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Radiance Ch. 27

Story Info
Ven discovers that being a switch is not so bad at all.
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Part 54 of the 128 part series

Updated 06/08/2024
Created 04/17/2021
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Chapter 27: Topping From the Bottom.

Gregory's heart was utterly pounding the entire time he was cooking dinner, he was trying his hardest to focus while he was cooking but it was seriously hard when Ven was looking like an utter snack and was doing his hardest to distract him by doing things like rolling over on his belly and waving his long luscious tail back and forth, or playing imaginary bongo drums on his scaled rear end.

It became increasingly difficult not to burn the steaks that he was cooking, he had been thinking about making a stew but if his boy was treating him tonight then he was treating his boy to a steak dinner.

Once he finished cooking however he was pleasantly pleased by how the steaks came out and by the way he wolfed them down it appeared that Ven was equally impressed, though to be fair unlike Gregory himself Ven could use his claws to cut and skewer large chunks of the succulently prepared meat while Gregory had to use kinda crude utensils.

Once they were done and were sat in the golden flickering firelight Ven decided he was going to go into full-on seduction mode and holy shit could he be seriously alluring when he wanted to be.

The big claw boy got on his hands and knees and began to crawl towards Gregory making his heart beat faster and faster with every foot he got closer until his huge claw boy was directly in front of him, Ven slowly reached out and gripped the front of Gregory's suit and pulled him forwards, leaning his head down to him as he did.

Ven's lips were incredibly soft and warm as he pressed them to Gregory's, the kiss was deep, powerful, passionate and possessive all in one, his lips were pushed apart and the huge claw's tongue forced its way into his mouth and seized his own in a tight possessive coil.

Gregory's breath caught in his chest as he tasted the sweetness of the meat and the species he'd used to flavour it mingling with Ven's thick saliva that was now coating his tongue and the entire inside of his mouth.

He reached up and wrapped his arms around his big Claw's neck and brought his hands up behind his head stroking them over over the oh so pretty scales before tickling his fingers over his delightfully sensitive horns, relishing as he felt his big claw shiver under his tenderest touch.

"I want my beautiful human, love me, Gregory, please I need it badly" Ven panted softly in a surprisingly vulnerable sounding voice as they parted but what really hit Gregory was the pure want in his voice, oh how it made his very soul sing, the simple thought of being so utterly loved and wanted by another being was a wonderful one, but to be wanted and craved by a being who was not of your own kind was a truly special one.

The thought that like you this being had a special mind that let them look past the simple barrier of species and to embrace the exotic beauty of someone so utterly different from themselves and to revel in it was wondrous, but then to earn the love of such a being like them was nectar even sweeter still and that exactly how Gregory felt right at that moment when he lifted his eyes to meet those of his beautiful needy claw boy, he felt special and it was a feeling that he had utterly lacked his entire life but now thanks to this beautiful male were drowning in the beauty of.

"Then you shall have all I can give you my beautiful boy" he growled softly trying to sound both sultry and powerful to hopefully really get his big claw boy going and by the way, Ven raised himself up and gripped him tightly pulling him against his beautiful solid body.

Normally this would be the point that Gregory would be giving himself to his beautiful claw and entering into that beautiful sweet surrender as he revelled in his beautiful boy's passions, but tonight it would be he who was the one who was bathing his beautiful claw in his passions while his beautiful claw surrendered to him.

Gregory guided Ven's big head down and exposed his neck which he promptly in and began showering kisses upon making his big claw growl softly and by the sound of it hitching it in his chest, "I'm going to make you feel so good my beautiful boy, I'm going to love you the way you deserve to be tonight" he growled softly making Ven shiver again.

Slowly Gregory guided his big claw over to the bedroll and pile of rugs that Ven had set up for them both in the back of the teepee, he guided his big claw down onto the large comfortable pile where the big claw readily knelt down on his front lifting his rear in the air and waving it about trying to tease him but noticeably keeping his tail down and hiding his beautiful treasures from him and teasing him.

Gregory simply couldn't resist but Ven wasn't the only one who knew how to tease and rather than making a beeline right for his offered rear end he moved further up his beautiful claw's body and began showing the back of his head and his beautiful horns with soft gentle kisses making Ven's back arch and that got his tail up.

