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Professor Sin

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When students don't pay attention in class.
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Julianna sighs. This class just goes on forever! I mean, I love the subject matter, German Renaissance? Hel-looo. But as a night class, three hours is just too long. I take fabulous notes on the first half of the class, but the professor is a task driver and doesn't allow for a break, something we all need so we don't fall asleep. By the second half I'm bored and my brain wanders when it should be sticking to the lecture. Today is no different.

After a full day at work, the last thing I want to do is come to class, but I always show up. Every week. For one reason only: My professor is hot as fuck. Tall, longish brown hair, kind eyes that can flash to wicked in the blink of an eye, and a smile that is just contagious, Professor Sin is just intoxicating. I have spent many a class imagining the many dirty things I would let him do to me. Hypothetically of course. Because it would be wrong to have a sexual relationship with a professor. At least, that's what they told me in orientation when I first came to this school.

"Ms. Jurasek! Care to repeat what I just said?"

Shocked at hearing my name, I glance to the front of the room at the sexiest teacher I've ever had. "I beg your pardon, professor?"

"Just as I thought. You haven't been paying attention all class, have you?"

"No, sir. I mean, I was but I guess I just spaced. It won't happen again."

"You better hope it won't," he said, then looked away and continued on with the Germanic hierarchy, or something like that. He'd been correct. I hadn't been paying any attention.

I glance at my watch. Fifteen minutes to go. I just have to make it through fifteen minutes and then I can go home, shower, and get some much needed rest. Mid-terms had been a giant bitch to me this semester.

"Alright, class dismissed. Everyone have a nice weekend." Psyched that class ended early, I started gathering all of my stuff, ready to run out to my car and head home, when I hear "Ms. Jurasek, I'd like to see you in my office for a moment."

Shit. Is this about not paying attention in class? About my mid-term paper? I know it wasn't my best, but with everything else on my mind and all of my other mid-terms, this one hadn't been as much a priority. There goes any hopes of relaxing for the rest of the night.

Following him out of the classroom and into the History Department, I was trying to come up with an excuse for my shitty paper. My mom was in the hospital? Nah. My dog died? That'd work, except I'd admitted that I don't have a dog when we first introduced ourselves. I find him amazingly attractive and couldn't focus on anything besides having his body over mine? He might not like that one. I think.

"Are you spacing out again, Ms. Jurasek?" he ordered, standing imposingly behind his desk, his arms crossed against his chest. I blinked up, not responding, and he gestured to the chair in front of me.

Sitting down, he looked even more imposing, especially with that look in his eyes. If it was anyone else I'd know that look as desire. I mean, I'm not ugly. I'm short, curvy, with big boobs, and a big ass. My green eyes and my cupids bow lips are enchanting, I've been told. But it couldn't be. He's my teacher.

And there goes that look. Now he looks pissed! I can tell that he knew my mind was wandering again.

"Do you ever pay attention?"

"Uh, yes sir. I'm sorry, it's just been such a long day and I'm exhausted. What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Your grades. They haven't been getting any better throughout the semester. And don't even get me started on your midterm paper. There is no way that you spent any more than five hours on it. It was all thrown together willy-nilly. It's hogwash."

I flinch. I know it wasn't my best work, but really? Hogwash? "I'm sorry, sir. It's just really hard with all of my other classes with midterms and work and..." I trail off because I can tell he's not accepting my apology or my excuse.

"You know, Ms. Jurasek, there is no extra credit for this class. Your grade in this class isn't passing, and being a history teacher, I know that you need this class to graduate. Do you want to fail Ms. Jurasek?"

"No! No I don't want to fail! I-I'll work harder, study more."

"There's only two more papers this semester, Ms. Jurasek. Do you really think that you can pull your grade up to passing with only two papers? With the way you've been working, I don't."

"Please, Professor! There must be something I can do! I can't take this class again. My parents will know that I failed and I'd never hear the end of it. Professor, I'll do anything!"

"Anything, huh? Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, sir." I nod, thinking he'd give me at least some studying tips, or a tutoring session or two. Something that will help me boost my grade.

He walks around his desk, hands in his pockets, considering my offer. He leans against the front of his desk and I can't help but look at his tall, lean body. I slide my gaze from his mouth, down his torso, and stop, my gaze riveted, to the slight bulge in his pants. Is he turned on? For me? Oh, this is so not appropriate!

"You like what you see?"

My gaze shoots up to his eyes, shocked. "What?"

"I see you looking at me, I can only assume you're salivating about my body."

"N-no, sir! That would be inappropriate! I mean, I would never have feelings like that for a teacher!" Good! I sounded appalled, not interested. This is good.

"You know, Ms. Jurasek. I just don't believe you." I gape at his words. How dare he assume that I'm attracted to him! That pompous ass!

"Well I've never! It's entirely inappropriate for you to say that to me! How dare you! I'm going right to the dean about this first thing tomorrow morning!" I stand up, ready to storm out of his office in my fury when three words stop me.

"No you won't."

"Oh yeah? And what makes you think I won't?"

"The meager fact that if you do, it's your word against mine. Do you really think they will believe you over me? Ha! It's laughable! And not only that, if you don't do as I say, you'll fail this class and just have to take it over again, with me. Now, how humiliating would that be, hm?"

With that he took two steps towards me and grabbed my hair, pulling so I looked up into his eyes.

"You said anything, remember?" he said before yanking so hard on my hair I fell off of my chair and onto the ground on my hands and knees, gasping through the pain. "Shh, be quiet. You wouldn't want the night crew to hear you, would you? Then everybody would know."

"Know what? AHH!" I say as he yanks my hair harder, forcing my head up to meet his gaze.

