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Prototype Ch. 10


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I yanked my hand away from her face abruptly. "Fuck!" I cursed myself. "Why did I do that?" I still had no idea if the spoken fragments were stronger, or had anywhere near the staying power of the text ones. So far, the only thing I had learned was that the phrase "I have a strong sense of self-control. I can resist the seduction and sex appeal of others if I want to" evidently did not apply to controlling what physically came out of my mouth. The point had been to build up a resistance to the incredibly focused sexual tension I already felt when I was around Rachel. Anna had proven herself quite capable as well. And I still fully intended to add even more to the collection. You can understand my reasons for the precaution.

While I was at it, I should have spent some time thinking about a way to train myself to have a better filter between my brain and my mouth. The trick was to do so while not leaving me functionally mute as a result.

It was too late to do anything about it now. I suppose I could have said something like "But I would never actually do anything evil"- but where's the fun in that? It did get me thinking about other experiments though. I needed to know more about the verbal suggestions- and I had a ready, willing, and currently highly suggestible test subject literally within reach.

I took the time to examine Maggie again. She couldn't wear her theater wardrobe to the after party so she must have changed back into whatever it was she had been wearing before. Currently that meant a pair of pink and white lace up sketchers, a simple pair of black jeans, and a black spaghetti strap top. Nothing fancy. Which was all too common for Maggie- especially when she was around me. I decided it was time to give her newly developed desire to show off her body a bit more specific direction.

"Maggie, except when you're exercising you can't stand wearing sneakers or sandals anymore. You love wearing wedges, high heels, or boots with at least three inches heels whenever you can get away with it." That would be a good test for longevity. As long as I could keep myself from biasing her with a stray comment. When I started seeing sneakers and flip-flops again I would know the suggestion had worn off.

"And how about something a bit more... drastic..." The obvious choice was staring me in the face- or the rather obvious lack of a particular set of assets. "Rachel has such beautiful and impressive tits, doesn't she Maggie. You're tired of having such a flat chest. Once you see Rachel's tits you're going to want some implants of your own. At least as big as hers, maybe even bigger."

If it worked and she went too big, it would likely get in the way of her career on stage. Which was half the point of using it as a test. She, at least, had reason to resist that suggestion. And if she didn't we could always look into porn instead.

"That's enough tweaking. I could do this all night. Time to pull her out of the oven and see if she's done."" I moved around her so I could reach over the table and double tap the escape button on the control machine to close down the program. Maggie was blinking erratically as her face lost that helpless innocence I had been lusting after moments before. I took the few moments it would take for her to get oriented to remove the wire-mesh helmet from her hair.

She was still lost in thought as I finished closing down the machine. Were it not for all of the previous training sessions I had already witnessed, I might have been worried that something had gone wrong.

"Maggie," I said as I reached down to touch the side of her face, drawing her gaze up to mine. Her brown eyes were moist with unshed tears and thick with emotion. She opened her mouth to speak more than once, but seemed unable to form the words she wanted to express.

I leaned down on my knees again, so that I was just below eye level with her. "Maggie," I tried to start again, but was overrun as a massive grin exploded on her face and the floodgates of her thoughts broke forth.

"Benjamin, you did it!" She nearly gasped. "Your machine... is fucking amazing! I can feel it. I feel... Well, I definitely feel different. Think of the potential! It can really do that? It can change people? You can change people? Brainwash them into whatever you want? " She put extra emphasis on the word, her eye flashing with a hint of instilled desire as she spoke.

I smiled, immediately captured by her enthusiasm. The subject matter helped of course. "I sure can. I changed you- just like you asked. And I've already used it on a clerk, of sorts, at a local law firm. Going to use her to get my hands on the entire staff, and then all the lawyers as well. I'll have cadre of loyal little worker bees at my beck and call to keep us safe." I paused a moment, letting it sink in. "What do you think?"

Her eyes jumped randomly around my face as her smile grew even more predatory. "I think," She said, reaching out and taking a fistful of my shirt to pull me closer. "You've got your drive back. I'm proud of you." And she was, too. I could see it- mixed in with the growing desire and arousal. That was getting easy to spot lately.

I would have kissed her then- but suddenly it was as if the last two weeks hadn't happened. As if I didn't have a machine that would allow me warp, twist, and corrupt any mind I could reach with it. This was Maggie- the girl I had lusted after since we were in high school. And she was proud of me. It was like water to a man who had been dying of thirst without the slightest clue. Even as I cursed them, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes at the sudden rush of my own pent up emotions.

