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Quaranteam - AU Ch. 03


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Rayne interrupted, not understanding the significance.

"Sis -" Lottie raised an eyebrow at him and he paused. "Sorry, Captain, what is the significance of inoculating construction and labour crews that early? Now, I don't mean to say they're non-essential or anything, I just want to understand the significance."

She nodded at him, smiling. "It's a perfectly valid question. The construction crews will be involved in mass renovations. For example, your current lodging is what, a two bedroom condo? How many other units are on your floor?"

Rayne thought about it for only a moment. "I think ten or twelve? Though I think most of those are currently unoccupied...for obvious reasons."

"Well, once your Team expands beyond yourself and Stella, as it will very shortly, what do you plan to do for space?"

"I hadn't really considered that since I wasn't originally planning on having more than one partner. However, I assume everyone would continue their current living arrangements."

"Not quite. When we said that Teams are like a family pod, we were serious. We plan to consolidate all of the units on your floor into one, or at the most two large condos. For that we'll need the support of construction crews and the like. Part of our operating plan involves consolidating as much of the population as possible towards the city centres for the foreseeable future, except for those communities providing vital services, like agriculture and the like. That, however, is something for us to worry about. Just know that that's part of the plan."

Rayne could see Hasumi suddenly smile and start typing away, and he half expected to see either his Discord or phone light up, but nothing came. He watched her for a moment before Annabelle spoke up again, her eyes flicking back and forth across one of her own screens.

"Captain, I don't see any manufacturing data for the serum. Are we going to have to work that out ourselves?"

"No, Ms. Periera. We have that data but didn't send it with the initial info packet as it's deemed too sensitive for the moment. Everyone here is cleared for it, but we aren't going to provide that over an open line. It will be provided to you once your roles are established and the project is officially underway. Any other questions?"

Hasumi spoke up, sounding somewhat more eager than Rayne was comfortable with. "How soon can we expect to begin our own, uh...integration into this 'Team'?"

"We have already set aside the doses required for you but will be staggering the introductions so as to avoid overwhelming Rayne. Most likely scenario is you will be introduced in pairs. In addition, it will be contingent on the results of the Oracle testing. So please ensure you complete the survey immediately. And I do mean immediately. Anything else?"

A few others asked regarding the timeline for the project and were given a fairly simple answer - As soon as humanly possible. At that moment, a text came in on Rayne's phone and he checked it.

Get your survey done now, Ray. Tell Stella to do the same. I expect you two will have a very high compatibility, but we'll send someone around to pick Stella up shortly. She'll be held for a couple hours for observation and then we'll bring her back. Tomorrow, we'll be moving you to your second partner. Pack your stuff. Only things you can't do without and any valuables. Clothing and essentials. What Lottie mentioned about the renovations is actually already underway. You'll have the whole floor and the one above it once we're done, but we'll be relocating you to a temporary home for the time being.

He slid his thumb across the screen and formed a reply, confused. Why are we being relocated already? There's still room, and if you haven't started the reno work then we should be fine, Lettie.

No good, Ray. They'll probably be knocking down walls by day's end. Pack for Stella now, and you can pack your stuff after. Just do the survey first. And don't baulk at answering!

Rayne knew that was an exaggeration, since the crews wouldn't even have had time to look at the building plans in that short a timeframe.

What aren't you telling me?

A lot, Ray. But when hasn't that been the case? Just trust me. Remember, we've met a number of these girls before and we know you. We'll try to make sure the process is as painless as possible, okay?

Fine. I can't say I dislike any of these ladies, so I'll have to figure it out. If Ty can handle my two firebrand sisters and that Israeli beauty, I can manage a menagerie of my own.

That's the spirit. Now get that damned questionnaire done.

Rayne looked back at the meeting, and watched as it began to wrap up. He realised he'd probably missed a few details, but he was sure Stella would let him know if there was anything crucial. He let her know about the evening pick-up and they both made fresh cups of coffee as they opened the questionnaire.

