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Randy's Unexpected Revenge

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Cindy chooses her boss over her husband Randy to her regret.
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Yes, my wife cheated on me, and yes, she left me for another man. And yes, at first, I was filled with rage and wanted to destroy both of them. But that never happened. Still, I suppose this is a revenge story, but I never intended it to be so.

My name is Randy Clipson, and I'm just an average guy. I'm not a hunk, and most of my life, I was overweight. In high school, that changed because I played football. And it was because of football that I got my nickname, "Chipper." They used to say that if I "chipped" someone, they were going down. When you're six feet three inches tall and weigh two hundred and sixty pounds, you are kind of expected to play football. I was not a great athlete, but I had considerable upper body strength, even in high school, and could push defensive lineman backward.

Playing football really helped me a lot through those four years of school. First of all, I shed most of the fat I had carried around most of my life. Even though I still had a bit of a belly, the muscle I had accumulated more than offset that. Nevertheless, when you've been fat most of your life, you tend to think of yourself as a "fatty." Add to that mindset, I was painfully shy because I had been teased about my weight all through grade and middle school. Now, in high school, I was a football player, and no one made fun of me anymore.

Being on the football team also came with certain privileges. I was no longer a pariah amongst the girls. Don't get me wrong; I didn't attract the cheerleaders, but some girls were more than willing to go out with me. Still, I didn't date very much until my senior year. That was when I met Cindy.

Cindy Crawley had transferred into our school toward the end of my junior year. So, even though she was in my class, I didn't take notice of her until senior year. Cindy had the most beautiful face I had ever seen. However, she was at least thirty to forty pounds overweight. This turned off most of the boys in my class. And I'm not proud to admit it, but I wasn't interested in Cindy at first either. It wasn't until we were paired up in Chemistry that I really got to know her.

Chemistry for me was more than complicated, but not for Cindy, so she helped me a lot. I would go so far as to say that if it wasn't for Cindy, I would have failed Chemistry and probably not gone to college. Also, while we were partners, I learned how friendly and funny she was. I also found out that we had something in common. We had both started school late. Cindy had had a congenital heart defect that one and a half years to correct. I was born at the end of the year and then my parents decided to hold me back a year. That meant that Cindy and I were both nineteen. It took all my courage, but, finally, I decided to ask her out.

I think she was suspicious of my intentions at first. I really couldn't blame her. As bad as my early school years had been, hers had been much worse. She was always the target of cruel pranks and taunting. Still, she reluctantly agreed to go out with me. It was a simple date where I just took her to the movies and then out for an ice cream soda. It was a fun date, but I was too shy to try and kiss her. Instead, I shook her hand and asked if I could call her. I could see she was thrilled.

We went on several dates over the next several weeks. By the third date, I had worked up the courage to give Cindy a kiss on the cheek. Then we progressed to necking with me, making it to first base. The more I saw of Cindy, the more I cared about her.

While my budding romance was lumbering along, the football season was moving in a surprising direction. My high school, Caverton High, had never been much of a football powerhouse. But this season, all the stars seemed to be aligning. Kirk Simmons was our star quarterback, and we had the Bailey twins, Todd and Jason, as our running backs. I was now the left tackle, and I protected Kirk's blindside. I did a reasonably good job in that Kirk was never sacked by anyone coming around my end.

We had lost our first game of the season to Mohawk High, twenty-one to seventeen. Mohawk High had always been a perennial football power. After that game, we ran off seven straight wins and advanced to the regionals. We made it all the way to the State Finals before Towson High put us down twenty-eight to fourteen. However, it wasn't all bad. We ousted Mohawk High in the semi-finals thirty-eight to seven. That was very satisfying.

I'm sorry, I don't get to relive the glory days of high school football very often. I couldn't resist. Anyway, my romance with Cindy continued, and we had advanced to second base. When I would stick my fingers in Cindy, she would become so wet that it ran down her legs. We kept a towel in my car for such occasions. Also, occasionally, Cindy would give me a hand-job. I got so excited, one time, that my squirt hit the ceiling of my car.

