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Quaranteam - North West Ch. 01-04


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He rolled his eyes, but I could see the smirk growing.

"Brothers, Leo. Even better than best friends. Better than best friend roommates!"

"Fine, fine," Leo sighed. "OK, there's an upside. Just don't expect me to just... be OK with you two getting frisky everywhere or something. You can be happy or whatever, just not right in my face, alright?"

The sound of a car pulling up outside on the newly-widened gravel driveway crackled through the house. I stood up and headed for the door.

"What was the other thing?" Leo asked me. "Something about Erica being upstairs?"

"Yeah, yeah," I said, slipping on my sneakers. "She's in my room right now, kinda sleeping but not? This whole Vaccine thing has more to it, dude. Let me figure out what this is first."

He grunted, giving me a questioning eyebrow raise and turned back to the kitchen to refill his water.

Outside I found the same blacked-out, now dust-covered, town car that had dropped off Erica. The door opened and I blinked hard as a woman I could only describe as a cross between an elf and an angel stepped out of the back seat. She had long, wavy brunette hair and a face that I could only guess had matched up with Helen of Troy, with soft, full lips and wide eyes with a playful spark. She was wearing a simple, baggy white t-shirt that looked like it belonged to a guy my size, and with her slight frame she was practically swimming in it but somehow she made it look like a diaphanous dress. I couldn't even tell if she had anything else underneath it since the t-shirt came down low on her bare thighs.

"Hey there," she said, grabbing what looked like a solid camper's backpack from inside the car and walking over to me. When she got closer she only somehow got more beautiful, but I also saw... something. That look in her eye. The way her lips were slightly parted, and she was breathing a little more shallow. "You're Leo?" she asked. She had an accent, but I couldn't place it.

"No. Harrison. Leo's inside," I said.

She eye fucked me for a moment, took in a breath and breathed it out through pursed lips, then headed past me into the house without another word.

"God damn," I said.

"Yeah, she's running a little hot," Agent Sourpuss said. She'd gotten out of the driver's seat of the car and came around. "Got the shot at the same time as Miss Lacosta, but it turned out the guy she was originally going to be paired with got infected sometime in the past few days. We found him dead in his penthouse when we tried to drop her off."

"Fuck," I said. And not because of the story. The woman had walked up the front steps of the porch, slung her bag onto it and had been stripping off her shirt as she walked into the house. I didn't see anything but bare back and a pair of tight booty shorts painted onto a slim, perky ass, but I was fucking jealous.

"How is Miss Lacosta?" The agent asked. "Did the bonding process work?"

"Um," I said, shaking my head and turning to the woman. "Uh, yeah. If you mean she didn't really tell us much but made it clear she needed sex, and now she's upstairs asleep in my bed muttering 'Imprinting' over and over."

"Good, good," the Agent said. "Working as intended, then."

"No," I said, shaking my head. "Notgood. I said she's muttering 'imprinting' over and over. What the fuck is up with that?"

"Look, Mr Black, it's a long fucking story. And one you're not cleared for," the Agent said. "I'm sure one day you'll read a book about it or something. For now, just get out of my face. Alright?"

"You can't seriously expect people to just go along with this. It sounds like... like-"

"Brainwashing?" The Agent asked. Then snorted and started heading back to her car. "I don't have time to hold your hand through this. Like I said, just do what they say and enjoy your new fucking world. We'll be in touch." She slammed the door, the engine turned over, and she peeled out and drove back down the driveway.

"What the fuck," I said. "What the fuck? What. The fuck?"

I headed back into the house and stopped before kicking off my shoes.

"Oh, fuck yes!" the woman shouted.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," Leo yelled.

They were upstairs. It hadn't been more than two minutes.

I could hear them clearly.


Doesn't have a problem when it's not his sister, I thought, shaking my head.

I went for a walk.


I made dinner an hour later, and Leo managed to come downstairs to eat. He mumbled something about getting struck by lightning, but once he'd gotten some food in him he'd shrugged.

"I dunno, man. She just walked up to me, holding her shirt, and said, 'Take me up to your room and fuck me.' I didn't even get her name. Now she's doing that 'imprinting' thing and it's freaking me out a bit."

"Yeah," I nodded. "Yeah. Erica was doing that too. That lady agent dropped off your girl, didn't want to talk about it, and just said we should do what the ladies tell us."