"Maggie- I've wanted you for so long." I told her, half choking on the words as I forced them out.

Her lips were pursed, behind a pained but happy expression. "I'm right here, Benjamin," She whispered, holding me just inches from her. There was no room for hesitation anymore. She was offering herself to me, and there was no way I was letting any of Benji's old baggage weigh me down anymore. I was Benjamin now- and she was mine.

"I know, I put you there, remember?" I whispered back, pulling her up with me as I stood. I had time to smile, briefly, as the training chair fell backwards behind her, crashing to the floor and rolling awkwardly. Then I didn't care anymore as I was lost in the feel of her lips on mine, and the soft caress of her tongue as we kissed.

My hands wrapped around her and roamed up and down her- finding the edge of her shirt and invading beneath it to enjoy the warmth of her skin against my own. We stopped kissing briefly- just long enough to manage the removal of her top, and then my own. It was nothing compared to the practiced grace of others I had been with recently- but I didn't care.

She was still wearing her plain and unadorned black bra as we fell back onto the bed. My hands found their preferred places, one arm caught beneath her and down the small of her back as the other reached up to take her neck and guide her lips back to me.

We kissed with abandon and passion, for much longer than I would have thought either of us cared to. There was so much more to explore, and yet we seemed to be trying to catch up to years of awkward adolescent petting instead of just fucking. It was stupid. And beautiful. And juvenile. And touching.

Finally, as we took a moment to breathe again, Maggie rediscovered her bi-curiosity. "You could do it to Rachel," She whispered. "Make her hot for the both of us."

We both nearly bounced out of the bed as the almost entirely forgotten one answered her summons from the bedroom door. "Oh, he already did. I would have been hot for both of you without it though."

"Rachel!" Maggie scolded, even as she giggled through the brief adrenalin rush. "Give a girl a heart-attack why don't you."

"Don't mind me," Rachel said, pulling a finger out from behind the gathered pleats of her dress between her legs and proceeding to lick her juices off of it. Evidently we had both been so focused we had failed to notice her enter the room, lean against the wall, and proceed to finger herself as we made out. "You two are cute together. I could watch you kiss all night. Course, I could watch you fuck all night too."

"You are a naughty girl," Maggie said, turning to check with me briefly before slinking off the bed and slowly walking towards her. It was a short trip, but still more than enough time to shed her simple bra- discarding it to some random corner of the room.

Rachel's eyes appraised the half-naked woman approaching her- drinking her in while shifting her stance to be even more inviting of the sudden attention.

"And what did he do to you, hm? Not a servant like his lawyer friend. No, your talents lie... elsewhere." Maggie raised a finger to her mouth, biting it briefly as she took the final step to meet Rachel against the wall.

"I suppose it's safe enough to tell you," Rachel purred in answer. Her glance caught my eye over Maggie's shoulder briefly. "I am my Master's sex-slave. I belong to him. Completely."

"A sex slave, hm?" Maggie leaned up against her, one hand reaching up to her face while the other was hidden between them. "So you would, uhm..." I realized where that hand must have been as Rachel suddenly arched her back against the wall, her head turning slightly towards me as a moan escaped her lips. "You would do whatever he wants- sexually."

"Mmm, yes," Rachel hissed, one arm arching up against the wall above her to help brace her against Maggie's attentions. "Whatever he wants- period."

Maggie pulled her hand free, fingers wet with Rachel's juices as she half turned towards me. "And is she a good sex-slave?"

I raised my eyebrows noncommittally. "Most of the time, I suppose."

Her eyes were half-lidded in pleasure as Maggie made a show of sticking her fingers in her mouth and cleaning them off, just as Rachel had done moments before. "Well, she certainly tastes good." She smiled at me, a devilish grin before turning back to Rachel, pulling her face towards her for a sharp and intense kiss. It ended quickly, but it was still an enjoyable treat to observe. "Tonight is for me and Benjamin. But you can join us if you like."

And with that, Maggie released her- stripping off the remainder of her clothes as she returned to the bed. I had been pleased to see a more than mildly disapproving glare directed squarely at her shoes as she removed them. Taking my que, I started removing the rest of my offending garments as well.

Maggie licked her lips at the sight of my cock as I slipped up to the edge of the bed and leaned up on my knees. "Do I finally get to have this inside me," She asked, reaching out for the shaft and wrapping a hand around it possessively. Her eyes closed as she pursed her lips and hummed with pleasure.

I took advantage of the moment to wrap an arm around her, leaning down to kiss her neck and slowly work my way up the side until I was nibbling on an ear. She was gently circling my cock with her hand, a slow and sensuous hand job- it felt so good I couldn't help but moan softly.

