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Pool Boy Ch. 10

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Alexis' After-Graduation Party.
13.7k words

Part 10 of the 61 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/16/2015
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Alexis' graduation was at noon on her high school athletic field. She had showed me her graduation robe and hat. They were both golden yellow. She had a tassel with her graduation year hanging from the button at the center of her hat. I had worn the same get-up the year before except mine was bright red. Alexis would also be wearing a deep green satin sash around her neck to signify 'National Honor Society'. My girl's a 'brainiac'.

I had finished my work that morning as fast as I could without skimping on the effort. I had plenty of time but I was antsy as hell as I kept checking my watch. Time seemed to have slowed to a crawl. I had meant to discuss this party with Alexis and Emma but they always seemed to have other things on their minds. Not that I minded. I planned to pull Alexis aside the first chance I got.

I pulled into Emma's driveway and drove up to park the furthest away from the house beyond the last of the five garage doors. I went in the back of the van and pulled off my nylon shorts and underwear and pulled on a clean pair of cargo shorts. I yanked off my tee-shirt and pulled on a knit polo shirt. I pulled back the sliding door and stepped to the cobblestoned driveway. I looked in the window of each garage door to see if Emma's husband, Jim's car was here to surprise his step-daughter. The garage was empty. Emma and Alexis weren't home yet. I walked back around the garage and pushed open the gate in the privacy fence. The pool area was all decorated in golden balloons that read 'Congrats Grads'. Tiki torches lined the perimeter of the deck. The water in the pool was pristine. I smiled to myself.

I walked around the pool and sat down in a lounge chair in the sun. It was as hot as ever and I pulled my shirt over my head and laid back and swung my feet up. I closed my eyes as thoughts of the possibilities of this party along with a short prayer that everything would go well for Alexis danced around in my head. I had a bet with myself that Alexis had worn her robe with nothing on underneath. She hadn't said a word to make me think that, but I knew her well by now. The first thing I wanted to do when she got home was find out. I checked my watch for the umpteenth time and figured they wouldn't be much longer.

I was startled awake when the sun on my face was blocked. I opened my eyes and shielded my face with my hand. The person standing in front of me was backlit by the sun and I couldn't see who it was. It wasn't Emma or Alexis. Whoever it was, I could make out the four corner hat canted on her head. The body was shrouded with a robe. I assumed it was a 'her' because only girls were graduating. I tried to adjust my eyes to get some contrast. I gave up and swung my feet to the ground and sat up, still shielding my eyes.

A female voice softly said, "You must be Alexis' boyfriend."

I nodded and said, "That would be me, and you are?"

"My name is Rachel. I'm a friend of Alexis. She talks about you non-stop and frankly, we are all getting tired of it. Now that I see you I understand the infatuation." She moved slightly out of the sun so she could check me out in the sunlight. I could see her clearly for the first time. She stood about 5'5" tall. With the folds of the golden robe draped over her there was no telling what kind of body she had. Even in her robe, I could tell she had an ample bust-line which was pushing the folds of the robe out in front of her. As she turned further I could see that she had a very pretty face with sculpted cheek bones accentuated by dark, curly brown hair to her shoulders and ice-blue eyes like Alexis'. The combination of dark hair and the ice-blue eyes was captivating. She was beautiful and my cock jumped in my cargo shorts.

I was a little embarrassed at my reaction to Rachel and even with my deep bronzed tan I knew my face had reddened. I could feel the heat in my cheeks. She giggled and offered me a hand to help me up from my seat. When I stood, I towered a foot above her. She looked up at me and said, "Alexis didn't say anything about you being so tall." Rachel scanned me all the way down and continued, "She did say you were ripped. We all decided she was exaggerating. I guess we were wrong." She licked her lips and sucked her lower lip onto her teeth and bit down gently.

I extended my hand to shake hers and she hesitated before placing her hand in mine and allowed me to shake it gently. I smiled at her and said, "Rachel, it's a pleasure to meet you."

She mumbled something like, "The pleasure is all mine." She scanned me up and down again before releasing my hand.

I just stood there captivated by her eyes and finally collected myself and said, "Is Alexis and her mother back yet?"

Rachel just nodded and took my hand again and led me back to the house. I realized that I was shirtless and I thought I should go back and get it, but I followed her like a puppy dog on a leash.

