black bikini.

"Lookin' good, beautiful." He winked before returning to the water.

Annie sighed again, watching Ethan go. Katie couldn't help but smirk.

"Take a picture, hun," she teased.

Annie shook her head.

"What?" she asked dreamily.

"Annie, you've been ogling my husband like a starved lion stalking a wildebeest."

Annie looked away, rubbing her knees together and fidgeting her shoulders.

"No, I wasn't--" she looked at Katie, who smiled knowingly back.

"Yeah," Annie admitted. "Sorry."

"Don't be. It's flattering. I'm sure Ethan would think so, too. It's not like he's doing all that exercise for nothing, right?"

Annie had returned her attention back to Ethan, who was going for another dive.

"Jake never exercised," Annie said.

"Hey," Katie took Annie's hand. "Don't think about him. Be here, with us."

Annie nodded.

"It's been really tough," she said.

Katie patted her hand.

"I can't imagine."

Annie sniffled, holding back tears.

"How could you? You've got Ethan." A tear ran down her cheek. She wiped it away immediately.

Katie sat up, turning to Annie.

"Something's up," Katie said. "Tell me what's wrong."

Annie sniffed again, shook her head.

"It's dumb."

Katie rubbed Annie's shoulder.

"It's not dumb. You can tell me," she soothed.

It was true. Ever since they met in college, Annie felt like a long lost sister. The friendship and chemistry was immediate.

Annie took a deep breath, fanned herself.

"I haven't been able to..." she fumbled, looking for the words. "I have a hard time now, with..." she gestured vaguely to her lower body.

Katie understood. She took Annie's hand.

"Oh, Annie," she said. "That's rough. I'm so sorry."

Annie went scarlet.

"Oh, my god, it's so embarrassing!" It was like a flood gate had opened. She leaned closer, speaking in a raised whisper to Katie.

"I can only just barely reach my clit with the vibrator, but it's not enough! I can't get the dildo in anymore, and the hormones make me so horny! Like, all the time!"

Katie couldn't help but grin at Annie's sudden, unabashed honesty.

"Don't laugh!" Annie cried, hiding her own smile.

"I'm not laughing!" Katie replied. "I get it! I totally get it. Do you want me to stuff one in there for ya? I've got a couple upstairs I use when Ethan is away."

Annie nearly choked. She whipped her head toward Ethan, to make sure he hadn't heard.

"Katie! You're married!"

Katie shrugged.

"You're my best friend," she said. "You know I'd do it."

Annie's face remained red.

"I know," she said. "Honestly, though? At this point I'm so pent up, I don't think a dildo would help much anyway. But what guy is going to want anything to do with," she gestured to her body. "This whole situation?"

Annie sighed, sipped her water, then laid back to watch Ethan swim.

"You're so lucky you get to have that in your bed every night," she muttered.

Katie raised her eyebrows, staring at Annie. When Annie noticed, she looked ashamed.

"Oh, my God," she said, covering her face. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

Katie grinned.

"Looking is free, sweetheart," she said. "I understand, though."

Katie turned to look at Ethan.

"The exercise has made him a better fuck, too."

Annie sat up, taking off her sunglasses, her eyes wide.

"Katie!" she said incredulously. "Don't-- don't put those images in my head right now! I'll go crazy! It's been months since I've had proper sex!"

Katie stirred her iced tea, sipped, then said,

"I can arrange to have that fixed."

Annie looked confused.


Katie sipped again.

"I can get you laid."

Annie scoffed, put her sunglasses back on.

"I'm not interested in some weird escort or a friend of a friend. I'm not comfortable with strangers like that."

Katie set her drink down.

"It wouldn't be a stranger," she said. "You can fuck Ethan."

Annie's mouth hung open.

"That's not funny," she said, a touch of anger in her voice.

"I'm not joking," Katie said simply, adjusting her bikini top.

Annie leaned in slightly, trying to process what was being offered.

"I couldn't do that! He's your husband!" Annie whispered.

"Yes," Katie stated evenly. "He's my husband, and you're my best friend. We all know and love each other, and you're hurting. I can gently make the suggestion to Ethan, and you'll be able to get some good dick in you tonight."

Katie smiled wickedly.

Annie began to speak, stopped, then,

"Even if I did agree to... that generous arrangement, there's no way Ethan would do that to you."

Katie frowned.

"It wouldn't be cheating. It's my idea." She shifted her legs in the chair. "I think it's pretty hot, to be honest."

Annie, still unsure, laid back in her chair. She seemed to be watching Ethan again.

"How would that even... work?" she asked.

"Well," Katie said. "He'd get hard, and put it--"

"You know what I mean!"

Katie shrugged, said,

"He can come over to your place tonight. Whatever happens, happens."

Annie fanned herself harder.

