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Pool Boy Ch. 42

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Hunter & Alexis fly to Houston to meet QB's dad.
14.8k words

Part 42 of the 61 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/16/2015
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After winning the Bowl game and spending the early morning hours with Rachel in her suite and after the confrontation with Coach Hannah in the elevator, Alexis and I showered and crashed in my room. We slept all night and both woke well rested. Alexis had to go back to her room to pack for the flight home. We agreed to meet in the restaurant in an hour. I packed and was checked out with my bags on the bus in forty-five minutes. There were several of my team mates and Cheerleaders already there when I walked in.

I filled a plate of the full complimentary breakfast and found an empty table to wait for Alexis. She came in ten minutes later, grabbed a bowl of fruit and cereal and sat down with me. I was just finishing my plate and wrestled with whether to return for seconds or not when our star Quarterback came over to our table and sat down. He was carrying his cell phone and he handed it to me. I was confused and I'm sure the look on my face indicated that to him. I just looked at the phone as he pushed it toward me again. He said, "It's my dad. He wants to speak to you."

I'm thinking, 'What the fuck could JR's dad want to talk to me about?'

I hesitantly took his phone, pressed it to my ear and said, "Hello?"

A loud, but tinny voice boomed out of the speaker. Everyone at the table could hear both ends of the conversation. The voice said, "Hunter. This is 'Big Joe-Robbie'. Do you know who I am?"

I responded with the obvious, "You're JR's dad."

"Yes, but do you know who I am?" said the voice.

"No. I guess I don't," I said.

"Great. Perfect. I would like to discuss something with you that's of great importance to JR and to me. I have my jet waiting at the airport to fly you and JR here. Can you come? Please?"

'Holy shit I've never flown on a private jet before,' was my first thought. I said, "I'm here with my fiancé so she'd have to come too."

The voice said, "Is she that pretty little filly they were showing all during the game? Absolutely, I'd definitely love to meet her. Just talk to your coach and get his okay. He knows who I am. You won't have any trouble. See you when you get here." Click.

He didn't even give me a chance to say yes or no. I gathered from our brief conversation that 'Big Joe Robbie' didn't get refused often. I pressed the 'end' button and handed the phone back to JR. He had a huge grin on his face. He knew what this was all about but as much as I pressed him for an explanation he refused and would only say, "You won't belief it until you see it."

I knew that JR came from money, big money, big oil money in Houston, Texas. I presumed that that was where we were going. I never knew JR's real name. I guessed now that it was Joe-Robbie, Jr. JR didn't talk much about his family or their money. JR was one of the guys on our football team that had set sights on the NFL. He was a good Quarterback. Hell, he was great. He had all the physical specs required for a NFL Quarterback. He was big at 6'4', weighed 220 pounds and he could run. He had a strong arm and could throw the football sixty plus yards in the air. He was a sophomore like me and I knew his plans were to move to a big-time Division I football program after gaining a pedigree with two years at State University. JR knew the chances of getting drafted into the NFL from this college was an extreme long shot but he had gone to a private high school with Lacrosse and no football program so the big programs weren't interested. They would be now after JR's tremendous performance in the Bowl game.

The three of us got the Coach's permission and we flew to Houston on an eight seat private jet that was incredibly appointed inside. Commercial flying was drudgery. This was amazing opulence of the first order. A limousine was waiting on the tarmac when we arrived. Alexis and I smiled at each other when we climbed in. It reminded us of our limo and driver, George in Las Vegas.

JR told us when we first drove onto the ranch and we drove for another hour after that. The white split rail fencing for miles and miles was immaculately maintained. Long horn cattle were everywhere. In the distance were oil drilling rigs that looked like giant praying mantises dipping down for a bite and then back up again to swallow.

'Big Joe-Robbie' met us at the limo and was particularly interested in meeting Alexis. 'Big Joe-Robbie' was everything that his name implied. He stood at least 6'7" and had to push the scales at 450 pounds. He was sixty years old or so. His hands were massive and I prayed he wasn't going to crush my hand in some show of machismo. We were shown our room and our bags were deposited there. Big Joe said he assumed that since Alexis was my fiancée, that one room for us was acceptable. Since we were shown to a room, I assumed we would be staying over-night. He had never said. He asked if we could meet in the living room in a half-hour to discuss why he had asked us to come.

When we were delivered to the living room, JR was already there. He was sitting dead-still in the middle of a sofa slumped forward with his hands over his eyes. He was moaning softly. He was wearing a bathrobe. I went over to him and said, "JR. Are you alright?"