When prom season arrived, I immediately asked Cindy to be my date. She squealed with delight and accepted with a big huge. During the four weeks before the prom, Cindy went on a crash diet. She lost about twenty pounds to fit into the prom dress she had purchased.

When I picked her up for the prom, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Even though she was still, what most guys would consider fat, I thought she was gorgeous. Cindy had always had big breasts, but they had never been so noticeable until I saw her in that light blue prom dress. The dress barely contained her breasts as they threatened to spill over the top.

The night was a dream for both of us as we danced with each other the entire evening. When the evening came to a close, I wanted to go parking with Cindy, but she had other ideas. Directing me to a wooded area about thirty miles outside of town, Cindy explained that her uncle had a small cabin he used when he wanted to go hunting.

The cabin was, indeed, small. It only had a tiny kitchen, a couch in front of a television, a bed, and a bathroom. We started on the sofa with our usual fooling around. After about twenty minutes, I had unzipped Cindy's prom dress, and she stepped out of it. I fingered her until she came with a loud climax. I had never seen her shudder like that before.

When I pulled off my pants and pulled out my penis, I expected Cindy would give me a hand-job. However, she shook her head and stood up. Grabbing my hand, Cindy pulled me up. I was confused until she led us over to the bed. Cindy undid her bra and slipped her panties off. She was standing naked in front of me. I was as hard as a rock.

After stripping off my clothes, I fumbled for the rubber I always carried with me. Most of the guys I knew had one with them in case they got "lucky." I had never been that lucky, but apparently tonight I was going to be. I quickly put it on.

I wasn't sure what to do, so I just followed Cindy's lead. We kissed and snuggled with me for a while, and then she asked me to finger her again. After she was climbing to another climax, she grabbed my cock and guided it into her vagina. I cannot adequately describe entering Cindy for the first time. It was as though the heavens opened, and the angels were singing. It felt absolutely fantastic. I pumped for less than thirty seconds before my load exploded into the rubber.

Cindy was a little disappointed that I had cum so quickly, which made me feel a bit inadequate. I told her I was sorry. She just smiled at me and pulled my hand down to her "pussy" to get me to finger fuck her again. This I did with vigor until she came with her body shaking.

My cock was hard again, and I was hoping that Cindy would give me a hand-job. Instead, she slid down and began to suck my penis. Even though my cock was hard, Cindy turned it to granite. I had heard the guys talking about coming in a girl's mouth and how most of them were disgusted by the idea. So, when I was about to blow another load, I started to take it out.

"Don't take it out," she whispered to me. "I want you to cum in my mouth."

I didn't need to be told twice, and after another ten seconds, I let go of one of the most massive streams ever. I expected Cindy to spit it out, but to my surprise, she swallowed it and then licked my dick clean.

Even with our extra-curricular activities, I got Cindy back to her house fifteen minutes before her curfew of two am.

Cindy and I remained close throughout the rest of high school. We had sex whenever we could but always careful to use a rubber. With graduation, I had been offered a partial scholarship to play football for a Division Two school two states over. Cindy opted to attend the local community college. My major was computer science, and hers was phycology.

Since I was going away to school, we discussed what we should do about our relationship. By mutual agreement, we decided to break up. We felt that it wasn't fair to tie the other down. It was the hardest decision I had ever made.

I can't even explain how horrible I felt going off to school and leaving Cindy behind. She told me that if we were meant to be together, we would. I was terrified I was going to lose her. I was hurting so badly when I arrived at Mountain Ridge University, I almost headed straight home. But I couldn't do that. I had made a commitment to the university, and I would honor it. Besides, I really wanted to get a college education.

The only thing that I could think to do was to throw myself into my football practices and my school work. From the time I woke up until I laid my head on my pillow at night, I pushed myself to keep my mind occupied.

My coaches and my teachers were impressed by my work ethic. Even though the coaches advised against it, I took a full load of classes. One thing about being a college football player, they burned the last of my fat off and replaced it with muscle. That combined with all the weight training and I had not only upper body strength but lower body as well.

