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Radiance Ch. 24

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Riss finally gets Runs exactly where she wants him.
6.1k words

Part 51 of the 128 part series

Updated 06/08/2024
Created 04/17/2021
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Chapter 24: Road to Zion.

Riss adjusted her position turning herself onto her side and very gently pulling Runs into the gap between herself and the wall, in her chest, her heart was doing backflips and her tongue was popping in and out of her mouth constantly tasting the sweet human pheromones pooling around her beautiful red-skinned human male.

She had waited her whole life for this moment, to find someone who wouldn't just look at her and not see a monster but who would look at her and see a woman that they were not just attracted to but whom they could love unconditionally, finally after all the pain and all the self-doubt and all the rage the moment was upon her, finally she had her beautiful human.

As she gazed at Runs she simply could not get over what a beautiful prize she had won for herself, he was utterly gorgeous as human males went and as a distinct admirer of the human form that was really saying something.

He was slender but incredibly well-toned, his frame had a beautiful sleekness to it, plus she utterly adored how the red tinge to his skin simply helped to highlight the profile of his muscles giving them a beautiful definition that utterly begged her fingers to explore each and every inch of them.

She lifted her head and looked into his utterly handsome face, relishing the defined square jaw, the high cheekbones, the perfect symmetry of his features that all aligned perfectly to make his face just so incredibly aesthetically appealing to her eyes.

His deep, rich, milky brown eyes met hers making her heartbeat even faster as she saw the nervousness but also the determination swimming about in them, this utterly beautiful man was determined to please her, to make her happy, a very first in her life, never before had she had anyone not only willing to put themselves out for her but to make her their priority, to wish to see her happy and joyful, it was an incredible feeling and one that she would fight to hold onto for the rest of her life no matter how long that may be.

"D-Do you wish I's to begin?" Runs whisper and Riss nodded eagerly taking his hand in hers and gently placing it on the side of her face holding it there, the warmth of his skin soaked into her scales and seemed to flow through her like liquid flame travelling down her body to pool in one particular spot.

She gently tasted his wrist with her tongue relishing the salty but also sweet taste of his beautiful red skin, it was a taste that just seemed to explode and sparkle on her tongue lighting up her senses, oh how she wished they could have some delicious privacy together because she would run her tongue over every single inch of this beautiful man, she would taste the whole truth of him like she was writing a book of all the different flavours of him in her mind, but for now, she would relish and revel in his beautiful touch.

"I's has never done this before, please tells I if I's is too rough or is not doing right," he said softly and Riss's heart skipped a beat, he was just so incredibly adorable.

Runs very gently began to run his hands down her body, as his fingers combed very gently through her fur raking gently against her flesh below it, tingles exploded from the area he was currently touching and shooting off ahead of this beautiful fingers down her belly and towards her aching loins.

Runs shifted his position slightly and tickled his way down over her belly making her hiss softly with pleasure as her flesh tingled, oh how she could not wait for his hand to reach its destination, she had to fight to stop herself from grabbing his hand and yanking it down between her thighs and jamming it against her already dripping and burning flesh, but soon enough those exquisite human fingers made it there all on their own.

Riss opened her legs to allow Run's hand to slip right in-between them, she gasped a little louder than she meant to as his fingers glanced the outer edge of her swollen spade-shaped womanhood.

Now Riss had seen the differences between herself and a human female more than once, humans had a simple slit made up of fleshy lips that covered over their entrance, but hers were more like those of a canine which was thanks to her coyote DNA, so hers was kinda shaped like the spade from a deck of cards and the same colour too.

Her womanhood was small enough to hide in the fur under her long tail, well that was until she became aroused then it swelled up as it filled with blood to form a fleshy spade shape which seemed to fold in on itself like a fleshy triangle which hid all her really sensitive parts deep within those fleshy folds to protect them, but that didn't mean that the outside itself wasn't sensitive as Runs discovered much to both of their delights.