Neither of the pair had any idea what they were in for, and Rayne nearly did a spit-take when he had to search up the meaning of Abasiophilia. Humanity was absurd, and it didn't help that a certain face popped into his head the moment he read the definition. Rayne felt the shame wash over him. He'd never defined Hasumi by her disability. But at the same time, he couldn't deny she was attractive. Not to mention she was probably his closest friend, after Stella. He sighed as it struck him. Grabbing his phone, he typed out a message to Lettie.

You're planning to circumvent the process and pair me with Stella and Hasumi, aren't you?

There was barely a moment before he could see the dots on the screen indicating she was typing. How'd you work it out so fast?

You're moving us. No construction crew would start knocking down walls until they'd done their surveys and planned out the build, so there's no need unless the other person you're pairing me with has needs that can't be met here. Under the circumstances, the only needs I can't see being met here are mobility. Which means Sumi. Are you sure she wants this?

Hah. She's the one who suggested it. We became friends when you brought her to that last barbecue, and we talk pretty regularly. You and she get along like a house on fire, and if Stella wasn't so amazingly perfect for you, I'd be pushing her at you instead, if she hadn't already thrown herself at you.

So that flurry of activity from her near the end of the meeting was her texting you?

Sure was. Enough of this discussion for now. You can get the details directly from her tomorrow. Finish the survey and message me when Stella's done too. We'll process it, though the two of you would get paired anyway since you have a pre-existing relationship, but it never hurts to know.

Thanks Lettie. I'm just about done so I'll check with Stel.

Stella was indeed done and he finished his own only minutes later, so Rayne sent one last text to confirm and then began helping Stella pack her things. From what they understood, she wouldn't be able to help after he imprinted her, so they'd get her sorted and then Rayne could handle his own. When the military came knocking, Rayne greeted the Corporal at the door and was told that he could expect Stella back within a few hours. He figured there was no sense in getting bogged down in thought, so he set out to prepare for dinner. As for Hasumi, he'd get in touch while he cooked. He needed time to think about things, but he knew he wasn't mad. If he had to choose anyone to be his second partner, he never would have hesitated to mention her name. He just didn't know that she'd be so open to the idea herself.

It was definitely something to consider.


Richmond, Victoria, Australia - October 22, 2020 - 5:26 PM AEDT


Hasumi had already begun to panic. She'd put forward the idea of having Rayne and Stella stay with her while the renovations occurred, but now that she'd had time to slow down and think about it, she was terrified. Hasumi knew Ray. She knew that he was head over heels for Stella. Oh, she had tried to find a partner for herself, but she always compared them to the man in her heart, and nobody measured up. She would love for Ray to reciprocate her own feelings, but now was utterly terrified that this move might push their relationship in precisely the wrong direction. If he ended up resenting her, she had no idea what she'd do.

She grabbed her phone and was about to send a text when the doorbell rang. Wheeling herself over, she looked through the doorbell camera and realised the person she was just about to contact was already here.

"Lettie, I didn't expect it to be you coming to get me. It's nice to see you in person though."

"Hey Sumi, we're not going anywhere just yet. I'll be taking you to the base in the morning, since we only need to keep you in observation for a few hours. I just figured you'd be freaking out by now and could use a sympathetic ear."

The pair retreated into the house and made small talk while Hasumi prepared a pot of tea. It gave her a moment to collect her thoughts and she launched into it as soon as she placed the cup in front of her friend.

"Lettie, did I make a mistake? Rayne's my best friend and this could ruin that."

Lettie took a sip of her tea and smiled, shaking her head. "I doubt that. Rayne loves you too, you know. It might not be a complete romantic love right now, but he does. Aside from Lottie and I, and maybe Tiberius if it ever came to it, there are only two people in the whole world that my little brother would drop everything for. Stella is obviously one. You are the uncontested other. I don't think I need to say more than that."

"I get it, but he just seemed so against the idea, you know?"

"It was the timing. With everything he learned today he went from very confused to utterly happy to completely furious over the course of a few short hours. My brother isn't prone to that kind of mood swing, so the news really had him unbalanced. You remember Tiberius, right?"

"Your friend? Yes, of course."

