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Quarantined Flight


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Lunch arrived and Heather moved to her chair long enough for us both to eat. After that, she was back in my lap. We were sitting, chatting quietly, when someone nearby coughed. The sound was raspy and harsh. Heather looked at me and I grimaced.

After dinner, Mary returned. She was examining us when we heard the person cough again.

"If you want my advice," Mary whispered, "do not socialize with other groups."

"Thanks," I said. "How are you doing?"

"I'm tired," she said. "I called my mom last night. That was a mistake."

Heather nodded and said, "Hang in there."

"I may be by, later, for that mimosa," the medical worker said, grinning at us through the clear plastic face-shield, before moving on.

After that, Heather and I just sat. I held her. She began timing the intervals between the coughs of the person we continued to hear. I told her to stop it. She asked me what else she was supposed to do. I pulled her temple to my lips, closed my eyes, and began to softly sing a lullaby to her. It was one that our mother always sang to us when we weren't feeling well and she had to come to our room in the middle of the night.

Heather pressed her cheek to my chest and hugged me tightly. I could feel wetness spreading across my shirt and I knew that she was crying. I held her and sang to her. Soon she was snoring quietly. I winced each time I heard the person nearby cough but I held still, unwilling to move and wake my sister.


Morning came and I was still sitting in my chair. My legs hurt and I needed to work out some stiffness but I didn't move more than required until Heather woke up. She looked up, into my eyes, pulled my face down towards hers, and pressed her lips to mine. I waited for her to end the lip-lock but she wouldn't let me go until I returned her kiss. When I finally did, she sighed, laid her head back against me, and quieted once more.

I let her continue, sitting silently like that for several more minutes, before I said, "I really have to pee."

"Is the bathroom safe?" she asked.

"I don't know," I said. "I don't see how we have much of a choice."

We avoided other people as much as possible, did our business, scrubbed our hands, and returned to our designated place.

When Mary arrived, she surreptitiously held up five fingers.

"Shit," I whispered.

She nodded.

Heather looked close to tears.

Mary took our vitals - and collected another sample of our blood - and then went on to whatever her next task was.

Over the course of the day, two more people nearby began coughing. There might have been more than that but, if the person's location was in a straight line with somebody we had already heard, we could not differentiate between them.

As I held my sister in my lap, I looked at the faces of those around us. Everyone was beginning to look haunted. I looked at Heather. She didn't look quite as bad as those nearby but I was sure that we both looked haggard.

"I need a shower," she complained, "and I need to cum."

"I think you're out of luck for a while yet," I told her.

"I'm so horny that I'm thinking of raping you while you're asleep," she warned.

"I'm not worried," I told her, chuckling. "You always go to sleep before I do."

"If you wake up tied to your cot," she growled, "don't say I didn't warn you."

I gave her a squeeze and kissed the top of her head. We sat and held each other, trying to block out the sounds of those around us.

We had finished dinner well before Mary returned. Heather and I looked at her.

"None today but I probably won't have enough fingers to hold up tomorrow," she whispered.

She took our vitals and headed off.

The three people nearby coughed simultaneously - the air echoing with the noise like gunfire - and Heather hopped up.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I need you to distract me and a fucking lullaby is not going to cut it," she growled.

My cot was still in the middle of our outdoor living-space. She picked it up and carried it into the tent, calling me to follow her. I hesitantly stood and went to see what she wanted. She zipped the tent door closed and started undressing.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Strip to your underwear and lie, facedown, on your cot," she ordered.

She was down to her bra and panties. What she was wearing wasn't anything lacey - just a sport-bra and boy-shorts. I stripped to my boxer-briefs and lay on the cot.

She dropped her bra and panties onto the cot next to me and immediately sat on my ass - pressing my semi-rigid cock into the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I've been wearing that bra for three days straight now," she said. "My titties need to breathe. Close your eyes if you don't want to see them."

I closed my eyes. She began massaging my shoulders. I was amazed at how good it felt. I was soon moaning. She wasn't that good of a masseuse, it just felt good to have somebody working the kinks out. I still hadn't recovered from sleeping in the chair and holding her all night.

"God, that feels good," I sighed.