JR kept his hands over his eyes and said, "You won't believe it until you see it." Just then 'Big Joe-Robbie' walked in and asked Alexis and me to take a seat. We did. He pointed at JR and said, "This is why I asked you come. JR has bouts with Vertigo that leave him unable to function. We probably should take him to see a doctor or go to a hospital but we can't because we are in negotiations with a few Division I college football programs and if they get wind of this, his chances will be significantly reduced."

I replied, "How does that affect me. I wouldn't know what to do to help JR."

"JR and his step-mother discovered how to treat it so we just need someone to help JR get the simple treatment when he is stricken with an episode. Someone we can trust to keep it quiet. JR picked you."

I have never had Vertigo myself but I know it is completely debilitating. My dad had it and I didn't know there was any simple treatment to stop the spinning sensation and nausea. JR got my attention with a moan as he looked up and rolled his head off to the side before covering his eyes again. I looked back at 'Big Joe-Robbie' and said, "What simple treatment?"

'Big Joe-Robbie' looked back over his shoulder and loudly said, "Gwen, can you come in?" An absolutely gorgeous woman walked into the room. She had long straight raven black hair with perfect facial features. Alexis looked up at me and smiled when she saw Gwen. She had an amazing body. She came in and sat down beside 'Big Joe-Robbie'. He said, "This is Gwen. He didn't introduce us to her. My wife, Ruby-Jean is out shopping right now. She was the one who discovered the treatment. It's a bit unorthodox but it seems to work." He looked at Gwen and said, "Gwen, dawlin, JR is having one of his episodes. Can you do the treatment that Ruby-Jean discovered?" He pointed at Alexis and me and said, "These are JR's friends who are going to help JR get his treatment when he is back at school." Gwen smiled at 'Big Joe-Robbie' and moved across the room toward JR. He had flopped back against the back of the sofa and was rolling his head around.

Gwen dropped to her knees in front of JR and spread his knees so she could maneuver between them. She pulled JR's robe open and cradled his semi-erect cock in her hand and started jerking him off. His cock instantly went hard. Gwen bent forward and pushed her mouth down over the crown of his cock and then went straight down to his balls before bobbing her head up and down as she gave JR a blow-job.

Alexis and I gawked at each other for a moment before turning our attention back to JR and Gwen. JR's moans changed to groans as Gwen was giving him a throat-job. Gwen was very good.

Alexis looked over at 'Big Joe-Robbie' and said, "I hope you're not suggesting that I'm going to apply JR's treatment whenever he has an episode."

"No. Of course not. Let me explain. JR's girlfriend, who was on the Cheerleader squad, has been giving the treatments. I paid her a significant amount to be available. She just graduated a week ago and now we have no one we can trust. JR has a credit card that will pay for 'services' when he needs them. He just needs someone who can help get the 'services' to him. I will pay you what I used to pay to JR's girlfriend." Gwen's head was really bobbing up and down on JR's cock and he was groaning non-stop. He had his hands on the sides of her head and he was driving his cock up as she came down. The conversations stopped as we watched JR tensing up as he prepared to launch his cum into Gwen's mouth. She stayed right there and never slowed down as JR drove his cock forward and yelled out, "YYYUUNNGGGGGAAAHH." Gwen stayed on his cock and swallowed every last drop.

Just as JR was yelling out, "YYYUUNGGGAAH," another woman walked up behind 'Big Joe-Robbie' and kissed him on the top of his bald head. She was watching Gwen finishing of JR. When Gwen was done, she pushed herself back to her feet and went back to sit down beside 'Big Joe-Robbie' saying, "Hello Ruby-Jean. How are you today?"

The new woman was obviously the wife, JR's step-mother, Ruby-Jean. She was in her early thirties and very attractive. She was very short at just five feet tall. She was slim and had huge enlarged breasts that were almost ridiculously large on her miniature frame. I got it. Everything is big in Texas.

Ruby-Jean smiled at Gwen and said, "I see you had to stand in for me again." Gwen smiled and Ruby-Jean bent down and licked a wad of cum off Gwen's cheek. Gwen smiled again. I looked over at JR whose cock was deflating fast and dangling between his legs. He turned to his left and smiled at me. He winked his left eye so no one else could see.

Alexis had rested her hand on my cock which had gone hard as a steel pole as I watched Gwen sucking JR's cock. She was stroking it with her curled fingers out of sight of the others with my left leg resting on my right knee. JR sat forward and looked around the room. He smiled at the group and said, "Thanks Gwen. You're fantastic." I noted the slight frown on Rudy-Jean's face from JR's compliment.

