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Prototype Ch. 10


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I tried to tell myself I couldn't let that distract me. At least I made an effort, trying to maintain my mask of calculated emptiness as long as I could. I wanted her just this side of uncomfortable, just like I had been when she had first arrived after the show.

"Well," She asked, still donning that self satisfied smirk on her face even though she had shifted, almost involuntarily, into a slightly more demure stance. "Which is it?"

I continued to stare at her, forcing my eyes to a minimum of wandering to prevent any further distraction. Thankfully she broke before I did. Which was good- I wasn't sure if I'd have been able to hold that look much longer.

"Master," She nearly whined, losing all pretense of overt sexuality and stepping up to place a hand on my chest. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. She made me promise. She was right, too- by your own admission. Please don't be mad at me. I did it for you."

I did my best to raise a single eyebrow- not one of my best looks. "Really?"

"Yes," She said, pawing gently at my dress shirt and catching a finger or two on the buttons- fumbling with them playfully. "You said you wanted her. She's coming over later for you to train, and she even tried to kiss me! Who knew she had it in her." Her confidence had been slowly building, but something- perhaps my continued lack of response, sent it into another nose dive. "Please don't be mad. Did I please you? Or was I bad?"

She seemed genuinely concerned- If I didn't know what was in her training I might have been suspicious. Maggie wasn't the only one who knew how to fake sincerity. That was a job requirement for an escort as well. I decided to let her off the hook. Sort of.

"How about we go with both." I said, allowing a small smile to break through my mask before it broke completely and I couldn't hold back my mirth.

She opened her mouth as if to object- but then closed it without a word. Her head tilted, her glance taking the measure of me as if she hadn't seen me in weeks. Her umbrage at my charade didn't last long- a smirk of her own forming in an echo of mine. "I can work with that."

Her hands started working my buttons in earnest then. "Now, why don't we relieve some of that built up tension I know is hiding in there," She said, running her exposed leg up the inside of my thigh to verify what I'm sure she had known for some time- I was already quite hard. Being around a sex-slave devoted to my pleasure tended to do that to me quite a bit these days.

I grabbed both of her arms, pulling them away from my half exposed chest. "I don't know if that's wise. Maggie will be over later and I don't want to be exhausted- or spent."

"But Master," She said, quickly pouring on the sex appeal once more. "That's exactly why you should fuck me. Now. Do you really want your first time with Maggie over before it's even halfway begun?" She bit her lip, squirming slightly in my grasp but making no real effort to escape me.

"I suppose you may have a point," I admitted, twisting her around to hold her with her back to me in one arm while freeing the other to move the stools away from the kitchen island. "I don't think we ever got around to christening the kitchen after our first failed attempt."

She leaned back into me, still not fighting my grasp in the slightest. "No time like the present," She purred- gasping in mock surprise as I pushed her up against the counter in front of her.

The surprise melted, or perhaps it was transferred to me- as I lifted the length of her dress expecting to dramatically tear away her underwear only to find her bare ass and pussy already open and waiting for me. "You went commando to the theater? You naughty little strumpet!"

Rachel leaned her head down against the counter, crushing her breasts against it beneath her. Thinking of those mounds of flesh pushing against that fabric almost made me wish I had told her to strip entirely.

"As far I am aware, I am the only pure sex-slave my Master has claimed," She said huskily. "It is, therefore, my duty and pleasure to be ready to fuck my Master wherever and whenever he wants. Be a shame to let something like a pair of underwear get in the way of your enjoyment."

I grabbed her left hand with my own, pulling it behind her back to keep her from moving to far from her current position while I tortured her. To that end, my other hand went straight for her already dripping snatch- slipping in easily and bending down to search for her sweet spot. While that was going on, my thumb rather quickly exposed her clit from between the folds of her hood.

"Oh, fuck yes," She moaned into the counter. Twisting her hips reflexively to push my questing fingers deeper towards their goal.

"And what if I would have enjoyed peeling off a pair of sexy underwear, hm? At least a g-string, perhaps?"

