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Quaranteam - North West Ch. 01-04


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"So how are we supposed to get vaccinated?" Leo asked.

Erica licked her lips, and I realized she was sweating slightly. She glared at her brother, then looked at me and her eyes softened, then hardened, and I couldn't tell if she was angry at me or what. Then she glared back at her brother again. "They basically turned the vaccine into an STD, and it's the only way for men to get vaccinated. It's not permanent and needs frequent upkeep in both men and women, and it turns women fucking horny as hell if they go without for too long."

"I'm sorry,what!?" Leo burst out. "And you took the shot?"

"Just shut up, Leo!" Erica tried to shout him down. "I heard all the evidence, I weighed my options, and I decided this was the best thing to do. The whole tier system thing? I did the same questionnaire as you guys did, and they gave me a list of good matches. People I could go become a partner of. Like, sexually, and maybe romantically. We'd live together in quarantine, screw each other into immunity, and be that way for the foreseeable future until they fix this vaccine."

"That's so fucked up," I said. "They wanted you to just shack up with someone you didn't know?"

"Yeah, except someone Idid know was on my list," she said.

"Who?" Leo asked. "Are you moving back to Portland?"

Erica turned from her brother and looked right at me.

"Oh, no," Leo said. "No, no, no. You two arenot becoming fuck buddies. We discussed this, Erica!"

"Wait, what?" I said. "You discussed-"

"Not important!" Leo shouted. "It's not important. It's not happening."

"It's too late, Leo," Erica said. Then she turned to me. "At least, it is if you're into it. Look, Harrison, you can say no. I can't make you do this. Whats-her-name will come back and get me, and I'll pick someone else on that list they gave me, and I'll go stay with them wherever they are. No hard feelings, you've done so much for me already that I can't even start to say thank you properly. But fuck Ireally want to fuck you. I've been getting off thinking about you almost exclusively for weeks, and the only reason I never asked you out in all these years is because I promised Leo back in high school I wouldn't ever date his friends."

"And this is better?!" Leo squawked.

"Shutup, Leo!" Erica shouted back at him.

"You're not seriously considering this, are you?" Leo asked me. "You can't- Why- Come on, dude. She's my twin sister, it would be like... ugh!" He threw his hands up in the air in frustration.

I rubbed my face with both hands and took in a deep breath before looking back at the siblings. "Alright," I said slowly. "First off, Erica, is this the vaccine talking? Just try and focus, cause this sounds an awful lot like some crazy date-rape drug and not a vaccine."

"God, fuck. Why do men have to make things so hard?" she said. "I've wanted to fuck you for ages, Harrison. You being on my compatibility list at the vaccine centre just made the decision fucking convenient instead of a fantasy."

I turned to Leo. "Would you rather it be me, or some freak you know nothing about?"

"I'd rather it be no one!" Leo said.

"That's not an option anymore," Erica growled. "I've already got the shot. I'm just going to get hornier and hornier until I fucking snap, Leo. Then I'll fuck anything that fucking moves, that's the way it works. I need to bond with someone or I'll lose my goddamn mind. There are still a few days before I apparently go full-on bitch-in-heat feral, but I'm already feeling an itch all over and the only thing that I know, Iknow, is going to relieve that itch is cock."

"Jaysus," I muttered, sitting back.

Erica turned back to me, hugging herself. "Please, Harrison? Just- just tell me yes or no. Standing here without an answer is killing me, cause I don't know if I need to fight the feeling or I can give in."

"I- Erica, you are absolutely gorgeous. I always assumed you weren't interested in me, or just wanted a friend. Honestly, I sort of thought you were gay with the comments you make about the women you work on in your shop. You're always talking about perky tits and firm asses and stuff like that," I said.

"I'm Bi," she clarified. "And I work with people's bodies all day. I know what's hot and what's not for me, and Harri, you've fucking revved my engine since that first weekend Leo introduced us. I just want to rub my body all over-"

"Erica!" Leo interrupted her.

"Sorry, sorry, too much," she said. "I told you, this fucking vaccine is damn distracting right now. I need some relief here."