"What if he says no? I don't think I'll be able to face him ever again if he saw me as some kind of sex-starved perv."

Katie laughed.

"You ARE a sex-starved perv."

Annie shot a fed up look at her.

"Look," Katie said. "I'll make it work. You'll have a great time, and it'll help you destress."

Annie gazed at Ethan longingly.

"Would Ethan even want me like this?" she gestured to her very pregnant self.

Katie nodded resolutely.


Annie cocked her head.

"How can you be sure?" she asked.

"I've caught him watching pregnant porn."

Annie gaped. Katie explained, relishing Annie's bashful astonishment,

"Oh, yeah. I was surprised at first, too. He was so embarrassed, it was really cute. I ended up jacking him off to it."

"He likes pregnant women?" Annie said, leaning closer.

"Yep. I got it all out of him that night with some dirty talk as I stroked him. I asked him, did he like those big bellies and those swollen tits? He loved it."

Annie looked to Ethan, pressing her thighs together. She seemed to be looking at him in a new light. Katie bit her lip.

"You want to know what sent him over the top?" Katie asked slyly.

"Y-yeah..." Annie whispered, gazing at Ethan. "Tell me."

"I asked him if he wanted to suck on those big tits while he came inside." She snapped her fingers. "He came instantly."

Annie's nipples poked erotically against her swimsuit.

"He cums a lot, just so you know. I'm sure you don't mind," Katie teased.

Annie licked her lips. Her chest began to rise and fall a bit heavier.

"I don't know," she sighed. "Maybe... maybe, if it's really okay with you... I do... really need it... bad..." she shook her head, trying to compose herself. "But ONLY if Ethan is one-hundred percent okay with it. He's my friend. I don't want to ruin that."

Katie giggled, stopping as Annie playfully smacked her arm.

"I just need you to do one thing for me," Katie warned.


Katie's smile grew.

"Send lots of pictures."


Up until that evening, Ethan thought he had a pretty good handle on his life. He finally had the house, the pool, a decent job, and he had Katie. What more could life throw at him?

Apparently there was plenty.

But out of all the highly unlikely, nearly impossible situations he could've found himself in -- high speed pursuit, bitten by a radioactive spider, alien abduction -- the very last thing he would've imagined would be an offer from his wife to have sex with their mutual best friend.

Who was also very pregnant.

Still, he was embarrassed to admit, he hadn't needed much convincing from Katie.

Now here he was, standing on Annie's doorstep in the orange glow of the evening sunset, willing himself to knock.

Was this some sort of trap? A test? Had he already fucked up by agreeing?

No. Katie doesn't do that sort of thing. She actually always had a wild side. Was something like this really outside of the realm of possibility?

And did Annie really want this, too?

Katie said everything was taken care of. Just head over after dinner, and help Annie out.

That they could do whatever they wanted.

After Ethan managed to collect himself enough to get ready, Katie had smacked the condom out of his hand.

"You won't need that," she said.

Ethan's heart pounded against his chest. This couldn't be real. He must've hit his head diving into the pool.

Annie opened the door before he could knock. She immediately looked to the floor. He looked away, too.

"Hi," he said.


They stood that way for a long moment.

"Do you want to... come in?" Annie asked.

"Yes, I'll come inside." He quickly added, as Annie's face went bright red, "the house! I'll come inside the house with you!"

She led him beyond the foyer into the living room where they sat on the couch. It was cozy, inviting.

It really was a great house. Ethan never liked Jake, but Jake had done well for himself. It was probably because he was fucking a higher-up at his job, or so Katie told him in confidence one day.

How could someone just abandon their spouse and unborn child like that? It was unthinkable.

"Can I... get you anything?" she asked.

"No, thanks. You should be taking it easy, anyway."

Annie managed a sweet smile at this.

"You've always been so nice to me," she said.

Another awkward silence followed.

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," Ethan offered, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh! No!" Annie started. "I mean, if you don't want to do it, then... it's okay, really!"

"Well, Katie is okay with it, so..." Ethan trailed off.

Annie looked at him.

"Are you okay with it?" she asked.

She was wearing a loose-fitting dress that looked quite comfortable withnher bump. It was low cut, or rather appeared to be low cut due to her large breasts, which pressed supply together, nearly bursting from the soft cups. The skirt stopped mid-thigh, and he was able to see her fantastic legs as she curled up on the couch beside him.

Annie was beautiful. How could he not have seen that before? He had been so focused, so in love with Katie, he just wasn't the type of guy to look that way at other women.

Annie had done up her hair, the brown locks flowing to her shoulders, framing her little face, her amber eyes that drank him in.

"Yeah," he whispered.

Annie blinked, gazing at him.

"Okay," she whispered back.