Rachel moaned in time with my thumb as it circled her clit and then flicked across it to restart the circuit. "I... will wear... whatever... oh god don't- don't stop. Whatever... you want..." I could forgive her less than eloquent use of language. I was feeling somewhat magnanimous, after all.

"I suppose there are benefits to being... available," I teased her, removing my fingers just as she was approaching a climax.

"Ah, Fuck!" She cursed. Based on the tone of her voice I'd say it was more of a cry for sympathy than a direct request for my cock. Evidently she didn't appreciate the sudden change of pace robbing her of her orgasm. But this wasn't just about getting my rocks off. It was also more than a little bit about punishing Rachel for not at least warning me. She may have done it for my own good, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I should know- I had been walking on it for a while now and had only recently begun to come to terms with my inevitable destination.

"Ah, ah, ah," I chided her softly, enjoying the way her thighs quivered at my touch as I slowly ran my free hand up and down them. "You belong to me, remember?"

"Yes, Master," She said between shivers and gasps. "Sorry, Master."

The sharp crack of my hand impacting her ass made her cry out in surprise and pain. I suppose it was considerably out of character for me, so I doubt she had been expecting it. I followed it up with another swift smack to her other cheek, just to keep things even.

"I don't have a lot of practice at this," I thought immediately. I realized there were some things that need to be worked up to- no matter how motivated of a beginner I might have been. "I bet I felt that almost as much as she did. I'll need to make my point quickly or my hand will be just as sore as her ass- maybe more so."

I gave her another couple of good whacks before leaning down over her as cover for my stinging digits. "What is it you're supposed to say when I spank you?" I asked her, remembering something about this from the brief reading I had done after my own training the night before.

"What?" She asked, her voice a hoarse mix of need and surprise.

"When your Master spanks you. Isn't there something you're supposed to say?" I teased her, torturing her with two fingers slowly penetrating her pussy and then pulling out once again to leave her still craving more.

"Uhm," She stammered, trying hard to think of misplaced instructions that I had never given her in the first place. Eventually insight must have struck. "Thank you, Master. May I have another!" She called out finally, but not until after I had delivered another hard smack to her beautiful ass.

"I don't know," I mumbled as if distracted, attempting to give her other cheek a similar treatment, but having to reapply the attempt twice as I missed my mark and failed to get that really clear ring I was wanting.

"Thank you, Master! May I have another!" She cried out with each one- moaning in relief as I rubbed her bare ass in between each attempt.

"Yeah- too pretentious, I think." I admitted to her. "Though I do think I will have to do this again. Perhaps I'll just have you count them, hm? What do you think?"

Rachel panted for a breath or two, twisting her head to the other side- at least as much as I would allow her to with my other arm still pressing her down. "Whatever you desire, Master."

"Good girl," I praised her, enjoying how it seemed to make her melt all the more into the counter. "Nowhere near the reaction I get from Anna, but I could always install that delicious little button later if I want."

The throbbing need in my cock reminded me that there was more to do than just spank my mildly delinquent little whore. "Would you like me to fuck you now?"

"Please, Master!" Her voice was thick with hunger and desire. "My pussy was made for your cock. It feels so good! Please fuck me Master!"

I smiled down at her. "When she asks so nicely..." "Don't move," I said, letting go of her briefly so I could more efficiently remove the articles of clothing that were still preventing me from fully enjoying the quivering mass of pleasure before me.

That challenge overcome, I grabbed both sides of her hips and drove my cock as deep into her as I could manage. Her pussy was so well lubricated that there was little to prevent me from bottoming out inside her.

"Holy fucking Christ!" She gasped, her back arching almost involuntarily at the intrusion, raising her chest up off of the confining surface. Her hands searched chaotically for better purchase against the edge of the counter as I slowly pulled back out of her and then pushed fully inside of her once more.

"Fuck you feel so good, Rachel!" I called out, my cocking throbbing as it threatened to finish what I had only barely started. "Looks like Rachel was right. Again." I chided myself- holding still as the danger passed and we both regained some semblance of control. "I seem to be taking your advice a lot lately, Rachel. Should I be worried about that?"