Slowly trailing kisses down the cleft of his long spine leading his lips with his fingers tickling the strong armoured scales and discovering his boy's little sweet spots where he loved to be touched and even more so, kissed because what felt good with hands upon it always felt better with lips upon it.

Ven gasped and squirmed delightfully under Gregory's attentions which made his heart soar with joy because he utterly ached to make him feel so good and happy, slowly he trailed kisses right down his spine until he reach his beautiful masculine hips which utterly begged for Gregory's hands to slide over them which he did so rather hungrily.

It didn't take his hands long to slide down from his hips but rather than going directly onto his glorious orbs of claw masculinity which Gregory just instinctively knew by the way Ven was waving it at him he was desperate for him to touch, so instead he slid his hands around onto his rock-solid thighs and began stroking in spirals around the glorious trunks of masculine flesh.

The soft gasps and surprising squeaks of pleasure coming from his beautiful man were making Gregory's heart sing, he moved his head in between Ven's thigh's and painfully slowly trailed kisses upwards placing two very slow and deep sucking kisses on his protective flap making Ven growl loudly, Gregory had already decided he was seriously going to tease his beautiful claw to death but when it came down to it he was going to give him everything his big beautiful claw heart was craving, but he was going to seriously make him crave it before the moment before he finally got it came.

So with some gentle stroking and some more aggressive kissing, Gregory teased out Ven's long wiggling manhood which twitched and danced like a purple-pink snake dangling between his legs, Gregory ran his finger down over it making it twitch and dance not to mention making his man gasp which rapidly turned into a strangled growl when those dextrous fingers were replaced with warm soft aggressive lips.

Oh, how Gregory loved both the smell and the tase of Ven's manhood, the powerful masculine pheromones that seemed to hang in a cloud around that beautifully fleshy pillar of masculinity and it seemed to utterly flood his senses, it took all of Gregory's strength to remember his goals let alone stick to them, but those goals didn't stop him from giving Ven a beautiful taste of what he was going to get in the end, so using his tongue to swirl around the tip making it dance and try to find his teasing tongue before with a quick lunge he swallowed it whole.

A powerful shot of pleasure shot right through both of them, through Ven from feeling his manhood bunching up and being packed into Gregory's warm welcoming mouth and through Gregory from having his big claws beautiful organ right in his mouth where it belonged.

Gregory wasted utterly no time in slowly and sensually sucking on the delightful tasting organ, the moans that began to escape his beautiful claw were utter music to Gregory's ears, they got even more intense as Gregory's tongue began t swirl around chasing his super-sensitive tip around his mouth playing a little game of kiss chase/tag in his mouth with each catch delivering a little salty reward in the form of a little dewdrop of Ven's pre-cum as a prize.

As he felt him getting close to his impending orgasm but his panting and his gentle thrusting Gregory knew it was time to take action, circling his fingers around the base of Ven's manhood and he squeezed.

It was not a powerful enough squeeze to in any way cause his beautiful man any form of pain and if he'd even thought for a single moment that it would have done so he'd have never even considered doing it, but Gregory knew what he was doing being a male himself and he knew that this worked on him when he was having some alone time and he wanted it not to end quickly as he was enjoying it longer, much to his delight it worked and it cut Ven's orgasm dead just before it got started making the big claw writhe and squeal like a big girl.

"W-W-What are you doing!!? I-I-I was sooo close!!" Ven exclaimed in a breathless pant looking down between his legs at Gregory who had now extracted his manhood from his mouth and was smiling at him evilly.

"Now now my beautiful man what's the rush? We've got all night to enjoy ourselves, we don't want to rush things now do we?" Gregory replied softly.

"B-B-But....." Ven started but Gregory cut him off with a gentle squeeze to his manhood.

"Do you trust me my lover claw?" he purred softly.

Ven nodded, "You know I do," he said quietly.

"Then trust me now, don't you worry my beautiful man you'll get your rewards for being my big beautiful boy and trust me when I say it's going to be worth your wait," he said and Ven nodded his compliance.

