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Reaching Paradise on Game Night

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Wife learns too much about her CD Husband on Game night.
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Reaching Paradise on Game Night

by Sabrina G. Langton

'A wife learns a little too much about her crossdressing husband on game night with the girls.'

'Just a little bit of fluff....'


"I don't think this is a good idea."

Linda looked at me with her hands on her hips. "Well, I think this is a great idea. All you do is spend time by yourself in your outfits, at the mirror."

"But I'm uncomfortable talking to people dressed up." I countered.

"Well tough, Sabrina." She said, making a point of using my femme name, as she set up the coffee table for game night. "You have been crossdressing since you were a kid, and you should have warned me before we got married. You are lucky I didn't throw YOU, and your sissy wardrobe out. I could call your mother right now!" She put a couple of game boxes on the table. "I get no benefit from it at all, why can't we just have a girls' night out like other couples, go out for drinks or shopping? Don't you want to show off?"

Of course, I wanted to show off, just not in front of my wife. I shouldn't be wearing dresses, I should be wearing suits with her. I always felt a little emasculated and embarrassed. I liked dressing up on my own, I was so good at it. I had on my first pair of high heels when I was nine, that was my gateway drug. My legs in stockings and heels are the things that I craved, I didn't want Linda to realize how much I enjoyed and needed it. I didn't want her to think her husband was obsessed with being that type of woman. Plus I was so much sexier than her, I didn't want her to notice how feminine I would become.

Linda and I were both twenty-seven, we had great jobs and a beautiful apartment in Torrance, outside of LA. The crazy thing is we both had the same type of figure. We wore medium size dresses, we wore size eight heels, and we were both around 5'8" tall. When I was dressed in all my female finery and stood next to her, I looked like a real woman. We even wore the same cup size, C. My body was more female than male and being with her proved that. The only difference between us was our hair color, Linda's hair was black and mine was auburn.

I was brushing my long red wig in the mirror. "I'm really not ready to meet some of your friends, what happens if they tell someone I know?"

"Well first of all," She walked over to me shaking her head. "They are not friends, yet, I just met them. They are perfect for spending a game night together. So stop worrying about it and put on a shorter dress, I thought you loved showing off your legs?"

I did, but not to people coming into the house. I usually hid in my closet. "And they definitely don't know I'm a CD?"

"Shit, will you stop." She went to change, we were both going to wear short dresses and stockings, that was her plan. "This is your test, if they believe you are a woman then we are going OUT together, no ifs and or buts. I don't have a gay best friend like my sister Carol, so this is going to have to be the next best thing. She is always one-upping me, the bitch."


I changed into three different outfits before Linda finally gave up and picked one out for me. It was on a hanger around the doorknob, it was my short dark pink dress. It was going to be way too sexy for hanging out with the girls on game night. This was a dress to catch the eye of a man.

"I told you I was going to wear something short too, now just put that on."

I had to first put on my breast forms, I had three pairs of them, perfect matches to my skin. My Irish skin was so pale. I slipped on the C cup pair that covered my neck, arms, and shoulders. Not only was this mini dress, short, but it was also very revealing and tight. The hem came just below my feminine-looking crotch, it was strapless and had long billowing sleeves to my wrists, perfect to cover the forms. Underneath I had on sheer to waist nude pantyhose and a corset, and that was it. I was going to be braless and panty-less. I had worn this dress so many times before, I knew how to work it.

Linda helped with the corset, making fun of my landing strip of hair and tucked crotch showing through the sheer stockings.

"Now I know how much of an asset your tiny little dick is to being a crossdresser. An asset to being a girl that is, haha. There is nothing at all, and it looks so smooth down there." She loved to make fun of my size. I didn't mind it when I was dressed up but when I wasn't I felt totally inadequate. Linda had bought a nine-inch realistic-looking dildo that she liked to literally wave in front of my face. "Now this is a cock," She would say. "You, my dear have a 'clit.' haha."

The dress was a perfect color for me, it was mauve/dark pink and of course, I had six-inch nude pumps. I had shoes to go with everything. I had 52 pairs, one for each Saturday of the year. I loved heels and I would practice my walk and cross my legs for hours in front of the mirror. My legs were perfect. I was at the gym constantly exercising to enhance my female form and my legs were sexy and non-muscular. They were soft, smooth, and long. Linda's legs were long but they weren't as feminine or even as shiny as mine.

