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Prom Ch. 08: That Girl

Story Info
Rachel recalls a near-miss in the boy's bathroom.
10.2k words

Part 8 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS --- Chapter 7: Alea Iacta Est


Rachel sobbed loudly in her closet as the memories she didn't want swirled around her like ghosts. The shame and embarrassment she had been feeling over the events of the morning were now being compounded by an even more bone-chilling sense of dread and regret. She felt cold and weak and all she could do was push her forehead into her knees to the point of pain as the memories continued to crash down.

Neither Rachel nor Rebecca had known it at the time, but the night that had brought them closer together would also ultimately drive them apart. Wheels had begun turning and certain things were set in motion that evening that would lead them both to a dark, awful place. It would be a long, curvy path, and for a long time, it would be marked only by a beautiful friendship. But ultimately, it had ended in pain. Pain for them both.

It was hard to say which girl had caught the worst of it, but an argument could surely be made for Rachel. Not only had she ultimately caused the problems, but her fallout with Rebecca had been the event which had again begun another spiral in her life. A spiral from which she had all but given up trying to climb out.

Their separation was still somewhat fresh; just two months prior. But it had hit Rachel hard and caused her to lose her focus in other areas. She began to forsake her school work, and while soccer wasn't really a sport she cared about too much, she had quit the spring team, abandoning another support system. And possibly worst of all, as her feelings of self-worth plummeted, her friendliness with the boys increased.

She had been in a bad place over this last stretch. Even for her. Her ability to say "no" to pretty much anyone or anything had evaporated as she yearned for the attention and love she was missing from her friend. Outwardly, she was still outgoing and upbeat. She was still a regular on the party scene, maybe even more so, and if one wasn't looking closely enough, it might seem like nothing was wrong.

But her isolation was choking her and it had put her in an ugly state of mind. The kind of state of mind that might allow her to be talked into blowing two guys at an afterprom party. Or to fuck an ex-boyfriend in his basement while his family was upstairs, only to try to talk him into a second go just minutes later out of some misguided lust for revenge. The kind of state of mind that made her tingle with arousal as she thought of how she had been used and degraded that morning, all without a struggle. The kind that left her still strangely turned on, somehow yearning for more.

She felt tears run down her thighs as she thought of Rebecca again. God, they had been so close! Why had she ever-? Rachel swallowed hard. It was a question she'd asked herself well over a thousand times by now. There was still no answer. She smiled weakly as she tried to focus instead on the good times they'd had that year.

After the night with Matt, the two girls had bonded over their shared feelings of anger and regret. They became inseparable around school and developed a further chemistry on the hockey field. Pine Valley won a third consecutive state championship and both girls were named to the all-state team. It had been an amazing time.

Outside of school, the fun didn't stop flowing. The pair was always together at parties and social events. Not only did their personalities mesh perfectly, but they were on the same wavelength when it came to boys. They both got around and neither expressed the slightest bit of judgment towards each other's escapades.

Now occasionally they called each other out, like when Rebecca made fun of Rachel mercilessly when she'd revealed that she had finally relented and given Jim another blowjob. Rachel recalled the girls' hysterical giggles as she'd tried in vain to explain his "coupon" theory, as well as how Rebecca had howled in response when she'd seemed to imply that it made a little sense.

"I would NEVER!" Rebecca had screamed at her. "Jim's so goofy!" Rachel had grinned sheepishly in agreement but mentioned how he had a pretty nice dick and he always seemed so grateful while she was down there. "What a shocker," Rebecca had shot back. "He likes getting head! Let's call the evening news!"

And there was the time that Rebecca had gotten drunk and had sex with Brad, months after ending whatever it was that they'd had together. She had tearfully confessed to Rachel and had spent the night at her house talking about how sex with him was so good but she felt like an idiot for doing it again.

Rebecca and Brad had been very close but whatever they'd had going for them had begun to unravel that same night that Rachel had met Matt. Brad had tried to smooth things over, claiming he had no idea about him and Rebecca and he'd reassured her that he'd let Matt have it good. But it had been the beginning of the end.

Matt, for his part, had even approached the two girls at a party sometime after that night, and shockingly, apologized profusely. He'd made no slick comments or innuendos. He'd just said that he was sorry for being an asshole to them both and that he hoped that they didn't hate him. And from that point forward, he'd left them alone. For a while, at least.

The point was that the girls were there for each other when one of them made a mistake and they kept their "no judgment zone" policy in full effect. If anything, they encouraged each other's promiscuity, even attempting to hook each other up, which was help neither of them needed based on their appearances and sexual attitudes.

But regardless, they often found themselves teasingly trying to get the other to win the "Whore of the Night Award", as they jokingly called it. Rebecca might spend all evening telling some cute guy how much Rachel liked him. Then she'd do the same to Rachel and put them together.

If the guy had the balls to follow through and approach her, there was an almost certain chance he'd have Rachel on her knees that same night. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. And when she'd return to her friend, face flushed after catching a mouthful in a bathroom or spare bedroom or hunched over a car seat, Rebecca would dance triumphantly and place a fake, invisible "Whore Tiara" on Rachel's head.