"Know what you're going to do for your grade." He then unbuttons and unzips his pants, allowing for his big cock to escape from its confines. I could only stare. The head of his dick was bigger than anything I'd ever seen before. I wanted it in my mouth, but I didn't want it this way. No. This way was wrong. Sick.


"W-what? No! No, I won't do this Professor, you can't ma-!" I cut off, not being able to speak with the dick he just shoved in my mouth touching the back of my throat.

"Ah, fuck yeah Ms. Jurasek. Just take that dick in your mouth you dirty fucking whore. Mmm." He fisted his other hand in my hair, grabbing big handfulls and forcing my head back and forth, fucking my mouth with his big cock, making me gag every time it hit the back of my throat, tears running down my face and the brutal force my handsome teacher was giving me. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and slapped me across the face. "Stop crying! I know that you want my dick. I've seen you staring at me, undressing me with your eyes, imagining me doing dirty things to you." Slap! "You're lucky I brought you to my office and didn't fuck you around the rest of the class." He shoved his cock back in my mouth then, thrusting back and forth, back and forth, again and again.

Slowly, I get used to the movements, and I notice not only how soft his big cock is in my mouth, but how fabulous he tastes. Loving the feel of him in my mouth, knowing that I drove him this crazy made me wet, made me want to take part. I refuse to be raped, but I will fuck my teacher. I start to suck on him, moving my tongue up and down the length of his cock, sucking on his head. "Ah, shit, yeah, there you go, you bitch. Yeah, suck that dick, deep into your throat. Fuck. Get up."

He pulls my mouth off of his cock by my hair and forces me to stand. He slaps my face once, twice, the sting a delicious aphrodisiac. He grabs my button down shirt, yanking down, breaking all the buttons and bearing my bra encased tits. "Take it off." He doesn't need to explain, I know what he means. Looking him in the eyes, I reach back and unhook my bra, letting the heaviness of my tits fall out. "Fuck. I knew you had big tits, but I didn't know they were pierced!" He reached down and grabbed my heavy breast in his hand, thumbing the barbell I had through my nipple eliciting a gasp from me, arousal flashing through my whole body, down my spine, and halting at my core. A fire burning inside of me to be claimed by my beast of a teacher. Slap! He slapped my right tit, creating a large hand print on my pale skin. Slap! I sucked in a breath as he slapped the other one just as hard. I felt a sudden rush of heat gather at my core, arousal soaking my panties.

"Oh, you like that, huh? You like it when I slap those big titties of yours? Like seeing those big hand prints on your pale body? I do. Yeah, I like seeing the way the blood rushes to your skin when I slap you. Take off your pants. Let me see that big ass of yours too."

Hands shaking, I reached down and unbuttoned my jeans, slowly easing my zipper down, then pushing my hands down my hips, I removed my jeans and panties in one swoop. "We have a greedy bitch here now, huh? Just assuming that I'm going to fuck you. Just like you assumed that I wouldn't notice you checking me out during class. Lean over my desk. Now."

I was so turned on that I couldn't say no. It was impossible. I wanted his cock in me so badly, my pussy aching to be filled by that big, magnificent cock. I kicked off the rest of my clothing and leaned over the desk, exposing my pussy and my ass to his gaze. It was quiet for a minute, I knew he was looking at me, at my swollen pussy lips and the slickness beneath my folds. It was so long that I was startled when I finally felt his hand caressing my ass, rubbing the skin, getting closer and closer to my core then switching to the other cheek, repeating the same process. Again and again, driving me crazy, making me writhe against the cold wood of his desk. Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Four smacks against my ass, rapid fire. I could feel the heat of the sting against my skin, and it only made me hotter. I moaned. "You want more?" I nodded, not being able to speak. Six more rained down on both ass cheeks, heating the skin. Squirming as I felt a rush of wetness in my pussy, dripping down onto the floor from my bent position.

"I think you've had enough. Get ready, sweetheart." I felt him get closer to me, rubbing his cock against my flowing juices and lubing himself up before he penetrated my tight, slick cunt. As he pushed in, I moaned, loving the feel of him, his hardness against my softness, thrusting into the place where I needed him to be. "Yeah, that's it. Take my cock you dirty bitch. Take it, suck it into your tightness. You feel that? That's me owning you. You're mine. MINE!"

As he said those words he grabbed my hair and started pounding into me furiously. Marking his territory. Making me his. Fucking me relentlessly. It felt so good that I couldn't help but climax, couldn't help but clamp down on his big cock and scream my pleasure. He kept pistoning inside me, increasing his pace, pounding me harder and harder into his desk, forcing me into another climax. I heard him roar his pleasure at my climax, felt him splattering his cum deep inside me. Rope after rope of cum landing in my spent, sore pussy. He collapsed on top of me, both of us breathing heavy, covered in sweat, shaking from the powerful orgasms.

We stayed there for a while, until our breathing slowed and the sweat on our bodies cooled. He stood up straight and looked at the clock. 10:00 p.m. "Well, there's not much choice now. Get dressed. You're coming back to my house where we can finish what we started." I could only nod. After all, if you'd just had the best fuck of your life, wouldn't you go back for more?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I loved the first-person approach to this story. (Makes the reader want more). I have sat thru many long and late-night classes as well and can appreciate Julianna's educational issues (classes, exams, homework, etc.). Your student has earned her A, and now she wants the A+. Great story. Write more.

dsmith1952dsmith1952about 2 years ago

This most definitely needs a part 2 .. and maybe more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Fucking Hot

Damn I love it!

Olivia_HoneyOlivia_Honeyalmost 10 years ago

Is there a 2nd part coming? Hopefully...? :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
bad girl

I want to be the teacher, in a lesbian encounter

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