The activity in the kitchen was a blur. There were what seemed to be a dozen bodies in robes floating across the floor carrying this and that. Rachel pulled me into the middle of the kitchen and said, "Ladies, this is Hunter." All activity and movement stopped as each turned in my direction. I felt awkward standing there with no shirt on and my face reddened with embarrassment again. There was total silence for several seconds as they all just stared at me. I heard a voice from the back say, "Holy Shit."

The spell was broken and they all flowed across the floor to greet me. One by one they shook my hand and sized me up and down. Thankfully, my cock behaved and didn't embarrass me further.

Just then Emma and Alexis walked in and I watched them turn to each other and smile. Amid the din of yammering voices I could hear Emma say, "I guess they know what is on the menu now." Alexis burst out laughing and looked over at me and threw me an air-kiss. I just smiled back as I was trying to extricate myself from the throng of good looking babes all around me. I finally made it across the room and kissed Alexis on the lips. She kissed me back and the tittering voices behind me started up again.

Emma interrupted the gawking girl's and said, "Alright everyone. Let's get out of those robes and get this party started."

Alexis grabbed my arm and turned me around to face the other girls in the kitchen. "You won't want to miss this." One by one the girls unzipped their robes and either let them fall to the floor or they pulled them off like a shirt. Every one of them was dressed in a bikini beneath their robes. All but one had bodies that belonged in a bikini and that one had all the right curves but her hips and ass were a little chubby to go along with a huge set of boobs. She was cute in a cherubic way.

The girl I had talked to at the pool had a knockout body. I remembered that her name was Rachel. She had very large tits on a slender body that tapered from her broad shoulders to a narrow waist and then back out to perfectly proportioned hips and ass. Amidst the chaos in the kitchen, Rachel never took her eyes off me.

All of the girls except Rachel were buzzing around gathering platters and buckets of ice and cases of cold beer to carry out to the pool. I turned to watch Alexis remove her robe. My eyes went wide when I saw that she had on the micro-bikini I had bought for her when we went to the beach a couple days ago. It consisted of three tiny triangles of material which covered only her nipples and her pussy. Even the strings that held everything in place, sort of, were miniscule filaments. From the back, she looked naked. My cock pushed hard on the front of my shorts.

Alexis slithered up into my arms and pushed her tits into me. She stretched up and nibbled on my earlobe and whispered, "I had better get you first before Rachel gets to you. She has lust in her eyes." She kissed me on the lips and smiled at me. "I have work to attend to if this party is going to get off the ground. You try to be a good boy, OK?" I smiled and nodded. Alexis reached down and grabbed my hard cock through my shorts and winked at me before she grabbed a case of beer and headed for the pool.

I was about to grab some things off the counter to help when Emma came over to my side and whispered, "You look like you're ready for action." I smiled down at her. "When your guys arrive I want you to blind-fold them and bring them into the study off the foyer. I have several chairs lined up. Sit them down and tell them not to move." She handed me several bright colored scarves. "I'm assuming that they have little experience and I want to make sure that if things get hot that they don't blow their wad at first touch. I'm not concerned with you or Noah, OK?"

I took the scarves and smiled as I nodded. I knew what her plan was. Olivia had done the same thing with Noah when I brought him there the first time. I said to Emma, "I have to talk to Alexis about her friends. Do you know if they are all on the pill or not and are they virgins?"

"Both are very good questions. I don't know. You'd better go pull her aside and ask her right now. Some of these girls look like they are going to gang up and rape you right now." I laughed and handed the scarves back to her.

I found Alexis giving directions at the pool. I pulled her off to the other side of the pool and asked her my questions. She said, "They all went to the school infirmary about a year ago and got birth control pills. I have seen them take them so it isn't just talk. As for the second question, I would guess that none of them are virgins in the sense that they still have their hymen intact. I bet that between them they have fifty dildos of every size and color. I don't think any of them have actually had sex with a man though. They have asked me a hundred times if guys will be here."

I said, "Your mother has a plan to unload their pent up sexual tensions so they don't cum in their pants."

Alexis smiled and said, "That's my mom. She's always planning ahead."

I said, "There are some real good looking babes out here, starting with you. Incidentally, the guys don't know I'm your boyfriend. You're just another babe to them."