Rachel giggled suddenly through her tears as she thought of how much they used to tease each other like that. Truthfully, it was usually Rachel who received the brunt of the teasing. While Rebecca had had her fair share of mistakes and embarrassing moments, it was Rachel who always seemed to get herself into some ridiculous situation. Her inability to say "no" combined with her whimsical, lust-filled moments caused her to end up in places (and in positions) that made her shake her head with wonder afterwards.

And there were no secrets between the girls. Even if Rachel tried to keep a certain embarrassing rendezvous under wraps, Rebecca would always find out. Rachel giggled again as a memory of just such a rendezvous flashed back through her brain. She rolled her teary eyes. She could still picture Rebecca's mocking grin that day.

That girl!


"Hey, slut! I'm gonna run over to the computer lab and print out my paper really quick since I totally ran out of the house like a crazy person this morning and forgot it. I'll just catch you in class. Love ya!"

Rachel watched as Rebecca blew her a mock-kiss and bounded off down the hallway. She smirked at her friend's forgetfulness and wondered if she was actually going to go finish writing the paper (as opposed to printing it) during their break between classes. Pine Valley Prep's schedule rotated every day and they had a fifteen minute break between second and third period. Fifteen minutes definitely wasn't long enough to write the whole paper so Rachel hoped Rebecca had at least started it.

She smiled and turned back towards her locker and slid a book in. She pulled a folder out and quickly opened it to confirm that her own paper was inside. Glancing one final time in the direction of the computer lab, she rolled her eyes again. That girl!

Rachel shut her locker and bent over to put the folder in her book bag. She was wearing a khaki skirt that definitely sat on the borderline of being too short for dress code. She was also wearing a baby blue tank top that showed off her impressive boobs quite nicely. She had on a light cashmere sweater as a cover-up that she could pull close across her chest when she sensed any teachers approaching to reprimand her. Rachel didn't always dress provocatively but she had been in a bit of a flirty mood. And truthfully, even when she tried to dress modestly, she still looked hot and drew plenty of attention her way. It didn't really matter so she tried not to worry about it.

As she finished tucking her folder into her bag, she wondered if she should go grab a quick drink during the break. Rachel had a weakness for iced tea and the thought of some sweet refreshment instantly shot an itchy thirst through her brain. She smiled at her plan and was about to stand up fully when she jumped at a bold touch on her ass. She had been bending over somewhat awkwardly and her skirt wasn't covering a whole lot. Still...

Rachel popped up with a start and spun around wildly, causing the front of her shirt to shake. She raised an eyebrow and cocked her head inquisitively at the smiling boy looking back at her. He grinned widely and put his hands up in mock embarrassment.

"Sorry, Rach! Just confirming that your skirt is dress code compliant. And the verdict is...definitely not. Which is a good thing."

Rachel smiled sarcastically. "Oh, is this a new job of yours, Greg? Walking around and checking skirt lengths? Thank God for you."

She put her hands on her hips and grinned at him. Greg was in some of her classes. They weren't really friends, but they were friendly. He was on the basketball team and she'd seen him at a few parties here and there. She'd caught him checking her out more than once and he'd made a few suggestive comments about her body at times, but that didn't make him overly unique.

She had flashed him at a party during a drinking game dare back earlier in the year and she'd also ended up blowing one of his good friends that same night. So naturally, both of those events had led him to make frequent inquires about getting a turn with her of his own ever since. But Rachel had managed to rebuff him. He was kinda cute. Nothing special. Tall, decently built. Though he had a confidence to him that made him well-liked.

Greg smiled back and shook his head, pretty much ignoring her comment. He got even bolder, bringing his knuckles to the front of her shirt and gently rubbing them over her breasts.

"Goddamn, Rach. These tits. Shit. And I'll tell you what, this tank top is definitely non-compliant as well." He ran his hand from the up past the fabric and over the warm skin of her cleavage.

Rachel tingled at his boldness and swallowed a mild shiver. She looked down at her boobs curiously, as if she didn't know what he was talking about. She brought her face up back to his and gave him another sarcastic smile. "Um, enjoying yourself there?"

"Uh huh. Very much." Greg kept his gaze down at her chest and continued to gently slide the back of his hand across her skin before subtly cupping one breast in his palm through her shirt.

Rachel stayed still but her jaw dropped reflexively in surprise. She let out a mock laugh but didn't move or brush his hand away.

"Well, I'm so glad I could be of service this morning." She glanced around with excited nervousness to see if anyone was watching her let this boy casually feel her up in the hallway. She felt another tingle as he finally brought his hand off her chest and subtly ran a finger down the front of her shirt, sliding it under and giving her belly button a slight brush. It sent a shiver through her and she tensed pleasurably.

As Greg finally retracted his hand with a smile, Rachel casually pulled the sides of her sweater across her chest, which did almost nothing to cover herself. Assuming he was finished with his little moment of fun, she spoke again and started to turn back towards her locker.

"Well, if you're all done with your, um, inspection, I guess I'll see you late-."