"Good boy, now just relax and enjoy yourself because I know I'm going to" Gregory purred at him making him shiver in want, now the fun was really going to begin because Gregory was going to show this beautiful claw exactly what he'd gotten himself into when he'd fallen in love with him because tonight Gregory was going to make this night the best one of Ven's life.

Slowly and sensually Gregory kissed his way over Ven's hips, making his way onto his long thick and luscious tail which was swaying back and forth like a tree in the breeze above him now, with slow and precise movements Gregory kissed his way up it in a spiral fashion, he could hear his big claw murmuring and purring softly under the barrage of sensual kisses, once he was at the tip he popped the very tip of Ven's long tail into his mouth and sucked on it gently making Ven's tail pulse under his hands and the big Claw fought against his muscles and his instincts to pull it away.

Gregory hugged his tail and began to kiss down it along its underside which made it stiffen up like a ramrod again especially when he found the super-soft scales along the underside of it and finally moved his head towards his delicious target which was patiently waiting for his attentions.

Ven's tail hole was nestled in its little fleshy triangle directly underneath his tail where the cleft of his tail and those glorious scaly orbs of masculine joy met, Gregory already knew what he was going to do to make his claw boy sing for him as well as make his tight looking hole ready for him.

So taking the time to gently place a mixture of kisses and soft bites on both of those glorious orbs Gregory moved towards the centre and with pursed lips planted a tender kiss right on the pulsing hole itself making Ven short circuit at the other end of his body.

Ven made a kind of strangled half growl, half purr half moan noise that was music to his human's ears, he planted another succulent kiss before extending his tongue and beginning to tease it all over the pulsing masculine flesh which only made it pulsate even more like it was trying desperately to kiss him back.

"Ohhhhh ahhhhhh mmmmmm!!!!" Ven growled and Gregory's tongue teased him open slightly, but it wasn't just his tongue that invaded the big claw's body, Gregory had been secretly wetting his forefinger as well and before the big claw knew what was happening Gregory had slipped his curious little digit up and in.

Ven made a deep throaty moan as Gregory began to tease him open even further, that's when he did something Gregory never ever imagined his big strong sexy alpha doing, he began to beg.

"Please my beautiful human, please I can't take this teasing anymore, I need this now, please let me have it, please let me have you, take me my beautiful human" he panted softly looking over his shoulder at him and Gregory noticed something in his eyes that made him stop, he saw a flicker of shame in his big strong claw's beautiful eyes.

"Ask and you shall receive my beautiful claw, I would never deny you" Gregory purred softly planting kisses on Ven's rear and he pulled his finger from his tail hole which seemed rather desperate to hold onto it by the way it was stretching and clamping down, but thanks to the work Gregory's tongue had done it was just too slippery, which was perfect for what was coming next.

Gregory moved back and slowly removed his suit letting Ven see all of him over his shoulder, he was putting on a little show for his beautiful man making sure that he saw all that he was about to receive and when he finally stepped up to him with his throbbing manhood in his hand his claw boy was utterly panting like a thirsty dog.

Gregory's tip was already exposed and gently he used it to tease Ven just a little more by swirling it over his soaking tail hole making him gasp and push his hips back towards him, before slowly and while using Ven's long tail to brace himself he slowly began to push into his big claw boy.

It was like nothing Gregory had ever imagined in his life, he could feel Ven's incredibly soft and powerful insides gripping him and pulling him deeper, hell if he hadn't already been pushing forwards he was pretty sure that Ven's tail hole would have pulled him off his feet and into him all by itself till he was hilted right up deep and his pelvis was pressed flush against his rear and the underside of his tail.

Ven moaned loudly as he felt his human's balls slap gently against him which made Gregory moan too as it send a flurry of tingle up through him, oh how he'd never even dreamed that this could happen, that his big beautiful claw would give him this exquisite prize and gift him the pure joy of his surrender, oh he was going to make this the best night of Ven's life, this was going to be all for his beautiful man.

Gregory held still for a few moments to let his big claw get used to the sensation of having his rear stretched by his human flesh before he slowly began to move, painfully slowly pulling back till it was just his tip inside stretching Ven's flesh before slowly tunnelling its way back into his lover's depths making Ven growl.