"Hey, that's all fine with me," Leo said. "She can tell me anything she wants. I mean... Harrison. God damn!"

We called it an early night and I found myself climbing into bed next to Erica. She was still out of it, but at least she wasn't murmuring anymore. It felt weird, and kind of creepy, to try snuggling up next to her. She was still naked under my sheets, and totally out of it.

I ended up putting on an undershirt and gym shorts and managed not to feel like a perv for long enough to fall asleep.


The rumble of trucks woke me up, and I met Leo at the stairs as we headed down. He went to start making coffee while I checked outside. Two big trucks were hauling in a pair of trailers onto what had once been my front lawn and workers in bright fluorescent vests were directing them as others set up some concrete blocks. The trailers looked like they were the start of whatever construction HQ was going to get set up.

"So it begins," I sighed.

We brought out the coffee - it was an entirely different crew of guys, but they didn't have any new information for us. They appreciated the coffee, but when I went in to make more I realized we were running out quickly. Hopefully one of those trailers was going to be a break room for those guys because they were going to drink my wallet dry if it was on me to feed their caffeine addictions.

The trailers were quickly set up, and the workers were gone, but a 14-seater van arrived so quickly that I figured they must have passed each other on the driveway. Inside were a solid dozen Surveyors, along with boxes of topographical maps and all sorts of equipment. I couldn't offer them coffee, but they'd come with their own travel mugs. They weren't much for conversation, though they weren't bad men and women - they just had a very large job to do.

"We've done what we can ahead of time with the satellite imaging," the Head Surveyor said to me. "But we've got to plan out the development of this entire area in the most efficient building plan possible. They want houses built and livable ASAP."

And that was where I came in. That promise I'd made to Agents Greerson and Walters had included my help with the surveying. Now it was time to give the grand tour.

"I'll head out with them this morning," I told Leo. "I'll start with the front loop trails down to the highway and back. You want to show them the Arrowhead trail after lunch, and I'll take them up the ridge after that?"

"Yeah, works for me," Leo said. "I'll go check on Erica."

"Um... maybe I should do that," I said.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Leo asked.

"No, dude... she's just, uh..." I stammered.

Leo's eyes went wide and he clapped his hand over his ears. "Nananana" he sang, heading back out of the house towards the barn.

I checked in on Erica - still asleep. I hesitated a moment, leaning over her in the bed, but went for it and pressed my lips to her forehead in a soft kiss. She mumbled something, pulling the sheets closer to her, and she smiled.

It almost kicked my adrenaline, and I could hear my heart in my ears as I walked back down the hallway. When I passed Leo's room I realized that his door was cracked open, and I could see a shapely and naked leg and foot sticking out from his own sheets. I was tempted to peek further, but that feeling of creepiness from last night struck me again and I closed the door instead.

I was kicking myself an hour later, deep into the trails with a half dozen surveyors following along and taking notes as I pointed things out and they asked me questions. It was the slowest I think I'd ever walked the trails, and the question kept flaring up in the back of my mind of what I'd missed out on seeing. Leo's girl was living in my head rent-free right alongside Erica, but now Iknew what Erica was like - the mystery of what I hadn't seen was tantalizing fodder for a brain that didn't want to think about the overwhelming weirdness of the whole situation.

We were back to the house around 1pm, and by the time we'd been gone a third trailer had been set up and there were two more of those big passenger vans, along with a couple of pickups, lined up in a makeshift parking lot. I didn't notice any of it, or the people working, and I didn't even answer the last question one of the surveyors was asking me because I was jogging for the house.

Erica was standing there on the porch in low hip-hugging jeans and a tight band t-shirt under one of my unbuttoned flannel shirts. She had a beer in each hand, one opened and half empty, the other cold and sealed.

I could see the emotions play across her face for a moment as I walked up quickly, and she opened her mouth to say something but I didn't want to hear a smart remark or a question. I wrapped my arms around her and I kissed her.

She kissed me back, her arms crossing behind my neck as she pulled me deeper to her. Her tongue and mine met and teased for a long moment, and I revelled in the feeling of her in my arms. Her chest crushed against me, soft and firm, and her belt buckle pressed into my crotch as she melded herself to me.