"See, jackass," she said. "You should listen to your sister more."

She teased her fingers through my scalp, worked my shoulders, then my ribs, and my waist. My dick hardened when she spun herself around to work on my thighs and the backs of my legs. She turned again and worked from my waist to my scalp again. Involuntary moans occasionally escaped my lips as she pampered my body.

"My turn," she announced, climbing up and swatting me on the ass.

I stood up and couldn't help but run my eyes down over her bare petite, tight little body. Her ratty shoulder-length blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes, her firm B-cup breasts, her cute little inny belly-button, her shaved mons...

I realized I was staring at the space at the top of her slit when she snickered.

"Like it?" she asked seductively.

Her answer came as the front of my underwear spread towards her - like a circus tent being raised.

"Well, now!" she cooed appreciatively.

She lay down on the cot on her stomach.

Once she was settled, she said, "Wedge that fucker between my ass-cheeks and give me a massage at least as good as the one I gave you."

I threw a leg across the cot - and her body - and eased my weight down onto her tight bare ass - which was just as amazing as the rest of her.

In a tone of voice that made my dick even harder, she cooed, "I love how your ball-sack feels, wedged between my ass-cheeks, big brother."

I tried to ignore her words - and tone - and leaned forward to run my fingers through her hair to massage her scalp - as she had done for me. Bending forward made my cock lay across the top of her ass. The head of my stiff prick nudged against her spine.

"Fuck," she growled.

I ignored what her body was doing to mine (and the suggestive words coming out of her mouth) and started the massage. Soon she was moaning. I don't think she meant for it to sound sexy but I couldn't help but become more and more aroused by the sounds that she was making.

"Do my legs," she ordered, when I got to her hips.

I repositioned and worked my fingers from her thighs to her ankles and back - almost to her ass cheeks again.

Her body quivered. When she spoke again, her voice sounded more urgent.

"Do my shoulders again - but you're getting heavy - get on your knees."

I knelt above her - on all fours. Just as I reached for her shoulders, she rolled over, facing me. My eyes immediately went to her perfect little titties. In that moment of distraction, she reached over to her cot, grabbed her sports-bra, lassoed my head with it, tugged me forward, and clenched the garment between her teeth.

I was on my hands and knees, supporting my weight to keep from crushing her but prevented from backing up and standing because she was trapping my head and neck just inches from where she held the other half of her bra locked in place by her mouth.

Somehow, my lithe sibling bent and wriggled her body until her legs were outside of my own. She wrapped her legs around mine, further trapping me in place.

One of her hands reached down to my briefs and tugged the leg hole open wider. Her other hand slipped inside, grasped my rigid cock, and pulled it out through the opening.

"Oh, my!" my sister whispered.

"Heather!" I growled as quietly but as forcefully as I could.

Her left hand took control of my penis. Based on the look on her face and the way she was moving beneath me, she was working the fingers of her right hand across her vulva and into her vagina.

As she stroked her fingers down my cock with her left, she pushed the fingers of her right inside of her sex. As she stroked up on my cock, she slid her fingers back out of her fuck-hole. She continued jacking my cock up and down as she fucked her fingers in and out of her vagina.

A moan slipped from my throat and my eyes shot open wide. Her eyes were filled with lust. Her left hand released my cock, grabbed the bra and pulled it behind her head, and then went behind my neck to pull my lips to hers.

As soon as our lips touched, her hand went back to my cock and she began jacking my prick (and finger-fucking her cunt) faster and faster. I moaned into her mouth as she kissed me and her tongue ventured between my lips.

It had been a while since I had cum. This was way more stimulation than I was used to. My body gave itself over to the pleasure my sibling was delivering. As soon as my sister felt my penis lurch, she inverted her hand and began milking my cock, pulling my seed from my body, onto her belly. She flinched as each molten rope of semen spurted onto her body. She moaned and the fingers that were in her pussy sped up even faster, I could hear the sounds of her vagina sucking at her slippery digits as she pleasured herself.

I had finished cumming - just before her body started trembling. Her left hand went behind my head once more and she kissed me hard as she shoved the fingers of her right hand as far inside of her as she could. Her thighs clenched around my legs and it was all I could do to keep from falling on top of her.

