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Click hereFinally things get smexy.
This is a series in which scenes are partially repeated from a different view point. It's an exploration into how the same event can seem different depending on who is telling the story.
I copy/paste and all the spacing goes to garbage.
Melissa - Darker
"Melissa, what the actual fuck? What happened to dinner time is family time?" Jared said, smacking the door open with a fist.
Melissa jumped but didn't bother to answer him. She'd figured he'd come looking after he'd finished dinner and his beer. Priorities meant that his needs would always come first. Probably wanted to know if she was going to do the dishes or ask her to wash something he needed to wear for the following day.
Jared walked over and sat next to her.
Melissa saved the document she was working on and shut the computer down. It wasn't that she didn't want him to see, but also she didn't want to risk anything happening if he decided to get handsy and throw the computer again.
The current manuscript she was working on was important. Melissa had been working with the author for a while and one of her books was being made into a movie which meant she'd probably start making much more money and could afford to buy a more established, well-known editor for future works. If it was the last, Melissa wanted to really do it right. To enjoy the process, which she did.
"What, don't trust me?" Jared said, "I'm not the one fucking some other woman."
Melissa shook her head, "You think I am? Fucking. A. woman?"
"Reece has pictures of you and some red head," Jared said.
Melissa rolled her eyes, "One of the author's I've been working with. We are not sleeping together."
"Ah, but are you fucking her?" Jared asked.
"No." Melissa snapped. The red head was a lesbian but also happily married and had been for years.
"Well, you don't even let me fucking touch you," Jared said.
Melissa wanted to say, well who's fault is that. It wasn't her fault that he couldn't get an erection. She had no interest in oral sex and so it was easier to just sleep in separate rooms. No point getting aroused when nothing could happen.
Honestly, she'd been grateful. She hadn't wanted things to happen. Not after the annual New Year's Eve party they had thrown. She'd woken up, naked, in the spare room. No memory of the night before or how she'd gotten there. Or why she wasn't wearing anything. She'd wrapped herself in the top sheet and snuck into the bathroom where she washed away proof that something had happened and not said anything, to anyone. She'd hoped that she'd been with her husband, but then why the spare room? Oh, easier to just shove it down and ignore it.
Not talking about things was hardwired into her psyche.
Fuck him for thinking she was actively cheating. Even if maybe, she had. She didn't want to talk about that. She didn't want to talk about any of it. The ability to form words became extremely difficult. Again, easier to avoid.
"And then you don't talk... that fucking pisses me off. I'm so tired of you just not fucking talking to me. Say something, for fucks sake," Jared snapped.
Melissa growled, "If I was fucking someone else, you'd get a free pass to getting your own side piece. Well, how about I give you permission to do whatever you want with whoever you want -- other than our daughter -- and that way I don't have to fuck anyone. How's that?"
Jared smiled at her and Melissa fought the urge to smack him. She fought an urge to rub his nose in the fact that she was able to cheat. He still couldn't get hard.
Instead, she stood and left the room, leaving the door open.
Something was going on with her family. She did not like it. Over the two weeks or so, since returning home from college for summer break, Emma had been acting strange. She was always wearing really revealing outfits and was flirting with anyone and everyone, including her parents.
It didn't help that Melissa had been sent a manuscript to work with that had contained incest and was very erotic. Both things she was not comfortable with. But one of the characters had been sleeping with her 'daddy' and had been acting the same way that Emma was. She'd turned it down.
Hopefully, it was like what happened when you brought a yellow car. All of a sudden, you notice yellow cars more.
Bringing the idea of incest up to Jared had just been anger and annoyance. How dare he accuse her of cheating based on pictures that she knew would be innocent.
Melissa headed for the kitchen, noticing that the dining room was empty. She ignored the dirty dishes. They weren't going anywhere. She did, however, put the rest of the meatloaf into a container and into the fridge. It was cool enough by then.
The patio lights were on which meant Emma was probably in the hot tub.
Melissa grabbed two bottles of wine and headed back towards her study. Thankfully Jared had left by the time she got back and so she closed and locked the door.
She didn't really like wine. Most wine was sour, and she hated the way it tasted. Especially the after taste.
