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Prototype Ch. 03

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Rachel has another session.
6.9k words

Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/12/2017
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Work the next day turned out about as I expected. I didn't get anything other than a few side glances when I arrived, and most of those ended as I quickly made up for lost time. I was the primary custodial worker for the Surplus Warehouse, but I wasn't the only member of physical facilities that worked there.

Thing is, I had never really gone out of my way to make friends at work. As you may have noticed, I hadn't intended to be a janitor forever so I guess I never thought it worth really connecting with the other maintenance staff. That meant that, for the most part, the extent of my human interaction at work was fairly simple. Always brief. And never really that involved. That particular Thursday was blissfully no exception.

I spent most of the day lost in a haze of analysis and experimental design. My thoughts kept circling as I went over my mental notes from success with Rachel the night before. And of course, considering how to move forward with our impending rendezvous later that night. More training, certainly, but the question remained- What should I add to her fragment file this time?

Everything I had added the previous night had seemed to work splendidly, right down to getting her private number and an agreement to meet with me again that night.

Well, it had worked... but not perfectly, I corrected myself. There had been some resistance to the last two suggestions. Asking for her number had made her particularly hesitant, until I told her it was just for another session. The suggestion to give me her number hadn't led to her surrendering it immediately. A willingness to see me privately hadn't been enough to remove the conflict of interest with her income. Even after giving me an enthusiastic blowjob for free. I was- or at least I had been a good source of income after all.

How far I do push her tonight? Would I go balls to the walls and try and turn her into my own personal whore? Or should I take a slower, more methodical approach. I had to be careful about how much room for interpretation the suggestions might have once they had taken root inside her mind.

At some point I was forced to consider the implications of not only what I had already done to Rachel but also to Maggie to a lesser extent. As I thought about it there was also the fact that I had absolutely no intention of stopping- if my current train of thought at the time was any indication. I was using Rachel as an expendable test subject so I could carefully capture the woman I had been lusting after for years.

You will be mine, Maggie. I vowed as I was taking a short break from cleaning the dust off of the spare desk sectionals in the front of the warehouse. It really is impressive the amount of crap a university will accumulate over time. This was a sizable space and yet about once a year the department was forced to auction off a lot of it just to make room for what was bound to land here in the months to come. Of course that had nothing to do with Maggie, but one can't help where a train of thought takes you.

Further consideration of Maggie's responses had left me with more questions than answers. I remembered all of the fragments I had put into her file, and all of them had seemed to work. What bothered me was how she had seemed to interpret them. Before the training she had been stand-offish, confrontational, and almost condescending. After she had been sweet, considerate, and almost flirtatious. I hadn't added anything to force her to think of me in that way. At least not intentionally. Did that mean she had interpreted the comments in some way to equate respect and appreciation with attraction? Was it possible that she had already been attracted to me?

I had to be careful moving forward with that one. It would likely be all too easy to just force Maggie to feel a certain way. Don't get me wrong, there was a part of me that wanted to see if I could force something like attraction, love, or even just plain devotion with a few rounds of training. But did I want to risk what might have been an honest relationship with Maggie for what I would always know to be an artificial one? Especially when I had a willing test subject for such experiments at my disposal. Well, her willingness was artificially induced, but I had considerably fewer qualms about that in Rachel's case.

Was the part of me that cared about such distinctions in Maggie's case strong enough to overrule the part of me that just wanted to see her head bobbing up and down on my cock? Or to listen to her moans as I fucked her senseless on my bed? If I was honest with myself, I wasn't entirely sure.

If I do this right, I could have both a real relationship with Maggie and then enhance the parts I wasn't satisfied with. Or, as they say in the vernacular- I could have my cake and eat it too.

Of course, usually that phrase is used to say that you can't do such a thing. The whole point was that enjoying the cake meant destroying it. But I was a chef with a training machine. Maybe that made me an exception.