A whistle, sharp and catcalling, sounded from somewhere behind me and I could feel Erica shift both beer bottles to one hand. I had no doubt she was flashing them the finger with her free hand, and the laughter from the construction workers confirmed it.

Eventually we had to stop, and I held her by the waist as our faces pulled away.

"Well, I guess that answers most of my questions," Erica smirked at me.

"I've got a few of my own, but you're not slapping me so that answers most of mine," I said.

She pursed her lips and brought her beer hand down between us. "Leo said you've had a long morning. Up for a nooner?"

"God yes," I said. "But I've always had a different definition of 'nooner.'"

"What, you think I mean the beer?" Erica asked. "No, baby. I want you t-"

"Ahem," a voice interrupted, and I turned to see who had approached us. "Sorry to interrupt." The girl, and I couldn't call her more than that because she looked like she couldn't have been more than twenty-three despite the tattoo across her neck, was wearing a rough sweater and one of those orange construction vests, along with a dinged-up blue hardhat with about dozen peeling stickers on it and her jeans tucked into her steel-toed work boots. She had some vaguely Latina features, mostly in the lips, but was pale where she wasn't tattooed.

Erica's arm immediately went around my waist, and I lowered mine to hers as we held each other. "No problem," Erica said. "What can we do for you?"

"I'm Vanessa," the girl said. "Are you Harrison Black?"

"Yeah, you found me," I nodded.

"Alright, cool," she said, looking me up and down. Erica's hand at my waist scratched my side playfully, and I lowered my own from her hip down to her ass, slipping my fingers into the back pocket of her jeans and cupping it firmly. "Well," Vanessa continued, "I'm the Foreman for the general labourers on site right now, and we've already gotten a laundry list of our daily jobs done so I need to start getting my guys into the house."

"I'm sorry?" I asked.

Vanessa sighed and then smiled in a knowing sort of way. "No one's talked to you about the day or week plans, have they?"

"Not really," I said. "I've been out with the surveyors all morning."

"Yeah, that sounds about right for this clusterfuck," Vanessa shook her head. "Well, orders are that everything that's currently in this house, and that barn, and anything else on the property that needs to, is hitting those sea cans in the backyard by sundown tomorrow. Demo on this place hits bright and early the next morning and everything not packed up is getting carted the fuck off."

Vanessa, it turned out, was a straight shooter. It just took me a second to wrap my head around everything. Erica took charge while I followed along. I'd figured I had weeks, maybe months, beforedemolition. This wasn't the hurry-up and wait I'd been expecting. This was all hurry, all the time.

Leo went out with the surveyors, and I started answering a million questions for Vanessa while she directed five big, burly guys as they began unloading my house into boxes, and hauling those boxes out to a pair of storage containers that had been brought in on trucks and plopped down near the back of the wide clearing that had been the 'backyard' for generations. Erica, I realized, was helping manage me more than anything else. Keeping me on task, keeping me focused. She helped me reminisce quickly a couple of times, helped me make decisions about what actually needed storing and what could get thrown out.

I was getting a brand new house, fully furnished, courtesy of my contract. Did I really need the shitty TV stand or the ratty couch sitting on the back porch? No. Did I want to keep my grandmother's freestanding jam cupboard? I couldn't picture it anywhere else other than where it was in the house, I'd never even seen a piece of furniture like it in another house before. But it was an heirloom piece. Was I supposed to keep that? Yes, Erica helped me. Yes, keep the heirlooms, even if they seem odd or silly. Just know what's an actual heirloom and what's not.

"You're doing well," she told me, stopping me at the foot of the stairs.

"You're a good boss," I smiled, reaching my free hand around to hug her to me. I was carrying a pair of bedside lamps in the other.

She frowned and shook her head. "I'm not your boss. And I don't want you to think I'm being bossy, and Idefinitely don't want you to start thinking of me as some nagging mother figure."

I laughed and shook my head. "Never. E, you're just a natural manager. Of people, or situations. I needed a minute, not an hour, and you helped me get on track way faster than I would have without you. Plus," I grinned, and let my hand slide up from around her waist to softly take her tit in my hand and squeeze playfully, "Ain't nothing of a 'nagging mother' about you."

She smirked and bit her lip as I squeezed her braless breast a little more firmly. "Well, good," she said, and rubbed the front of my pants. "And thanks for the very weird compliment from my b-" She stopped short, eyes going a little wide.