I retrieved the scarves from the counter top where Emma had left them. The front door bell rang and I went to the door. Standing on the front stoop was Chuck, Jackson, Chase and Dean. They had apparently all arrived at the same time or they had come together.

Chuck was a short guy at 5'5". He is a little chubby and soft. We nicknamed him Chub somewhere along the line. He is a Junior Engineering student. He has a cherubic face and wears glasses. He studies constantly and has never dated anyone since I've known him.

Jackson is also a Junior Engineering student. He is only twenty and has a genius IQ which has been a detriment to his experience with girls. He is arrogant with guys. He told me he paid a hooker to give him a blowjob once. He said he was terrified through the whole thing and he worried about STD's for a month after. He is 5'8" tall and has a typical geek look with a skinny frame and unruly dark brown hair with black rimmed glasses.

Chase is a rich kid who should get along fine with these little rich girls. He is tall at 6'2". He is not athletic but he's in pretty good shape. He is kind of a pretty boy with long blonde hair over his ears. He is also twenty and is a Sophomore Engineering student. In spite of his good looks, he told me he had never gone beyond second base with a girl before. I suspected that he would hit a home-run tonight.

Dean is one of my best friends at college. He is a huge, massive man. He plays football with me and is a defensive lineman. He is also a sophomore and has been in many of my classes. He stands 6'3" and weighs around 300 pounds. Dean is responsible for giving me my nickname that I can't seem to shake. Everyone on the football team calls me "Meat".

I handed each of them a scarf and told them to tie it around their heads as a blind-fold. Jackson got a little snippety but I calmed him down and he did as I asked. Per Emma's instructions, I led them into the study and found five chairs lined up. I maneuvered each of them to the chairs and sat them down. I told them to wait and not to move no matter what happened. Dean and Chase were into it and joked back and forth between them. Jackson was whining and Chuck didn't make a sound.

Emma came in and quietly shut the door behind her. She motioned for me to sit in an overstuffed chair across the room. My cock was already pushing out at the constricting material of my cargo shorts. She didn't say a word as she knelt between the splayed knees of Dean. She was obviously intrigued by his size. When he felt her presence he spread his knees further. Emma scooched up close and pulled down his zipper. His cock was already hard and she struggled to pull it out the front of his shorts.

As soon as Dean's cock came free she sank her mouth down the length of his average sized cock. She flicked his balls with her tongue with the tip of his cock in her throat. He groaned loudly as she pulled back up and began giving him a blowjob. In fact, it was his first blowjob. She made three full length cycles before he groaned again and blew his load in Emma's mouth. She accepted it all and swallowed it. She sank back down the length of him again and cleaned his cock with her tongue.

I could see the others trying to see under their blind-folds. After watching so much pornography, they knew from the sounds what was going on. Dean's cock lay limp in his lap. The others were straining their shorts.

Emma moved to the next one, Chuck. When Emma pulled down his zipper he started whimpering. Not because he was afraid. It was because he was afraid he would cum before she even touched it. He at least accomplished that. When Emma touched his cock to pull it from his underwear he collapsed his body forward and said, "Oh Fuck. I'm gonna cum." Emma had expected this from at least one of them and she pushed his cock into her mouth in barely enough time to catch his first shot. He groaned and whimpered until he finished. Emma felt bad for him so she swallowed his load and then gave him a blowjob. His cock stayed hard and after a couple minutes he exploded into her mouth again with another loud groan. When he was done, she pulled off and swallowed. She lathed his cock with her tongue until he was clean. She laid Chuck's limp cock down in his lap and moved on.

Jackson was next. To my surprise, he actually did pretty well with his first free blowjob. Maybe it was his experience with the hooker. Emma struggled getting his average sized cock out of his 'tighty-whiteys'. She blew him for almost three minutes before he groaned out, "Oh my God, that's incredible," just as he fired rope after rope launching his hips up with each one. Emma did the same thing with Jackson's cock and moved on to last-but-not-least, Chase.