"I'll do it," I said. "I just- this feels like the drug or whatever talking, Erica. Are you absolutely su-"

She was on me, straddling my lap and pressing her mouth to mine. Erica grabbed my head in her hands as she started forcefully making out with me, muttering 'Thank you' over and over into my lips. Her tongue pushed against mine, and then she grabbed my hands with hers and pulled them around to grab her ass. It was wonderfully firm, with a good amount of muscle that kept it looking full even if it wasn't particularly plump.

"At least go get a room," Leo growled loudly.

I pushed Erica back far enough that we could look each other in the eyes. Hers were bright, lucid, and silently pleading with me in a way that made her seem smaller and more vulnerable than the tough chick I'd come to know.

"Let's go upstairs," I said to her.

"I didn't meanliterally get a room, right now," Leo said. "We need to talk this over! You made me a promise, Erica."

"Shut up, Leo," Erica said. "I'll make it up to you, this isn't the end of the world. Probably. I think." She grabbed my hand, scrambled out of my lap and started pulling me up out of my chair.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?" Leo asked. "How am I getting vaccinated?"

"Whenever they find someone who actually wants to fuck you, dorkus," Erica told her brother.

"That lady agent said she'd be back in a few hours with your 'partner,'" I told him as I passed by, still getting pulled by Erica towards the stairs. "I didn't know what she meant at the time, but I guess-?"

"Is she hot?" Leo asked me. I was already getting pulled up the stairs.

"How am I supposed to know?" I yelled down to him.


It's funny how energy can rise and fall at the drop of a hat. Erica pulled me into the guest bedroom she'd been using as her bedroom, slammed the door shut and turned to me - and stopped.

She bit her lip, one leg bouncing at the knee as she shifted her weight.

"Second thoughts?" I asked.

"No, no," Erica said, shaking her head. "Definitely not. God, fuck, no. I didn't want to get into it in front of Leo like that, but you're also just being soyou that I feel like I need to explain myself more."

"So tell me," I said, sitting down on the bed.

Erica started pacing again but stopped after one back-and-forth. "OK, look. What I said down there is true. I would have asked you out years ago, after that first time we met at Burlson's when Leo brought you around."

"The pub around the corner from your shop? That wasn't the first time we met," I said.

"I know," she replied. "That was when you were moving into Leo's apartment. We passed each other in the building lobby and I saw you glance at my tits. I thought you were just another fuckboy asshole."

"Wait, I don't remember that," I said. "Why didn't you ever tell me that happened? I thought the first time was when you gave Leo the fish tattoo on his side."

"That's the first time we actually spoke," Erica said. "And you had an uphill fucking battle to try and change my mind about my first impression of you. You only made it far enough that I didn't bitch about Leo bringing you to the pub a couple nights later.That was when I got to actually focus on talking to you instead of chatting while I was at work. I also remember being super fucking pissed at Leo that night, because I asked him if I could go back on our deal from high school and hook up with you, and he said no."

"OK, whoa - we could have been having sex forseven years and you held to an agreement you made in high school? What was this fucking thing, a treaty ratified by the Pope?"

Erica snorted a laugh and ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. "No, it was stupid. And honestly, looking back, we probably would have had a lot better of a time if he and I had agreed on the opposite. But Leo was a jock, and I was a scene girl, and we made an agreement that we didn't want each other messing with our friend groups. So no dating, no crushing, no nothing if the other twin claimed them first. We wanted to guard what we had, instead of helping each other out."

I huffed a soft laugh. "Sounds like teenage bullshit to me."

"Yeah, well, I'll just claim twin loyalty, OK?" Erica said. "But that's not the really fucked up thing about this. When you invited me down from the city to stay with you guys, Leo and I had a separate talk. Harrison, my brother fucking loves you. Not like in a sexual way, but you're the best friend he's ever had. Period. No doubt about it. And he may not have ever said it to you but he was really worried that I would screw up the dynamic you guys have - and now here I am doing it." Erica squeezed her eyes shut and tilted her face to the ceiling. "Shit, maybe this was a bad idea after all. Fuck, he's never going to forgive me, I-"

"Hey, hey," I said, standing and pulling her into a hug. Erica was a tall woman, easily 5'9 or a bit more, but I still towered over her with my 6'6". She clung to the sides of my shirt instead of hugging back, but buried her face into my chest. "I didn't know any of this, E. But we're all adults, we can handle this better than making promises we don't want to keep."