I was standing in front of the mirror putting on big golden hoops and admiring my look when Linda sidled over. She had on a short light orange dress. It was a shirtwaist type and had a high ballerina neckline. She wore black converse and white socks.

"I thought you were going to wear heels?" I turned to look at her.

"What and take all the attention away from my beautiful girlfriend, haha. My sneakers are my go-to, you know that."

"I am way too overdressed then, I'm going to put on something longer," I told her, I was now getting nervous. The women would be here in minutes, and I looked too sexy.

"Don't you dare," Linda yelled at me. "I am having people over and I want you dressed like you normally do, this is how I'm getting involved in your little hobby so stop being such a little wuss about it." She left me at the mirror feeling a little hollow. I guess one night all glammed up with the wife wasn't such a bad trade-off, to being able to dress up whenever I wanted. She also didn't seem to be as freaked out about how feminine I look tonight like she usually did, maybe she was getting used to seeing a diva mince around the apartment.

I fixed my lips with a nice mauve lipstick and then hurriedly put on matching press-on nails.

She called from the kitchen, "The two girls coming over are in the fashion industry, one even sells high-end shoes, you will have lots to talk about. I'm sure they will be dressed to impress too."

I was at the vanity crossing my legs, and putting on mascara and my false lashes when Linda gave me a box. "Here is a little present." She smiled as I opened it. It was a white choker with a gold word on it. I pulled it out of the box. "It's to hide the neckline of those phony boobies of yours." She pinched my phony nipple.

It was over two inches thick with a buckle in the back, it said GIRL.

"I'm not wearing this," I told her.

"I got one for myself too." And she showed me, it said DADDY.

"No please Linda, don't wear that, please." She laughed at me, I was getting so uncomfortable, this was another reason I didn't want to dress up with Linda, she was always trying to embarrass me. Even in my male mode, she talked about my crossdressing.

"I thought you liked to call me Daddy? Haha, well you wear yours tonight, and I will put mine on when it's just the two of us. Deal?" I didn't say anything, I had no other choice, as she helped me put it on. It actually hid the seam of the breast forms very well.

"There," She said admiring my new present, "A perfect girl, haha."


When the bell rang Linda made me come with her to open it. I sashayed over to the door in my short mini and high heels, my hands held waist-high for balance. Linda might have been wearing a short dress but I was the one who looked like a porn star, and I was six inches taller than her now. I was hoping we were going to be dressed a little more equally, now I was going to stand out. I waited for the door to open while playing with my long red hair, I always did this when I was nervous.

"Hi, come in, come in," Linda told them. They waved goodbye to their ride and moved into the apartment.

One of the girls walked in and kissed Linda on the cheek, the other one did the same. They looked very similar and totally familiar. They were both brunettes and had on light skirts and tops. They had on high-heeled sandals and were carrying beautiful pocketbooks. I was distracted for just a second.

"Sabrina, this is Meagan and Jewel, they are sisters." Linda introduced me to them, but I knew them already, and they kissed my cheek as well.

Meagan took my hand, "Look at that dress, it is stunning, Girl." and she tapped my collar. "Love that." Meagan was the shorter of the two and had shorter hair, reaching her shoulders. Jewel's hair went down to her back and she was a good three inches taller. They were both exceptionally beautiful and both of them had incredible fashion sense, they always did.

Linda walked us all into the living room, "Sit, sit, Sabrina, go get the girls some drinks."

As I was in the kitchen getting the Sangria ready I heard them talking about my dress and heels, they told Linda I was very pretty. I loved a good compliment, maybe tonight won't be as uncomfortable as I thought.

I walked back in with a pitcher. "Peach Sangria, it's my specialty," I told them and then gave each a fruitful pour.

Meagan told me, "Your legs are perfect, Sabrina, I am so glad you come to me to wax them." she looked over at Linda. "She only has to get them done every couple of weeks, if that, ha, she has the legs every woman wishes they had."

Linda looked at me. "You get your legs waxed? At Megan's Salon?"

"Um, yes. Sometimes." I turned away quickly, blushing, I didn't need any more scrutinizing, hopefully, the subject will change.

