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Quaranteam Ch. 44.5 - Cast

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An extended cast list for the Quaranteam universe of stories.
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Part 29 of the 50 part series

Updated 03/18/2024
Created 10/06/2021
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Quaranteam Character Guide - v3

(Author's Note: This is intended to be used as a character reference for the Quaranteam universe on the whole, including the main Quaranteam story, but also its offshoots, Quaranteam: Phil's Tale, Quaranteam: Piper's Prelude and Quaranteam: McCallister's Madness. It may contain minor spoilers, depending on where you are in the story, but I have done my best to keep them to a minimum.)

Team Rook (21 people)

  • Andy Rook - A 38-year-old content writer for Netflix, who also lives a double life as semi-successful urban fantasy writer Blake Conrad, known for his Druid Gunslinger books. Shaved head, neatly trimmed brown beard, 5'11", hazel eyes, tattooed on the chest with a griffon, could stand to lose a few pounds. Originally from Ohio, has lived in the Bay Area for over a decade. Our protagonist, such as he is. Still reaping the benefits from one random act of kindness to a stranger named Dave.

  • Aisling (Ash) Blake - A 27-year-old graphic design contractor for Google. Originally from Dublin, she's lived in the States for 4 years. Red hair, freckles, short (5'4"), fit. Outgoing and charming, but also protective of Andy. Aisling showed up first (at the same time as Lily) and has helped keep Andy level headed and sane throughout the entire ordeal. Pregnant with Andy's child. Engaged to Andy.
  • Lauren White - A 35-year-old personal trainer for the San Francisco 49ers. Originally from Australia, she's lived in the States for 2 years. Very tall (6'6"), very tan, blonde, athletic, emotionally involved with Taylor as much as (if not more so) Andy. Lauren is big and boisterous, but has a tendency to not think things fully through.
  • 2 nd Lieutenant Niko RedWolf - A 22-year-old Air Force Security Forces officer (military police). Originally from South Dakota. Half Lakota, one quarter Mexican and one quarter Japanese. Long black hair, toned and slender. 5'4". Sarcastic, wry and witty, Niko has basically become Andy's right hand woman, along with Ash, whom she considers her best friend. She's helped provide endless insight to the vaccine program being managed at the local Air Force base, where she works. Also pregnant with Andy's child and engaged to him.
  • Nicolette (Yvette) Seydeaux (staff) - The 22-year-old maid of Rook Manor. Blonde, with long curly hair. Extremely buxom. 5'9" or 6'1" (in heels). Second generation French-American. Enjoys wearing classic maids outfits and being a bratty submissive. Pretended to be named Yvette at first, at the suggestion of Phil. Very close friends with Whitney.
  • Katie Rodriguez (staff) - The 32-year-old gardener of Rook Manor. Hispanic, butch, 5'8", with short black hair cut in a bob, almost always seen in overalls and a button up shirt. Lesbian and wife of Jenny Peters. Had reservations about the program, but wanted to ensure safety for her and her wife, so they took the deal and came to join the House of Rook.
  • Jenny Peters (staff) - The 35-year-old cook of Rook Manor. Midwestern and plump, 5'8, with brown bushy hair. Wears large circular glasses. Tends to be overly motherly. Bisexual. Wife of Katie Rodriguez. Former college roommate of Alexis (Lexi) Coleman.
  • Taylor Morrison - The 25-year-old ex-ex-girlfriend of Lauren White. Platinum blonde, stacked, short (5'2"). Was in the doghouse upon arrival for having cheating on Lauren almost a year ago, but now a regular member of the house. Closer to Lauren than anyone else, Taylor is still working to find her place in Team Rook.
  • Piper Brown - A 26-year-old gold medal winning Olympic Volleyball player. Brunette, tall (6'2"), muscular but lean, blue eyed. Went viral for a video of her pre-game warm up dance. Still slightly recovering from the abusive treatment she recieved at Arthur Covington's home. Has developed very intense feelings for Andy in a very short time, and intends to wed him as part of the first big marriage ceremony.
  • Asha Varma - An 18-year-old college student and daughter of Dr. Charlotte Varma. Half Indian, half French, raised in London until last year. Brown skin, black hair, pierced navel, wild child attitude. 5'6". Party girl and socialite, Asha tends to enjoy causing trouble, as it gets her attention. Has some growing up to do. Has bonded well with Hannah and Taylor, and will be going back to college once lockdown is lifted.
  • Sarah (Sares) Washington - A 31-year-old actress. 6'2", redheaded, quirky, clumsy and a bit dorky. Originally from New Jersey. Swears like breathing. Very girl next door. Huge fan of the Druid Gunslinger books, and had a crush on Andy before she even met him. Big lover of Broadway theater and musicals, both attending and performing in. Was the partner of Emily Stevens before arriving at Team Rook, and still is. Engaged to Andy and will likely also marry Emily at some point.