"Well, I got to see his reaction to all of the news firsthand, and he's a traditional kind of guy, most of the time. Lottie and I telling him we both wanted him almost made his head blow up, but he already loved both of us so it was really just a matter of accepting that there's a new normal. He's still not exactly happy with the situation as a whole, but it's not us that he has a problem with. Rayne's in the same boat. He hates that the situation is forcing this, and more so because of the timing. But he absolutely doesn't hate you. So don't worry. In fact, I bet he's making dinner prep and planning to call you while he cooks. That feels like a very Ray thing to do."

Hasumi giggled. She could actually picture the scene. "It is a very Ray thing to do. Thank you, Lettie. I do feel better. And if he doesn't call, I'll call him."

The pair spent some moments in silence before Lettie spoke again.

"There's another thing I wanted to ask of you, Sumi. Once the actual project starts, Ray's going to be really busy. We're going to have him overseeing both projects due to his background and the fact that he has the highest level security clearances. That will mean he's basically inundated in paperwork most days. Because of that, I'd like for you to be the one actually leading the production team after tomorrow. We weren't exaggerating when we said we need everything up and running as soon as humanly possible. Once we have a stable supply, we can expedite vaccinating the whole country."

"I can certainly do that. Why after tomorrow? I assumed you wanted us to get started yesterday?"

"Well, you won't be able to do much of anything tomorrow, since you're getting paired up. It's likely to knock you out for around eight to twelve hours, maybe more."

"I see. Is Annabelle going to be leading the research team again?"

Lettie nodded, looking a little awkward. "That's right. Ms. Periera is good at what she does. I do feel that she might be the one to throw a bit of a wrench in the works as far as the Team goes though..."

"What do you mean by that? Is she against the idea?"

Lettie managed to look contrite, while still openly chagrined. "No, no. Nothing like that. Surely you picked up on the tension between her and Rayne earlier?"

Hasumi looked thoughtful as she replied. "Yes, but they're always like that. Their relationship is something unique to them. They're not exactly hostile to each other, but they'll never be best friends." She paused, taking a sip of her tea. "In my homeland, we'd call what they have a kusare en. Translated, it's something like, 'rotten relationship'. They've known each other for a while so they tolerate one another and can work together when necessary, but they'll never be genuinely close unless something really forces the issue."

"I feel like there's more to it than that, but I can't put my finger on it, exactly. Do you know if she's ever made a move on Rayne? Has he ever spoken about that to you?"

"I've never heard him mention anything like that. Is Annabelle a danger to Rayne?"

"I don't believe so. But I don't know her like I know you, so just be careful."

Their conversation rambled from there, but Hasumi was feeling more at peace now. It was the ringing of Hasumi's phone that brought their discussions to an end, and she let out a giggle as the caller's name popped up.

"Just like we thought."

Lettie laughed. "You best answer that before he gets fidgety, Sumi. I'll let myself out. See you in the morning."

Taking a deep breath, Hasumi tapped the button on her phone. "Hi Rayne. Should I bother to ask what's up or just throw myself at your mercy?"

He sounded almost taken aback. "Why would I ask you to do that? Hasumi, you're my best friend. You're a wonderful woman, and I'm beyond honoured that you want to be with me. I mean, I was utterly oblivious, but I get why you never said anything; I was with Stella. So, I suppose it's on me to say, I'm sorry I hurt you with my blindness. I never intended that."

"You didn't hurt me, Ray. You were simply you. But I need to know. Do you feel anything for me? I mean beyond our friendship? Can it be as I hoped, even though you already have Stella?"

There was a pause as Rayne considered her words. Hasumi held her breath, feeling her stomach drop further with each moment that passed.

"If I'm being honest, Hasumi? Yes."

She gasped, overjoyed at the response. "But?"

"There is no 'but'. It just may not be an instant thing. I already love you as my friend. You never have to fear that. But am I in love? I'm certain that will come. Anything else is a consideration for future me."

"Thanks for being honest."

"Thanks for being you. Thanks for offering your home. I don't know if they actually plan to start construction as fast as they say, but it's good to know we have somewhere to go. But above all, thank you for just being there, Sumi."

"Just promise me one thing. Promise you won't let this take anything away from Stella, except exclusivity."