"Should we just...?" Ethan asked, nodding toward the stairs.

Annie smiled, stood from the couch.

"Come up in five minutes, okay?"

Ethan swallowed, his throat dry.

He watched her go. She had just a little bit of an awkward, adorable waddle as she navigated her bump around the couch and up the stairs.

He managed to catch a peek of her panties beneath the hem of her skirt as she cleared the landing and disappeared upstairs.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as he waited. He kept checking his phone, taking a deep breath, checking again.

At last, he got a text before the five minutes were up:

ANNIE: I'm ready

Ethan stared at the text for a long minute, took a deep breath, then went upstairs.

The hallway light was dimmed, and the door to the master bedroom opened just a crack. He called her name softly, pushing open the door to a dark room.

"I'm... here..." Annie called nervously.

"I can't see anything," Ethan said, laughing awkwardly as he shut the door behind him. "Is it okay if I turn on a li--?"

"No!" Annie squeaked, her voice lowering to an embarrassed hush. "No, please. I don't look very attractive right now." She managed a stiff laugh.

Ethan stepped forward gingerly, groping into the darkness.

"Don't be silly," he said. "You're beau--"

His knee hit the side of the bed. He sat down, hearing the subtle shifting of sheets.

For a moment, only their breathing could be heard.

"Do you want me to touch you now?" Ethan asked, his throat still dry.

Annie took a deep breath in the dark.


Slowly, Ethan edged his hand across the soft sheets until he felt her ankle. She tensed suddenly at his touch. He stopped.

"If you want me to stop, just say the word," Ethan said gently.

Annie took another deep breath.

"Keep going."

Ethan let his fingertips glide slowly from her ankle, up her shin, to rest on her knee. She was laying on her back, her knees raised into the air. He stopped, waiting there.

"I-it's okay," she reassured him. It sounded like she was saying it to herself too.

Ethan let his hand slide down her thigh. Where he expected to meet the skirt of her dress, there was nothing. His hand grazed her bump, came to rest on her hip. She trembled ever so slightly.

Annie was laying on the bed beside him, in the darkness, completely naked.

Her body was so soft and smooth, and extremely warm. It felt as though she were almost burning up at his touch.

Ethan only then realized how painfully swollen his cock had become, straining against his pants.

"What would you like me to do?" he asked softly in the dark.

Annie caught her breath.

"Touch me... there..." she asked.

Ethan swallowed, let his hand slip from her hip, across her thigh, where he met a soft patch of pubic hair. He continued until he felt the aching heat of her lips.

Annie was wet.

Soaking wet.

As his fingers met her pussy, Annie exhaled sharply.

He began to massage her labia, her legs softly spasming each time he brushed near her sensitive clit.

Ethan's cock jumped again. His breathing quickened alongside hers.

"Sorry I couldn't--mmm--sh-shave first," Annie said, her legs still jerking as he continued. "Katie of--ahh--offered to, but I told her it was okay. I hope you d-don't mind."

Ethan shook his head in the dark, letting his fingers comb her hairy mound.

"Not at all," he reassured. He liked the natural feel.

He let a finger enter her. Her feet pressed against the bed, lifting her butt up slightly as he buried it to the knuckle, sliding in with little resistance.

He curled his finger upward inside of her, and began to massage in a "come here" motion.

The sheets rustled as though she were clutching them so hard, pulling at them, unable to control herself.

Katie was right. Annie needed this badly.

"It must've been so hard to be like this without any help," Ethan said, still fingering her. With his free hand, he began to squeeze his bulge through his pants.

"Yes!" Annie sighed. "It's been awful!"

Ethan let his finger slide slowly from her. Annie let her knees fall, then rise again, craving more.

"Can I take my clothes off?" he asked.

Annie shuddered.


Ethan stood from the bed, took off his shirt, his belt.

Pulling down his pants and boxers together, his erection sprung free from the waistband.

"Do you want me to put it in?" he asked.

"Not yet," Annie said. "I want it in my mouth first. I miss the real thing."

Ethan blushed. He'd never heard Annie talk like this before. While Katie was the wild firecracker in his life, Annie had always seemed so reserved and shy. Tonight, it was as though she was revealing a whole new version of herself to him.

He moved to stand beside the head of the bed. His eyes were beginning to adjust to the darkness, and he saw the vague shape of Annie as she awkwardly repositioned to her side, moved closer to him.

A beat passed, then her fingertips found the head of his cock in the dark. He exhaled as she gripped him gently.

"Oh, my God," she whispered to herself, her fingers exploring his shaft. "You're... big."

Ethan looked down, surprised.

"I am?"

More rustling, then he felt her hot breath at the head of his cock. His heart skipped a beat.

"You're so much bigger than my ex," she said, and kissed the tip. "I knew it."


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