Greg brought a hand to her shoulder and gently stopped her turn. She twisted back to face him, her sweater again falling to the side and her chest thrusting out at him. She watched his gaze drop to her shirt and down to her legs before settling playfully back directly into her eyes.

"Hey, yo, hold up. How about I get some head real quick?" He raised an eyebrow and grinned at her expectantly.

Rachel's eyes widened momentarily before she rolled them hard and let out a laugh. She would've been more shocked if it had come completely out of the blue, but his requests in this regard were beginning to become almost commonplace. And he wasn't the only boy who'd propositioned her during school in the past. And truthfully, while not with him specifically, Rachel hadn't always said no...

"Really?" Rachel sighed in exasperation. "This again? Are you planning on asking every day until I agree?"

Her words were swaddled in sarcasm and she expected that Greg would pick up on her obviously not-serious response. But her breath jumped a bit as she considered that perhaps she had misspoke and created an implication that there might be a light at the end of his tunnel if he were persistent enough.

Getting no response beyond an expectant shrug, Rachel shook her head and moved quickly to squash the inquiry. Greg always put up a little fight but it didn't take much to put him down.

"Greg. No. I'm not just gonna-. Look, there's only, like, ten minutes left in break." She pointed at the clock down the hallway for emphasis. "No."

But Greg held his ground. "Yeah, but it's a free period after break today. I don't have class until right before lunch. C'mon. Plenty of time." He again ran a finger up the front of her shirt.

Rachel sighed again at his touch. "Again with the shirt? Look, good for you on your free period but I actually have class today right after this."

She shook her head at him dismissively like she was explaining something to a child. Seeing his blank expression, she smiled widely in disbelief. "I gotta turn in my paper! Oh my God! Are we really having this conversation right now?"

Greg didn't bat an eye at her protests. "So what? You can still turn it in. Look we got ten minutes, right? Plenty of time." He grinned. "I'll be quick. I promise. C'mon, Rach, no big deal."

Rachel set her jaw and stared back at him in exasperation. Was he really going to keeping pushing it? She grinned again sarcastically.

"Oh! You'll be 'quick'? Well thanks so much for the favor. How considerate." She sighed and her voice came out a little less strong and bit whinier than she intended. "Greg! C'mon. No! I don't have time for this right now. Plus, like, everyone uses the bathroom during break. It isn't really the best time to go and-."

She cut herself off and swallowed, blushing as she caught Greg's knowing grin. Over the years, Rachel had indeed found herself kneeling in front of more than a couple eager, smooth-talking boys during school hours. Most of these rendezvouses had occurred at Taylor Reed so she cursed herself for perhaps signaling to Greg that she was in fact not a rookie when it came to "bathroom stall study sessions." She swallowed again as she watched his gaze fall across her. Shit.

Greg smoothly jumped in. "Nah, look we'll use that small one up on the second floor. You know, the old one by the stairs."

The building they were in was pretty ancient and had been renovated several times. But there was still one old set of bathrooms that remained from the original construction. They were small. Just two stalls, or in the boys' case, a stall and a urinal. Students used them occasionally but only if they were headed to a classroom nearby since they were kind of out of the way. Greg was right. They'd likely be unoccupied.

Rachel started to protest when Greg picked up her book bag for her and indicated down the hall with his head. "You got English next, right? Isn't that up there? C'mon. Real quick."

Rachel sighed loudly but found herself following him. "Oh my God," she repeated in annoyance. Greg just smiled back at her as he walked and gave her a wink.

The pair rounded a corner and began walking up a small, back staircase that creaked noisily to their steps. Rachel felt her heart beating loudly but she figured that she could still put a stop to it when they got to the next floor. Greg was correct that her classroom was right down the hallway from the old bathrooms so in theory they were just going in the same direction. She'd have to be firm with him once they got up there though. This was the longest rope she'd ever given him before shooting down his advances.

Greg pushed open the door at the top of the stairs and let her go through first. Rachel turned down a hallway and felt her pulse quicken as she realized they were about to pass the bathrooms in question. She hoped suddenly a crowd would emerge so she could use the excuse of obviously not wanting to be seen walking into the boys bathroom with him.

But of course, not a soul was around. It was still break and everyone was most likely down in on the main floor chatting or getting a quick soda or snack before class. She cursed to herself again as she thought about her aborted plan to get her iced tea. Dammit. She was still thirsty. And not for what Greg had in mind...

She was a few paces ahead of him so when she neared the bathroom door, she simply kept walking. It was her hope that putting up a front of casual ignorance might just be enough to end the silly charade she'd allowed to continue. But her heart sank as she heard his footsteps stop and fall silent. She spun around and mustered her best confused look, throwing her palms up in innocence.

"Greg, my class is down here. I thought you were carrying my bag for me...?"

Greg shot back a slick grin and shook his head. "Nice try. C'mon Rach. You know where we're going. C'mon and hurry up before someone walks by." He leaned his shoulder into the bathroom door and looked at her expectantly.

Rachel bit her lip. Things were not looking good. Plus, time was not on her side. The fifteen minute break was probably nearly halfway over. God, he couldn't expect that she'd just-. Really?

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