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Quenching Desire Ch. 02

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Adammair's desire to see Coral again consumes him.
2.4k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/28/2022
Created 08/05/2006
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Authors Note: At the time I wrote Quenching Desire I didn't know there would be more to the story of Adammair and Coral, so I did not label the first installment Ch. 01. After I wrote the story, I decided perhaps Adammair needed to be tamed by a woman ...

She was on his mind constantly.

Since Adammair left Coral's bed the night of her 30th birthday, she had become part of every his waking thought. He had spent only an hour with her, but what an impression she had made!

He strolled along the banks of the river Barrow, and glanced up at the picturesque sky. Coral's eyes were an amazing shade of blue, not so dark as his own. He thought of her jet black hair, its smooth, silky texture, and how he loved the feel of it sliding through his fingers. She was by far the most beautiful mortal he had ever been with.

Eyeing a gentle slope on the river bank, Adammair sat down and watched the water swirl over large boulders and fallen tree branches. This was the most peaceful place he knew, this river bank in Ireland, and when he needed to sort out his mind this was the place he chose to visit.

Leaning back, he rested his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. He conjured up an image of Coral, how sexy she looked lying on her back the night he had come to her bedroom. Her large, full breasts fell slightly to the side of her chest, her soft pink nipples finished them like a cherry on a sundae. Her hair was strewn across the pillow, a bit wild and mussed. Her slim waist led to voluptuous hips, and her female folds were shaped perfectly. He loved those feminine lips, the way they became swollen and full as she had become more excited by him.

It wasn't long before Adammair's body was responding to his thoughts of Coral Brennan. His trousers which laced at the crotch were bulging suggestively, and he wished desperately that she were there at the river with him to make love while the sun shone down upon them and the birds chirped from the trees nearby. He considered relieving his angst by his own hand, but instead chose to visit his dear friend Achtland.

With a thought he crossed realms, as all Gods and Goddesses can do, and made his presence known to Achtland. She was delighted to see him and invited him into her boudoir.

"My handsome angel," she said to him smiling a genuine smile, "I've been thinking of you."

"Lovely Achtland," he replied, "I've been thinking of you too."

She moved gracefully to him and brushed his cheek with a soft kiss, and felt his hard on as he pressed her for a hug as well. "Ahh, I feel how you have been thinking of me," she said to him grinning impishly.

Adammair dared not tell her the hard on he was sporting was for Coral. He smiled his sexiest smile. "How is the most beautiful of the Goddesses this fine day?"

"I'm well, my dear," she said most sincerely. Achtland was every bit the equal to Adammair when it came to sexual prowess. She was all about sex, and like Adammair, nearly insatiable. Once in a while they took solace in each other, talking for hours as old friends do, then making love to consummate their friendship. There were no feelings of love between them as humans know love, just an admiration for one another, and the knowledge that they could please each other as virtually no one else in any realm was able to do.

"The last time you sought me out you had just visited a mortal," Achtland said to him as she moved from his arms to a large, soft chair near an open window. "You sounded quite smitten with her."

Adammair sighed. Achtland was toying with him. His hard on was dissipating as she kept making small talk. He decided some chat would do them no harm and sat down in a chair across from her. "I will not lie," he replied to her honestly. "I have thought about her often since I left her bed."

"Tell me more," Achtland replied.

"I dream of her," Adammair said. "I feel her touch on my skin and taste her on my lips when I close my eyes. I hear her voice whispering to me on the wind and I see her eyes in the blue of the sky." He shook his head and put his face in his hands. "I only spent an hour with her Achtland, how it is that I am consumed with her? I've known many mortal women, more than I can count or remember, why has she bewitched me?"

Achtland looked seriously at Adammair. "Have you been with other women since that night with her? Besides me I mean. Has your desire for sex been as it has always been?"

He considered her question. "Yes," he said, "I have been with others. But now that I think on it the frequency has been less than usual. I think of Coral and often I just pleasure myself with her on my mind." He appreciated the openness with which he could speak to Achtland. There was never judgment, just discussion.

Achtland smiled at this. "But today," she said coyly and intuitively, "you came to visit me while you were thinking of her. Is your hand tired?"

Adammair laughed out loud. "Woman, you can be a most sarcastic bitch!"

She laughed back at him and let her eye contact linger. He was a male beauty unparalleled in all of the centuries she had roamed the realms. His hair was a handsome chestnut brown with streaks the color of copper hidden here and there. His braids were always neatly plaited and away from his face, showing his jaw line to its best advantage. His aquiline nose led the eye to his sensuous lips, and his skin was the shade of tanned leather. He absolutely oozed masculinity.

Adammair stared back at Achtland. Her eyes were a mesmerizing amber hue, gold with little flecks of brown strewn about. Her hair was the color of a wheat field, and hung in soft curly tresses down to her waist. She was grace itself, every gesture made with ease and poise. Her skin was flawless, not a blemish or freckle or birthmark to be found. When she smiled her teeth were as white as the brightest star in an evening sky and her lips were red like the poppy fields he'd known as a boy. He felt the tingle of his hard on returning.

"Do to me what you came here to do," she encouraged him.

Adammair left his seat and kneeled before her. He gently caressed her face and let his lips rest upon hers. The heat between them was palpable. Soft, gentle kisses became fevered, passionate tongue dancing. He lifted her from her chair, never breaking their kiss, and carried her to her ornately decorated bed. She sank into the down coverlet as she came to rest beneath him.

