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Prototype Ch. 03


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Handing me my single shot, we raised them for another toast. "Now this is more like it," She said simply. Just as the liquid was passing my lips she added. "To Netflix and chill!"

I nearly did a spit take, managing instead to force a significant amount of alcohol into my lungs. The coughing fit that followed the burn was near legendary in the annals of my social life. It did serve to draw Maggie over to my side trying to help prevent me from choking.

"I'm sorry, Benjamin, I wasn't trying to kill you! I swear!" She laughed at my discomfort, but I knew I would have too were I in her place.

"I didn't mean... to suggest that... we just..." I stammered as my lungs finally began to calm down.

"No, no, it's alright. It's a last minute thing. We can celebrate for realz like on Saturday night. How's that?" She asked, with an odd timbre to her voice. "Perhaps we should just stick to beer tonight then?" She finished, handing my beer back to me.

"That might be wise..." I managed, only coughing after finishing the sentence. "And plans for Saturday sound good to me. I could have act two of your play loaded up, and we could go after you take a session on the machine to memorize it."

"It's a date!" She said. The words hovered in the air for a moment before she abandoned them and took her beer over to the couch. "What would you like to watch then?"

This was something we had done many times together. Sit next to each other on the couch and watch the latest episode of this, or the newest additions on Hulu. Although, she had never referred to it as Netflix and Chill before.

I don't even remember what we watched that night- only that she somehow she seemed to sit a lot closer to me than she usually did. And- there seemed to be more excuses for her to touch me as the show progressed. Nothing suggestive. Just a hand on a leg, or on an arm, or a gentle push and shove when we lost the remote in the couch again.

I got another one of those awkward kisses from her as I was seeing her out the door. Just as I was about to test the waters with a bit of tongue, she broke away, blushing. "Thanks again, Benjamin. See you Saturday?"

"Uhm... yeah. Saturday," I stammered. "It's a date." She smiled at me and turned to walk away as I closed the door behind her. What was up with that kiss? More appreciation? I wondered. She is definitely acting weird, even for her...

Hey. In my defense, we had been friends for a long time, and she had made it very clear on multiple occasions that she was not that into me.

Rachel had been going through her training for about four hours when I finally went into the bedroom to join her. I set an alarm on my phone to ring in two minutes at 11:30pm, placed it down on the computer desk and set back to wait.

It had the intended effect, drawing Rachel's eyes away from the screen. At first it seemed like she wasn't even sure what it was, until her eyes focused beyond it and a mischievous grin spread across her face. "If I didn't know better," She said, her voice already flecked with notes of heat and desire. "I'd say you asking for more help with your project was just a flimsy excuse to see me two nights in a row."

"Why would you think that?" I asked, feigning ignorance as I looked at her from my bed- completely naked.

"Subtle clues, really. Mind helping me with this?" She asked, trying to lift the wire-mesh helmet off of her head and getting a few wisps of hair tangled in it.

"Miss an opportunity to lay my hands on you? Never." I said, as I stepped up and helped her out of the contraption, then drew her up into my arms and pulled her mouth to meet mine. I didn't have to try very hard.

She wrapped one arm around my head and kissed me with a heat she had never had before. Her second hand coasted down the front of my chest and found its target- wrapping around the length of my already hard cock.

My hands were busy running up and down the length of her, exploring as much as they could while our tongues intertwined in our mouths. She gasped as I moved from taking a handful of her round and toned ass, squeezing it forcefully, to slide down her leg and lift it up to my side.

"Kiss me like that some more," She managed in a short break for breath. "And you can touch me anywhere you like."

"When you ask so nicely," I said, granting her wish almost immediately.

We hovered there for a few more moments, her hands running through my short hair and stroking my cock as I continued to grab and squeeze as much of her flesh as I could manage.

"You've been doing something different lately, haven't you," She suggested as I let go of her mouth and allowed her to breath.

I started dragging her back towards the bed with her following along with the aid of the convenient handle she seemed reluctant to release. "Not really. Why?" I asked.

"There's just something... different about you." She said with a devilish smile that promised a lot more hiding just behind it.

"If you say so. You, on the other hand, look as ravishing as ever. Was that outfit just for me? Or do you really exercise in that getup?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. Minus the jacket of course. You like what you see?" She asked, backing away from me a bit as I sat down on the bed. She turned slowly around for me, pushing out whatever part of her would be most alluring from each angle as if putting on a show.

Time to test her other suggestions, I thought. "I do. I think I'd like seeing it on my floor even better though. I should warn you though- If we're getting down to business, I'm afraid I still don't have the cash for another blowjob tonight."

"I think..." She said suggestively as she removed her jacket and threw it at the door. "What the agency doesn't know..." Her leggings slowly lowered inch by inch under the careful pushing and twisting of her hands. "Won't hurt them... want more?"