  • Emily (Em) Stevens - A 30-year-old actress, 5'1", blonde, blue eyed, pale, slender, very posh, British. Left London for LA just a few years ago. Incredibly charming and witty, with an almost supernatural social sense. Grew up as a child actress in a wildly popular series of movies called "The Dagger Academy" series, but has since struggled to establish a successful acting career outside that role. Very sophisticated and has worked to help Andy feel more comfortable in his new financial echelon. Was the partner of Sarah Washington before arriving at Team Rook, and still is. Engaged to Andy and will likely also marry Sarah at some point.
  • Sheridan Smith - A 32-year-old acrobat and performer for Cirque Du Soleil. 5'7" Blonde, frizzy hair, slender and extremely flexible. Very laid back and go with the flow. Has been teaching the girls of the house yoga in her spare time. Despite a bit of a rocky start, has grown very fond of her teammates in Team Rook, and of Andy himself. Sheridan tends to protect her heart closely, however, and so her true thoughts are often a little guarded.
  • Hannah Nakamura - An 18-year-old college student and former cheerleader. Half Hawaiian, half Japanese. Short (5'1"), Asian, with long black hair with blonde stripes in it. Curvy, very well-endowed (44G) and a firecracker of energy. Originally supposed to be joining the House of Watkins, she is much happier being part of Team Rook. Hannah is adventurous and energetic.
  • Tala Jordan - A 31-year-old Iranian American woodcrafter and musician. Curvy and incredibly confident about it. Tala was Sheridan's roommate back in college, and has played with a large number of failed Bay Area bands, while making puzzle boxes for people such as Elon Musk, Neil Patrick Harris and Kris Angel. Has a fetish with being turned on and made to wait. Was recommended by Sheridan, her roommate in college, to be brought into the house. Tala exudes both unshakable confidence and blue-collar swagger.
  • Jade Dillon - A 26-year-old cheerleader for the 49ers and kindergarten teacher, Jade is also the daughter of tech billionaire Cormack Dillon, whom she hates. Blonde, bubbly, full of endless joy and confidence. Has a tendency to use fake cuss words, which gets on Andy's nerves like nails on a chalkboard. Also a virgin. Friend/co-worker of Lauren, who recommended she be brought into the house. Has distanced herself from her father as much as she thinks she can, and is a little nervous it may have repercussions, not only to her, but to all of Team Rook.
  • Whitney Wells - A 23-year-old IT engineer with a penchant for BDSM. Jet black hair, icy blue eyes, porcelain white skin, ruby red lips, slender, almost frail, figure. Likes being completely under a Master's control. Best friend and regular play partner of Nicolette, who recommended she be brought into the house. Whitney can sometimes seem a little cold or distant, but Andy has decided this is mostly just a self-defense mechanism, and that the woman simply prefers to keep her opinions guarded.
  • Fiona Smith - Andy's former girlfriend from college. A 38-year-old journalist who has spent most of the last fifteen years covering the Washington D.C. beat. Brunette, 5'11", slender but in very good shape. Fiona has more history with Andy than nearly anyone in the household, and brought her partner, Moira, with her when she chose to join the Rook household after having spent a decade and a half apart from him. They picked up right where they left off without so much as a blip. Engaged to Andy.
  • Moira MacLeod - A 33-year-old Scottish doctor who had a threesome with Andy and Fiona some fifteen years ago at a wedding in Scotland. Andy lost touch with her after that, but apparently she's kept in touch with Fiona enough that Fi insisted on bringing her into the Rook household when she arrived. Slender, fit redhead with riotous red curls, pierced nipples and a handful of tattoos. Worked for Doctors Without Borders. An optimistic pragmatist, Moira is one for getting things done first and deciding how to feel about them later.
  • Alexis (Lexi) Coleman - A 35-year-old former operative in the CIA. Latina, muscular, 5'6", dark hair. Had significant scarring (likely burn scars) on her chin, neck and chest from an unknown event, but was restored as part of the imprinting process. After leaving the CIA in 2017, worked as PMC for a while, then as a bodyguard for a while. Former UCLA roommate of Jenny, who suggested she be brought into the house. Head of Andy's security, along with Niko. Has a big heart and will always take the more difficult option if it means helping more people.
  • Maya Summer Steele - A 37-year-old Jewish American former stuntwoman and current director. Her hair styles vary wildly and regularly, and her nose looks as though it's been broken and reset once before. Described as a hard-drinking woman, with a very confident attitude and strong opinions, she worked as the stunt coordinator on several Dagger Academy movies with Emily, who suggested she be brought into the house.
  • Mali Merrick - A 32-year-old personal and professional finance manager from Wales, who recently inherited Emily Stevens account, and has been invited to relocate to America, join Team Rook, and take over management of the now substantial Rook family fortune. Lost her childhood sweetheart and fiance to DuoHalo very early on in the pandemic. Is currently organizing her relocation to the States, along with bringing Andy "his plane."