I could tell that Emma liked the looks of Chase. He was tall and pretty. Women always like pretty men. I had never seen Chase naked let alone with a hard-on. Emma was delighted when she pulled out a monster cock, almost eight inches long of average thickness. She smiled over at me as she pushed her face down on his cock. Inch after inch pushed past her lips and down into her throat. She pulled back and flicked her tongue on his glans. He was moaning non-stop. She started to give him one of her amazing blowjobs but she didn't get very far before he blew his wad in her mouth. She swallowed and cleaned his monster cock from end to end and then stood and left the room.

I sat there quietly for a couple minutes and then said, "You can remove your blind-folds now." Their eyes squinted from the brightness of the room and looked down at their exposed cocks. They each quickly pushed them back in their pants and zipped up. Chase said, "Holy Fuck. That was amazing." The others chimed in with an agreement of their own.

I led them back into the foyer and pointed to the back door and said, "Food, booze and women are right out there by the pool. Get into your suits and get out there and mingle. I'll join you in a few minutes. I still have some business to attend to."

They grabbed their bags and removed their bathing suits and went back into the study to change. I found Alexis in the kitchen and grabbed her hand and pulled her quickly up the stairs and down the hall to her room. My cock was ready to explode after watching Emma give four blowjobs to my friends.

Alexis recognized the condition I was in and went to the floor on her knees and pulled my shorts and underwear down to my knees, where they fell to the floor. My cock sprang up and slapped her hard on her right cheek and she giggled as she grabbed it with her hands and stuffed it in her mouth. "Oh fuck," came out of my mouth the second her lips slipped past my glans on her way to my balls. My head rocked back on my shoulders and my hands involuntarily wrapped around her head. She looked up at me with a smile on her face. That look alone was so hot. I had seen it so many times and I never took it for granted.

When I looked down, I noticed that she had pulled aside the miniscule triangle of cloth covering her pussy and was fingering herself. I wanted my tongue where her fingers were and I wanted her mouth to stay right where it was.

She was confused when I pulled her up to a standing position and she shrieked when I lifted her up and spun her around upside down. With her thighs on my shoulders, I plunged my tongue into her pussy. She shrieked again when I flicked my tongue on her clitoris. When she got her bearings she realized that my cock was poking her in the forehead. She adjusted and pulled it into her mouth and quickly devoured me. I planted my feet wide for stability and tongue fucked Alexis for several minutes while she gave me an incredible throat job. Her hands were on my ass-cheeks pulling her face onto my cock as hard as she could.

She erupted into her orgasm only moments ahead of mine. She groaned from her orgasm and bucked around in my arms. I had no trouble containing her spasms. When my orgasm started she had pulled back to get a breath of air and I blew my first two streams of cum onto her face before she could get her mouth back on it. I fired my hips into her face with each shot and she took it all. I turned around facing the bed and gently laid Alexis down on her back. Her mouth was still on my cock. Her head was hanging off the bed and I pulled my cock out of her mouth to let her breathe. She took a deep breath and lifted her head toward my cock again so I pushed it into her mouth. Her nose was on my balls as I began face fucking her. She started frigging herself again.

I pulled back out of her mouth and quickly moved around to the other side of the bed and climbed up to her splayed knees and pushed my cock into her pussy to replace her fingers. She pushed her sopping wet hand up to my mouth and I sucked in each finger one at a time as I fucked her hard. I was the first to erupt this time. When she felt my first shot she groaned, "OOOOHHH FUUUCCCKK, BBAABBBY. YYOUUUU GGGOTTT MMEEEE AGAINNN." Her pussy began clenching rapidly on my cock as stream after stream of cum launched into her pussy. "OOHH JJJJEEESSSSSUSSSSS. IT'S A BIIGGGG ONE."

Alexis was all over the bed as her arms and legs flailed. I caught a slap in the face which she didn't even register. Her head rocked from side to side as her mouth hung open. There was no sound and then suddenly she went limp and collapsed back on the bed. I went down on my elbows and kissed her face. She didn't respond. It was like she wasn't there. She had taken a huge gasping breath of air and then held it for nearly a minute. I kissed her chin and then her neck. She exhaled hard and then began breathing in rapid, ragged breathes.

I held her there for several minutes until she was breathing normally. I rolled off on one side so as not to crush her. Her tits were still hard and her nipples stuck out nearly an inch. She wrapped her hands around each tit and began tweaking her nipples. The tiny triangles of cloth called a bikini top could not contain her erect nipples and they had slid off to the side.

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