"Yes, please." I said, as I started slowly jerking myself off to her striptease.

"Well then," She taunted me, slowly hooking one arm into her shirt to pull it up over her head in one fluid motion. "I do aim to please." She stood there, one leg crooked slightly as she squeezed her breasts together again the way she had the night before. "Shall I suck that luscious cock of yours now? Free of charge, of course."

"That sounds lovely. But, if it's not a matter of money, how about we do something... else instead? How about you bring that hot little pussy over here and slide it down my cock, hm?"

One of Rachel's hands slid slowly down to between her legs and pulled her panties to the side. "You mean this pussy?" She teased, dipping one finger into it and pulling it back out with a wet sheen of fluid all along it.

I simply nodded in response. Was she going to fuck me after all? Was she worked up enough to cross that line as well?

"You know the rules, honey- that's something even very... special... clients... don't get." She pouted, pushing her finger deep inside her with each word as she ended the sentence, and pulling it back out to lick to fluids off.

My cock twitched in anticipation, even though I knew it was all a tease for my benefit.

"I'll tell you what though," She said, her voice dripping with heat. "How about I show you a little magic trick instead." And with that, she slipped her panties down her legs, stepping out and kicking them to the other side of the room. By the time my eyes had returned from following its trajectory the bra had already found its way to the floor as well.

Suddenly Rachel was standing in my bedroom, in all her naked glory. "Nice trick," I said, standing and walking towards her. Her eyes roamed my flesh as I approached, anticipation heavy on the air around us. I stepped behind her, wrapping my arms around her possessively to cup her breasts in my hands.

"I've been waiting to see these for nearly a year now." I whispered huskily into her ears as she leaned against me.

"I'd say look, but don't touch- but you've already broken that rule so why..." She gasped in a start of pleasure as I nibbled on her neck. "Why go back now."

"Shall I show you my own magic trick?" I asked her, using one hand to half turn her head into a kiss as the other hand slid down and slipped between her legs.

Rachel moaned into my open mouth as my tongue pushed passed her lips. Two of my fingers slipped into her hot wet pussy and curled back up, searching for her most sensitive spot. Her knees almost buckled when I found it and started running my fingers back and forth along it.

"I can touch you anywhere I want, right?" I asked her as she leaned most of her weight on me, her arms wrapped behind my chest and up to my shoulders to support her weight.

"Make me... feel... like that..." She forced out through ragged breaths. "And... you can... do... just about anything... you want..."

"Except fuck you." I asked rhetorically as I pulled my fingers out of her pussy and licked her juices off of them. "Delicious."

Her eyes bored holes through me like a torch they were so hot with her need and desire. "If only you weren't a client," She almost growled. "Cause otherwise I would be riding you till you passed out right now."

I raised an eyebrow at her vehemence. "Good thing I'm a client then."

"Doesn't mean I still can't make you pass out," She threatened, pushing me back towards the bed again. "Now get on that bed and let me suck your fucking cock like a good little whore."

"You're the professional," I said mockingly as I obliged her.

Rachel sank down between my legs and firmly grasped my cock in her hands, leaning down to lick the pre-cum that had already begun to ooze from the tip. Then she licked her hands and generously coated the length of it with her saliva. Another look of pure heat flashed from her eyes as she lowered her head and wrapped her luscious lips around the tip, tasting it for the first time that night.

She moaned- just from that. "God I love the way you feel in my mouth, lover." She said breathlessly before taking the length of it back in between her cheeks as she sucked with all her might.

All my bravado and confidence melted in moments under her immediate attentions. She sucked my cock with a zeal and intent that was even better than the night before. She made a good attempt to back up her threat as well. She used all of her tricks, but this time she slowed down to make me last longer when I started warning her I was going to cum. She would back off, talking dirty to me, but not going anywhere near my cock with her mouth until she was certain I had calmed down just enough to make it safe.

"You like what I can do for you?" She taunted me. "Your personal cock-whore?"

"I like it very much," I easily admitted.

"I don't know why I'm so good to you, Benjamin," She said as she ran her tongue down the length of my shaft over and over. "I want to taste you... taste your cum... in my mouth." She finished, after taking the entire length of my shaft down her throat as her tongue continued to pulse against it.

"Then stop torturing me and help me fucking cum!" I demanded of her playfully.

"If that's what you want," She teased, raising an eyebrow as she licked her lips.

I could only gasp and moan as she grasped the length of my shaft and pumped it with her hands while her lips slid up and down with increasing speed. In no time at all I was gushing spurt after spurt of my thick hot cum into her waiting mouth.