As his delightfully nimble fingers brushed the outside they jinked away as she shivered and hissed in delight, this time she did reach out and grab his hand quickly placing it back upon her, "No! Pleassse don't take it away! Pleasssse my human! Touch me!" she hissed desperately.

Runs looked up at her in surprise but when he saw the look in her eye he smiled and nodded very gently letting his hand move to cup her whole womanhood in his large palm and gently squeezing it sending an explosion of tingles shooting right up through her whole body.

He very gently began to use those delightful fingers of his to caress and rub the hot swollen canine feminine flesh all over the outside which was making the inside hotter and slicker by the second as her arousal grew, as Runs fingers came into contact with her emanations his fingers began to glide over her hot flesh making her squirm in delight oh how she could not wait to take his whole self within her, to truly become one with this handsome male of hers.

"Pleassssse Runssss touch me within" she hissed softly in his ear as she gently planted little sucking kisses on his neck and jaw to encourage him and just because she adored tasting him.

He did exactly as he was asked and she began to feel those incredible fingers tickling the inner edges of her folds, peeling back the flesh to get to her hidden treasures within, that's when she got the most delightful shock of her life, Runs slipped his finger right up inside her.

She didn't know if it was on purpose or just a delightfully happy accident but one second his finger was squirming between her fleshy folds coating itself in her lubricant the next it had vanished right up through her entrance and into her love canal faster than a startled snake into its burrow.

The sudden intrusion caused Riss's body to instantly clamp down on the beautiful little human invader and grip it tightly, trying to use her powerful internal muscles to draw it in as deep as possible towards her core, to her sheer delight and incredible pleasure the little human digit didn't try to flee from her, instead, it began to make itself at home, squirming around exploring its new home, tickling and caressing her incredibly sensitive walls sending a starburst of electric pleasure running up through her which made her grip his wrist in order to ensure he would not withdraw from her.

Riss had slipped her free arm around Runs so she was holding him against her, now she moved her head down so she could kiss him and as his finger was buried inside her she buried her tongue inside him slipping it between his parted lips and winding it around his own pulling him into the deepest kiss of her life, as she did she felt a second finger join his first spreading her flesh a little further before the pair gently began to move back and forth all while doing a kind of come hither motion within her.

The pleasure was indescribable, Riss had never felt anything like this in her life, it was just so much better than when she did this herself and this beautiful male had absolutely no experience pleasing a woman or a NightStalker but it seemed that he was an absolute natural at both, her hips had a mind of their own now and began to counter pump against his fingers making sure they penetrated as deep as they could possibly go when he began to thrust them into her, this also had the delightful side effect of changing the angle just enough so that they routed out her second hidden treasure from between her folds and it began to scrape along the pads of his fingers.

It was this that finally managed to tip Riss over the edge, the wiggling writhing fingers touching all the hidden sweet spots she never knew she had buried deep within her, the constant motion and finally, her clitoris being dragged along slick, hot, human flesh was just too much for one human loving NightStalker girl to take.

Riss nearly had to shover her entire tongue down Runs's throat to prevent herself from screaming and hissing the place down, but even that couldn't stop her tail from doing a fucking crazy dance behind her looking like a rattlesnake that had sunk its fangs into a live electrical wire.

Her whole body convulsed and twitched as she thrust her whole pelvis against him trying to ensure that his delightful digits remained buried in their new home as her inner walls did their very best to milk seed out of them, squeezing and straining to get even a single drop, in the back of her mind a salacious little voice asked her to imagine what the result would be if it were his manhood within her and not his fingers, right now she would have a womb full of hot, thick human seed sloshing about bathing her eggs and trying desperately to fill her belly with his pups, this thought very nearly sent Riss into a second orgasm all on its own.

When Riss finally came down from the throes of passion she opened her eyes and found Runs looking at her very hopefully, "Was good for you? I's did good?' he asked softly and she beamed at him lighting up his whole face as she nodded.