But she'd purchased two bottles of a dessert wine for her birthday which was two weeks away. The one she liked had been out of stock, not surprising because it had been on sale for eight dollars a bottle. Someone had placed two bottles of something that had been eleven dollars a bottle. Melissa had assumed it would be close enough.
She got stressed when the store was busy and had wanted to just get the things and get out.
Jared gave her shit about the wine choice because it was pink and sweet and had bubbles. But she enjoyed it, sort of, and felt like getting drunk.
Fuck the consequences.
She'd forgotten to grab a glass so just opened the first bottle and drank until she needed to breathe. Moving to the couch, Melissa got comfortable and put her feet up. She pulled a blanket over her legs and kept drinking. It was sour and yucky.
But it was cold and she was thirsty.
By the time she finished the first bottle, her head was spinning a little and she realised the second was out of reach. Not that she wanted it, right then.
Kind of wished she'd thought to grab water though.
Oh well.
And food. She was really hungry. The last time she'd eaten had been the day before. Lunch even. Jared and Emma had gone to a movie and had pizza with Reece.
Melissa had stayed home and read the newest book in her favourite fantasy series.
Drinking on an empty stomach was probably a dreadful idea. But that would be a problem for her tomorrow self.
People looked at her funny when she told them she'd been married for twenty years and was only thirty-eight, almost thirty-nine now. She'd met Jared when they were fifteen. Her parents had forbidden her from dating him which of course had made him seem all that much more appealing.
They hadn't slept together until she was almost nineteen and she'd gotten pregnant with Emma pretty quickly -- not intentionally. They had decided to get married six months before Emma was born.
Her own parents hadn't spoken to her since before the wedding and they had chosen not to attend.
His parents hated her and made that crystal clear. Sadly, they had spoiled Emma and let her know that it was okay to ignore Melissa. Jared would always back them up. It had made parenting pretty damn impossible.
Melissa's eyes filled with tears.
Things had been relatively fine until the last two years, or so.
Emma had started university and was living with her grandparents during term time. Her attitude and behaviour kept getting steadily worse and more weird.
Melissa got to her feet and grabbed the second bottle. She opened it and started drinking it like it was juice, or soda. Not the wisest choice.
She still loved Jared. Knew that it must be hard living with someone like her. Someone who was so guarded and secretive. But talking was scary. The idea of divorce was more tempting than one of being more open. Way less scary. But the idea of never seeing him again filled her with a completely different type of terror.
Melissa did miss sex. She lied to herself and said she didn't. But she did. She'd tried touching herself and had just felt silly and a little bored. It didn't feel anything like when Jared touched her.
Jared had offered to do other things, but Melissa hadn't enjoyed performing oral sex and so didn't feel right receiving it. Felt that if it wasn't something she was willing to do, she couldn't expect him to do it either.
Her first experiences with oral sex had been extremely unpleasant.
Summer break after her eighteenth birthday. Her cousin, Edward had been living with her parents for four weeks while his parents were taking a second honeymoon around Europe. Edward had demanded she give him a blow job. She'd refused. He'd forced himself into her mouth and she'd choked and passed out because she panicked and couldn't breathe.
They had only experimented with oral, and Melissa had hated it every single time. He said she should be grateful that he wasn't forcing her to let him fuck her.
She thought he should be grateful she didn't add rat poison to his breakfast.
She would have said no or put up more of a fight, but Edward had evidence that she'd been kissing girls. She had kissed several, but it had been a sleepover. They had gotten a little tipsy and were playing spin the bottle. Her best friend was turning twenty and everyone at the party was at least eighteen. There was nothing wrong with it.
Melissa hadn't realised there were photos.
Photos that would have meant that she ended up homeless. At least, that's what Edward insisted.
She'd tried to bring it up with her mother and the response had led her to believe that Edward was correct. Her parents had very low tolerance for anything that didn't fit in their bible-controlled lifestyle. They were not the kindest parents, but they were the only ones she had.
So, for four long weeks, Edward got to do what he wanted, and she just quietly put up with it. Had her parents known what Edward was doing, they would have disowned her faster. They would not have been sympathetic or understanding. Wrong was wrong.