"We always do her toenails too, she has the daintiest feet." All three of them looked down at my heels. "Let's see the color you picked for tonight sweetie." I slipped off my pumps and showed the women my perfect pink nails. My feet were so girlie and Megan always complimented me on them. I could tell Linda was annoyed my feet looked so nice, my nails were perfectly pedicured.

I have been going to get my legs waxed for over five years before I even met Linda. Eight months ago I found 'Paradise Salon' where Megan worked. I loved going there, they treated me so nice and my legs have never looked better. I got waxed and lotioned and even had a foot bath, I also got my nails done. They even painted my press-on nails sometimes to match. When I had a whole weekend to spend as Sabrina I would get them to put on extensions. I never told Linda I went there, I never even told her that I left the apartment.

"And we are finally done with removing Sabrina's hair on her arms and various other places, right dear." Megan winked at me. She was my Esthetician and she did a great job. "She is perfectly smooth. Everywhere."

Linda grabbed my hand, "I noticed that your hands and arms have almost no hair lately."

"She should have none," Megan laughed.

"She is a perfect female specimen." Jewel countered. "With perfect skin, we should all be so lucky."

I was thinking thank god I had on my forms that covered my arms and shoulders. I was completely hairless, it's the way I always wanted to be, and now Linda knew it. Keeping myself covered was hard in Southern California but it was so worth it when I watched the beautiful girl in my mirror. It was also something that I didn't have to worry about while crossdressing, extra hair. Now I only ever worried about my voice and I seemed to be doing very well with it now.

"Sabrina is perfect," Jewel said while smiling at me as I tried to hide behind the sangria glass.


We were just finishing our second drink when Linda decided to give them the tour of the apartment while I rustled up something else to drink. She showed them our artwork and our view of Torrance.

I heard Linda call me from my bedroom. "Sabrina come in here please.."

Shit, I jogged to the back, I didn't like Linda snooping around in my girly room. It was really just one big closet with lots of shelves, a mirror, and a vanity. She never went in there, she said she didn't want to know what went on inside her husband's sissy lair.

I looked in the door and they were admiring my high-heeled shoe collection. They were on shelves and organized by heel size and designer. Jewel turned around. "I can not find one pair of flats." She laughed.

"Who needs flats," Megan said pulling out a pair of my expensive Loubatons. "When you have great legs, right sweetie?"

I just smiled, I wanted them out of my room. Who knows what else they will find for ammunition for Linda to make fun of me.

"Jewel tells me that you bought these from her store." Linda held up a pair of my red Pleaser heels, one of my favorites.

Jewel was admiring my collection. "Once Sabrina is done in the salon she usually comes into my shop next door. Right girl?"

"Um, uh-huh." Not only does Linda know that I go out of the house to get my legs waxed, she now knows I go out shopping. 'Paradise Heels' is the sister store to the 'Paradise Salon' and I loved going there to visit the girls. It was far enough away that I wouldn't run into anyone from the neighborhood, but it was close enough so I didn't have to spend too much time on the road, and away from my mirror. "I'm going to get the drinks ready." I was going to make something complicated to keep me busy in the kitchen for a while.

Jewel finished, "She just loves to show off. All my other customers usually buy whatever she is wearing, thinking they will look as good on them as they do on her. She is our secret weapon."

"Wait." I heard Linda call, as I made my way out. "Sabrina, I have to see you in this pair."

"Oh my god, these are stunning." Megan offered.

Linda was holding my six-inch, plus two-inch platform Pleaser heels with an ankle strap, of course in baby pink. "They will even match your outfit."

I was shaking as I sat down on my little stool to change heels in front of the three women, while they were still going through and commenting on my girlie taste in shoes. Out of all the heels I owned this pair was the sexiest, my legs and ass looked amazing in them and now I had to show off in front of these three women. I was mortified as I stood up holding onto the small island in the middle of the room. They were admiring my legs in the heels, my pink nails peaking out for all to see. I was walking on tippy-toes in these Pleasers.

"I could never walk in heels this high," Megan said. "Sabrina and Jewel are the only ones I know who could pull them off. Let's see you walk dear, show off those legs and that ass of yours."