She leaned in close and nipped his ear gently, "If you are this good with only your fingerssss I cannot wait to experience the resssst of you my beautiful human" she purred in her ear.

"Well, sis it looks like it finally happened," Ven's voice said suddenly making everyone including Riss and Runs turn to look at him as he sat grinning with Gregory in his lap stroking his fingers through his own human love's hair like he was petting an oversized cat.

"What happened?' Visa asked sounding confused.

"Someone out crazy tailed you, from what Runs did to Riss over there that made her tail spaz out like that I think she's just stolen your mantle of the queen of the crazy tails," Ven said before laughing his arse off as Visa snarled at him.

Riss and Runs looked embarrassed for a moment before their eyes met and the pair of them dissolved into fits of giggles as well, that big claw boy really had a way with words sometimes.

Rather than move on the group decided to spend the night in the cave, too many of their members Seven included were too beat to continue, but despite his claw girls protests he decided to pay back his inactivity by making dinner for everyone and to everyone's delight and Visa's obvious pride he turned out to be a rather good cook.

Runs entertained the group as they sat around their fire after both the claws had gone out and come back with a load of huge logs to set up a kind of barricade for the cave entrance which not only acted as a kind of crude camouflage but also as he light break to help hide their cave from the outside, it also acted as a barricade to prevent any unwanted visitors simply strolling into their midst.

He was telling them tales of the tribes of Zion and Riss could hear the obvious pride in his voice whenever the story he was telling included his beloved lost twin, she could also hear the obvious sadness and loss in his voice as well which caused her to tighten her grip around his shoulders as well as that of her long tail around his waist, she wanted him to know in no uncertain terms that he was once again protected and loved by someone and that from now on she would be the one who would carry his trouble and his heart for him, just as he had promised to carry hers for her.

Eventually, everyone decided to get some sleep with Wisp rolling herself over to sit behind the barricade as she switched the sentry bot into low power mode, this would also serve as a nasty surprise for anyone stupid enough to try and creep upon them.

The other pairs spread out as best they could around the cave in order to have some semblance of comfort, though it pretty much wound up the same story in all three corners, non-human sleeping on the floor and protesting human sleeping atop them in a death grip cuddle lest their precious human love be stolen away from them in the middle of the night by other unseen human loving non-humans that all of them seemed convinced lived and hid in every shadow, or at least that's what their body language screamed to their loving humans anyway.

But Riss had a plan for tonight, she was not going to sleep just yet, not until she had paid back the purest joy she had ever experienced in her life to the male she loved in full and she had just the method to do it thanks to her little peep shows on both Visa and Ven.

Once she was sure that all the others were fast asleep she very very gently moved Runs off her onto the blanket on his back, before twisting onto her side again, only this time she bunched up greater to give herself better reach moving slightly atop him as she did.

First, she gently used her tongue to tickle the underside of his chin making him snap awake and before he could cry out in surprise and alarm she planted her lips to his with a lightning cobra kiss, silencing him instantly, the muffled little whimper of surprise pleasure muting inside her mouth but also filling her head.

When they broke he looked at her in utter confusion, she placed a finger to his lips to show him to be quiet and he nodded obviously confused, now she moved full atop him and slowly began to plant-sucking kisses on this throat and his chest making him purr softly, she ran her hands and lips down his chest over his belly relishing every single inch he let her taste.

Slowly and very gently Riss slid a hopeful and excited hand under Runs's lion cloth causing his breath to seize in his chest and his eyes to snap open in surprise to find himself gazing down at Riss cradling his most sacred treasure in both her hands while looking up at him.

"I wisssh to repay the honour you have sssshown me, my human, pleasssse let me do thissss for you" she hissed in a quiet barely audible whisper.

Runs obviously had no idea what she was about to do but a look in his eyes told her that he trusted her and he nodded silently filling her heart with joy, almost as much joy as getting to touch this beautiful human treasure of his for the very first time.