His hands began to make their way over her smooth curves. She lifted her hips as he tugged at her tunic, and he slid it the rest of the way over her head, depositing the garment on the floor. She was perfection. Her breasts were firm and dotted with nipples that tasted like sugar. Adammair made his way down her belly with his tongue, feeling her move underneath him. Her skin smelled of lightly scented oils, a fragrance he followed to the neatly trimmed triangle of hair decorating her lovely mound.

"Please lick me," she cooed to him. She placed a hand in his hair and entwined one of his long braids in her fingers. She tugged gently to guide him to her secret place.

Adammair placed his large hands on her milky thighs and opened her legs so he could taste her wetness. She glistened with excitement for him, and as his tongue began to explore her he swore she tasted like honey. He began with long, soothing strokes, teasing her ass ring gently for good measure. From her ass he moved in one long stroke to her waiting clitoris, which had become quite swollen and easy to locate. He sucked on her pearl, feeling her hips begin to grind into his mouth. How he loved that reaction from her!

He placed his hands under her round ass cheeks and lifted her to his mouth, burying his face into her magnificent pussy. He plunged a finger into her dripping hole and heard her gasp with delight. He fucked her with his hands just as he would with his cock. He knew she was close to climax.

"Fuck me now my angel," he heard her say. "Fuck my pussy like you fucked Corals."

Just hearing her name set Adammair awash with emotion. He saw Coral's lovely face flash in his mind, and suddenly he was consumed with a lust that was not just for sex. It was for possession.

With stealthy speed Adammair flipped Achtland over onto her belly. He saw before him only the dark locks of Coral's hair, the lovely heart shape of the ass he remembered from that night so many months before. He grabbed the hips that were so near to him and pressed the head of his large cock to the wet, smooth opening. He pushed inside of her only his head, teasing her mercilessly. She insisted on pushing back into him to feel his entire member make its way home, but he denied her each time.

In his mind, Achtland had ceased to exist.

"Is this how you like it lass?" he said in between breaths. He was on a razors edge only stroking her with his sensitive head, but his Coral deserved to be teased and played with. He would not rush their time together. Licking his thumb he coated it heavily with his saliva. He made his way to the little hole staring up at him and slid it in slowly. Her ass enveloped his digit, pulling it back in each time he stroked out.

Losing his battle with control, he turned onto his back and brought her with him, moving her to sit on his firm organ. He slid back into her warmth, and she began a slow, sexy ride that made him harder than he knew he could be. Watching her face, her pert breasts, and her hips gyrate was a feast for the eyes. She rode him expertly, moving back and forth as well as up and down. He was buried inside of her.

Achtland cried out as she began to orgasm. Adammair pulled her tight to him and began to increase the speed of his thrusts. Still he saw only Coral before him, most pleased with the intensity of her climax. He knew he was fucking her very hard and asked her lovingly if he was hurting her.

"No my angel," he heard her voice reply, "You're perfection. Cum for me."

Adammair let all things fade from his mind and felt only the intense pleasure of the tightening in his balls and the sweet flutter in his stomach. His sack was tight against the base of his cock, his hands dug in to Achtlands hips pulling her down onto him.

The gush left his cock with a velocity and intensity that surprised him. He pumped his liquid into her, relishing each contraction that felt like heaven. For what seemed an eternity he came inside of her. Slowly his climax waned, and he pulled himself from the warm, tight hole. He collapsed onto the coverlet next to Achtland.

"Oh Adammair," she said to him, "you must see Coral again, and soon."

Drifting back to reality, Adammair opened his eyes and looked at Achtland.

"Yes," she giggled, "it's me love, not Coral."

"By all the Gods," he responded, "I really saw her before me. You faded away, and became her."

"I'm trying not to be offended, seeing as I am THE Goddess of sex and lust," she teased. "But, really ...part of me was testing you. I have an idea as to why you've been so consumed with thoughts of Coral."

"Oh Lord," Adammair said rolling his eyes, "You and your theories. I am consumed with Coral because I want to fuck her again. It's purely physical. I think I should know. After all, I am THE God of sex and lust."

"Ugh," Achtland snorted with disgust, "you're impossible. Never mind then, be on your way. And just think, only 8 more months until you can visit Corals bed. I'm sure the time will pass quickly."

Achtlands last comment struck a chord with Adammair. Eight months!! He could not keep pleasuring himself or pretending Achtland was Coral to satisfy his lust. He would go crazy with desire long before it was time to see her again. He must think of a way to bend the rule of being allowed only one annual visit with her.

Achtland could see his wheels spinning. "Adammair, seek the council of Danu. She is our ruler, mother to us all. It is only she that can advise you, and perhaps grant the visit to Coral you seek."

Adammair kissed Achtlands forehead as he took his leave of her. "Thank you dear friend," he said to her. "I will consider your advice. As always with you, this has been a most wonderful afternoon."

With a single thought he was again on the banks of the river Barrow, walking in his favorite place where the water caressed lovely natural rock formations. He already felt empty, the pleasure of sex was fading and he was not in the mood to seek the company of friends, or of another woman. At least not any woman that wasn't Coral. He sat, and watched the horizon as the sun began to melt away into sunset. He closed his eyes and wished for sleep.

Slumber came easily in the night air, and he dreamed again the familiar dream of Coral Brennan. Not just dreams of being inside of her soft, fleshy walls, but of being inside of her heart.

As dawn broke Adammair leaned over the river bank and splashed the fresh flowing water onto his face. He stretched, then made his way up the bank to the path that led to the main road nearby. He was going in search of Danu and he hadn't a moment to waste, for each step he took was a step closer to Coral.

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