I headed back to the kitchen with the girls following me. With my arms up and my wrists limp, I always became ultra-feminine in a pair of heels like this. I felt myself shrinking to absolutely nothing inside my pantyhose, but I felt my mind going deeper into diva mode. I was wishing I was holding my nude pocketbook with the thick gold chain, it went perfect with this outfit.

Jewel told me I looked sexy as hell but I could tell Linda was a little annoyed with me. "You went out, to Jewel's, to pick out the girliest, most feminine heels in the store? I can't even believe you can walk in those."

I was suddenly quiet, it was a rhetorical question, I hoped. Once they went back into the living room, leaving me alone in the kitchen I went back to making drinks. I was definitely the only subject of conversation. Linda was asking the woman what I wore when I visited their shops. Of course, I went as a woman, of course, I went dressed completely feminine. That was going to be a conversation I was dreading having later.

I walked back into the living room with all their eyes on me. "Look how sexy she shakes those breasts on those heels." Jewel said, "I love when she comes into the store, Sabrina has the best taste."

I felt my ass and breasts bouncing more than usual because of the tall heels and the way I was holding the tray of drinks. "I made 'dark and stormys', I hope you like them," I said.

Megan sipped. "Um, spicy, I love it." Unfortunately, the drinks couldn't turn the conversation and it didn't switch, we were still talking about my sojourns to the two shops.

"So let me get this straight." Linda looked at me over her perspiring glass, "You get all dolled up, go get your legs AND nails done, and then go shopping in front of a store full of customers?"

"Sometimes I see her twice in a week," Jewel said.

I just smiled, trying to hide behind my long red hair.

"Not only that," Jewel added, "After she picks a pair of heels, we go to the park across the street and take some video of her legs in the heels, it's for our YouTube page. We give her a free pair of shoes for modeling for us, ha, Sabrina is our second most popular model."

Linda was definitely getting more annoyed by the second. She was learning too much about my crossdressing adventures. "You go to the park now, all dressed up. There are people at the park, you don't mind them watching you?"

"I think it's the attention that she craves, right dear," Jewel said touching my hand. "She flirts with all the men, and we usually have a small crowd around us by the time we are done. She won't let us shoot her from the neck up though, mainly just legs. If our subscribers could see that beautiful face of hers she would be our number one model." Jewel smiled at me, just as Megan's phone began to ring.

"Hi, hold on. It's my brother he is circling back. Can I have him come over and meet Sabrina? He is a fan of her videos." She chuckled while looking at Linda.

"Of course, have him come over, why not, I'm sure she would LOVE to meet him." She sounded extremely sarcastic.

Jewel went back to her phone, "Okay, come on over." She smiled at me. "You are going to love Mason, I can't believe you two haven't met yet. You keep missing each other by seconds at the store."

Now not only was I dressed to the nines in front of these women, now I would be parading my breasts and legs in front of a man, and in front of Linda. I could tell she was pissed off at me. She only invited him over to make me uncomfortable, I bet.

"Ooh let me show you some of her videos, can we get YouTube on your TV?" Jewel asked Linda.

In no time we were at Jewel's Paradise Page, her YouTube channel. There were a number of videos on her site and I knew that half of them were of MY legs. I am sure of it, I have watched them all multiple times. Some nights I like to just dress up and chill. I pour a glass of red wine and get excited watching myself strut.

Jewel told Linda, "Sabrina loves an ankle strap." She then showed a clip of me wearing a nude pair of Louboutins while wearing a short black flowered dress. "Watch how sexy she walks in these, we get so many views, I even get orders through our website right from YouTube."

"Wait," Linda stood a little closer to the monitor. "This video has over three hundred thousand views?"

"That's nothing," Megan laughed, turning to Jewel. "Show Linda the one with the most."

"Oh my god, yes. This one has 830 thousand views, can you imagine, we make more money from our YouTube channel than our shoe store. And a lot of it is with Sabrinas' help. Right, dear?"

I just smiled, I knew Linda was fuming about this.

"Wait," She said still standing and moving closer to me, "You are wearing that same dress you have on now, and you were giving me so much stick about it." I was starting to get embarrassed again, I didn't want to tell her I have worn this dress multiple times, I love showing off my boobs in this outfit. "You wore this in front of an entire park of people, now you are wearing it in front of hundreds of thousands of people, what the fuck."

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