Since I only had a partial scholarship, my parents had to cover the balance. I knew they were struggling with the cost, but since I was playing football, I couldn't help financially. I had no money to come home, but I called Cindy every week. She seemed as devastated by our split-up as I was.

My first year of college came to an end, and it had been successful from a football and academic standpoint. I had been inserted into the starting lineup by the third game of the season. I was too slow to play tackle, so they moved me inside to play left guard. My added strength allowed me to open holes for our running backs, and we finished the season with an eight and two record. Academically, I ended the year on the Dean's list. My parents were thrilled.

During the summer, Cindy and I picked up where we had left off. I was now head over heels in love with her. Or, at least, that is what I believed at the time. I have gone back and forth as to whether we were indeed in love or just in lust. After much thought, I think, for me anyway, it was love because a small part of me still loves her.

I worked during the summer and took three online courses. I was hellbent to finish college as soon as possible. Cindy and I picked up our sexual activities also. I was exploring her body every way I could, every chance we had.

I finished college in three years and married Cindy right after graduation. We both took jobs with the same multi-national software and electronics company in Virginia, TriOrbit Electronics. I worked in software development, and Cindy worked in Human Resources. After two years, we had saved up enough money to buy a small house and started talking about having a family.

Our first three and a half years of marriage were great except for one thing. We both had put on a tremendous amount of weight. Cindy had ballooned to two hundred and thirty pounds, and I was topping the scales at three hundred and ten pounds. I could carry the extra pounds better than Cindy because of my height. Neither one of us was happy about the excess weight, but neither one of us could stick to any diet. As far as I was concerned, I loved Cindy, no matter what size she was.

After three years of marriage and no kids, we consulted our family doctor. After running a series of tests, he found nothing wrong with either of us but suggested that we lose some weight. He felt that it might help Cindy conceive. So, for the first time in our lives, we went on a strict diet. After six months, Cindy was down fifty pounds. I was only down about twenty-five. But I have to admit that I cheated more than I should.

The loss of weight on Cindy was noticeable. I could see that men were starting to eye her like they had never done before. In addition to the diet, Cindy began going to the gym five days a week. As I watched her transformation, I realized I had to get my act in gear. I started staying strictly on our diet and starting hitting the gym with her. At the end of one year of dieting, Cindy had shed eighty pounds, and I had lost ninety. We were both feeling really good about ourselves, but, sadly, our weight loss was going to bring me a broken heart.

As Cindy continued to lose weight, she began dressing in more and more revealing clothing. At first, I really enjoyed it, but when I started overhearing some of the comments at work, I was not pleased. But I couldn't really say anything because, for her whole life, Cindy had been an ugly duckling. Now she had turned into a beautiful swan.

The real problem for me was when Kirk Simmons was appointed head of Human Resources. He was now a Senior Director of the company. I was just a senior programmer. He was now two levels above me, and he was now Cindy's boss. At first, I didn't think anything of it. Kirk was married to Suzie Looper, who had been a cheerleader in high school. I had seen her at company functions, and she was still quite attractive. I would have hardly noticed her except that my wife asked me to dance with her while she danced with her boss.

I danced with Suzie a couple times at a Christmas party while Kirk danced with Cindy. I have to admit that dancing just apart from her, I got hard. That was no big deal because, still being in my twenties, any pretty girl could elicit the same result. But one thing I was pleasantly surprised about, she was not a stuck-up snob.

"I didn't recognize you or Cindy when Kirk and I arrived," Suzie complimented us. "You guys look fabulous. I always thought Cindy had a beautiful face, but now she's a knockout. You better keep an eye on her."

"Thank you, that's very kind," I said, a little embarrassed. "You guys look fabulous also. Kirk looks the same as he did in high school, and you look even better."

"Thank you, that's really sweet of you," Suzie blushed slightly as the music ended.

Five months before our fourth anniversary, Cindy informed me that she was going back on birth control pills.

"What about having kids?" I objected.

"I've decided that I don't want any right now," she said bluntly.

"Oh, just like that, you've decided," I was angry.

"Look, we'll have kids," she said as she stroked my arm. "I just don't want to get fat again. I want to enjoy being slim for a while."