Rayne actually chuckled. "My good friend told me earlier today that love isn't finite, and he laid down quite the compelling argument for that. So, I plan to see if I can give life to those words. I'm glad I'm starting off easy."


"Easy. After all, I'm already more than half there with you. The onus is on me to open my mind and give you the love you deserve."

She gave that a moment in her head. "Can you answer something for me?"

"I can certainly try."

"If, and I do mean if, things hadn't worked -"

Rayne didn't wait for her to finish. "You. I was actually thinking about that after the meeting. I admit that I get along alright with everyone else. But I don't have anything like the connection I have with you or Stel. That's why I said I got the easy start."

Hasumi laughed. Rayne knew her too well. They continued chatting, planning for the upcoming days. Hasumi dropped an extra bombshell when she said that they'd both be moving into the master bedroom with her. Rayne sputtered until she reminded him that she was openly bi and knew that Stella was too.

It was almost 8PM when Rayne suddenly stopped speaking for a moment.

"Looks like Stel's back, Sumi. Just got a text saying she's in front of our building. I'll get going, but we'll talk more tomorrow, ok?"

"See you, Rayne. I'm glad I can openly say this now. I love you. Goodnight."

Hasumi hung up and leaned back. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Maybe they could make it work after all.


Rayne's Condo, Melbourne CBD, Victoria, Australia - October 22, 2020 - 7:51 PM AEDT


Rayne hung up and let his body fall forward onto the table. When he said got an easy start, he hadn't lied to Hasumi. Not really, at any rate. It was certainly going to be easier to come to terms with any feelings he developed if it was with her. But was he going to feel guilty about developing those feelings in the first place? Damn straight. Stella had always been entirely onboard with his friendship with Hasumi, but how this would pan out he couldn't say.

He even knew that Stella was technically bisexual. She'd opened up to him when they first started dating, and Rayne had been aware even then that she had been offering the option of a threesome if he'd just promise to stay with her. To his credit, he'd never even considered taking her up on the offer and told her that if she still wanted to experiment, that wouldn't bother him, so long as another guy wasn't involved.

He was still lost in thought as the door opened, and a rather flushed Stella stepped inside. She was clearly uncomfortable, and Rayne was immediately concerned as she launched herself at him. She'd already undone his belt by the time he realised what was happening.


"No time. Bed. I need you to fuck me. Now." Her clipped speech was getting Rayne's hackles up. He'd seen her horny and worked up, but she was never like this.

"What the fuck, babe? What happened?"

Stella stopped pushing Rayne long enough to give him a look loaded with more lust than anything else, but she replied.

"This vaccine. They said it'd make me horny. They never said by how much. God. I can barely think straight. Ray, please, just take me!"

Rayne was concerned. He remembered the documents - they did indeed say that the woman's libido would increase after being injected, but they also said it was a gradual process; something that got worse over days, not hours. This was distinctly alarming and he made a mental note to look into this, or he would have, if he didn't have an insistently horny fiancée groping him at that moment.

"Babe, you are making it very hard to think."

She didn't miss a beat as she pulled off her dress. "Then stop thinking and just make it very hard!"

What could he say to that? Rayne shrugged and decided he'd just go with it for now. Stella had already gotten his pants and boxers around his ankles, so he stepped back, separating from her only long enough to step out of them and kick them aside, while fumbling for the buttons on his shirt. It was infuriatingly slow progress but he managed, and when he looked back up, she stood in front of him in all her naked glory.

Stella didn't wait any longer. She dove towards Rayne again and wrapped herself around him. Instinctively, he kissed her, one hand gripping her ass while the other slid between her legs. Two fingers probed her slit and his eyes widened.

"Jesus fucking wept, you're utterly soaked!" Rayne pulled his hand back, sticking one pussy-soaked digit into her mouth. She obliged, her lust-maddened eyes fixed on his own. Retrieving his hand, he stuck the other finger into his own mouth and savoured the taste. Rayne loved oral, both giving and receiving, but Stella was clearly in too much of a hurry for him to work his magic. He'd never felt so desired and now his own lust was going out of control. He sat down as he felt the back of his legs hit the bed and Stella crawled on top of him, her bountiful chest heaving as she broke their latest kiss.

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