His masculine flesh was utterly heavenly, it nestled in her hands perfectly like it belonged there, in her right hand she very gently caressed and rolled the fleshy sack that contained his beautifully swollen and filled balls making him gasp as she leaned down and planted a tender kiss on each one, this is where her cubs would come from so to her these were two of her most sacred treasures now, things to be utterly cherished just like their owner.

The kisses and the gentle caresses made blood rush to his manhood and to her purest delight it quickly began to swell and balloon in size rising up out of her other hand to fill it and peep out of the top, it was about seven inches long and surprisingly thick, Riss utterly relished the way it throbbed like a second heart in her hand, beating out the rhythm of his life and his love for her to revel in like sweet music, and it was a tune that one day very soon she intended to dance to.

But for now, she was going to have to settle for playing a little flesh flute to make him sing for her, with that little image in her mind Riss extended her long tongue from her mouth and like a little boa constrictor wrapped ut completely around his manhood coiling it up and even managing to pull the little hood of skin that protected his most sensitive parts back before swallowing the whole thing in one swift movement.

Runs had to jam his hand in his mouth and bite down to stop himself from crying out at the sudden explosion of pleasure that having his most sensitive parts scrapped along the roof of Riss's mouth right between her fangs caused.

The taste utterly overwhelmed Riss's senses, the purity and strength of it set such primal feelings off in her head that her whole body began to respond to it on its own, infact she very quickly had to adjust her position so that she was sitting on her tail to stop it breaking out into a happy dance all over again.

Once she'd managed to get her tail under control she continued with her job of pleasuring her beautiful human male, he wanted him to feel every bit as good as he'd made her feel and she was determined to prove that she could be his everything just like he had already become hers.

So just like she'd seen both Visa and Ven do for their humans she began to suck while also using her coiled tongue to pump his manhood and for a moment she began to wonder if she was doing it right, well that was he released an utterly beautiful little whimper of pure pleasure that made her heart sing, she was making her man feel good, for the first time in her life she was giving pleasure to another living being and it felt incredible.

As Riss revelled in both the taste and the feel of Runs's manhood sliding in and out of her mouth not to mention the way it kept twitching and pulsing, the taste was also driving her utterly crazy, a slaty liquid kept leaking from the tip and the very tip of her forked tongue seemed to have turned it into a game of catch the dewdrop by constantly tickling the tip until one leaked out and then diving in to scoop it up letting her relish the incredible taste.

After only a few minutes Runs's manhood suddenly went as hard as iron inside her mouth and Riss realised he was getting close, she could also feel his whole body tensing and twisting against her, she steadied him and intensified her sucking until just as she glanced up and she saw Runs jam the whole side of his fist in his mouth and bite down just as an utter eruption of salty human seed shock right into her mouth coating her tongue, fangs and throat as jet after jet of it exploded from him.

Riss swallowed every drop with pure relish, her tongue pumped every last drop of it from him cleaning him completely, before finally letting his manhood slide out of her mouth with a very soft pop.

"Mmmmm tasssstey" she hissed softly looking up at her utterly confused and addled human, she very gently kissed her way back up his beautiful body till she was face to face with him.

"Did you enjoy that my ssssweet one?" she whispered in his ear softly and Runs nodded wordlessly, it was obvious even to her that he was utterly speechless, "Good because from now on it issss my job to make you feel thissss way every chance I get, becassse you are the one I love and my male will always feel like he issss in heaven with me" she purred softly in his ear.

Slowly she leaned in and kissed him gently and relishing the fact that his tongue dove into her mouth this time and to her pure delight and joy there was zero hesitation or fear in his kiss now.

Slowly she rotated her body pulling her male atop her and placing his head at her shoulder, "Ssssleep now my red sssskinned angel, for tomorrow we take you home" she said before sleep claimed them both.

In the morning both of them had a real spring in their step, Visa had once said to her during a quiet moment that there was truly no feeling on earth like waking up to the one you love after a night of passion and seeing not a single shred of regret in their eyes but just pure love and joy at your simple existence and she had been utterly spot on.


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