"I know," she mumbled into my shirt, and slowly let go of my sides and slid her arms around until she was hugging me back.

"You should know that I would have asked you out in a second if I thought you were interested," I said. "I'm still not exactly comfortable with the big picture on all of this, but this right here? I willdefinitely take this silver lining."

"God, you make me so hot, Harrison," Erica said, and she looked up into my eyes.

I kissed her as we held each other. Her considerable chest was pressing against my sternum, and as she shifted her arms up to wrap them around my neck and pull me closer to her, I lowered mine until I hooked my fingers into the belt loops of her jeans.

We held that for a while, eyes closed and enjoying the feeling like we were teenagers again.God, we're both over thirty, I laughed in my head.We should be a lot better at this by now.

"I want you," Erica said once our lips finally separated. "Really."

I stared down into her face from closer than I ever had before today. Life and stress showed just a touch of wear on her - even in the last seven years I'd known Erica, she'd developed the soft start of crow's feet at the corners of her eyes. She didn't have that bouncy sheen of youth that teens and twenty-somethings seemed to exude. Erica was all woman, full figured and usually so wonderfully sure of herself. I kissed her on the forehead and took her hands in mine, then sat back on the bed.

"I want you, too," I said. "If we're going to do this though, I want you to tell me what you want."

"I just told you-" Erica said, a little confused.

"No, I mean like... kinks or whatever. That questionnaire threw me for a bit of a loop, but if we 'matched' or whatever they're calling it, I want to know what youwant."

Erica took a breath and then bit her lower lip as she furrowed her brow and looked at me. She started to speak once, then hesitated. She ended up stepping forward and straddling my waist, pressing her body against me as she sat with her legs outside of mine, knees on the bed. One firm, but short, kiss later and she was ready to talk. "I want someone who can love me," she said, "but fucks me like they don't. Don't treat me like I'm going to break, don't be shy about your own wants, and for fuck's sake just ask before you try to stick something in my ass."

I snorted and chuckled. "Noted," I said. I kissed her back now, firm and short. "Anything else? Anything more specific?"

"Right now?" she asked. "Right now my panties are fucking soaked from constantly thinking about crawling all over you ever since I got my shot. I want to be yours in a way I've never felt before, and I think that is the vaccine talking even if I agree with it. I'm so horny I want to do anything you want, Harri. I want you to fucking take me, make me yours. I know you've wanted me." She was panting lightly now, getting that hungry look in her eye. I could feel her breath on the tip of my nose, she was so close. "God, Harri. Do you know what I've been imagining? For two months, I've been daydreaming what it would be like to come out of the shower and stop at your door in just a towel, then pretend to accidentally let it drop. And you finally see my tits, and you're just overwhelmed and you take me. Will you do that, Harri? If I show you my tits will you lose control?"

"I'm already about to lose my mind, E," I said.

"Good," she said. She grabbed the bottom of her sweater and started pulling it over her head, and in one swift move and no delay, all at once, she was topless. She hadn't been wearing anything underneath, no undershirt or bra, and her big pale tits burst out from the bottom of the rising sweater. They were large, maybe even more than I had expected, weighty and wobbling delightfully with every move she made. Her areolas were pale pink, slightly oval from top to bottom, and her nipples were hard and stubby little nubs.

"Oh, gawd," I groaned, releasing her waist and running my hands up her bare sides until I was cupping each heavy breast from underneath. "You're amazing. They're amazing." I leaned forward and kissed her, palming both tits from below and slowly massaging them.

"Mmm, Harri," Erica groaned my name as I broke the kiss and lowered my lips, kissing down her neck to her chest, then lower into her cleavage. She arched her back and thrust out her chest to meet me, and I spent a long moment just tasting her before pushing lower. Her skin was warm and I wrapped my arms around her bare back, pressing my hands flat against her skin and pulling her in as my lips finally found the lower curve of her breast. Erica moaned again, this time into my ear, as I got my lips around one of her areolas and tongued her nipple. Her hair was falling around both of us, dancing against my ears.

I swapped breasts, and she ran her fingers through my hair with one hand while the other dug down between us and began pawing at my waist, trying to find the button and fly for my jeans. I slid one of my own hands down her smooth back and into the back of her jeans, palming her ass through the thin, lacey panties I could feel she was wearing.