Team Yang (16 people)

  • Eric Yang - A 39-year-old engineer, and Andy's former roommate. Second generation Japanese American. Short (5'5") but athletic, if a bit shy and bookish. Piggybacked on Andy's one good deed into a complete life change he wasn't expecting. Andy and Eric are friends, but not overly close ones, despite having shared a condo for most of a decade. Eric has been working indirectly for the US intelligence as part of something called Project: Long Thought, which has both ties to the CIA and the NSA.
  • Lily Wu - A 25-year-old coder for Door Dash. Second generation Japanese American. Dyed purple hair, short (5'2"), punkish. Eric's first partner, who expected to be his only partner only for life to get majorly in the way. Lily is the iron fist that runs the House of Yang, sometimes making decisions for Eric so he doesn't spend too long dwelling on them.
  • Jenny Carnero - A 28-year-old meteorologist for the local Fox News channel. Statuesque brunette (5'10") who always remains overly tanned. Lily's ex-roommate who had to be rescued after fleeing from the person she was supposed to be paired up with, before getting paired up with Eric. Threatened to tell her story to the reporters at the station she worked at, but Lily convinced her that doing so would be bad for all involved. Phil claimed to have cleaned the mess up, and also to have ensure the problem wouldn't happen again to other people.
  • Sarah Wilson - A 26-year-old HR specialist with Adobe Systems. Short (5'3"), blonde, Nordic and curvy. Sarah's a bit of a fretter, always expecting the worst of everyone and everything. Originally from Kansas. Meshes especially well in Team Yang, but has some deep seeded distrust of governmental systems.
  • 2 nd Lieutenant Rita Arroyo - A 25-year-old Latina member of the Air Force's Security Services, assigned to Eric as his protection detail, but also his partner. Ex college athlete, but seems to fit well within the Yang House. Easy going until shit goes down then turns all business at the drop of a hat.
  • Jane Fowler - A 31-year-old blonde, blue eyed farm girl from Oklahoma who moved out to California to become a professional chef half a decade ago. Curvy, relentlessly upbeat. Serves as the cook/caretaker for the House of Yang.

Team Marcos (18 people)