When her orgasm had passed, she unwound the bra from around our necks and I stood up on my knees. I looked down at her sexy little body, covered in my thick, milky spend.

"Does that feel better now?" she whispered naughtily.

Her legs were still wrapped around mine - so I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. She reached up with her left hand and used her forefinger to capture the last drop of semen that was sitting on the slit at the end of my prick. She brought the droplet to her tongue and moaned as she licked it clean. Next, she brought the pussy-slicked fingers of her right hand to her mouth and moaned again as she sucked the fluid from those.

She brought her right hand to her stomach and collected some of my cream. Her left hand took hold of my prick again and she began stroking me as she used her other hand to transport my errant seed to her tongue.

My back hurt from trying not to squish her and my brain was still somewhat comatose from the trauma and stimulation she had foisted on me. And, again, her legs were still preventing me from moving.

"Finger me," she ordered, between bites of cum.

I shook my head no.

She continued stroking my cock.

"Please," she begged, quietly.

Despite my better judgment, I reached down (with my right hand) and slid two fingers inside of her slippery entrance. She started jacking my cock a little faster. I really wasn't sure how the hell I was still hard - other than the fact that my beautiful sister was lying naked between my knees - covered in the jizz that she'd milked from my body.

Like Pavlov's bell, she quickly trained me that - if I fingered her pussy faster - she would stroke my cock faster.

I thought it unlikely that I would be able to cum again, anytime soon, but her hand felt good - so I continued to fuck my fingers into her pussy.

She came again. Her body tensed, her grip on my cock tightened, and her thighs clamped down on my legs. I rapidly slammed my fingers in and out of her vaginal entrance.

Her mouth opened in what looked like it would be a scream and I threw my left hand over her lips and pressed down firmly to keep her from letting everyone inside of the huge building know that she was cumming.

I kept my hand over her mouth (and flogged her pussy mercilessly) until she stopped fighting me. She grabbed my right hand with her own and pulled it away from her sex. Her eyes told me that she'd taken all that she could handle. I removed my hand from her face.

"So good, big brother! Thanks. I needed that!"

Her legs unwrapped from around me and fell open. I looked down at her tight little abused pussy. Her entire vulva was pink from the torment and torture that the two of us had given it.

I couldn't get over how sexy her shaved cunt looked. It looked even better now that it was open and I could see all of her important bits.

"Can I taste you?" I asked, my eyes finally leaving her quim to look at her face.

"I would like that a lot," she whispered, "but be gentle. I'm a little sore for some reason."

She smirked at me and I laughed softly.

I stepped off of the cot, got to my knees at the end of the thing, and pulled her body towards me. I cupped her ass in my hands and set my lips and tongue to work, tasting and teasing all of her. Her fingers twined into my hair and she used that grip to guide my face to where she wanted attention next.

After she had cum again, she whispered, "Kiss me, lover."

I finally noticed that the lights had gone out at some point in the middle of our sex-play. Heather and I got the beds fixed, once more. She ordered me to lay on my back, and then peeled my underwear from my body. Heather laid her naked little form on top of mine, trapping my exhausted prick between our bellies. She laid her head against my chest, and closed her eyes. She was snoring within seconds.


We slept late. Breakfast was sitting on my chair out front and somebody was tapping on the door of our tent.

Heather sat up, saw who it was and ordered her to come inside.

"I can't," Mary whispered.

"I finally got him to finger me last night," Heather told her, "and - if I let him up now - I'll probably never convince him to fuck me. If you want those vitals, you're gonna have to come in here, Beautiful."

Mary began unzipping the door and Heather scooted her cot away from us a little so the woman could sit down.

As Mary dropped on the empty cot and got her equipment out to complete her task, my sister began stroking my cock.

"Heather," I growled.

"Hush," she ordered. "As soon as Mary gets finished with us, I'm riding your prick until I get you to cum inside of me. I'm not taking a chance of dying in this horrid place without knowing what your seed feels like, painting my womb."

I watched Mary's eyes as she completed her assigned duties. She did her job as professionally as usual but she did allow her eyes to roam over my sister's naked body - as well as over my own.