"Take me," Erica whispered. "God, Harri. I'm yours. Just take me."

I released her breast from my lips and raised them, meeting her in a kiss that lasted for a while. She gave up on my zipper and began pulling at my shirt. Our kiss stopped just long enough for her to pull my shirt over my head, and then we were back together again, this time her bare chest pressed against mine, sharing warmth back and forth.

Wanting to go further, and feeling the strain of pressure in my pants as my hardon was trapped, I rolled us over on the bed so she was under me, her back to the sheets. I kissed the end of her nose, then her lips again, then down to her chin, then her upper chest. As I worked my way down her body, I got the button of her jeans undone, and as my lips reached the valley between her breasts again and kissed the inner sides of those hills she watched me with dreamy eyes. I unzipped her pants.

Sliding to kneel on the floor in front of her, between her legs as she lay half on the bed, I kissed down the soft swell of her stomach, flicked my tongue around her belly button, and then travelled lower. She raised her hips, letting me slowly pull her tight jeans from her waist and down over her ass. Her panties came partway down her hips as well to reveal a fuzzy patch of light brown hair trimmed neatly into a teardrop, and just a few dots where I could tell there was some light razor burn from her shaving recently.

"I had to rush-" Erica started, but I cut her off by burying my face into her muff. "Oh! Fuck, Harri. Fuck, usually I'm waxed smooth. I'm usually so much more tidy down there."

"It's fine," I said, pulling away. She'd been right before, she was absolutely sodden and some of it had gotten up into her pubic hair. I'd gotten a lungful of her scent, horny as hell. "It's perfect. I'm just lucky to-"

Now it was her turn to cut me off. "No! Don't you fucking finish that sentence," Erica said. She sat up and took my head in her hands. "Harri, I'm lucky, not you. God, you still don't get it. You're a fuckingcatch, Harri. You're tall, dark and handsome, you've got a heart of god damned gold, a body like a champion boxer, andfuck, if what I felt in your pants is real then I'm going to hate myself for not doing this years ago." She hungrily kissed me before I could respond, and I knew she could taste herself on my lips. She practically growled in heat before separating. "Not to mention all your other great qualities. So don't you play fucking shy with me, don't try and be less than you are when you're in my bed. Humility isn't sexy in here, got it?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said, raising my hands from her thighs in surrender.

"Now get naked so I can see that Monster can in your pants," she said.

We both scrambled to strip the rest of our clothes off. It took me less time than her despite her head start since she had to peel the tight jeans off of her lower legs. I helped in the end, kissing down her thighs and legs. I snorted as we finally got her pants off and she thrust her panties down her hips. They actually wentsplat against the hardwood of the floor. Before she could say anything I rose up and kissed her, slowly pushing her back to lay on the bed again. I palmed both of her big tits and she groped blindly until she wrapped a hand around my dick. She squeezed lightly, feeling around it, and I pulled in a breath through my nose as her fingers danced around my head.

"Fuck, it's real," she whispered as our kiss parted. "God, you're going to ruin me. I'm going to need some new dildos to keep up."

I rose from her, looking down at her hand- now hands- feeling around my cock. "OK, get real."

"Big enough," Erica said. "More than big enough." She tried to wriggle herself lower on the bed, between my legs, clearly intending to start a blowjob.

"No, no, no," I said, pulling her back up with a hand under each of her armpits. She actually whined like a dog as she furrowed her brow and pouted, making me laugh. "I started something I intend to finish."

With that, I quickly shifted my weight and manoeuvred us both until I was between her spread legs, staring down at her glistening pussy. Her outer lips and puffy vulva were bare, swollen and slick with the arousal that had been plaguing her, and her clit was a hard little beacon asking for attention while her inner labia were slightly spread, begging for penetration.

I kissed her left inner thigh, then got closer and kissed her right inner thigh.

"Harri," she whined.

I kissed her left inner thigh again, right in the crook of her leg.


I looked up at her from over her mound and between her tits, which were large enough that when she lay on her back they fell heavily off to the side.

"Yes?" I asked with a smirk.

"Harri, please?" she asked.

"As you wish," I said, quoting one of our shared favourite movies. Then I stuck out my tongue like a flat paddle and gave her a long, firm swipe up one lip, probed against her clit, and then down the other lip before diving in fully.


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