The moment the first shot of it hit her mouth she moaned and almost sagged into me- but she kept her mouth there, sucking with all her might to milk every last drop. "Oh my gawd..." I heard her moan from between my legs. I had to sit up to look at her- not an easy feat after the orgasm I had just been subjected to.

Rachel still sat there, rolling my cum from side to side in her mouth as if savoring the taste.

My turn to tease now, I thought, leaning forward to grab a fistful of her hair as I pulled her closer to me- my face only inches from her own. "You seem to enjoy the taste of my cum," I whispered darkly at her as I watched her expression.

"Yesh... sho mush..." She mumbled.

"And you'd suck my cock anytime I want to get more of that, wouldn't you." I demanded of her forcefully.

"Suckh yur cosh.. Yesh..." She repeated as if in a haze of pleasure and lust.

"That's a good whore. Now swallow it!" I demanded. As she obeyed I pushed her further. "Show me!"

Rachel opened her now pristine mouth and showed it to me- all traces of my cum washed down her throat. Her eyes were coming back into focus as she stared at me. "God that was fucking hot." She said, her voice still thick with the rush of that experience.

"You are fucking amazing, Rachel." I told her honestly as I let go of her hair and let her sit back onto her legs as she stayed on the floor at my feet.

"You're pretty hot yourself, there stud. I can't believe what I let you talk me into." She said, as her eyes seem to appraise me in a new light.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, leaning back and laying down on the bed with my manhood still facing her.

"I mean for some reason I seem to be willing to break nearly all of my rules with you." She said in answer. "What is it about you that's different?"

"Maybe you're just seeing me in a different light," I offered as explanation, but I was started to get worried. "I'd say I've been more driven, and confident these past couple weeks, but other than that..." I let the explanation die off in silence.

Rachel shrugged, as if giving up on her visual inspection and instead started to collect her discarded clothing. "Well... something's different. I hope you don't mind my extra attention lately. Cause I think I'm getting rather attached to my... very special client." She winked at me as she was putting her bra and panties back on.

"If I recall correctly, I was the one that asked you to come back over tonight. So I can't exactly complain, now can I." I looked at the clock and realized it was after 1 am. How long had she been sucking my cock? "It's late. Why don't you spend the night here?"

She paused in the act of re-clothing herself. "I'm not in the habit of spending the night with my clients, Benjamin." She said coyly. "You've broken enough of my rules for one night, I think."

"Maybe next time, then." I said, half-joking. Even so, the statement seemed to give her pause. She looked me over again before pulling her shirt back over her head. Once she was fully dressed she returned, leaning down over my still lounging form on the bed. One hand slide down my chest and slowly wrapped itself around my cock- threatening to bring it back to life. "Careful now- or you might have to help me with something again." I warned her.

"Hmm..." She smiled at me. Her eyes left mine and drifted to the machine near the bed. "You sure that thing just reads minds, or whatever? You're not pushing thoughts into my head through all those wires, right?"

A chill ran down my spine as her random question hit way too close to home. "That's not how EEG readers work," I forced out quickly. "It's all one way." The best lies are ones that are technically true. It wasn't the helmet that was changing her, but she hadn't asked about the fragments. Yet. And if she did that could change everything- if she remembered the fragments, or worse, realized she was acting on them. "Why do you ask?"

"Well," She said simply, "So much has changed, so fast. I've never been this... comfortable with a client before. It's always been just business, you know?" She paused just long enough to lean down to kiss me before she continued. "Whatever it is, it's fucking amazing. Keep it up, lover boy. I'd hate to go back to just run of the mill appointments when it comes to you."

I smiled at her, trying to project as much confidence as possible. "Oh, I fully intend to," I promised her. "But I can prove it too. When could you meet me for another reading for the project? Tomorrow maybe?"

She smiled back, almost condescendingly. "Tomorrow is Friday, Benjamin. I can almost guarantee I'm going get a call from the agency. Thankfully, you aren't my only client lover, or I wouldn't make any money at this."

I nodded, only a little jealous of whomever it was that was going to share their time with her tomorrow night. Her answer hadn't been a direct refusal though. If I pressed her- if I asked her directly she would most likely agree. But I needed some time to think it through. Her comments tonight had given me a lot to consider.

"I'm off Saturday. Swing by in the morning. Around 9. It would really help me if you would let me get a few more readings." I said, trying to couch the request just right to specifically trigger her training.

"Well," She said, finally letting go of my cock. "I think I could manage that. God knows I've enjoyed helping you quite a bit myself these past couple days. I still think that's just code for coming over and giving you head, though." She winked at me.

"Would it be so terrible if it was?" I asked her, innocently.

Her eyes seemed to see past me for a bit, as if she were searching my face for something... important. I don't know if she found it or not. She nodded after a time, and stood to leave. "I'll see myself out. It's late enough. I need to head home. It's been fun, Benjamin. Glad I could help."