JR stood up and tested his balance before motioning for me to follow him. We went upstairs to his room and when the door was shut he explained, "I came home from a night out during the Thanksgiving holiday. I was so high I couldn't see straight. I had been mixing drugs. I thought a shower would help but I got hopelessly dizzy and fell down hard. My step-mother was the only one home and she ran up to see if I was okay. I was sitting on the floor in the nude and Ruby-Jean was wearing a tee shirt that had become soaking wet as she checked me over. You saw how huge her tits are. Well let me tell you; in seconds, my cock was hard as a rock. Dude, it was unbelievable; she took it in her hand and the next thing I knew she was giving me a blow-job. By the time she pulled my load out of me the dizziness was fading. To avoid confessing to using drugs, I made up the story about vertigo and how her blow-job had stopped the spinning sensation. For the rest of the holiday I tested her and dad to see what would happen if I indicated I was having another episode. Every time I got another blow-job from Ruby-Jean and dad was okay with it because ever since he couldn't get an erection anymore he freed her to have sex wherever she wanted while he is having sex with Gwen, who seems to have some special skills to get him hard. One day Ruby-Jean was out so I decided to see what would happen if I faked an episode then. Dad immediately asked Gwen to give me a blow-job. Dude, she has skills all right. This is the most incredible scam ever. They won't send me to see a doctor because dad doesn't want anyone to know I have vertigo episodes."

I just shook my head and said, "Leave it to you to literally slip in shit and come out smelling like a rose." We both laughed. JR got dressed and we went back downstairs together. Gwen was between 'Big Joe-Robbie's' knees sucking his cock up to an erection. Ruby-Jean watched closely to see what Gwen's super-power was. 'Big Joe-Robbie' was sitting with his head tipped back against the back of the chair. Gwen was naked. My cock went rigid again at the sight of her incredible body. I sat down beside Alexis and she put her hand over my cock as soon as I was settled. She was grinning hard.

I ran my hand up under Alexis shirt on her back and then around to cup her left tit. She shivered as I tweaked her left nipple. 'Big Joe-Robbie' was groaning hard and it was apparent that he had an erection. Ruby-Jean had been watching Gwen but now she was watching Alexis' hand on my crotch. Ten minutes later, Gwen extracted 'Big Joe-Robbie's' load and promptly swallowed every drop. She stood up, licked her lips and wiped a glob of cum from her chin and pulled her clothes on and left the room through the same door she came in through.

'Big Joe-Robbie' sighed and pulled his zipper up before saying, "Hunter, do you have any questions about what we need you to do?" I looked over at JR and then back to 'Big Joe-Robbie' and shook my head. There was really nothing for me to do. One thing that occurred to me was the JR would need to use the services of a prostitute once in a while to keep up the ruse with his dad. JR would not have any trouble getting another girlfriend to pick up from where his old girlfriend left off.

'Big Joe-Robbie' struggled to get his considerable bulk to his feet and reached into his front pocket. He pulled out a wad of hundred dollar bills and counted off ten and handed them to me. I hesitated until JR said, "its okay Hunter. Take it." I took the money and stuffed it in my jeans.

'Big Joe-Robbie' and Ruby-Jean took JR, Alexis and me out to a fancy restaurant for dinner. JR, Alexis and I were not old enough to get served alcohol but when 'Big Joe-Robbie' ordered drinks for us, there was no hesitancy on the part of the wait staff. By the time we got home I was pretty buzzed, JR was trashed and Alexis was pretty drunk too. Ruby-Jean decided that JR was dizzy from Vertigo instead of the alcohol and she sat him down on the same sofa he had been sitting on and proceeded to give JR another blow-job. 'Big Joe-Robbie' stood in the doorway and watched. He looked over at me and said, "The kid could do worse. Ruby-Jean gives a great blow-job. Not as good as Gwen, but her tit-jobs are to die for."

Ruby-Jean sucked JR's cock until he went rigid and exploded his climax in her mouth with a, "UUUNNNGGGAHH." My cock was hard as a granite post from watching. When Ruby-Jean sat back on her heels she looked over at my crotch which was being strained to the max by my hard-on. She looked at Alexis and threw her an air-kiss. She had been eyeing Alexis since the moment she walked into the living room earlier today.

It was late and we all retreated to our bedrooms. 'Big Joe-Robbie' and Ruby-Jean apparently still slept together. Gwen wasn't around. For all I knew the three of them probably slept together. JR said, "good-night. I'll see you in the morning. Brace yourself." I didn't know what he meant by that last part but before the light of dawn I would find out.