"You don't seem in too much of a hurry," I whispered into her ear as I put my free hand to good use, cupping one of her petite breasts and squeezing with a bit of gentle pressure of my own.

"I was just... enjoying the way you feel. I can't decide exactly where I'd like to put this first. I've never really been that into blowjobs before, but now..." She paused for a moment, savoring the attention I was giving to her breasts as I leaned down to suck gently on one nipple, and then the other.

I felt the pressure of Maggie shift into me slightly even as another pair of hands slowly wrapped around her waist. I reached past Maggie's thigh with one hand to grab Rachel's ass and pull her that much closer to us both.

Maggie tipped her head to the side, allowing Rachel access to the opposite side of her neck that I had been kissing, moaning in pleasure at the additional sensation. "Oh god this feels so good."

"You're going to love the way he tastes, Maggie." Rachel teased her between trailing soft kisses up and down her neck. "Go ahead, try it."

I leaned back on the bed, slipping my legs down the side to give Maggie easier access. Rachel took advantage of my absence to wrap both arms around Maggie's chest to squeeze her breasts with both hands. "Go ahead," She said hotly into Maggie's ear. "He's waiting for you."

Maggie was nearly panting with arousal as Rachel released her, pushing her forward onto the bed. Maggie sunk down onto her chest between my legs, reaching out with one hand and guiding my cock into her mouth. She nearly swallowed half of it in one gulp, moaning around it as she slowly pulled back up before sliding slowly down once again.

She pulled off the tip a few moments later with an audible pop, smiling up at me. "You fucking did this to me, didn't you. You made me love the taste of your cock. Will your cum be just as good?"

"Better," Rachel said as she climbed onto the bed and sprawled out next to me. "Wait till you get a taste of how good he feels inside your tight little pussy."

I could see the hunger for exactly that flash in Maggie's eyes. Or maybe it was the sight of Rachel's naked flesh in all her glory. It didn't really matter. "Come here," I told her, curling a finger at Maggie to make my intentions clear.

With some reluctance she released her hold on my member and climbed up the length of me, kissing me softly all along the way. By the time her face was once again close enough to pull her into another kiss she was ready. "I've been waiting for this for so long," I told her. "I'm not going to have our first time be a blowjob."

Maggie feigned insult, the attempt made all the more laughable given the smile on her face. "There something wrong with my blowjobs?"

"Nothing a few lessons from Rachel can't fix," I told her as I guided the tip of my cock between her legs. "I give you an 'A' for enthusiasm though."

"I haven't been graded on- oh fuck," Maggid said, moaning as she slid down the length of my shaft until I was all the way inside her. "Holy shit, this feels so good."

"Told you," Rachel said, rather full of herself as she started running a hand in circles on my chest.

"Oh god," Maggie moaned, quickly approaching her first orgasm if I hadn't missed my guess. "Where have you been all my life?"

I could almost forgive her the mistake- she wasn't really thinking straight. But as pillow talk goes, it was the wrong thing to say in that moment. "Waiting for you," I growled, picking up the pace as my temper flared. "You should have been mine years ago!"

"Well, I'm yours now!" Maggie cried, riding the wave of my anger and letting it push her over the edge as she collapsed on top of me. I didn't stop. "Holy- fu- I'm..." Cumming, yes. I could tell.

It took some of the edge off of my anger, but I still needed more. A small voice reminded me to thank Rachel later. As usual, she had been right. Maggie was so tight around my cock as her orgasm attempted to milk me into my own climax. There was no way I would have lasted through that otherwise.

"Fuck that was good," Maggie moaned, panting on top of me.

"Oh, I'm not done with you yet," I growled, though softer this time. I could certainly feel the pressure building, but I had more than enough in me to keep going for a while longer. I pulled out of Maggie, ignoring her complaints as I turned her around and flipped her down beside Rachel on the bed.

I lifted one leg over an arm as I pulled up between her and guided my cock back inside of her.

"Holy ssshhhh..." She moaned, arching her back as I pushed into her even deeper than I had before and began fucking her in earnest. It was my turn now. "I'm so- ssss... sorry, BenjaMIN! I did- didn't..."

"Hush girl," Rachel said, quite effectively converting Maggie's attempts at apology into moans of pleasure as they kissed. "You're his now. No sense crying over spilled milk. Enjoy the ride."

"Fffuck..." Maggie cried a few minutes later. "I'm... I'm..." Cuming again, yes. That was okay. I was getting closer too.