"I am your loyal slave, Master," She said through short and ragged breaths. "I would do anything... to please you."

"I'll take that as a 'No'." With the threat having temporarily receded, I fucked my sex-slave relentlessly for the next 30 minutes before I finally came down Rachel's throat. It had been her request, and the whole thing was her idea- so I gave her what she most desired. I knew I had made the right decision as I enjoyed the look of bliss on her face as she rolled my cum around her tongue before finally swallowing it. At some point, I can't remember exactly where, we had moved from the kitchen to the couch. I was fine with that as well- since we hadn't succeeded in baptizing that 'room' either.

Rachel was obviously disappointed. "So, why are we waiting out here instead of watching her staring blankly at the screen while your devious little machine twists her mind?"

"Because I have recently discovered a little quirk regarding training," I said, gesturing pointedly that she should take a seat on the couch. She had begun pacing back and forth between the kitchen and the living room almost immediately after I had ushered her out of the bedroom. Which had occurred before Maggie had even fallen completely into the zone. "Which reminds me..."

I reached into the fridge and poured myself a Redbull as I waited for her to take the hint. I wasn't in the habit of taking energy drinks, but I had purchased a couple on the off chance tonight would turn out better than I had hoped. Fortune favors the prepared, and all that.

"Which is?" Rachel asked, making a show of brushing down the folds of her dress after taking a position reminiscent of a queen on her lounge rather than an impatient slave on a couch that had seen better days. "You have been rather loose with your secrets so far tonight, Master. No reason to start being stingy now."

"Let's see if you can work it out for yourself," I said, grimacing as I took a sip of the strongly flavored drink. "Gah... how can anyone drink this shit regularly?" "That is almost unpalatable," I thought.

Rachel shrugged. "It's an acquired taste- one often improved with vodka. So a challenge then, eh? Hit me." She said, sitting up slightly as her insatiable curiosity undermined her attempt to be overly sexual.

"I believe I've already done enough of that tonight," I grinned, enjoying the way memory of the evening's earlier activities subtly shifted her body beneath the folds of her dress. It occurred to me that that might be another reason why she was lounging rather than sitting normally. "Did I leave her ass sore enough she doesn't want to sit on it squarely anymore? My hand is certainly still throbbing."

Rachel pouted. "Well aren't you a shameless flirt." She cocked her head at me quizzically. "In fact, you've been acting differently all night long. You get a haircut or something?"

"Or something," I said, not rising to the bait. "As you are now well aware, the way the machine works is by getting you so focused on learning that you aren't really paying attention to the extraneous fragments. Anything that doesn't help solve the problem is consciously forgotten, but you still remember them, and act on them. Like the old subliminals from the movie theaters. Except, you know- ours actually work." She nodded her agreement. "So why do you think we're out here instead of in there?"

She leaned back into the couch, relaxing into an almost catlike lounging position with her head resting on the crook of her arm. "So we don't distract her? The only thing I've ever really recalled from my trainings is a sense of hyper focus- I doubt us talking would bother her in the slightest."

She seemed pretty confident of that. Of course- she was technically correct. But I wasn't worried about distracting Maggie from her training. It was the distraction itself I was hoping to avoid- and the way her mind might interpret any verbal commands I hadn't intended Maggie to hear.

"That is exactly the problem." I said, taunting her with just enough information as I took another swig of that horrible beverage.

Her eyes narrowed. "The fact that she would ignore whatever we said is the problem?"

"So, she doesn't have the right answer all of the time. Good to know." I grinned at her again- taking pity on her poor, sex addled brain. "And anything we said would be just that much more noise for her to filter through and discard."

Rachel's eyes widened to saucers, sitting up on her arms once again and completely ruining the feline aesthetic. Well- not ruined. It did give me a perfectly good view of her breasts. "Are you telling me that whatever you hear while training counts as a fragment?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. I was lucky with Anna. Just think of what might have happened if I had been watching Tv in the background while she was on the machine. Hooked on the golden arches and an itch she couldn't help but scratch to go down and test drive a new car."