Alexis and I stepped into the shower and started lathering each other and seconds later I had her flipped upside down drilling my tongue into her pussy and flicking on her clitoris. She had my cock buried in her mouth and was giving me a furious blow-job. We were both pretty horny from the live porno in the living room. Alexis didn't last five minutes before she screamed her way into an orgasm. She had to pull off my cock to gasp for air. I pushed my tongue into her pussy and she pushed it back out. This went on for a couple minutes before she grabbed my cock and stuffed it back in her mouth.

I flipped her back over and pressed her against the tiled wall and pushed my cock into her pussy. She screamed, "Oh yeah Baby," and threw her legs around my waist and yanked me into her. She screamed again and began murmuring, "AAAHHH AHHH AHHH AHHH," in synch with my thrusts. Several minutes later I was groaning out, "UUUNNGGG UUUNNGGG," as many ropes of pearly white cum launched up my shaft. She yelped with each one. When the last one was fired, I pulled out of her and cum drooled out of her pussy and down her legs. She scooped up what she could with her fingers and cleaned them off in her mouth. I held her for a few more minutes before we separated and finished our shower.

We climbed into bed on our usual sides and quickly drifted off to sleep. I don't know how long I had been asleep but I woke hearing Alexis talking to someone. I was spooning with Alexis in the middle of the bed. I felt the bed give behind me, which seemed odd even in my dream. A body spooned up behind me and I came wide awake when my flaccid cock was grabbed by the body behind me. I woke and looked at Alexis, who was smiling at me. She whispered, we have a surprise visitor. I turned on my back and looked to my left. It was Gwen. She had my hardening cock in her hand.

When my cock had grown to full size, Gwen whispered, "Holy shit. I can't even get my fingers around it." Alexis giggled as she got up on one elbow to look over at Gwen. She was naked. Alexis crawled up on my body and kissed Gwen passionately. Gwen returned the kiss. Gwen didn't release my cock and she started strumming my glans along Alexis' pussy. She trembled as my cock dragged along her clitoris. Alexis found Gwen's tits and she caressed them gently as Gwen groaned from her ministrations. I put my hands on Alexis' hips above mine and pushed her down until my velvety crown was pressed to her vagina. She groaned as she guided her pussy onto my cock. We both groaned loudly as we became bound together. Alexis cried out, "Oh fuck Baby. You're so big." We ground our hips together as we mutually fucked each other.

Alexis pushed her torso up and pulled her legs up beside my waist and continued grinding her pussy on my cock. To my left, Gwen ran her hand down Alexis' back and over the curve of her ass and stuck her index finger into Alexis' anus causing Alexis to groan out, "Oh my gawwwdddd. Yes. Yes." Alexis pushed back on Gwen's finger as she pulled her pussy up my shaft and then pushed forward in reverse. Gwen sat up and kissed Alexis again. My left hand went to Gwen's tits and palmed each erect nipple. Gwen was doing the same thing to Alexis's nipples.

Between groans, Alexis whispered to Gwen, "Get up on Hunter's face. He's very good." Gwen didn't hesitate as she slid her finger from Alexis' anus and swiveled around and threw her right leg across my face and positioned her sopping wet pussy on my lips facing Alexis. I kissed her clitoris and she went rigid before shuddering. Alexis and Gwen were back in embrace as they faced each other fondling each other's tits. I had my hands under Gwen's ass holding her above me so I could attack her pussy with my tongue.

I slowly plunged my stiffened tongue deep in Gwen's pussy and she was forced to break her embrace with Alexis as her head tilted back and her mouth fell open as she moaned, "Oh fuck. You're right. He is good." I began fucking Gwen with my tongue with random flicks of my tongue on her clitoris. Alexis increased her pace on my cock and I could feel the tension building in her body as she prepared for a climax. I couldn't see anything but I could feel Alexis and Gwen separate and Gwen say, "You've got it girl. Ride it to heaven," followed by a loud groan of her own as I flicked her clitoris.

Alexis had slowed way down as she seemed to be savoring every millimeter of my cock as her pussy slid up and down my shaft. Then she suddenly increased to a near manic pace as she drove her pussy up and down my cock. I was rotating my hips up and down to keep her pace as I could feel her muscles grow tense and then she blurted out, "UUUUNNNGGGGGG," along with every ounce of air in her lungs. She gasped a long breath and blew it out, "UUUNNNGGGG." Gwen whispered, "That's fucking beautiful. You're beautiful."

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