"I always enjoy our time together, Rachel."

She cocked her head for a moment, staring back at me from my bedroom door. "Me too, Benjamin. Me too."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Another great chapter in this series, I would love for them to be longer. Please keep them coming without a big delay between the chapters.

If you could make them like 4 or more pages that would be awesome. I am a writer myself and I know that to get 4 pages of text on here it is more like 5 or so pages of single spaced text without all the breaks. With the breaks like you and other writers seem to use it turns into a much larger work of writing.

I agree with the other poster that it would be great to see more of them even away for Ben. Its obvious that Maggie really has liked him for awhile but she needed certain characteristics to come forward in him that weren't. Would be interesting to see rachel away from him and to see how she is with "normal" clients.

FmypcktFmypcktover 7 years ago
Great read

Really enjoying this story. Love the pace and the tease of what's to come. I'm also looking forward to more character development but don't think you need to change from your 1st person perspective. The complications, conflagrations and conjugations are already being teased out. I am looking forward to the fireworks that undoubtedly will erupt between Maggie and Rachel and, perhaps, even the original development team.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great stuff

So interested to see if he will end up wanting a harem after after getting a dose of Rachel. Maggie may be his crush but Rachel sure knows how to make a him happy.

SoftsubversionSoftsubversionover 7 years ago
Where will it go?

Yeah, good story. I wonder if firstborn will take a look at the characters away from Ben and switch to third person for that. I think it would be interesting. Rachel is hot and has build from being a gym freak. She's also confident, willful and fun and mischievous. So you know she is mad popular at school with tons of friends. She also gotta have a BG or GF or at least a fuck buddy. No girl with that all that going on is gonna be alone. She is very aggressive, would the programming intensify that or make those impulses darker, by accident or by Benjamin's design? So how would the programming and changes to her effect her real life at school with those she knows? Or will Benjamin try to slowly cut her off from her real life to make her his own?

And what about Maggie? I can get a real good read on Rachel by how she behaves and looks. Firstborn really did a great job in letting the reader get to her very well. But Maggie is more of a mystery to me. What is she really like away from Benjamin, in her real life? I honestly can't say yet. Maybe will get to see.

For these things to happen Firstborn would have to write a pretty damn long, in depth story. I hope he has the time and desire to go down that long road. I think It would be interesting and make for a real classic story especially with his writing skills and imagination.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Another great chapter

Another great chapter in the story. The protagonist seems pretty immoral at heart. He has even called himself an asshole on more than one occasion. If you give an asshole ultimate power....

Lot's of speculation about what will happen with Rachel and Maggie or others. This story can go a million ways. Perhaps the machine has side effects that are unknown. The women become unstable and develop new personalities. Crazy, wild, sociopathic. As an example in mind, Rachel's programming begins to take over more and more, she ditches college and becomes a full time whore or stripper. She craves wild, rough sex, starts to rob and hurt customers (or even here normal boyfriend (s)) or even kill them when she thinks she can get away with it. Because of the multi-faceted life Rachel lives and her particular personality, you can do a ton of things with her character and really run with that part of the story.

And some kind of new personality traits-like Rachel's or something different inherent in her- start to develop Maggie. Side effects Ben couldn't know what would occur until too late, especially concerning his "love' Maggie. And speaking of her, based on the personality Ben displays and the actions he has taken in this story, I doubt his love for Maggie is the real love most normal people feel. I think it's more love he thinks he feels, as much as someone like him can feel at all. I think he just really loves himself, like any sociopath does.

As the story goes on, Ben ends up like a later day Dr. Frankenstein, creating things he can control but in reality are also out of his control. Things that get so out of control that he or his freedom eventually can be endangered. At that point, what would he do? What could he do? He would be in a hell of a fix with no easy solutions in site.

That could be one way the story could go. An interesting way in my view because that side of mind control really hasn't been explored, what is something unexpected, something bad, happens with the test subjects, instead of just the old, I can control girls, now I have a harem storyline.

Or maybe Ben starts to change their lives. Makes the girls work for him and not just be his whores. He never really seemed that in love with a job and I suspect he would love nothing more than to make a living by not working at all, lol. Or he begins to rent them out at very high prices. Not just for sex, but for anything. Assassins, thieves, body guards (after training for that kind of profession). After all, how much would the rich or a criminal pay for someone who will do that kind of work and if caught, never say a word about who they did it for? Who would take the blame, or even happily kill themselves if they were to be caught? People that programmed and controlled would be priceless for dirty jobs.

Just musing on the so many ways this story could go. I'm sure Firstborn has a plan. We will have to wait and see what his story, the only real one we will read here, turns out to be.

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