  • Phil Marcos - A 34-year-old Filipino project manager for Boeing, working in conjunction with the Air Force to manage the vaccine development/distribution program trying counter the epidemic. Probably (strike that, definitely) involved in a sizable amount of heavily classified shit. Tall (5'11"), slender and usually exhausted. Has a deep love of fighting games and mischief. Phil always knows more than he can talk about. Phil has been heavily involved with the response to the DuoHalo virus, but is unable to talk to even his close friends about it, as per his agreement with the Air Force. As of late, however, Phil has decided to let Andy see behind the curtain more and more.
  • Audrey Percy - A 29-year-old Hispanic psychologist. Short (5'1"), very curvy. Also a big fighting games fan. Has been doing her best to keep Phil sane throughout the apocalypse. One of the first successful recipients of the current vaccine. Has been helping coordinate the base's mental health responses to all of the side effects from the Quaranteam serum. Pregnant with Phil's child and engaged to him.
  • Captain Linda Hayes - A 35-year-old Caucasian captain in the Air Force. Blonde, fit, lethal. Also doubling at Phil's bodyguard most days. Paired up with Phil at the exact same time as Audrey, a split moment decision she's later remarked was the best thing she's ever done with her life. Linda is razor sharp, quick witted and while her pairing with Phil was originally intended to be mostly professional, she's fallen very hard for her partner since their initial meeting.
  • Tamika Jefferson - An 18-year-old African-American college student. Short (5'2"), curvy, disaffected and disinterested in most things. Tamika's paired up with Phil purely for convenience, as she is a lesbian, and the daughter of one of the other scientists on the base.
  • Yuko Takahashi - A 22-year-old first generation Japanese immigrant and video game engineer. Very short (4'10"), very slender but extremely agile. The most sarcastic of Phil's partners. She feels Phil takes too much of the risk and does not garner nearly enough of the reward for all the things he has dealt with both on and off base for the past year.
  • Dr. Charlotte Varma - A 44-year-old French infectious disease researcher working with the Air Force and Boeing. Lead developer on the current vaccine. Average height (5'7"), blonde, matronly but also a bit bougie. Originally from Paris, she moved to London and married Dev Varma, before they emigrated to the US earlier this year with their teenage daughter, Asha (now part of Team Rook). Dev died in a lab accident on the Air Force base where DuoHalo was being studied. Was rescued from Covington by Andy but chose to go with Phil, with Andy's blessing.
  • Natalie Jacobsen - A 25-year-old pre-med student and stripper, Natalie is Taylor's best friend who Taylor suggested be added to the Rook household, but when Andy passed, he recommended her over to Phil, who decided to add her to his household to keep Taylor's friend nearby. Natalie seems a little overwhelmed by all the new faces and people in her life, but is doing her best to integrate to her new family.
  • Master Sergeant Violet 'BigTits' McGuinness - A 26-year-old Security Forces member of the Air Force who's been brought in to operate as Phil's night time security detail. Because of his knowledge of the DuoHalo virus and the serum being used to treat it, Phil was given two handlers, not just one, although Linda is still very much in command, both of the operation and of the household. Violet is a stark contrast to Linda, soft and gentle whereas Linda is fast and coarse. Phil's survival and well-being is always her number one priority, as McGuinness was there when the lab accident that killed Charlotte's first husband happened.
  • Winnie Brookmeyer - A 34-year-old originally from Ohio, she was a private chef to some high end tech bro before he died to DuoHalo. She also had a sideline gig appearing on cooking shows, where she was a rising star, right up until the pandemic hit. Winnie and Linda were in a yoga class together, so when it came down that Phil was going to need a house with a staff, Linda went to work recruiting her friends.
  • Valerie Staples - A 38-year-old executive assistant for the same tech bro that Winnie had worked for, Valerie takes scheduling to new levels entirely. When Linda reached out to Winnie, she also reached out to Valerie, asking her to take over the house management job for Team Marcos. Valerie and Winnie are a couple, but both enjoy a little spice of men in their life from time to time.
  • Bella Porter - A 26-year-old former cannabis grower who is doubling as the house's maid and gardener, while still growing pot out of the greenhouse for the mansion. Bella's fairly laid back, but was chosen by Linda as someone she felt like she could trust, as they'd become friends since one day Linda was out getting marijuana and Bella has been incredibly helpful.
  • Paloma Gallagos - A 33-year-old former Spanish intelligence officer, brought to the US as part of Operation Honey Trap, offering insight into the Spanish National Intelligence Centre, Spain's CIA/FBI equivalent. Probably has her own agenda, but also definitely seems to have fallen hard for Phil on first contact, something Phil suspects may be down to a DuoHalo variant.
  • Rochelle Waters - A 26-year-old civil rights attorney from Atlanta, half-black and half-white, who has been involved in voting rights and defund the police movements for the better part of her life. Has been working with the Quaranteam Project in an attempt to increase adoption rate among paranoid and distrustful communities.

The House of Covington

  • Arthur Robert Covington IV - A 63-year-old investment banker. Considers himself the most important person in New Eden. Certainly is the richest. A horrible prick with a rumored proclivity for making his partners do awful things. Has ties within the Quaranteam project, and the organization behind the construction and management of New Eden. Attempted to break Piper Brown, unsuccessfully, and still holds some deep resentment over it. Runs a regular poker game where people are used as stakes. The person Andy hates the most.
  • Lisa Davis - A 25-year-old graphic design contractor for Google. Ex colleague of Aisling. Partner for Covington, who does not allow her to speak in public. Ash has been trying to find ways to talk to her on the side, but Covington is very particular about visitors to his house and has refused to let Lisa come out to see Aisling.
  • Rachel DeMarco - A 28-year-old infectious disease researcher working with the Air Force and Boeing. Is responsible for getting Arthur the women he wants, either legitimately or questionably. Has a very "just get through it" attitude that almost borders on nihilism.
  • Veronica DeLaCruz (deceased) - A 27-year-old Hispanic card dealer for the House of Covington privately, as well as professionally over at a local casino. Cheated on her partner (Arthur) with a man named Brian Morrison, and the sexual encounter resulted in her death. The first fatality in New Eden, her death is being used to remind women the dangers involved in being unfaithful in the new world.


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