I chuckled and leaned down to kiss her cheek, then her lips. "You can say it. I'd be happy to."

"I've never saidthat so fast before. It hasn't even been a day," she said.

"Not officially," I countered. "But we've also been living together for a couple of months. And before that we went on casual group dates. We just didn't know it at the time."

She rolled her eyes but her grin was everything to me. "Well, if you put it that way..."

I kissed her again. "God, I want to fuck you," I said.

"Yes, please," she hummed back.

We separated. I watched her walking away, the way her ass moved. The way my shirt hung on her.

An hour or so later we'd gotten a lot of the preliminary stuff cleared up, and after a quick conference with Vanessa, we decided that the big guys on her team were probably going to be most useful getting all of Leo's woodworking equipment safely moved out to the storage containers from the barn. I'd helped Leo move all of those heavier tools into the barn over the past five years and each one was a son of a bitch, and we didn't have any forklifts to make it easier.

The guys hadn't been out of the house for more than fifteen minutes when I was busy taking old pictures off the walls of the living room while Erica was getting to the ones in the front hall.

"Mmm, morning," a warm, honeyed voice said from Erica's direction.

"Uh.... hi," Erica said, her tone of voice a little shocked but with a weird cadence. I turned to see who was in the house and nearly dropped a glass picture frame holding a collage of photos my mother had put together of my sister and I.

The elf/angel girl, Leo's imprint-person, was wandering into the living room and looking around curiously. She was as beautiful as the first time I'd seen her, and I figured she must have taken a minute to touch up her makeup. She had beautiful, pale porcelain skin, and her wavy chestnut brown hair still had a bit of a messy 'just got fucked' look.

She also happened to be completely naked except for a pair of sheer panties that left it very obvious she was shaved to the wood down below. Her tits were so perfect and perky, big enough on her thin frame to lookalmost fake but somehow still natural - either the best boob job ever or the perfect genetic lottery. Her areolas and stubby nipples, puffed and firm in the cool spring air even in the house, were the same soft shade of pink as her lips.

"Hey there," she said, giving me a little smile and a wave. "I think I almost fucked you yesterday, yeah?"

I coughed. "Um, no. Definitely notthat close."

"Hmm," she smiled, looking around the chaos of the house. "Well, maybe not, but I definitely remember wanting to jump your bones. Where can I get some water?"

"Through there," I pointed her towards the kitchen. "Hey, we didn't actually meet. I'm Harrison, Leo's roommate."

"Oh, right," the woman said, then stepped forward and pulled me into a hug. A naked-lady hug. While I was looking over her shoulder at Erica, who was staring from the hallway door with an expression between utter confusion and the kind of stare I could only imagine a 13-year-old boy would have when looking at this same sight.

I made a 'what am I supposed to do?' face at Erica, and slowly hugged the naked woman back with one arm, trying not to think about those perfect tits pressing into my side and chest.

"I'm Danielle," the woman said. I was struck again by that strange accent that I couldn't place, elongating some of the vowels and with just a touch of different intonation. "I got told all about you and Leo by that government lady on the way here. I guess I didn't realize you wouldn't have gotten the full story."

"Yeah, no. She isn't really one of our biggest fans," I said. Danielle stepped back from the hug, with a warm smile. "This is Erica, Leo's twin sister and my, ah-"

"Girlfriend," Erica said, stepping forward. She opened her arms and Danielle happily stepped in for a hug with Erica as well. Erica looked at me over Danielle's shoulder and mouthed, 'Oh my God!' "And vaccine partner."

"Oh, god," Danielle said, leaning away. "Fuck, I wasn't eventhinking about that. Are we supposed to still be careful? We're all vaccinated, right?"

"Very vaccinated," Erica said, then looked at me again and smirked. "Very, very vaccinated."

"You too, huh?" Danielle asked. "Those orgasms-"

"Out of this fucking world," Erica nodded.

"Let me get you that water," I said. I left the two in the living room and went to the kitchen, taking a moment to adjust my dick in my pants before fetching a cup. Erica was attractive as all hell, and while I might not have beenin love with her yet, I knew I was going to get there and fast. The physical and the personality just synced with us like that. But this girl.Woof. She was that unattainable attractive tier that you saw in movies, or on Instagram.

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