I could see the potential of this revelation was not lost on my naughty little acolyte. "Which is why," I said, my voice stern with warning. "You are to protect me from any auditory input if and when you are ever around when I am training myself- and you're not to slip any extra verbal fragments in on anyone else's training either."

"Aaah, Master," She pouted quite effectively, dropping back down to languish on her arms once more. "Why you got to go ruin all my fun." Then realization dawned on her face, followed quickly by another dirty grin. "That's what's different. You did some training on yourself, didn't you!"

"As a matter of fact, I did," I admitted. But that didn't mean I was willing to let her change the subject. "I'm serious, Rachel. Tell me you understand or I'll put it in your next training just to make sure you will obey."

She closed her eyes, letting a small but still quite obvious shudder pass through her. "Master may do whatever he likes to my supple, pliant, and oh-so-willing little mind. But I'd like to think I'm a much better partner in crime if you don't neuter me too much."

"You've already proven yourself to be quite a useful tool," I agreed with her as I moved to take a seat in the single chair next to the couch. It was meant to look like a matching recliner to the sofa. Only problem was, it didn't recline. I did mention I wasn't good at handling my money while I was previously depressed and lonely, right? Thought so.

"Keep me sharp," She replied with absolutely no hint of insult or injury at being objectified. "And I'll keep doing everything I can to make you happy... Master." By the end her voice had picked up distinct tones of flirtation and desire.

"I could definitely get used to that," I said softly, allowing myself a moment to appreciate the beauty and sex appeal of the creature that lay sprawling out on the couch beside me.

She cocked her head against her arm, even more of the curious predator. "And yet you are so quick to share power when you could've had another slave in your harem. Another notch on the old belt, as they say." Her eyes glanced in the direction of the bedroom door, still closed to protect Maggie on the other side, just to make sure I understood who she was talking about.

I raised my drink, taking a swig to hide the amusement on my face at her tone. "I told you before, she was not meant to be a slave. Thank you for your help with that, by the way."

I had given her the rundown of how the machine really worked, at least as far as my best guess could take us, as we were recovering from our short, but intense fuck earlier. She caught on very fast, asking me about the specifics of the program and wanting to see the fragment files I had used. I wasn't quite willing to show her the ones I had used on her just yet- something told me I didn't want to risk direct exposure to her fragments until I had made sure she would react to them exactly how I wanted her to.

Which was why I wanted her help with what I was going to do to Maggie. She had proven herself quite adept at it- once she had finished berating me for my previous lack of planning.

"Do you even know what you want to do with her? Cause, don't get me wrong," She had said, trying to make sure she didn't ruffle too many feathers as she ran her fingers slowly up and down my bare chest. "But so far all impressions I've picked up have pointed at you being just as clueless about your feelings for her as she was for you."

"That was before I trained myself to be more confident, not to mention stripping all power from that annoying little voice that had been trying to keep me from using the machine on anyone else. Fuck that. I have the power- I should get to use it." Yes, I know- I didn't need any help at being more of an asshole. Use whatever platitude or anecdote you like. I was all in now- with no looking back.

"Yes, my oh-so-tactful sex slave," I scolded her lightly. "I do know what I want. Still need to put it all together before she gets here though. Would you like to help?"

"Fuck yes," She said immediately, taking only a moment before flicking my nose for good measure. "And forgive me if I do not always reflect the most docile and submissive tone. If that's what you wanted from me you would have made me that way already."

She climbed off of me and motioned to help me up- though I couldn't resist taking my time admiring her naked form as she stood there offering me her hand. Once we were through fucking, she had taken the first opportunity to strip out of her dress and drape it carefully across the back of the chair for later use.

"Look all you want and more, it's yours after all," She said with a knowing glance even as she shifted her weight ever so slightly to accent her curves. "But the longer we take the less time we have to revise dear Maggie's script."

I smiled up at her, using her offered hand to twist her around once I was up and standing beside her. With that arm pinned against her chest I took the opportunity to reach around her with my free arm and take a handful of her tits- squeezing them appreciatively. Leaning in I started nibbling on an ear as she pushed herself back against me and deeper into my embrace.

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