I could see Rachel playing with herself, two fingers sliding in and out of her pussy as she lay sprawled beside us- watching. And moaning with her own desire. "Fuck her, Master!" She said through clenched teeth as she pushed herself over the edge as well. "Use her!"

It was enough to give me pause. "No... that's not-" I slowed, letting go of Maggie's leg and climbing up on top of her into a more traditional position.

"Wha? Is something wrong, Benjamin?" Maggie asked, concern clouding her otherwise pleasure addled features.

"No," I said softly, looking her in the eyes as I slowly started to slide in and out of her once more. "I'm just..." I wasn't sure what to say, so I said nothing- leaning down to kiss her instead. It started out soft, but gained passion quickly- the rhythm of our tongues probing each other's mouths following the steady increase of my cock sliding smoothly in and out of her.

When I finally released her, drawing back to give us both a chance to catch our breath, the eyes that met my own glistened like mirrors. I could see my reflection in the watery sheen that covered them- just as I knew she could see in mine as I blinked away the tears that had collected there. "I love you," I told her. "I always have."

She nodded, pursing her lips and swallowing back tears of her own. "I love you too. I think I always have. I was just too scared to... to..."

Rachel's presence faded into the background then- though I'm not sure if it was just because of our shared focus, or some part of her expertise as an escort. In the end it didn't matter. I had fucked Rachel earlier that evening. This was different. This was Maggie. As long as we didn't talk I could just make love to her and let that be a balm to all the years of pain and loneliness- for both of us.

"Mine," I whispered, still looking Maggie in the eyes across the mere inches between us.

"Yours," She said softly in return. "All yours."

When I finally finished, cumming inside of her, both Maggie and Rachel finished with me. It seems Rachel hadn't entirely vanished after all. She was more than willing to help clean us up afterwards- especially Maggie. I was spent, but I did enjoy listening to Maggie orgasm as least once more as Rachel did her best to retrieve as much of my cum as she could from where I had left it. Rachel was never one for backing down from a challenge.

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OpenWordsOpenWordsover 2 years ago

Fucking stupid. "It's a little fun to be evil" Jesus, this writer is a retard. Yeah, because it would be fun to create another Hitler or some such shit...

But then again, he's turned the woman he "loves" into a slut. Cucks are pathetic and stupid...

TSreaderTSreaderover 5 years ago
A very yummy chapter

Very yummy indeed. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This is my second time reading your story ... now I remember why I stopped here the first time. Your main character was never very deep or sympathetic, and his doubts were the only thing that really made him seem human or interesting to me. Maggie held my attention just because she was the only woman not under his control or about to be. But in Chapter 10 you made him more or less a supervillain and Maggie another sex slave with a set of fake tits in the mail (are those a fetish of yours or something?), and I lost any motivation to keep reading.

It was one of the more memorable MC stories here until that point, though. You threw a lot of nice wrinkles into the standard formula, and Rachel is by far the most well-developed character. The early chapters with her were the most absorbing.

MeBr123MeBr123almost 7 years ago
Fantastic story

This story hits all my favorite themes, especially the long slow buildup. Wow, sexy as hell. I've loved this series! Can't wait until Ben gets the harem all together!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Re: Maggie's leap in conditioning

For those commenting about this, go back to the part where Maggie and Rachel are speaking on the phone. If you pay a little more attention to the end of that section you will see that Maggie agreed to meet with Rachel at Ben's place in order to finish up memorizing Act III of the play while he was at work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I am glad to see

That others have noticed what I did. Namely, that there seems to have been a huge leap forward in Maggie's conditioning, one that wasn't in the text. When last we saw her Rachel was calling her and trying to explain the situation. Then an only partially calmed-down Maggie was inviting Benjamin to the play. Now we have this chapter, in which Maggie is kissing Rachel in front of Benjamin, and then going to Benjamin's apartment with the deliberate intention of engaging in a threesome.

It seems like a step in the conditioning was skipped. Presumably Rachel got Maggie to the machine at some point without Benjamin's knowledge.

CheeseCake4uCheeseCake4ualmost 7 years ago

I just binge read the whole thing. This was a fun ride^^

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Very much enjoying this. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
tell your own story

I saw at least one poster didn't like the idea of the protagonist using the machine on himself or turning more evil.

Don't sweat it, tell your own story. I love the slow corruption and cautionary tale that seems to be evolving.

It does look some things skipped around this chapter. Perhaps it will be explained in a future chapter, but the flow was a little disconcerting. Not saying it's bad (could be good if it ties into future reveals, but it was noticed and a little awkward).

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