When her eyes fell to what Heather was doing with my cock, my penis twitched in her fingers.

"Oh, you naughty boy," my sister whispered. "Did your dirty cock just twitch when Mary looked at it?"

Mary's eyes shot to my own. I knew there was a look of horror on my face, announcing my guilt. Somehow, her shoulders seemed to relax a little and her eyes moved to my lips.

"He's good with those lips," Heather told her, speeding up her stroking.

Mary's eyes moved back to my cock in my sister's hand.

"Looks like he's ready," Heather announced, raising her body up, lining my sex up with hers, and slowly sliding down onto me.

My hands were covering my face - partially because of embarrassment from what my lewd sibling was doing in front of Mary - and partially to keep my moans limited to the interior of our tent.

"Oh, God," I moaned.

My sister started sliding her body up and down on my aching prick.

"Fuck, sis!" I moaned into my hands.

Mary was watching my cock disappear into my sister's pussy and then reemerge - over and over again. I covered my face again and guiltily enjoyed what my little sister was doing to me. She leaned back, gripping my legs just above my knees, and driving the head of my cock against the front wall of her channel.

"Oh, God, yess," she moaned.

I opened my eyes and saw that Mary's gloved fingers were pinching my sister's stiff right nipple.

"The other, please," she begged. "Ian. I need to go faster. Grab my hips and slam my cunt down onto your beautiful prick."

I uncovered my eyes. Mary was still focused on Heather. I grabbed my sister's hips and began slamming her body - and pussy - down onto my cock.

I was sure the sounds we were making were obvious to those around us but I was past the point of caring. My climax was quickly approaching. My little sister's tight pussy was absolutely wrecking my dick. It didn't matter that she had jerked me off in such a fulfilling way the night before, she was about to get a big load of my cum inside of her - and, if I was cumming inside, I intended to spray it as directly into her womb as I could.

"Sis," I gasped between thrusts, "you on the pill?"

"No," she replied, grunting and moaning as I powered my cock into her. "Mary can be your witness. I want you to cum inside. I would actually be really happy if you managed to knock me up. I love you, Ian."

"Love. You. Too. Cumming!"

Mary's hand moved to rub Heather's tummy in little swirls. I slammed my fuck-prod into my sister's clenching channel twice more and then pulled her tightly down onto my penis and moaned as I began to pump rope after rope of incestuous seed into her. If our child looked like their mother, we were going to have an adorable kid.

"God, you're beautiful, sis," I cooed to her.

"You're just saying that because your naughty cock is still pouring babies into my womb."

"You've always been beautiful," I told her. "I love spending time with you. I had so much fun on the safari and - if I had to be trapped in this horrible situation with anybody on the planet - I'm glad it's you."

Heather dropped down, wrapped her arms around my neck, and kissed the life out of me. I felt Mary's hand slip out from between our bodies. My sister had momentarily pinned it between us when she folded onto my chest.

The medical worker started gathering her things. I looked at her until I caught her eye.

"If she gets pregnant, will you be the godmother?" I asked her.

She hesitated for a moment but then nodded.

"Be safe," I told her.

"Stay inside the tent," she whispered.

I held my palm up. She pressed hers against it. She collected the rest of her things and slipped out of the tent. She returned with our meals. She laid them on the empty cot.

"Thank you," I told her. "Be careful today. We worry about you."

"Thanks," she said, slipping back out of our sex-scented sauna and heading off to her other duties.

My naughty sibling kissed me. She began softly and tenderly but her kisses became stronger and fiercer.

"I have to pee, sis," I told her.

"Stay inside of me a little longer, please," she begged.

Her eyes implored me. I nodded. She laid her head on my chest and hugged me like her life depended on it.

After several minutes, Heather sat up and then stood to her feet. Tendrils of jizz stretched from her pussy to my cock. She giggled. A glob of spunk oozed from her cunt. She caught it with her fingers and brought it to her mouth. My eyes roved over her tight little body.

"Your eyes are being naughty, big brother," Heather told me. "It could almost make me worried that you might be thinking about shoving your dirty cock inside of my innocent little cunt."

"I've gotta admit," I told her, "I've thought about it a time or two."

"Before last night?" she asked, suddenly curious.

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