I checked in with Rachel as I was heading home from work. Turns out nothing had come up, so she was free to come over after all. I picked up enough take out for two- just in case. Part of me wanted to press her- to find out if she had cleared her schedule just for me. While the answer might have had interesting implications on her training progress, I was far more interested in what I was intending to do with her going forward.

While I waited for her to arrive I quickly edited her fragment file to make the changes I had decided on earlier in the day. I removed some of the previous fragments and replaced them with new ones that would push Rachel's relationship, such as it was, to new places a lot faster.

"I will help Benjamin anytime he asks" was similar to what had been there before, but was more generic so I could count on her for more than just training. "I am sexually attracted to Benjamin" went in as a means of turning up the heat a bit more on how she viewed me. "I enjoy spending private personal time with Benjamin" would help keep her interested in me outside of the escort agency. "Benjamin is a very special client. I won't take his money for sexual favors anymore" would be a direct attack on her previous hesitancy and hopefully remove the conflict of interest between us. I considered stopping there, but after her teasing me on the bed the night before I decided to push the envelope a little further.

I needed suggestions that would push past her previous boundaries with me- but not be so extreme that they might threaten to break her ability to justify them. Aside from being a prostitute that hopefully no longer expected to be paid for her services, of course. I decided to go with "I want to show off my naked body for Benjamin" and "Benjamin can touch me anywhere he wants" to get around her pretense of always keeping on her lingerie as a good test. After a bit more thought about our previous sexcapades, I added "I love the way Benjamin's cock feels in my mouth" and "Benjamin's cum tastes so good I always swallow it".

Why didn't I just make her want to have sex with me? As I said before- these were experiments. I left it out to serve as sort of a control variable. So far all of our interactions had been specifically under the auspices of Escort and Client. I wasn't trying to turn her into a girlfriend- that role was reserved for Maggie. Yes, I was working on increasing her attraction to me. Yes, I was getting her to see me without the need of the escort service as a middle man. But that didn't mean that her own personal rules about intercourse would have changed. As far as I knew that was a line she hadn't yet crossed with any of her clients.

I took another look at her fragment files before saving it. That was enough for now. If it all worked as intended it would push her considerably outside her normal behavior.

"So, shall we get started?" Rachel asked me after only a few bites of the take out I offered her upon her arrival at seven that evening.

"Right down to business, I suppose, yes." I nodded as I gestured towards my bedroom. I took the opportunity to enjoy the outfit she had chosen to wear this evening. Instead of a dress, she had worn a tight V-neck t-shirt that dipped down low enough to accent her breasts and hint at her bra as well. A tight black pair of yoga leggings hugged her curves in all the right places and highlighted the crease at the base of her ass as well as the thin gap between her thighs. The pumps she had worn the night before were replaced with running shoes and she topped the outfit off with one of those too short to be effective denim jackets. I almost offered to hang it up for her as an excuse to touch her, but I knew there would be plenty of time for that later.

The view as I followed her helped me to appreciate that while Rachel was well endowed up front, she was nothing to sneeze at from the rear either. I had to give the girl props. She must spend considerable time in the gym to maintain a body like that.

"I have everything already set up for you," I said as she sat down and I helped her start putting on the wire mesh helmet. "All you have to do is hit enter."

"More random puzzles today? Is that all its programmed to do?" She asked, adjusting her hair beneath the helmet.

"Well, I suppose I could load other things into it instead of random problems. You think it might help with learning other material?" I asked her from the side, sure that she couldn't see the grin on my face.

"Well- I dreamed about random number problems last night and it was pretty easy to lose track of time. God knows it would take the tedium out of practice problems for Calc II." She said, turning to look at me. "I mean if the problems themselves aren't part of your project."

"Not at all. It's all about the measurements the machine is making. If you like I could maybe use some of your homework next time, instead of random problems." I offered. "That is, if you'd be willing to do another session. But we can talk about that after."

Rachel nodded, turning back to the screen. "All set, then?'