She'd never talked about what happened with Edward, or at the slumber party, and Jared had no idea. Melissa had returned to school and life had gone on as if nothing had happened over the break.
Jared was patient and so loving. He knew she was a virgin, and he made it clear that he was willing to wait. Their first time had been on his birthday, the fifteenth of November. She found out that she was pregnant in January and when she told him, he immediately proposed.
His parents declared that she'd done it on purpose.
Her parents declared they no longer had a daughter.
Melissa had declared that she still had a year of university, was not going to drop out, was not going to get married and was going to have a baby -- but she did not intend to trap anyone.
But Jared had convinced her that he didn't feel trapped. So, they had a small wedding and she'd taken a semester off mostly because she was due to give birth right as classes started for the year and didn't want to juggle study and a newborn. Jared had taken leave when Emma was six months old and had spent a year as a stay home daddy so that Melissa could complete her degree in literature and creative writing.
She'd made the choice to be a freelance editor as it meant she could work from home. Even though she had felt a little embarrassed when Jared had turned what had been a bedroom into an office for her. It still felt odd to have him do such kind, thoughtful things for her.
And now, Melissa was pretty sure that her marriage was over.
And that it was probably mostly her fault.
She dropped the second bottle, once it was empty, and pondered if she needed to vomit.
Nope. Well... still nope. Thank goodness. Vomiting was unpleasant and felt like a complete loss of control. Big no thanks.
But she'd regret drinking both bottles so quickly in the morning.
There was a strange noise at the door, and it popped open. Melissa was sure she'd locked it. But her head was spinning, or the room was.
"Mommy, are you drunk?"
Melissa blinked at her daughter, who was completely naked and somehow had a pink penis. That didn't seem right. Just how drunk was she?
"You see my cock, right?" Emma said.
Melissa watched as Emma came closer while trying to move away. It was tricky as she was sitting. She ended up slipping down so that she was no longer sitting up, and more lying down with her right leg hanging off the side of the couch. Her blanket fell to the floor.
Emma leaded over and pulled Melissa's dress up to the point where it was around her belly.
Melissa put her hand on the pretty pink penis, "Pink nellaphants."
Melissa whimpered as she felt Emma gently stroking her vulva, all over. Where had her panties gone?
"You like that."
Melissa wanted to say no but she was having trouble forming words. It had been such a long time, and it felt so wrong and yet really good.
"Damn Mom, you're really wet."
Melissa gasped as she felt the pink penis being pushed into her vagina. She knew she should do or say something to stop what was happening, but somehow she once again just lay back and let it happen.
She knew she'd regret things in the morning but for that moment, she couldn't seem to bring herself to care so much.
Emma Gets Busy
Emma got up from the dinner table and headed for the hot tub. She flipped the switch to activate the bubbles, stripped out of her clothes and stepped into the water.
She moved into her favourite spot and spread her legs before moving her hand between them and rubbing her clit with her right hand. Her left hand was busy stroking her boobs while she thought about how much bigger her mom's tits must be.
She'd felt that Melissa had been wearing a sports bra.
Good for squashing and holding things tight.
Probably the least sexy option for a bra.
She watched as her mother entered the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of wine.
Well, that was exciting.
The idea of a drunk mom filled her evening with all sorts of delicious possibilities. Her mom usually only drank on her birthday and New Year's Eve. Two bottles would get her completely sloshed.
Especially since she didn't eat dinner.
This last New Year's she'd gotten completely smashed and done it doggy style. Emma had watched for a bit before going back to bed. She'd then found her naked and asleep in the same bed at 5am when going to get a drink of water. She'd covered her mother up with a sheet, wondering why her father was sleeping alone in the master bedroom.
She'd never asked who mommy had been fucking. She'd wondered if it was Reece but surely he would have told her so it must have been someone else. Seeing her mom like that had made her feel so horny, she'd headed right back to bed and fingered herself just as she was doing right then.
Emma bit her lip as she slowly stroked herself to orgasm. When she was close, she watched her daddy enter the kitchen and head her way.
"Having fun?" Jared asked.