"Ohhhh, Gregory! Oh, this feels incredible! I-I never imagined that this would feel this good! Q Oh how I hope it feels like this when I'm inside you! Oh, I hope I make you feel this way because this is wonderful!!" Ven moaned loudly and Gregory's heart soared, he was making his claw boy feel every little bit of what he made him feel every time he'd done this to him, now it was his turn to give back that incredible pleasure to his boy and he was going make him feel every bit of it.

They started off slow but pretty soon passion began to overcome the pair of them and Ven began to push back into his human and Gregory sensing his man's wish to speed up began to match his pace with much stronger and deeper thrusts that tore moans from Ven with every kiss of his flesh to his claws scaly rear end

Infact under this glorious torment, it was a wonder that either of them lasted more than a few minutes but with torturous rhythm control Gregory managed to keep going for a solid quarter of an hour before the sensations finally overcame him, but it wasn't just him they overcame because just as he rammed his full manhood to its hilt inside Ven and began to spay his seed deep into his claw boys bowels Ven roared with pleasure and he had what appeared to be a dry orgasm.

Gregory leaned himself over Ven's broad powerful back while still hilted and began panting hard, "S-S-So was I worth the wait?" he stammered as he saw Ven lift his head from the pillows ahead of him, the big claw turned to look at him and a warm smile crossed his handsome face.

"My love I pray to whatever gods watch over us that gifted you to me that I make you feel like this every time you let me make love to you, that was incredible and trust me this going to be happening a lot more from now own" he panted which made Gregory's heart soar with joy.

He slowly pulled himself from Ven's tail hole with a soft wet and sticky pop before moving around him to stop him laying down flat on his belly, with a gentle movement he made Ven roll over onto his back to lie down and the big Claw looked at him in confusion.

"Trust me, my love, I told you I was going to make this the best night f your life for giving me that gift and I meant it, this night is not over yet, because now it's your turn," he said and that made Ven look even more confused well that was right up until Gregory hopped up onto him and mounted his hips, that's when the realisation of what was about to happen dawned on him.

"Y-Y-You don't have to......." he began but Gregory shushed him with a kiss to the lips before looking up into his eyes.

"I know and that's what makes me want to because you love me in exactly the same way I love you, I don't feel ashamed of offering myself to you Ven because I know you love me the way I love you and I never want to see you feel ashamed of feeling the same as me, you love me and protect me, now I'm going to show you what that's worth because tonight you get the very best of me in every sense of the word," Gregory said, with that, he seized Ven's manhood before it had a chance to retreat into his body and instead plunged it into his own.

Ven let out a startled and surprise squeak of pleasure in the cutest voice Gregory had ever heard him make as he hilted him inside himself, oh God how he loved the feeling of being one with his beautiful exotic man, even now it was so hard to maintain his control as he felt Ven's manhood swirling around inside him like it was trying to map and taste every part of his insides all while stretching him open.

"Y-You like that my man?" Gregory purred softly and a little breathlessly as he opened his eyes as he felt Ven take a gentle but firm hold of his hips.

"I'd say you have no idea but now I think you know I do" he gasped and Gregory grinned broadly.

"Yeah I do and trust me when I say this is how I want it to be between us from now on, you gave me the best gift of my life but it isn't what you think it is, it's your love and your trust, you placed the same faith in me that I place in you every time I offer myself to you and that to me means the whole world, you are my whole world Ven and you've shown me what love really is, its a big handsome scaly boy with a huge heart made out of pure gold and a body made out of solid muscle as well as a soul made out of fire," Gregory said and then to his surprise Ven actually started to cry.

Tears began to stream down his big claw's face and Gregory lunged forwards and wrapped him in the tightest hug of his life, "Shhhh now it's ok my big handsome boy, there need to get upset" he said his voice changing to one of concern.

"I'm not upset my beautiful human, I'm happy, for the first time in my life I can be who I truly am without any kind of shame or worry and you accept me, every part of me and it makes me happier than I have ever known, thank you so much for coming into my life Gregory, you've taken my shattered and confused life and made me whole, I love you with my whole self, not just my whole heart, I will walk at your side for the rest of our lives and every step you take I will echo, I will forever be your shadow, your guardian and you lover," Ven said and that brought tears t Gregory's eyes, no-one had never said words this beautiful to him.


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