I should have known that there was a problem right then, but I was clueless. I trusted Cindy completely. Unfortunately, I could trust Kirk as far as I could throw a bus. Unbeknownst to me, Kirk had put on a full-court press to get Cindy. She, of course, was flattered beyond belief that the former football captain of our high school team was pursuing her.

I first became concerned when Cindy began working late and then going, supposedly, out with girlfriends. I was genuinely clueless about these things, but I'm not stupid. When Cindy started coming in later and later, I became suspicious. I didn't want to believe that she was cheating on me, but I couldn't ignore the signs.

I hired a PI company, and inside of a week, they had all the evidence I needed. The had a video of Cindy and Kirk having sex in the office. How they got that, I have no idea. They had pictures of them cuddling at dinner. They had videos of Kirk coming to my house while I was a work. And lastly, they had pictures of them having sex on our living room floor. I knew they took those through the front window of our house.

Remember when I said that I couldn't really describe what it was like having sex with Cindy the first time? Well, I have no words to explain the pain that I felt, finding out that my wife was cheating on me. Not only that, but she was cheating with someone who had been a friend of mine. Granted, Kirk and I were not close, but I had still considered him a friend. It hurt unbelievably.

I still held out hope that once I confronted Cindy, she would come to her senses. I was in love with her, and I thought she was still in love with me. I took the evidence home that night, and after dinner, I told Cindy we needed to talk. She looked at me curiously but sat at the kitchen table to listen.

Cindy immediately turned white and then buried her face in her hands. She started to cry and ran to the bathroom. I went and knocked on the door, but she refused to open it. I waited in the kitchen with a glass of rum. Finally, she came out and sat down at the kitchen table with her head down.

"What do you have to say?" I said coldly.

"I didn't mean for it to happen," she said in a voice just above a whisper.

"Oh, your clothes just happened to fall off, and he accidentally stuck his dick in you?"

"You don't have to be crude," Cindy flared. "If you had paid more attention to me, this wouldn't have happened."

I was taken aback, and for a second I though that maybe I had neglected her but then my anger flared. "Don't try to turn this back on me. I've done nothing wrong. You're the one who is having an affair. You've been caught. What do you have to say for yourself?"

She looked nervously at me but said nothing.

"So, what are we going to do about this?" I was fighting to keep my anger under control. "Do you want to be with Kirk, or do you want to be with me?"

"I love you, Randy, but I love Kirk too," she said and started to cry again.

"Well, you're going to have to choose," I said, almost biting my tongue. "And I want to know by tomorrow what it's going to be. If you want to stay with me, you are never to see Kirk again. You're going to have to quit that job, and we're going to have to go to counseling."

Cindy nodded.

I went into our room and pulled out all of her stuff and threw it in the hall. "You can sleep in the guest room until you make up your mind."

I got home early from work the next day. The truth was that I couldn't concentrate and was less than useless. My stomach had been doing flip-flops all day. At one point during the morning, I thought I was going to lose what little breakfast I had eaten.

About six o'clock, Cindy came in with a very nervous look on her face. I was sitting at the kitchen table as I had the previous night. She slipped into the chair opposite me.

"So, have you made up your mind?" I demanded.

Tears began to run down her cheek. "You know that I love you, Randy, but I just can't give up Kirk. I love him also.

I blew out a long breath to hide that my heart was breaking. "Well, you've made your choice."

Cindy just nodded, which cut me worse than if someone had plunged a knife into me. My brain was about to explode. I was going back and forth at a million miles an hour between killing them both and curling up in the corner and crying my eyes out.

"You picked a real winner," I said sarcastically. "Kirk and Suzie just had a baby boy. It doesn't bother you that you're going to leave that kid without a father."

A tiny bit of anger flashed on Cindy's face mixed with a little bit of shame. "Kirk was planning to divorce Suzie even before we got together."

"So, just like that, you're going to throw away almost four years of marriage?" I asked as I continued struggling to hold back not only my temper but also the tears. To be truthful, right then, I was seriously considering beating Cindy to a pulp and then go look for Kirk to break his neck.


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