"Fire when ready," I said, stepping back from her and trying to hide my growing excitement. This incredibly hot creature was here, unknowingly delivering herself more and more into my control every time she sat down. It was enough to make me hard just thinking about it.

I stepped behind her, just in case she turned and noticed. Wouldn't want to have to explain that just yet.

With a click of the button, she was off- and within another 15 minutes her blip was floating just left of center again and staying put fairly well. That same far away but focused look was plastered on her face, but with one notable exception- she was biting the corner of one lip. Every time she finished a problem she gave a small sigh of either contentment or pleasure. It was hard to tell when I my own gaze was focused so tightly on how each sigh made her breasts strain against the fabric of her t-shirt.

Temptation is a savage beast, and having such an amazing specimen of college age flesh so distractedly working away on my mind control prototype was no exception. I fell victim to it after about a half hour of training, once I was sure her new fragments had gone by a handful of times.

Rachel gasped softly the moment I placed my hands on her shoulders. Glancing quickly at the screen I checked on her current mental state. Did I push it too far and break her out of it? Her blip was leaping around on the screen erratically. Unsure how to proceed, I just sort of froze- leaving my hands where they lay. Within a few nervous breaths it had started moving back towards the center.

A few minutes after it had refocused I decided to push my luck again- sliding my hands down the front of her chest. This time I kept my eyes on the screen to watch for any effect I might be having. I smiled when there didn't seem to be any reaction- she continued working on her problems.

My hands continued to slide down, underneath her shirt, until I was cupping both of her beautiful breasts. I could see down her shirt the thin white fabric of her bra as it contained the soft mounds of flesh I would soon see in all their glory. I ran my hands around the outside and down beneath them, cupping and squeezing them gently. I was almost surprised when I felt the hardening of her nipples beneath the fabric as her body reacted naturally to my touch.

I was about to dip my hands beneath the bra itself to find the little protruding gems when my thoughts and actions were interrupted by Maggie's ringtone on my cell from the other room. Thankfully, I had thought better than to bring it with me while I was getting Rachel setup. Otherwise the sound would likely have brought her out of it with my hands still down her shirt. Who knows how she would have reacted with that type of wake up call.

I carefully withdrew my hands with no small amount of disappointment and managed to catch Maggie's call just before it went to voicemail.

"Hey Maggie, what's up?" I asked, as casual as if I didn't have an escort taking her next step to being my own personal sex toy in the next room. "How did your rehearsal go?"

"Great, actually!" She responded enthusiastically. "I'm sorry about riding you so hard yesterday."

"No worries. I was only snippy because I hadn't slept well, as you could easily tell when I passed out on you."

"Yeah, you were kinda cute, actually. Minus the snoring of course," She chided me playfully.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I responded in kind. "I never snore."

"Yeah right. Seriously though, I really appreciated the help. The director was really impressed with how quickly I picked up the lines. The show starts in less than two weeks and we were in a big crunch for time."

"That seems... awfully fast for a new play. Not that I'm an expert." I said, somewhat confused. "The set must be pretty simple then."

"Yeah, see, the thing is," She started sheepishly. "I wasn't, originally, supposed to have the part. But the actress who had it broke her wrist and the original understudy completely flaked out."

"Ah, that explains why you were so hunkered down in crunch mode and had very little patience for my particular form of crazy." I lightly scolded her.

"I'm really sorry about that, Benjamin," She said in what sounded like a sincere apology. "I should have trusted that you knew what you were doing and wouldn't waste my time just messing around."

"It's alright," I said, with more honesty showing through in my voice than I had expected. "I wouldn't have believed me either. Don't worry about it."

"Deal," She said amicably. "Hey! I got a digital copy of the script on a jump drive with me. Shall I stop by and drop it off?"

I hesitated a moment. Would it be safe for her to come over? What would she do if she discovered Rachel on the trainer? Well- it's not like I told her that I made it just for her. It's not like I could do anything with Maggie even if she was here, could I? The potential risk vs reward analysis was screaming at me to say no. But I was thinking with the wrong brain, and I knew it. "Sure. You thinking now, or later?"