It wasn't the first time he'd caught her doing the exact same thing. Or the second.
Emma moaned in response, leaning back and just enjoying the sensations as the bubbles flowed around her naked body. She was still feeling the after-effects of her climax when her Daddy climbed into the tub with her.
"Your mom told me to fuck anyone except you," Jared said.
Emma chuckled, "That's my mommy. She's busy getting drunk, you know?"
"That wine she brought for her birthday. She took both bottles upstairs."
Emma scooted closer and put her hand over his crotch before rubbing his flaccid cock. The thrill of getting something to rise that supposedly couldn't was just too enticing.
"Nice try, but still nothing," Jared said.
"Have you met me, Daddy?" Emma said, putting her hand into his shorts and continuing rubbing, "I don't give up so easy."
"I should probably tell you to stop," said Jared.
"Probably," Emma agreed. She kept rubbing, putting a slight twist into the movement. Something her boyfriend had told her he enjoyed, a lot. It was slightly more tricky when the cock wasn't at all hard.
Jared grumbled.
"Close your eyes, Daddy," Emma suggested.
"Let me touch you instead," Jared replied.
Emma hopped up and sat on the side of the tub, legs spread wide apart. This was new. She hadn't had anyone touch her since the end of classes, over an entire month even. It was torture.
"Lean back, get comfy," Jared instructed.
Emma leant back, resting on her elbows. Grateful for the padded seat around the outside of the back of the tub.
Emma moaned as Jared kissed her thighs, her stomach and then finally started paying attention to her pussy. He licked and sucked and nibbled and she let out all sorts of noises as she felt her orgasm slowly building inside her.
And then he inserted two fingers into her vagina and with a simple come-hither movement had her screaming as she leapt over the edge, body twitching with the strength of her climax.
Emma whimpered a little as he pulled his fingers out and moved away.
But then he stood, moved forward and filled her with his rock-hard erection.
"Wow," Emma said, gasping, "Oh fuck."
He simply started thrusting. The look on his face said everything that didn't need to be spoken.
Emma moved her arms so that her back was flat against the padded seat and moved her pelvis to match his rhythm. It was far from her first time, but her previous sexual partners had not been as big or as skilled as her daddy.
The whole taboo of it somehow made it all that much hotter. Especially since her mother had said anyone but her.
Who says that?
Emma squealed a little as he leaned forward, increasing speed. She panted, moaning and gasping as she felt her oncoming orgasm growing and building and as she felt overwhelmed by waves of pure delight, she could also feel that he was getting ready to come with her.
"Fuck," Emma said, panting, "Fuck.
"Fuck yeah," Jared groaned.
Emma felt as her muscles clenched onto his rock-hard cock, twitching and pulsating as her entire body got caught up in the most intense orgasm she'd ever had. Moments later, it was obvious that he'd also come from the look on his face and the little groans.
So, fucking hot.
"We should probably not tell your mom," Jared said.
Emma sat up and put her arms around his neck, "that we fucked or that you got hard?"
"Both," Jared said.
Emma kissed him, "It's okay. It's not like we were making babies. Completely harmless and one hundred percent worth it."
Jared hummed in reply.
"Besides, that's what happens when mommy says don't do something," Emma said, giggling.
Jared kissed her on the forehead before moving back and climbing out of the tub.
"You have an early start tomorrow?" Emma asked, figuring he was heading for bed. Which was perfect because she had plans with her drunk mommy.
"Yeah," Jared said, "Are you okay? Like are you mentally damaged because of what we just did?"
"I'm so beyond good, not at all damaged," Emma said, "Sleep well, Daddy."
"You too, Sweetcakes."
Emma wandered upstairs and into her own bedroom where she grabbed her favourite strap-on. She then put on a robe, and the pale pink appendage.
She lightly knocked on her mom's study door but wasn't surprised when there was no answer. She tried the doorknob and of course, it was locked. It was a really basic lock that could be easily popped open with any plastic card. Emma used her library card, which she'd slipped into the pocket of her robe.
The door opened and Emma removed the robe and dropped it before shutting the door behind herself. Both wine bottles were empty, and her mother was sitting on the couch, with her feet up.