I could hear the smile in her voice when she replied. "I was thinking now'ish? I want to celebrate! Think you could spare some time for an old friend?"

"For an old friend," I asked sounding doubtful. "I don't know..."

"Alright," She responded without missing a beat and still with that audible smile. "How about a good friend, then."

"For a good friend, always," I said, unable to hide the pleasure from my own voice in kind. "Have you had dinner yet?"

"As a matter of fact, I have not. Do I have options?"

"I have some take out left. Got enough for two and was gonna just throw the rest in the fridge. Spicy chicken and noodles. Sound good?" I offered. Rachel had hardly touched hers and I had been so excited to start her training I hadn't eaten much of mine either.

"Sounds delicious. Be there in twenty!" She said, cutting off something that might have been another giggle-like sound as the call ended.

"Don't get ahead of yourself now, Benjamin," I told myself. "Just cause she's being flirty doesn't mean you are the intended target." I had gotten my hopes up once or twice early on from what I had eventually dubbed splash damage. Maggie had been on the hunt after another guy and whenever she hung out with me I had benefited from the positive and flirtatious mood any discussion of him left her in. Not that I had any clue who the target might be now, if not me.

I took the time to check in on Rachel in my bedroom, still pluggin away at her training as the fragments flashed on her screen and were quickly dragged off to the side to be discarded. I glanced at the screen just as "Benjamin can touch me anywhere he wants" popped up and then disappeared again moments later.

"Soon, my precious," I whispered out loud as naughty thoughts of what we would do once she was done leapt through my mind. "I think you'll be fine simmering for a while yet." I stepped back out of my room, shutting the door firmly behind me. With any luck, Maggie would have no reason to discover my extra guest while she was there.

"So here it is," Maggie said as she came in, placing the flash drive in my hand with a smile on her face and a skip in her step. "When can I learn the rest of it? Oh, Dinner!" She made a b-line for the freshly warmed up food waiting for her on the island. "Mifsh ish dewiffshous..." She mumbled through a mouth full of noodles.

I blinked once or twice in surprise. "If I had known you were going to be that hungry I would have ordered some more while I waited."

"No, this is fine," She managed after another mouthful was down the hatch. "Easy to forget how hungry you are when you're focused on something else."

"Indeed," I agreed, taking a big chunk of chicken and biting it in half. "So... How do you... want to... celebrate?" I asked as I chewed.

Maggie stopped to think for a moment. "I don't know," She shrugged. "It's a pretty big deal, and I owe it all to you. How about you pick?"

"I can hardly take the credit," I scolded her lightly. "All I did was help you with your lines."

"Yeah," She continued while staring at her food. "But without your help I would have had a lot harder time keeping the role. This was kind of a hail-mary, and you were my quarter back." Then her eyes flashed up to meet mine, brimming with excitement. "My first paying gig! How awesome is that!" She hopped out of her chair and started doing a horrible rendition of some sort of dance that would, and should, have earned her nothing but ridicule.

I couldn't help but get caught up in her enthusiasm. I found myself grinning from ear to ear as I fetched us both a couple of beers from the fridge. I didn't drink at home that often but I did have a small supply of assorted alcohols in case a moment such as this arrived. Or, more often, for when I was feeling particularly low and wanted help getting to sleep.

I handed her one as I twisted off the top. "To your first paying gig!" I toasted with her.

She took a good long swig and then looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. "I think this deserves a bit more than beer."

"You know where I keep the good stuff- but I can't get drunk tonight." I warned her.

She didn't allow me to rain on her parade, digging out a bottle of jack and two shot glasses from my small selection of glassware in the cupboard. "One shot then, come on. For me?" Her faux pout set off her dimples, tugging on heartstrings that had long since given up on any signs of hope.

"Alright. One shot," I allowed. "And then we can catch a flick on demand or something. Not much of a celebration, I know..."


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